What’s the most cliche zodiac trait you have ?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Purpleaqua01 on Thursday, February 6, 2020 and has 48 replies.
Are you a Scorpio and super vengeful? Lol. & if not what’s the least cliche trait you have regarding your sign?

I’m an aqua & I love helping ppl. I’m true humanitarian and I always root for the underdog.

My least is that I’m detached or don’t express how I feel. I used to push ppl away with my feelings all the time! But I have a Leo moon so..
Im very guarded about my possessions and have a general disdain for society
I’m so libra at times it hurts

My gemini moon is very active


A massive talker

I like things pretty

I am always thinking my feelings

I am a people person

I draw attention from men easily but not seductively

Im charming
I'm a Fish sun and I got music playing in my head almost 24/7. I'll be sitting quietly and all of the sudden, going from 0 to 100

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I'm a Virgo moon and I cherish my downtime, and no muthafaka better get in the way of that

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I'm an Aries Merc/Mars/Venus - a video game can make me full-on rage......for a split second and then I carry on like nothing happened.

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I'm a Sag rising and "the chicken's out the coop"

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And I'm up for it 24/7

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Also got some Gemini influences, so there's no such thing as "too many gifs"

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I’m materialistic af. And I love food a lil too much
Posted by maiden

^^ your GIF game is painful sometimes
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Posted by maiden
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by maiden

^^ your GIF game is painful sometimes

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still cant figure out if you're a dude...or a chick
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Figure it out...
Because ALL Scorpios are super vengeful.. None of us believe in God and that the vengeance is His. Got it.

My cliché is high sex drive. I need at lease 7 or 8 lengthy sessions a night or else I'm cranky.

ooo I'm so sorrySad I haves no gemini cliche. People do say I look like a gemini only when I tell them I'm a gemini. But I don't know that for myself.
Posted by maiden

^^ your GIF game is painful sometimes
His gif game doesn't bother me at all. I say go for it. But what baffles me to this day is how he don't get tired posting all those gifs in one thread. There's even times I've seen him post gifs on the front page with a long line of them taller than a 7 foot giant. As a gemini or gemini anything you will grow tired of it. I know the hell I do.
Scorpio-I tend to obsess.

Unlikely traits-I talk....a lot

Way too silly and awkward to be an elusive Scorpio

With all my earth placements, earth mars, it doesn’t happen often. But when it does, damn Pisces strikes again.
I am a pisces and have only cried once in my life when i broke my arm climbing a tree.

I also collect obscure knowledge about random stuff, like gemstones.

I also carry test tubes with me everytime i go on a roadtrip and pickup soils samples i dont know why lol.

Its funny because i have no trace of air signs in my chart. I shouldn't be this weird.

It's such a cliche to be a Gemini with ASC in Cancer, Mercury in Taurus and Moon in Aries...

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I’m a hypocrite

I’m impatient

I’m selfish

I‘m not very emotional
responsible af

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Posted by Aquaman2

Am aqua sun and cancer moon... So...am confused all the time.
Posted by Aquaman2
Posted by Chessmess
Posted by Aquaman2

Am aqua sun and cancer moon... So...am confused all the time.


Do you have the same ?😅
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Unfortunately I don’t but that comment was hilarious.

Most cliche trait of mine: detachment, easygoing, lone wolf, humanitarian (I love doing charity - it’s second nature to me. I don’t do it to receive praises), aloof (I really don’t care about most things unless they affect me). I’m a free thinker and a non-conformist in that I don’t prioritize and never have what most women prioritize like marriage, babies and relationship. I love my freedom. I’m independent and absolutely abhor dependency on someone for anything.

I’m a seeker and lover of knowledge (always reading and discovering new things). I love intelligence in people and can’t stand wilful ignorance. Clingy, needy crybabies make me run the other way even though I attract these the most.

Least: I don’t like most of humanity (as it’s shitty);

I don’t enjoy helping everyone, just the stoics with fortitude who are true victims of life and are serious about making a change in their life.

I’m superficial - never overlooked someone’s physical attractiveness for great personality and vice versa. Apparently, Aquas are known for eccentricity or liking weird looking people. Not this Aqua.
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Purpleaqua01

Are you a Scorpio and super vengeful? Lol. & if not what’s the least cliche trait you have regarding your sign?

I’m an aqua & I love helping ppl. I’m true humanitarian and I always root for the underdog.

My least is that I’m detached or don’t express how I feel. I used to push ppl away with my feelings all the time! But I have a Leo moon so..

i am a pisces and my most cliché trait is my love for animals and the artsy fartsy.

my least cliché trait is ....i am not sensitive nor romantic.
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What’s your chart? & my best friend growing up was a Pisces. She would make me arts and crafts, I’d leave and go tutoring and she’d clean my room for me or re-arrange everything lol. She was a sweetheart.
Never thought pancakes, syrup, cum, burping, and salad tossing would all be in one thread. DXP never fails to be entertaining.
Posted by xXxAliiciaXxX

Short-tempered, childish, not afraid to fight.

I don't know about that. The last time I checked you was running scared

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i love hot dudes too much
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Purpleaqua01

Are you a Scorpio and super vengeful? Lol. & if not what’s the least cliche trait you have regarding your sign?

I’m an aqua & I love helping ppl. I’m true humanitarian and I always root for the underdog.

My least is that I’m detached or don’t express how I feel. I used to push ppl away with my feelings all the time! But I have a Leo moon so..

i am a pisces and my most cliché trait is my love for animals and the artsy fartsy.
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For myself, I'd add the need for alone time. More so than the average person, I'd say! It's a challenge to come across people whose company I do not find draining and even less those whom I find invigorating.

Least cliché...hmmm... dreamy and lazy 😷🤢

Pisces sun & moon

Aqua merc & mars

Aries venus

Taurus asc.

i'm indecisive.

(and yes, it took me a while to decide on which trait is the most cliche for me.)
Posted by xXxAliiciaXxX
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by xXxAliiciaXxX

Short-tempered, childish, not afraid to fight.

I don't know about that. The last time I checked you was running scared

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What did I run from?

As my memory serves I caused you to rage delete at least twice.
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Naw naw I'm talking about real life fight. Not internet fights

Now tell me you wouldn't run from a lady armed with a shovel. I know I would.
^damn I swear I'm trying to hold my laugh under my breath while I'm talking to my friends
I'm a Cancer and I think about my past all the time, especially my childhood.
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Argus
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Purpleaqua01

Are you a Scorpio and super vengeful? Lol. & if not what’s the least cliche trait you have regarding your sign?

I’m an aqua & I love helping ppl. I’m true humanitarian and I always root for the underdog.

My least is that I’m detached or don’t express how I feel. I used to push ppl away with my feelings all the time! But I have a Leo moon so..

i am a pisces and my most cliché trait is my love for animals and the artsy fartsy.


For myself, I'd add the need for alone time. More so than the average person, I'd say! It's a challenge to come across people whose company I do not find draining and even less those whom I find invigorating.

Least cliché...hmmm... dreamy and lazy 😷🤢

Pisces sun & moon

Aqua merc & mars

Aries venus

Taurus asc.

Hello twinsi 🤗🤗

Ohhhh yes .....VERY relatable.

I don't go out if I can help it 🤣🤣 actually zlato, now looking back, how do you remember your school years?

D for Dreadful 🙋🏻‍♀️ here.

Not lazy but I do have days i feel lethargic ....shrugs.

Evo poljubac tebi 😘😘
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Hallo zlato moje! 😍

Ive become less interested in face-to-face socializing as I got older and a part of that, I believe, has to do with me becoming more persnickety with respect to the company I keep.

I do love spending as much time in nature as well as dancing, and should either activity require mandatory company, I’m ok with it. Other than that... *scrunches nose in disapproval* :p

School was a mixed bag... I didn’t mind it for the most part except those morning and afternoon shifts. Imagine a night-owl like myself having to abandon the comfort of a warm bed at 5:30am...in a middle of a winter....and begin classes at 7:00 am. Brutal man! LoL

I do recall mom always complaining how little time & effort I committed to studying and if I were to spend at least half of the time I did on reading non-school related novels, I would’ve been a genius- her words! 😬

As far as lethargy goes, e v e r y o n e has those days, e! I don’t classify that as lazy. Trust me... I’ve seen lazy and it makes you wanna pull your hairs out!

P.S. luče moje, not sure if you got my note on the “animal appreciation thread” from a little while back or not. Nothing important btw...just making sure you’re getting my notification because your come trough randomly at best.

Ljubim ti čelo, milo moje! 🥰😘
perfectionist, slightly ocd, and can be uptight when uncomfortable
I’m a Pisces and I’m “sensitive.”

I always tell people, “Yes I take everything personal so say what you mean & mean what you say to me.”

I hate my sensitivity though. 😔😔😞😞
Im a cliche foodie Taurus but very thoughtful about what I put in my body. It’s probably smart if you make a detour for my tummy otw to my heart lol.
Moody, like the Cancer instructions say.
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Argus
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Argus
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Purpleaqua01

Are you a Scorpio and super vengeful? Lol. & if not what’s the least cliche trait you have regarding your sign?

I’m an aqua & I love helping ppl. I’m true humanitarian and I always root for the underdog.

My least is that I’m detached or don’t express how I feel. I used to push ppl away with my feelings all the time! But I have a Leo moon so..

i am a pisces and my most cliché trait is my love for animals and the artsy fartsy.


For myself, I'd add the need for alone time. More so than the average person, I'd say! It's a challenge to come across people whose company I do not find draining and even less those whom I find invigorating.

Least cliché...hmmm... dreamy and lazy 😷🤢

Pisces sun & moon

Aqua merc & mars

Aries venus

Taurus asc.

Hello twinsi 🤗🤗

Ohhhh yes .....VERY relatable.

I don't go out if I can help it 🤣🤣 actually zlato, now looking back, how do you remember your school years?

D for Dreadful 🙋🏻‍♀️ here.

Not lazy but I do have days i feel lethargic ....shrugs.

Evo poljubac tebi 😘😘

Hallo zlato moje! 😍

Ive become less interested in face-to-face socializing as I got older and a part of that, I believe, has to do with me becoming more persnickety with respect to the company I keep.

I do love spending as much time in nature as well as dancing, and should either activity require mandatory company, I’m ok with it. Other than that... *scrunches nose in disapproval* :p

School was a mixed bag... I didn’t mind it for the most part except those morning and afternoon shifts. Imagine a night-owl like myself having to abandon the comfort of a warm bed at 5:30am...in a middle of a winter....and begin classes at 7:00 am. Brutal man! LoL

I do recall mom always complaining how little time & effort I committed to studying and if I were to spend at least half of the time I did on reading non-school related novels, I would’ve been a genius- her words! 😬

As far as lethargy goes, e v e r y o n e has those days, e! I don’t classify that as lazy. Trust me... I’ve seen lazy and it makes you wanna pull your hairs out!

P.S. luče moje, not sure if you got my note on the “animal appreciation thread” from a little while back or not. Nothing important btw...just making sure you’re getting my notification because your come trough randomly at best.

Ljubim ti čelo, milo moje! 🥰😘

There is nothing wrong with being selective of whose company one keeps. People intentionally or not, always take some energy from you. And then there are those who drain you. Totally have the same sentiments. *highfives*

Omg ....i remember the prva i druga sjmena at school from my cousins. I always wanted to go to night shift but no such luck in vienna. 7.45 til 15.00 o clock.

Lol at your mom. 🤣 we could all be professors if we really just wanted to .....koliko puta sam to ćula ....good ol times. I will say though, teachers in the motherland were highly respected/feared. I wonder whats it like today ....i cannot imagine who would dare step out of line unless they had a secret death wish. If your teacher did not finish you off, your parents would have ....🥶😳😆

I will go and check out the animal thread right after this. I saw your adorable albino racoon video 😻🤣🤣🤣🤣 how he kicked open the cage lmao. The dog was like bro you better behave .....💗💗

Ajd lutko moja, primi jedan veliki poljubac and hugs 😘😘😘
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Yeah them damn shifts were something else! I hate mornings in winter and afternoons in spring/fall. I suppose one good thing that came from it is that it was prepping us for the real world. I’m still not impressed lol

Ah yes...mothers.. even when they praise us, they find a way to put us in place! And they fine tuned that skill like no other! 😂

With respect to teachers (mild pun intended ;p)... I’d be curious to know it myself! Im aware a lot has changed since I left. Even music I occasionally stumble upon on YouTube feels as though it has eroded & I wonder how much of that is an accurate reflection on current trends and life in general over there?!

It takes a village to raise a child, for sure, and our brethren took that to heart,sometimes quite literally. LoL It’s a crying shame teachers are no longer being held with the same esteem, though. At least not here in the states but that’s a discussion for another time.

Hope you are keeping warm!? Puno toplih poljubaca tebi I tvojima! 💋❤️Hug

I’m a Pisces and I always have the most vivid dreams

We really are ruled by Neptune the planet of mystery and fantasy

Also my compassion game is so strong it hurts sometimes
Virgo rising, Sag sun, Aqua moon, Aqua Mars

Clichè traits: 'foot in mouth', struggle with being tactful especially when feeling/speaking passionately about something. Able to bounce back from adversities no matter how low. Not sure if it's luck, but I seem to be able to land on my feet when taking risks in life. I need a clean and tidy home to function and have peace.

Non cliche traits: A homebody, not very outgoing. Anti-social, moody.

My friends: Hey man lets all go out and get some food and have a few drinks! It will be fun!!

My Scorpio moon already drinking alone and likely crying at the reality of humanity:

My most cliche is when i'm mad i throw a fit then leave for like 10 minutes then come back and apologize cause i say stupid shit when me. Also that no matter absolutely whatever someone does to me if i care about someone i just can't hate them. Had a friend, super manipulative, yells all the time, treats everyone around them like trash but even though i've learned to just stay away from her i just can't hold anything against her or hate her.

My least is that i don't really care about looks or materialistic stuff, when trying to find a partner that's the stuff that i put the least emphasis on
I'm an indecisive Libra lol
Virgo moon.

I want routine and stick to it in a detailed manner.

I could be easily stressed out. And I criticize other’s a lot 😅

And I am a very sentimental cancer 🤪
(Reformed) sex addict
I'ma Pisces and mine would probably have to be I am super reserved. I am also a Taurus moon and am pretty darn stubborn.
I enjoy the finer things in life.💰🥂✈️💎 Also, every other day is self-care day and I am treating myself. 💆‍♀️🍵
I'm about as fun as a prison camp- true Capircorn.