Aqua male in love

I have seen time and time again, woman, including myself who are bewildered by Aqua men. How they lack emotions on the o...

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by NikkiMse1978 on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 and has 196 replies.
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Hi T-Thank you for the insight! I know Aqua's pretty much mean what they say, but then again their actions are so scattered that you never know! smile
I have not initiated or talked to my ex in awhile now (9 days, but whose counting!!!) Lol. Kidding-I am! I miss him, but I am doing what I have to do. Dating is it! smile It is pretty scary for me, but I hold my ex Aqua in my heart and that is where he will stay. I need to LIVE! So I am! smile It is basically what you said, you are not up each others cracks, and if he doesn't talk to you it is his way of saying you need to follow suit. For once, I agree. Bcus I am doing it myself!
I know what I feel and I cannot make him love me (even though I know he does. I know him better than he knows himself) but I cannot wait either.
I hope things move along the way you want them to. Kissing to me is very intimate and I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't rush into that! hahaha. You have a connection (mind/body/spirit(soul) so once your journeys are near end hopefully you can start on one together! I am happy for you! smile
Posted by NikkiMse1978
Hi T-Thank you for the insight! I know Aqua's pretty much mean what they say, but then again their actions are so scattered that you never know! smile
I have not initiated or talked to my ex in awhile now (9 days, but whose counting!!!) Lol. Kidding-I am! I miss him, but I am doing what I have to do. Dating is it! smile It is pretty scary for me, but I hold my ex Aqua in my heart and that is where he will stay. I need to LIVE! So I am! smile It is basically what you said, you are not up each others cracks, and if he doesn't talk to you it is his way of saying you need to follow suit. For once, I agree. Bcus I am doing it myself!
I know what I feel and I cannot make him love me (even though I know he does. I know him better than he knows himself) but I cannot wait either.
I hope things move along the way you want them to. Kissing to me is very intimate and I am glad I am not the only one who doesn't rush into that! hahaha. You have a connection (mind/body/spirit(soul) so once your journeys are near end hopefully you can start on one together! I am happy for you! smile

Yeah I can definetly have you wondering what's going on. I just detached myself. The problem is after I see him... I miss him. I still miss him. It fades away after a while, but it's never completely gone.
Oh yeah go out and date nothing wrong with a little distraction Winking
Oh no I don't rush into that stuff. I'm a Taurus in Venus so it takes a while. We had kissed before but that was 3 weeks ago. We both kind of pulled back and was like WHOA lets take it slower. Which we really have. But I don't go around kissing guys and I've only been with 2 guys sexually and I'm 31. When I tell people that they ask what's wrong with you? I say nothing. My legs not a ticket gate. My heart has to be fully invested and his has to be as well for me to even go there.
Yeah it's definetly different. We hit on so many levels things I think he would never know he does and visa versa. We both do the head jolt thing and say you know that?! Holy hell. No one knows that. lol
Thank you! I'm happy your out dating again.... maybe in time you and your aqua will get together again. =D
UPDATE-No word from the ex. It has been almost 2 weeks. Typical Aqua! However, I am having a grand time with my new Libra. I really like him!
I still see signs and I still "dream" and "talk" to my ex, but not as often. I told myself a week ago that I was putting the Aqua ex in my heart, and that is where he was going to stay, bcus I have to live. Since then I FEEL so much better. In my mind and in my heart!
smile Now, I just need to reaquaint myself with Libra men!?!? Lol. Any thoughts?
So he contacted me. I knew he would but now he has to go and try to mess everything up! DAMN HIM!
Posted by NikkiMse1978
So he contacted me. I knew he would but now he has to go and try to mess everything up! DAMN HIM!

Dontcha just hate that? I've been reading some of the posts & I'm VERY intrigued. I'm involved with a Gemini guy that has some of the same traits, you know that push/pull crap (air signs) *rolls eyes* even though he's doused with cancer & capricorn. But your story along with others are really interesting. I never experienced any of that except for the 24/7 thinking of him & sometimes smelling him. I dream about him but the dreams aren't sexual but more on a sensual side.
There's another thing that happens to me though. This may sound strange but whenever I look on a digital clock & it displays the first 3 numbers of his phone #, I know he's thinking of me & or I will hear from him. I don't go looking for it either. It's just something that happens. I could be busy doing anything, I look at the clock & see it, or I could be sleeping & wake up, look at the clock & see it. Weird? But it never fails, here he comes. I was never one to believe in soul mates or anything, I just went by the motto if it's meant to be, it will.
I'm not open about my feelings at all. I'm a bit detached even when I don't mean to be. It's just really hard for me to express my emotions. Maybe it's because I have like 8% water in my, idk. I want to tell him soooooooo bad but I'm so cautious but it's eating me up inside so I know I have to. I'm glad to hear you like the Libra but here he comes right! I know you're like awwwww damn, this is some bullshit! Hahahaha, just see what happens. I know you love him & it's hard not to respond, but just take it with a grain of salt. Play it by ear! Or just stock up on kryptonite...j/k! I hope all goes well! smile
Posted by firewaterearth
Posted by NikkiMse1978
So he contacted me. I knew he would but now he has to go and try to mess everything up! DAMN HIM!

Stay strong.
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Thank you Fire!!! Funny thing the rules changed. Bcus I CHANGED THEM! I am telling him its not best we talk. I am telling him that he is to late. I am telling him it will not work... he isn't fighting for me so why should I go back? Bcus it will be the same bullshit I have put up with for 3 years!!! UMMM...not happening. I have spiritually awakend and I am living my life...without him.!!! YEH ME!!! smile smile
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by NikkiMse1978
So he contacted me. I knew he would but now he has to go and try to mess everything up! DAMN HIM!

Dontcha just hate that? I've been reading some of the posts & I'm VERY intrigued. I'm involved with a Gemini guy that has some of the same traits, you know that push/pull crap (air signs) *rolls eyes* even though he's doused with cancer & capricorn. But your story along with others are really interesting. I never experienced any of that except for the 24/7 thinking of him & sometimes smelling him. I dream about him but the dreams aren't sexual but more on a sensual side.
There's another thing that happens to me though. This may sound strange but whenever I look on a digital clock & it displays the first 3 numbers of his phone #, I know he's thinking of me & or I will hear from him. I don't go looking for it either. It's just something that happens. I could be busy doing anything, I look at the clock & see it, or I could be sleeping & wake up, look at the clock & see it. Weird? But it never fails, here he comes. I was never one to believe in soul mates or anything, I just went by the motto if it's meant to be, it will.
I'm not open about my feelings at all. I'm a bit detached even when I don't mean to be. It's just really hard for me to express my emotions. Maybe it's because I have like 8% water in my, idk. I want to tell him soooooooo bad but I'm so cautious but it's eating me up inside so I know I have to. I'm glad to hear you like the Libra but here he comes right! I know you're like awwwww damn, this is some bullshit! Hahahaha, just see what happens. I know you love him & it's hard not to respond, but just take it with a grain of salt. Play it by ear! Or just stock up on kryptonite...j/k! I hope all goes well! smile
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Hi Realtalk! Welcome!!! smile Thank you for reading my posts. As you can see, I have been going through some stuff. Alot actually and for 3 years now! I finally gave up on him, met a wonderful Libra and WHAM-he is back! It is kind a weird this time bcus I am the one who usually goes back so this time around it was him.
I experience ALOT when it comes to my Aqua! New "signs" are popping up all over the place-one of them you said! LOL. At the end of your post "Or just stock up on kryptonite...j/k!
It is weird you said that...bcus he loves Superman..even has a tattoo! LOL. And you go and type it so I can read it.
No you are not weird you are seeing his number! I have been seeing 11:11 or 1:11 ALOT lately! In the car, on my pc at work, on my cell phone, on the phone at work. My friends and fam have even been calling or texting me at 11:11!!! Crazy!!! I have also been hearing a buzzing noise. I noticed it the first time today. It is a low hum...but I hear it faintly. I heard it in the bathroom. I thought it was a bug! LOL. I also have been getting pains in the back of my head, where your skull attaches to your spine! IT IS painful sometimes, but I know it is a sign of awakening. I looked it up! So no, you are not weird! Look more into Twin Flames. There is alot of info out there and you would be suprised at what you find. I told my ex Aqua to look into it too! Knowing him (bcus he hasn't disected it yet) he will!
What sign are you?
Tell him! Take a chance. You won't know until you try. And I agree with you to. Everything happens for a reason! I say that too! smile
I will deal with the ex Aqua as it comes. And for my Libra, I do like him. Its a tricky situation for me, bcus I would give up all the money and materialistic things in the world for love. For my Aquas love! Prob is..he is not giving it...fully..yet. So i am not going to not live! Living here I come! I am taking it as it comes! Thank you for your advice!
Now go tell your guy!!! Good luck! smile
Posted by 1urbanicblue
Posted by NikkiMse1978
So he contacted me. I knew he would but now he has to go and try to mess everything up! DAMN HIM!

i hate men that do that.
they can't make up their minds who and what they want.
in the meantime your libra guy is probably falling for you. and this ex aqua of yours wants to come back?
tbh, he is just messing with you. cause he's your ex for a reason.

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He makes up his mind...but a bit too late. Like usual. He always does this and for 3 years I have been waiting for him. Not anymore. I love him, but in my heart is were he will stay. And that is it! I need to live!
Yes, and yes. I am in a bind. Sad tbh? What does that mean?
Ya think the Aqua is messing with me? I am not so sure.
@nikki..ive been getting weird sensations on my forehead, i read that its a sign of the 3rd eye opening. Plus i feel what they call 'showering' or 'sprinkling', it feels like u have rain or shower water at the top of the skull, not sure what it means yet, but im searching for it through the spiritual sites. I know exactly what ur talking about, its like u've been hit at the back of the head. I've been becoming 'deaf' too lately, like ppl could be talking a few feet away from me, but i still couldnt make out whats being said. Strange, i hope its not medical, but i reread the ascension signs & its there, d/k
@ 1Urban-No, I have not. Can I search it just like you have it here?
Posted by WaterCup
@nikki..ive been getting weird sensations on my forehead, i read that its a sign of the 3rd eye opening. Plus i feel what they call 'showering' or 'sprinkling', it feels like u have rain or shower water at the top of the skull, not sure what it means yet, but im searching for it through the spiritual sites. I know exactly what ur talking about, its like u've been hit at the back of the head. I've been becoming 'deaf' too lately, like ppl could be talking a few feet away from me, but i still couldnt make out whats being said. Strange, i hope its not medical, but i reread the ascension signs & its there, d/k

@ Water-do you feel the back of your head "aching" or in pain? I read it means that your head and heart chakras are combining-which is another sign. smile YEH ME! LOL. If I have to go through this or be "crazy" for the rest of my life it will stink! Let me ask you this-when you are with your other do they stop? The feelings/smells/signs??? Mine do!!!!!
Posted by NikkiMse1978
It is weird you said that...bcus he loves Superman..even has a tattoo! LOL. And you go and type it so I can read it.
No you are not weird you are seeing his number! I have been seeing 11:11 or 1:11 ALOT lately! In the car, on my pc at work, on my cell phone, on the phone at work. My friends and fam have even been calling or texting me at 11:11!!! Crazy!!! I have also been hearing a buzzing noise. I noticed it the first time today. It is a low hum...but I hear it faintly. I heard it in the bathroom. I thought it was a bug! LOL. I also have been getting pains in the back of my head, where your skull attaches to your spine! IT IS painful sometimes, but I know it is a sign of awakening. I looked it up! So no, you are not weird! Look more into Twin Flames. There is alot of info out there and you would be suprised at what you find. I told my ex Aqua to look into it too! Knowing him (bcus he hasn't disected it yet) he will!
What sign are you?
Tell him! Take a chance. You won't know until you try. And I agree with you to. Everything happens for a reason! I say that too! smile
I will deal with the ex Aqua as it comes. And for my Libra, I do like him. Its a tricky situation for me, bcus I would give up all the money and materialistic things in the world for love. For my Aquas love! Prob is..he is not giving it...fully..yet. So i am not going to not live! Living here I come! I am taking it as it comes! Thank you for your advice!
Now go tell your guy!!! Good luck! smile

Lol, the kryptonite joke was from me reading your posts about him loving superman. I never heard of twin flames either. I don't think the gem is either a soul-mate or a twin flame. I just never dug that deep. I'm a Virgo btw so I just take things in stride. I can't force, push or pull & I can't give someone more than they're giving me. I want to tell him how I feel but he contacted me today & I wasn't feeling what he was saying and how he was saying it so I think I might not tell him at all or I'll hold off. I may just end it altogether.
For you though if you really like the Libra & he is giving you what the Aqua wouldn't, I say go for it! smile I know it's really challenging because you still love him but you have to love yourself more & give yourself what you need & want. I have also tried moving on with dating other people & I tried to make it work, but hey, it didn'
Google hoovering...It's nothing unique about men coming back, they come back because they can because it's a comfortable pattern and because you allow them to, if you're not available eg dating someone else well he's not all that upset about it but what he will possible depending on the guy he'll attempt to woo you back or insert himself into back into your to reestablish the dominance bond he has over you.
Try not to get too excited when an ex comes back, if he's had a past pattern of wielding all of or a predominant amount of power over you and/or over the relationship and he's established a pattern of fickleness, drama, tension, conflict, back and forth behavior etc then he'll always come back because he's established a pattern of power, control, sliding in out of your life easily, many women are groomed/trained already so why find a new girl when he can go back to the girl that's pining over him and loving him already so it's the path of least resistance, they'll come back because it's easy to come back not because they love you and want you like you might imagine, he may say I love you but it's not because he sincerely loves you, he uses words to control you, to control the relationship and to dominate you.
If you decide to move on, he'll move on and he'll come back to reestablish the one sided power he had with you, that's pretty much all they are coming back for.
Cut off.
It didn't work out how I wanted it to so I just go with the flow now. It's hard because I have feelings for him but I have feelings for myself more.
I don't know.
Sometimes they do come back because they want to be with you. I only took my scorpio ex back tho and we dated for a year and ended up living together.
So you can't always know things.
But my aqua was the only one who never tried to re-engage a relationship with me. He'd just use me to bitch about his life and his gf. Even though he hooked up with me while with her. He was a really crazy son of bitch. In and out of jail. So after seeing that I got over him. Even though he was my " first " and all that.
You'll meet another person and you forget. Like really. And trust me I'm a person that hangs on to the dear end and if you don't meet another person than maybe you guys will end up together but I doubt you'll be pinning for him your whole life. Things just don't typical work out like that. Other loves come.
I actually agree with your statement "they do come back because they want to be with you" but these are the men that typically aren't coming in and out of a woman's life period, they don't have a long term relationship habit/pattern of conflict and break ups, he hasn't built up a pattern of jumping in a relationship and when that doesn't work jumping out of that relationship and quickly attempting to reestablish an old bond with an ex he's shared a lot of confusion with, there are exceptions but it's the past behavior that can say a lot about a man's intentions when he's hoovering and luring and coming back to an old flame, it's a huge contrast between a man that made a mistake and came back to establish the relationship verses a man who has a history of poor behavior, the ambiguous type, the in and out type, these kind of men don't just change, they typically revert back to old behavior once the bond has been reestablished. Some men do come back because it's easy, he can fall back into an old familiar pattern verses it being about wanting her back because he love her.
Posted by Sag89
I don't know.
Sometimes they do come back because they want to be with you. I only took my scorpio ex back tho and we dated for a year and ended up living together.
So you can't always know things.

I agree...No you can't always know things. Nobody is PERFECT & people fuck up...Doesn't mean they don't care.
@Sag89, Btw I have been guilty of coming & going myself, so it's not a "GUY" thing. Winking
Posted by tiki33
I actually agree with your statement "they do come back because they want to be with you" but these are the men that typically aren't coming in and out of a woman's life period, they don't have a long term relationship habit/pattern of conflict and break ups, he hasn't built up a pattern of jumping in a relationship and when that doesn't work jumping out of that relationship and quickly attempting to reestablish an old bond with an ex he's shared a lot of confusion with, there are exceptions but it's the past behavior that can say a lot about a man's intentions when he's hoovering and luring and coming back to an old flame, it's a huge contrast between a man that made a mistake and came back to establish the relationship verses a man who has a history of poor behavior, the ambiguous type, the in and out type, these kind of men don't just change, they typically revert back to old behavior once the bond has been reestablished. Some men do come back because it's easy, he can fall back into an old familiar pattern verses it being about wanting her back because he love her.

That is totally true too
Posted by RealTalk
@Sag89, Btw I have been guilty of coming & going myself, so it's not a "GUY" thing. Winking

Haha yea me too me too Tongue
Posted by Sag89
I don't know.
Sometimes they do come back because they want to be with you. I only took my scorpio ex back tho and we dated for a year and ended up living together.
So you can't always know things.
But my aqua was the only one who never tried to re-engage a relationship with me. He'd just use me to bitch about his life and his gf. Even though he hooked up with me while with her. He was a really crazy son of bitch. In and out of jail. So after seeing that I got over him. Even though he was my " first " and all that.
You'll meet another person and you forget. Like really. And trust me I'm a person that hangs on to the dear end and if you don't meet another person than maybe you guys will end up together but I doubt you'll be pinning for him your whole life. Things just don't typical work out like that. Other loves come.

Aqua's always disappear and they always come back. They are forever analyzing and always seem to realize that leaving was a mistake. They come back then realize that was a mistake. HE always does this to me. I beleive he does love me and care for me as I have stated previously, however, not the way I DESERVE to be loved. He may figure it out a little to late, but then that is how it is supposed to be.
My Aqua is now the one trying. It was always me before. Since I have "let him go", it is his turn to feel all that I felt in the 3 years I put up with him. It is his karma. I do hope he learns his lesson and grows as he is supposed to.
Posted by tiki33
I actually agree with your statement "they do come back because they want to be with you" but these are the men that typically aren't coming in and out of a woman's life period, they don't have a long term relationship habit/pattern of conflict and break ups, he hasn't built up a pattern of jumping in a relationship and when that doesn't work jumping out of that relationship and quickly attempting to reestablish an old bond with an ex he's shared a lot of confusion with, there are exceptions but it's the past behavior that can say a lot about a man's intentions when he's hoovering and luring and coming back to an old flame, it's a huge contrast between a man that made a mistake and came back to establish the relationship verses a man who has a history of poor behavior, the ambiguous type, the in and out type, these kind of men don't just change, they typically revert back to old behavior once the bond has been reestablished. Some men do come back because it's easy, he can fall back into an old familiar pattern verses it being about wanting her back because he love her.

Tikki-I agree partyly with what you are saying. He is the type that comes in and out, however, he never persues. And he never admits he was wrong. It was him, he said. It was never me. There is more and I do not want to bore you, but the point I am trying to make is to late. I gave him multiple chances and he is still the same. He is the man that bounces and he is the man that is the same once he "has you back." I know this....and I figured it out when I was speaking to him on Sunday. For every new enlightened thing he said, he said two things that showed to me the "old him." I do not regret dating him, nor do I wish ill towards him. I just hope he finds what he is looking himself. smile
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by Sag89
I don't know.
Sometimes they do come back because they want to be with you. I only took my scorpio ex back tho and we dated for a year and ended up living together.
So you can't always know things.

I agree...No you can't always know things. Nobody is PERFECT & people fuck up...Doesn't mean they don't care.
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Exactly! You cannot shut off emotions like a snap of your fingers. I have said that to the ex Aqua multiple times, and Sunday he finally told me I was right. He does care, just not the way I need him to.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.

What did you say? I missed it! Sad
Posted by NikkiMse1978
Posted by Sag89
I don't know.
Sometimes they do come back because they want to be with you. I only took my scorpio ex back tho and we dated for a year and ended up living together.
So you can't always know things.
But my aqua was the only one who never tried to re-engage a relationship with me. He'd just use me to bitch about his life and his gf. Even though he hooked up with me while with her. He was a really crazy son of bitch. In and out of jail. So after seeing that I got over him. Even though he was my " first " and all that.
You'll meet another person and you forget. Like really. And trust me I'm a person that hangs on to the dear end and if you don't meet another person than maybe you guys will end up together but I doubt you'll be pinning for him your whole life. Things just don't typical work out like that. Other loves come.

Aqua's always disappear and they always come back. They are forever analyzing and always seem to realize that leaving was a mistake. They come back then realize that was a mistake. HE always does this to me. I beleive he does love me and care for me as I have stated previously, however, not the way I DESERVE to be loved. He may figure it out a little to late, but then that is how it is supposed to be.
My Aqua is now the one trying. It was always me before. Since I have "let him go", it is his turn to feel all that I felt in the 3 years I put up with him. It is his karma. I do hope he learns his lesson and grows as he is supposed to.
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Oh course it will hun! And it may be your aqua smile The world works in crazy ways, I tell ya never never know
Posted by 1urbanicblue
well we've given her the advise she asked for. so it's all her choice. she can do whatever she pleases with it.
all this wishy washyness is giving me a headache, tbh.
good luck with, nikki, with both those men. you're SINGLE!! do what you please. =)

That is what I am doing! I like speaking to you guys bcus it helps me to sort it out in my head. And your all funny! *gigglesnort! HAHA
Posted by 1urbanicblue
what is your moon and asc and venus, nikki.
i'm very curious.
and the planets from your aqua?

Here ya go!
Him- I don't know his exact time of birth!! ! Sad Sad
Zodiac in degrees 0.00
Sun Aquarius 12.49
Moon Capricorn 3.54
Mercury Pisces 1.08
Venus Capricorn 26.53
Mars Aquarius 25.54
Jupiter Libra 10.18 R
Saturn Libra 9.36 R
Uranus Scorpio 29.40
Neptune Sagittarius 24.06
Pluto Libra 24.21 R
Lilith Scorpio 3.48
Asc node Leo 10.53
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Sagittarius 14.13 Ascendant Aquarius 7.50
Moon Pisces 10.01 II Pisces 26.17
Mercury Sagittarius 12.18 R III Taurus 3.31
Venus Scorpio 8.36 IV Taurus 29.39
Mars Sagittarius 25.28 V Gemini 20.53
Jupiter Leo 8.52 R VI Cancer 11.48
Saturn Virgo 13.38 VII Leo 7.50
Uranus Scorpio 18.23 VIII Virgo 26.17
Neptune Sagittarius 17.54 IX Scorpio 3.31
Pluto Libra 18.38 Midheaven Scorpio 29.39
Lilith Leo 6.01 XI Sagittarius 20.53
Asc node Virgo 22.57 XII Capricorn 11.48

Data for Robert:
December 6, 1978 February 1, 1981
And disregard the bottom part that says "Data for Robert"! I don't know where that came from!! LOL
Venus/uranus contacts, if they are conjunct in your synastry = to sexually electric relationship, but it also means it's separative. It may mean an on/off relationship or being separated by distance. I've got that with the libra in our composite chart.
Posted by NikkiMse1978
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by Sag89
I don't know.
Sometimes they do come back because they want to be with you. I only took my scorpio ex back tho and we dated for a year and ended up living together.
So you can't always know things.

I agree...No you can't always know things. Nobody is PERFECT & people fuck up...Doesn't mean they don't care.

Exactly! You cannot shut off emotions like a snap of your fingers. I have said that to the ex Aqua multiple times, and Sunday he finally told me I was right. He does care, just not the way I need him to.
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He actually admitted that he doesn't care in the way you need him to? What a set of balls he has, he wouldv'e set me off with that statement there.
Posted by NikkiMse1978

Tikki-I agree partyly with what you are saying. He is the type that comes in and out, however, he never persues. And he never admits he was wrong. It was him, he said. It was never me. There is more and I do not want to bore you, but the point I am trying to make is to late. I gave him multiple chances and he is still the same. He is the man that bounces and he is the man that is the same once he "has you back." I know this....and I figured it out when I was speaking to him on Sunday. For every new enlightened thing he said, he said two things that showed to me the "old him." I do not regret dating him, nor do I wish ill towards him. I just hope he finds what he is looking himself. smile

What about you? Do go come in & out as well? Like I stated before, a man is NOT the only being on this earth capable of this. Do you also push/pull? If so he can also mirror your behavior. I can push someone away, only to want them back later, and then change my mind again. Love bi-polar, lol. I remember I told the gem off terribly, told him to fuck off, get out of my life & NEVER, EVER contact me again. I apologized & a month later I called him, told him I wanted to see him, & he came. No questions asked.
So, you have to watch yourself too ya know. Winking It's not always the guy's fault in situations. You'd have to take into consideration your OWN actions. My example was a small one among many, Tongue but all I'm saying is don't be so quick to place blame on the other person, not that you're doing it, but be mindful of it.
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That quoted totally wrong! Tongue
@Real...he told me he screwed up by blaming me for alot of things, when it was him who was screwing up. He took the blame off of me for a change! I agreed with him. FINALLY he told me what i knew all aling, & i told him i figured out it wasnt me. He also told me everything he was feeling. Like he felt like a failure bcus hes unemployed, doesnt have a job, is filing bankruptcy. That he couldnt provide for me or my son. I told him those things are nice, but its not all i wanted. I just wanted him!!! His time & his love. He said he felt guilty bcus he couldnt even take me to dinner. I informed him it wasnt about that. It was about seeing him, spending time with him. Just being with him. He feels guilty for whatever male reasons i will never understand. Why guilty? Can you & everyone else shed light on that??? Lol. I know Tikki thinks its bcus its familiar, i think shes partly right, however, i feel there is more to it than that ya know?
Posted by NikkiMse1978
@Real...he told me he screwed up by blaming me for alot of things, when it was him who was screwing up. He took the blame off of me for a change! I agreed with him. FINALLY he told me what i knew all aling, & i told him i figured out it wasnt me. He also told me everything he was feeling. Like he felt like a failure bcus hes unemployed, doesnt have a job, is filing bankruptcy. That he couldnt provide for me or my son. I told him those things are nice, but its not all i wanted. I just wanted him!!! His time & his love. He said he felt guilty bcus he couldnt even take me to dinner. I informed him it wasnt about that. It was about seeing him, spending time with him. Just being with him. He feels guilty for whatever male reasons i will never understand. Why guilty? Can you & everyone else shed light on that??? Lol. I know Tikki thinks its bcus its familiar, i think shes partly right, however, i feel there is more to it than that ya know?

Yeah I do know. Fuck what anyone else thinks, who cares. It's your life right & you're going to do what your heart desires & what's best for you in the end. Yes a man will feel that way if he can't provide. He doesn't feel like a man & he WILL start to feel like a failure. Hell I've felt that way when I was unemployed. I guess we all have felt some kind of way when things take a turn for the worst. Maybe he feels that he isn't the man you need him to be even though you've expressed that you only want him & it's not based on anything superficial. He doesn't see that.
I guess that's where the guilt comes in. Guilty for the way he has treated you & guilty for what I mentioned above. All I say is do what YOU see fit. NOT what anyone else says. If you want to hold on to him, so be it. If you want to let him go, so be it. Do what is beneficial to YOU, & what makes YOU happy. With or without him. I wish you all the best!!!!! smile
Posted by WaterCup
Venus/uranus contacts, if they are conjunct in your synastry = to sexually electric relationship, but it also means it's separative. It may mean an on/off relationship or being separated by distance. I've got that with the libra in our composite chart.

Water-it is not very accurate since I do not know his time of birth. If I knew that I bet it would be even more out in the water than it is now! LOL.
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by NikkiMse1978
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by Sag89
I don't know.
Sometimes they do come back because they want to be with you. I only took my scorpio ex back tho and we dated for a year and ended up living together.
So you can't always know things.

I agree...No you can't always know things. Nobody is PERFECT & people fuck up...Doesn't mean they don't care.

Exactly! You cannot shut off emotions like a snap of your fingers. I have said that to the ex Aqua multiple times, and Sunday he finally told me I was right. He does care, just not the way I need him to.

He actually admitted that he doesn't care in the way you need him to? What a set of balls he has, he wouldv'e set me off with that statement there.
click to expand

No, he admitted that he couldn't do what I asked of him. He admitted he cared, but he could not fulfill what I needed, so there is a difference.
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by NikkiMse1978
@Real...he told me he screwed up by blaming me for alot of things, when it was him who was screwing up. He took the blame off of me for a change! I agreed with him. FINALLY he told me what i knew all aling, & i told him i figured out it wasnt me. He also told me everything he was feeling. Like he felt like a failure bcus hes unemployed, doesnt have a job, is filing bankruptcy. That he couldnt provide for me or my son. I told him those things are nice, but its not all i wanted. I just wanted him!!! His time & his love. He said he felt guilty bcus he couldnt even take me to dinner. I informed him it wasnt about that. It was about seeing him, spending time with him. Just being with him. He feels guilty for whatever male reasons i will never understand. Why guilty? Can you & everyone else shed light on that??? Lol. I know Tikki thinks its bcus its familiar, i think shes partly right, however, i feel there is more to it than that ya know?

Yeah I do know. Fuck what anyone else thinks, who cares. It's your life right & you're going to do what your heart desires & what's best for you in the end. Yes a man will feel that way if he can't provide. He doesn't feel like a man & he WILL start to feel like a failure. Hell I've felt that way when I was unemployed. I guess we all have felt some kind of way when things take a turn for the worst. Maybe he feels that he isn't the man you need him to be even though you've expressed that you only want him & it's not based on anything superficial. He doesn't see that.
I guess that's where the guilt comes in. Guilty for the way he has treated you & guilty for what I mentioned above. All I say is do what YOU see fit. NOT what anyone else says. If you want to hold on to him, so be it. If you want to let him go, so be it. Do what is beneficial to YOU, & what makes YOU happy. With or without him. I wish you all the best!!!!! smile
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EXACTLY what I am thinking/doing/feeling! Thank you for that! smile
Posted by 1urbanicblue
oh wow, no wonder i got wishy washyness from you. that came from your moon. but dont take that as a negative please. it's meant as a compliment. it's what i read, a very shrewd moon and quite psychic too. depending on other aspects.
also, no matter the sign or placement of the man, realtalk was right on the account that he has no job. you sure brought this out later. it makes sense why he is not into you. he wont until he's good and ready to have material comforts to make a woman secure in life.
i know we're self sufficient as women but women in general need to know that we have the man's back. he doesn't feel at this moment reliable.
you should totally ditch that libra guy then. your feelings aren't into him at all. you just like all the flowers and dinners. but it's empty when you realise that what you really want, is not male attention from men, but reliability.
which your aqua is not giving you, and i thought he was a coward, but he just said to you he is unemployed, so there goes his self esteem. men need to feel like they have something to give to the woman. it's just natural. accept it.

@ 1Urban-My moon? Is that why I bounce back and forth alot with how I feel emotionally? That sure explains alot! LOL. smile I am quite psychic, that is why I FEEL my Aqua, ya know? I know he loves me and is uncapable to give me what I want now (reliability, support)so that is why we are at where we are at now. I have him in my heart, and he will ALWAYS be there.
My Libra is a sweet man and he is teaching me so much. I am not keeping him around to waste time, but you never know what could happen with him. Hell, it could take 20 years for the Aqua to come around and I cannot wait for that. This is what is best for me now, so that is why the Leeb is here.
Thank you!
Posted by 1urbanicblue
oh, remember it's just all our opinions on the matter at this point now.
seeing he has no job and is filing bankruptcy. geeez. that's enough to send any man to the depths of depression.
so the rest of my satire opinion is, just remain single.

@ 1Urban-I do feel like that, but what you are dealt only makes you stronger, right? I came here to vent/ask advice/opinions and to get an outside opinion of what is surrounding me. I do make my own desicions but it is nice to get feedback from others who are on the outside looking in so to speak. smile
Posted by 1urbanicblue
Posted by NikkiMse1978
Posted by 1urbanicblue
oh, remember it's just all our opinions on the matter at this point now.
seeing he has no job and is filing bankruptcy. geeez. that's enough to send any man to the depths of depression.
so the rest of my satire opinion is, just remain single.

@ 1Urban-I do feel like that, but what you are dealt only makes you stronger, right? I came here to vent/ask advice/opinions and to get an outside opinion of what is surrounding me. I do make my own desicions but it is nice to get feedback from others who are on the outside looking in so to speak. smile

good to know! =)
it's kind of sad though, that your ex aqua may never get back to you in time. it's like a tragic love story because here you are, since september, (went back to your history) posting about the aqua. and now him with no employment and depressed, it's awful. i dont know if he'll ever get back to you by the time you find someone else.
like two ships passing through, and saying good bye. it could be ten years, but by then you'll probably be married to someone else, it could be the libra or could be someone else entirely. and have babies, a family and forget about him.
anyway gotta run. take care and if i dont talk to you soon merry christmas, nikki.
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He may never, but that is bcus he isn't supposed to. Not in this fifetime anyway. And it hasn't just been since Sept. I have been dealing with this with him for 3 years. Since November 2008 if you really want to be precise! LOL. smile
He has been unemployed for a year now, but seems to not be doing anything about it. Or not trying that hard. As an Aqua he beleives in making money the easy way, and you just can't do that anymore. Unless he marry's rich he is going to have to bust his ass to make money. I may be married, I may not be. We shall see where my path (ship) takes me!
Thank you and a very happy holiday to you too! smile
Posted by 1urbanicblue
hi nikki, back for a bit.
had to go shopping and cook. lol
well, if you think he's lazy i wouldnt bother with him, nikki. but you seem to want to hang on to him, even though he has nothing to offer you.
i'm going to be blunt,i'm really confused with you. you are obsessed with him in a way, but you seem kind of not having any empathy for his depression. men DO get depressed if they dont have a job. why are you bothering with him if he's too lazy for you? he's obviously not going to man up and be the man you want him to be.
my father is an aquarius but he's NEVER been lazy and he works HARD. he did go through uni for years and got his degree, found a job which he worked LONG TERM in, worked his butt off for his family. NOTHING came to him easy. so i'm a little offended that you think that men of this sign are not hard workers. my father worked for the family without help from his family who had alot of money and property to give him if he wanted.

Welcome back! smile I don't think he is lazy, his choices are a wee bit off for the standard norm of things, that is all. He IS a very hard worker. In one instance he worked two jobs to pay off credit card debt (which he didn't incure) and the sum was a large one. It took him a year but he did it! I am not saying he does not want to work, but to social norm standards those jobs don't fit him, you see. He needs a job that he can THRIVE in. Not just to provide monetary compensation but something he enjoys. His true passion.
I am not obsessed, just don't know what he wants from me this time around. That is all. Nothing more or less. I asked him just that when he texted me yet again this am. I was not going to respond but I am curious as to what he will say. Why contact me when it has been done? I beleive its bcus he thinks we are not cool or something. And if he thinks that-why? I don't get it.
Good for your dad! I am not critisizing all Aquas at all. There are exceptions to the rule and your dad is one of them! GOOD FOR HIM! No hard feelings here. Just being an ever quisitive Sag! HAHA smile
Posted by 1urbanicblue
maybe you need to look around with other signs.
there are ALOT of men in different bdays that bum off their family.
my father set an example to all his brothers and sisters, and they??re pretty proud of him.
and you need to just stop generalising too. i know you??re putting smileys here and there
but all this generalising is kind of off putting. because you dont know everyone in the world
and how their background, family upbringing places them in. it??s a choice.
the funny part IS, is that while other signs have done the same exact thing, they can get away with it,
but an aqua, hardly ever gets away with it. they seem to always fly into the radar, while the other signs
fly right under it. if astrologers are correct, then it??s true that aquas get a bum rap for stuff that other signs are capable of.
just a thought.

I have dated various signs. Virgo, Gemini, Aries, Taurus, Aqua, Sag & Libra. I never said he bummed off his family. You are right that his depression is turning him into a bum somewhat, that he is feeling sorry for himself. Sign or not, he is a man. I get that.
I am not generalizing more based off of my experience. I am wrong and I am right. I never wanted to offend anyone. Being a Sag I speak my mind. Feelings are an after thought if I may have "hurt" someone. I am working on that! Beleive you-me!
I agree! All signs get a bum rap-but have you looked at the Sag board? We get them too! LOL. In all seriousness though you are for the most part right. But I think the Aquas get the "bum rap" bcus they never admit they are wrong! LOL. smile
I am not trying to be a bitch, I hope you know that. Speaking my mind is all as you are. smile *uh oh, another smiley face*
Posted by 1urbanicblue
just the more of your post, shows how much sympathy you have for this guy.
yeah you speak your mind allright, but i have a sag brother and sis that have a little more consideration.
it's only the sister that gets angry that speaks before she thinks. but she feels bad afterward.
um sorry? wrong about what?
have you seen me around here disagreeing with people? i agree with alot of people's views.
Bri was right.

I have sympathy for him, but isn't caring/love/patience/understanding a two way street? Could explain why I am so bitter. I feel bad. I am sorry if you cannot tell, bucs I am like your sis.
No, you are stating your opinion, which I respect. I did not say anything dif. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.
And Bri who? Was right about what? Now I am lost.
His self esteem isn't that bad if he's dating someone else or was in a relationship with someone else, try not to make excuses for the Aqua. He's not that into you, yes he may have deep feelings but it's not enough because let me tell yah if this guy truly deeply loved you and we Aqua's believe it or not can love deeply he'd be there for you, he wouldn't be there with you while he's with someone else either, he'd get his life straight and be the good man you deserve. He feels guilty because he know he'll never be that man for you and yet you continue to hold on even while your with someone else you still hold out in hopes he'll stop resisting and be with you, he doesn't have the guts to say goodbye for good because there is some quality you possess that makes him feel better about himself, right now he's feeling loss, you're with another guy so now he's spilling his guts but it's not enough still to make him change and he wish it was, deep down he wish he loved you as much as you loved him and that can make any man feel guilty, they hate losing a good woman, they hate letting her go, no man wants to let go of a great woman, they hate losing.
Not only should you continue on with the libra but you should also consider dating other men as well until you find your Mr.Right, the man that's going to be right for you and for your son and a man that won't string you along. You're heart is tender and being serious with someone well you're heart isn't in it.
Posted by tiki33
His self esteem isn't that bad if he's dating someone else or was in a relationship with someone else, try not to make excuses for the Aqua. He's not that into you, yes he may have deep feelings but it's not enough because let me tell yah if this guy truly deeply loved you and we Aqua's believe it or not can love deeply he'd be there for you, he wouldn't be there with you while he's with someone else either, he'd get his life straight and be the good man you deserve. He feels guilty because he know he'll never be that man for you and yet you continue to hold on even while your with someone else you still hold out in hopes he'll stop resisting and be with you, he doesn't have the guts to say goodbye for good because there is some quality you possess that makes him feel better about himself, right now he's feeling loss, you're with another guy so now he's spilling his guts but it's not enough still to make him change and he wish it was, deep down he wish he loved you as much as you loved him and that can make any man feel guilty, they hate losing a good woman, they hate letting her go, no man wants to let go of a great woman, they hate losing.
Not only should you continue on with the libra but you should also consider dating other men as well until you find your Mr.Right, the man that's going to be right for you and for your son and a man that won't string you along. You're heart is tender and being serious with someone well you're heart isn't in it.

Thank you Tikki! That was the best thing I could have ever read this morning. Your words were kind, but firm and I respect that. smile You are the best!