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Mar 23, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 140 · Topics: 14
Libras chatty ones talkin to everybody cancers...big bright eyes watery eyes...virgos...
Leo's are the easiest they always have notable hair.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
i can spot pisces, taurus, and virgos fairly well.
i'm decent enough at calling cancers and scorpios.
i'm not sure if i've ever been able to pick out my own kind.
of the fire and air signs??_ i'm better with leos.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
it's not just appearance, but it's demeanor and "vibe"
virgos tend to have a playful charm about them. taurus has a charm as well, but it's (for the guys) more boyish and focused.
pisces actually, imo, do tend to have tell tale physical features??_. their faces have a soft roundness to them. the women have a sexy aura that seems almost uncontrollable. as if they exude it without meaning to. the men??_ well, its prob because of my pisces moon, but i feel comfortable around them. if i get that feeling, it's a good bet the guy is a pisces. OR they have a pisces moon as well.
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Apr 02, 2014Comments: 49 · Posts: 252 · Topics: 21
I usually spot Cancer and Scorpio just playing attention at non-verbal behavior. Scorpios seem to be refraining themselves from something all of the time, and cancer guys are always looking for the comfy spot. Body language also helps with Gemini and Virgo chicks, making gestures while they talk and playing with their voices. Apart from that, is hard for me to guess if someone is Aries or Saggitarius, Capricorn or Taurus. Sometimes I found out someone is libra because he starts reflecting everything I do with my body, but It also happened once with a piscis girl, so...
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Aug 16, 2013Comments: 10 · Posts: 4163 · Topics: 48
Aries - always the first to start an argument
Taurus - always appear bored and like they don't give a damn about anything
Gemini - chatty about anything and everything, instantly develops A.D.D. if given control over a radio or TV
Cancer - they really do scuttle, always approaching things with this kind of sideways demeanor like they're never sure if they like it or not
Leo - it's all about the hair
Virgo - never stops cookiemonstering about something
Libra - says butter like "on one hand.... and on the other" or "fair enough"
Scorpio - death ray glare when they don't get their way
Sagittarius - the A.D.H.D. kid that does the Tarzan impressions
Capricorn - they usually follow the Virgos around, also easily spotted around 5 o'clock when everyone is getting off work and they look like they're about to have a "Breaking Down" moment on the first gas station clerk that overcharges for a can of soda
Aquarius - the first ones to immediately do whatever they were just told not to
Pisces - have a way of randomly appearing and then disappearing out of nowhere with no explanation what so ever
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Jun 27, 2013Comments: 155 · Posts: 1080 · Topics: 17
Pisces women and Capricorn women.
the main confusion lies in element and ASTRO opposites
Easiest to differentiate b/c they are the most different
Libra vs Aries [ Libra is fatter / more curvier ] looks like taurus.. aries doesn't
Aqua vs Leo
got high acc
occasionally mode / type
IE Cardinal vs mutable vs fixed
Though heavy in a sign / element / mode.. or type yang/yin [ masc / feminine ] positive or negative is easy enough to differentiate [generally ]
when it comes to cardinals it's hard to confuse aries for the others
cap and cancer can be confused... maybe even libra with each other
Sag and Gem look similar ish... Virgo looks similar ish to pisces but also Sag sometimes/somewhat
Fixed signs are generally clear
Taurus is the obvious one to see... which really only gets confused with scorpio
Leo is often rarely confused for Aquarius and vice versa.. but it's most likely they would get confused then for a scorpio or even taurus
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Dec 17, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 510 · Topics: 32
oh... Aries, but at soon as she/he starts to talk. The intensity you is unique!
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
I can tell you which sign I can NOT usually spot, and that is the Scorpio. They are the natural actors of the Zodiac and they seem to change their front like a chameleont. I can never seem to remember what a Scorp chicks looks like after meeting her once, or twice or even three times. It usually takes a little while. It's like you need to get to actually know them to really remember their faces and mannerisms.
No matter how many Scorps I've known, I can never tell a girl is a Scorpio just by looking at her. Though if there's something that naturally draws her to me and we have great communication from the start, it's usually a give-away. But generally, they could be anyone until you actually get to know them.
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Jan 15, 2014Comments: 1640 · Posts: 2154 · Topics: 139
Aries, they're usually energetic but not in a bouncy way and very attentive, always have their heads up (maybe because Aries rules the head?).
Second is cancer, they have this standoffish vibe to them almost like they could judge you yet leave you alone at the same time. They sometimes look at me funny because of my Leonine vibe. And Capricorn because of their slight air of melancholy and seriousness.