Venus is Cancer folks how do you "crab walk' when it comes to love?

This topic was created in the Cancer forum by Moonbutter on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 and has 47 replies.
Is it normal for you guys to extend invitations and then retract, or sending cryptic mixed msgs? How can someone gain your trust and how does one know when they are on the right track with you?
Sideways, I am Venus in Cancer....LOL
Posted by incandescentcancer
Sideways, I am Venus in Cancer....LOL

Oh yes Winking I think I do a bit of the 'crab walk' too and then my Leo Venus goes in for the kill lol
I have Venus in Cancer at the cusp at around 29 degrees, so I exhibit both qualities.

You'll be safe in knowing that we need LOTS of love, we are slightly (ok a lot) scared of being rejected. We are also likely to be suspicious of you in the early part of the relationship, particularly around your male friends.
Very good questions!! Answers would be fantastic.
Posted by incandescentcancer
I have Venus in Cancer at the cusp at around 29 degrees, so I exhibit both qualities.

You'll be safe in knowing that we need LOTS of love, we are slightly (ok a lot) scared of being rejected. We are also likely to be suspicious of you in the early part of the relationship, particularly around your male friends.

Yes, I have seen these displays, and also the other side where you guys hide in your shells Tongue
Posted by Moonbutter
How can someone gain your trust?

Display integrity above all else, yet do it in a way that showcases emotional involvement.

You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

^ I know you didn't ask for that but that's just something I've observed from cancer Venus dudes in my circle.
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

Thnks, very helpful! I do have more of an athletic bod then really curvy, but one of my Cancer Venus guys I knew said I was "very attractive" so maybe he just meant my personality or overall, who knows...? Does the Mars have any say in preference?
Posted by MissGemmi
Gemini with Cancer Venus
Completely direct at first, spontaneous, romantic. Then I hide if the feelings are not reciprocated. I will then completely disappear/shy away not able to face the person again. I will work myself up to let the other person go, quietly. It's all or nothing. 

I sidewalk if I start to feel insecure. Sidewalking for me means the beginning of the end.

Oh, so if you let the other person go in your heart but they are still in your life, can they ever be back in your heart?
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

Thnks, very helpful! I do have more of an athletic bod then really curvy, but one of my Cancer Venus guys I knew said I was "very attractive" so maybe he just meant my personality or overall, who knows...? Does the Mars have any say in preference?
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I think anything goes with cancer men because they are soooooo sweet. I don't think they discriminate. They are soft hearted guys that melt away when they find out someone likes them. One of the 5 Venus cancer told me he likes big women but he ended up dating a skinny chick because she picked him up/initiated it. They dated for a year or so. I think what you should look at is whether he's intimidated by you or not. Make the cancer love your personality and you'll win him. Tried and tested. Friendship first is a sure guarantee with him.
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by incandescentcancer
I have Venus in Cancer at the cusp at around 29 degrees, so I exhibit both qualities.

You'll be safe in knowing that we need LOTS of love, we are slightly (ok a lot) scared of being rejected. We are also likely to be suspicious of you in the early part of the relationship, particularly around your male friends.

Yes, I have seen these displays, and also the other side where you guys hide in your shells Tongue
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WE don't hide in our shells unless you act as if you're disinterested. Then the chances are we will pull back so that you don't have the opportunity to reject, it's just a defensive posture.
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

I can see this being the case with some Venus in Cancers. Since, I am closer to Leo I like my women to be stand out in some way or other. They got to attract attention of others or they must be significantly different from other women, that's when I get interested. Although, I have to admit I am a boobs man, so some element of truth maybe there but I don't have a specific body type.
Posted by MissGemmi
Gemini with Cancer Venus
Completely direct at first, spontaneous, romantic. Then I hide if the feelings are not reciprocated. I will then completely disappear/shy away not able to face the person again. I will work myself up to let the other person go, quietly. It's all or nothing. 

I sidewalk if I start to feel insecure. Sidewalking for me means the beginning of the end.

Boom...we have a winner, you described it perfectly. I think I understand it better because I also have two planets in Gemini.The last part about all or nothing is sooo true!
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

Thnks, very helpful! I do have more of an athletic bod then really curvy, but one of my Cancer Venus guys I knew said I was "very attractive" so maybe he just meant my personality or overall, who knows...? Does the Mars have any say in preference?

I think anything goes with cancer men because they are soooooo sweet. I don't think they discriminate. They are soft hearted guys that melt away when they find out someone likes them. One of the 5 Venus cancer told me he likes big women but he ended up dating a skinny chick because she picked him up/initiated it. They dated for a year or so. I think what you should look at is whether he's intimidated by you or not. Make the cancer love your personality and you'll win him. Tried and tested. Friendship first is a sure guarantee with him.
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Hmm I don't think the Gem w/Venus Cancer is intimidated by me, except he seems to bring up the fact I used to go on dates with lots of guys lol, and I have seen him act very jealous/insecure over me talking about a date before. I'm pretty sure he does like my personality we are friends and can text all day, when we hang out it's non-stop convo. He seems to be on the fence with me and I get a lot of cryptic mixed msgs from him haha. We actually might be twin flames as our charts are very similar(I'm like the female version of him) so he could just be a life long best friend...I'm still trying to figure it out smile
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

Thnks, very helpful! I do have more of an athletic bod then really curvy, but one of my Cancer Venus guys I knew said I was "very attractive" so maybe he just meant my personality or overall, who knows...? Does the Mars have any say in preference?
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You have a very classic Cancer woman appearance, it should be attractive to most men. I think you're attractive too...haha!
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

I can see this being the case with some Venus in Cancers. Since, I am closer to Leo I like my women to be stand out in some way or other. They got to attract attention of others or they must be significantly different from other women, that's when I get interested. Although, I have to admit I am a boobs man, so some element of truth maybe there but I don't have a specific body type.
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I want to understand you better. Do you want a girl that is gonna turn heads or do you want a girl that may not be drop dead but has something about her that sets her apart from other women in personality?
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

Thnks, very helpful! I do have more of an athletic bod then really curvy, but one of my Cancer Venus guys I knew said I was "very attractive" so maybe he just meant my personality or overall, who knows...? Does the Mars have any say in preference?

You have a very classic Cancer woman appearance, it should be attractive to most men. I think you're attractive too...haha!
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Aww, love is in the air. Just go for incadescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

Thnks, very helpful! I do have more of an athletic bod then really curvy, but one of my Cancer Venus guys I knew said I was "very attractive" so maybe he just meant my personality or overall, who knows...? Does the Mars have any say in preference?

I think anything goes with cancer men because they are soooooo sweet. I don't think they discriminate. They are soft hearted guys that melt away when they find out someone likes them. One of the 5 Venus cancer told me he likes big women but he ended up dating a skinny chick because she picked him up/initiated it. They dated for a year or so. I think what you should look at is whether he's intimidated by you or not. Make the cancer love your personality and you'll win him. Tried and tested. Friendship first is a sure guarantee with him.

Hmm I don't think the Gem w/Venus Cancer is intimidated by me, except he seems to bring up the fact I used to go on dates with lots of guys lol, and I have seen him act very jealous/insecure over me talking about a date before. I'm pretty sure he does like my personality we are friends and can text all day, when we hang out it's non-stop convo. He seems to be on the fence with me and I get a lot of cryptic mixed msgs from him haha. We actually might be twin flames as our charts are very similar(I'm like the female version of him) so he could just be a life long best friend...I'm still trying to figure it out smile
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Ok, you have this dude on a lockdown based on what you just described. Does he know you like him? Have you told him?
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

I can see this being the case with some Venus in Cancers. Since, I am closer to Leo I like my women to be stand out in some way or other. They got to attract attention of others or they must be significantly different from other women, that's when I get interested. Although, I have to admit I am a boobs man, so some element of truth maybe there but I don't have a specific body type.

I want to understand you better. Do you want a girl that is gonna turn heads or do you want a girl that may not be drop dead but has something about her that sets her apart from other women in personality?
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The second, usually she does something different. It could be that she has a particularly strong personality or she lives a hippie lifestyle or maybe she is an opera singer. Something really ou there which is different, it doesn't have a lot to do with looks. Although I am a bit of a sucker for women with great eyes or
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

I can see this being the case with some Venus in Cancers. Since, I am closer to Leo I like my women to be stand out in some way or other. They got to attract attention of others or they must be significantly different from other women, that's when I get interested. Although, I have to admit I am a boobs man, so some element of truth maybe there but I don't have a specific body type.

I want to understand you better. Do you want a girl that is gonna turn heads or do you want a girl that may not be drop dead but has something about her that sets her apart from other women in personality?

The second, usually she does something different. It could be that she has a particularly strong personality or she lives a hippie lifestyle or maybe she is an opera singer. Something really ou there which is different, it doesn't have a lot to do with looks. Although I am a bit of a sucker for women with great eyes or
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I'm a hippie with a strong personality. LOL. Truly. No trolling. I totally related with that.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

Thnks, very helpful! I do have more of an athletic bod then really curvy, but one of my Cancer Venus guys I knew said I was "very attractive" so maybe he just meant my personality or overall, who knows...? Does the Mars have any say in preference?

You have a very classic Cancer woman appearance, it should be attractive to most men. I think you're attractive too...haha!
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Thank you
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

Thnks, very helpful! I do have more of an athletic bod then really curvy, but one of my Cancer Venus guys I knew said I was "very attractive" so maybe he just meant my personality or overall, who knows...? Does the Mars have any say in preference?

I think anything goes with cancer men because they are soooooo sweet. I don't think they discriminate. They are soft hearted guys that melt away when they find out someone likes them. One of the 5 Venus cancer told me he likes big women but he ended up dating a skinny chick because she picked him up/initiated it. They dated for a year or so. I think what you should look at is whether he's intimidated by you or not. Make the cancer love your personality and you'll win him. Tried and tested. Friendship first is a sure guarantee with him.

Hmm I don't think the Gem w/Venus Cancer is intimidated by me, except he seems to bring up the fact I used to go on dates with lots of guys lol, and I have seen him act very jealous/insecure over me talking about a date before. I'm pretty sure he does like my personality we are friends and can text all day, when we hang out it's non-stop convo. He seems to be on the fence with me and I get a lot of cryptic mixed msgs from him haha. We actually might be twin flames as our charts are very similar(I'm like the female version of him) so he could just be a life long best friend...I'm still trying to figure it out smile

Ok, you have this dude on a lockdown based on what you just described. Does he know you like him? Have you told him?
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Yeah, he knows...He has a complicated life and does not wish to bring a GF into the drama. We've been friends about 7 years so maybe it's just a loooong courtship with several 'non'dates, revealing personal/intimat
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by aquarius09
You better make sure you are big boned and voluptuous because if there's one thing I have observed with this placement, it's that mommy physique they are attracted to.

I knew 5 Venus in cancer men. Two are still in my life and all of them were/are attracted to big boned women. They aren't into the slim, athletic chick.

I'm slim jim and a long time ago I was attracted to a gem/can dude with Venus in cancer and I used to get this weird vibe that he'd want a big girl and he also hung out with big girls. Years later he married *drum roll* a woman that looks way older than him. She's much bigger than him.

I can see this being the case with some Venus in Cancers. Since, I am closer to Leo I like my women to be stand out in some way or other. They got to attract attention of others or they must be significantly different from other women, that's when I get interested. Although, I have to admit I am a boobs man, so some element of truth maybe there but I don't have a specific body type.

I want to understand you better. Do you want a girl that is gonna turn heads or do you want a girl that may not be drop dead but has something about her that sets her apart from other women in personality?

The second, usually she does something different. It could be that she has a particularly strong personality or she lives a hippie lifestyle or maybe she is an opera singer. Something really ou there which is different, it doesn't have a lot to do with looks. Although I am a bit of a sucker for women with great eyes or

I'm a hippie with a strong personality. LOL. Truly. No trolling. I totally related with that.
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Hahaha, I have always liked women who have that peaceful earthy thing going. You have all those planets in Aqua, it's not surprising, aquas are supposed to be people who think about the bigger scheme of life, right?
Posted by Moonbutter Yeah, he knows...He has a complicated life and does not wish to bring a GF into the drama. We've been friends about 7 years so maybe it's just a loooong courtship with several 'non'dates, revealing personal/intimat

Have you ever just had a direct convo with him about this, you seem to be really into him. I don't see any harm in talking to him.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter Yeah, he knows...He has a complicated life and does not wish to bring a GF into the drama. We've been friends about 7 years so maybe it's just a loooong courtship with several 'non'dates, revealing personal/intimat

Have you ever just had a direct convo with him about this, you seem to be really into him. I don't see any harm in talking to him.
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Not really... I'm thinking at this point we will just be good friends I'm kinda over it. I don't fit in with his life and I want to make a life with someone that I fit in. Maybe talking with you guys is helping me to understand my feelings for him, what they are/are not. I love him(as a friend) I'm not in love with him. I was sincerely pushing him to be with a girl he said he liked and really meant it because I wanted to see him happy...that's friend love, not in love, right?
Posted by Cheeseburger
ffs, you two get a room already.

width="420" height="315" =" 3A www% 2Eyoutube% 2Ecom embed 7DpoavYXMK4"

LOL You act like you will get some matchmaking Commission Tongue
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter Yeah, he knows...He has a complicated life and does not wish to bring a GF into the drama. We've been friends about 7 years so maybe it's just a loooong courtship with several 'non'dates, revealing personal/intimat

Have you ever just had a direct convo with him about this, you seem to be really into him. I don't see any harm in talking to him.

Not really... I'm thinking at this point we will just be good friends I'm kinda over it. I don't fit in with his life and I want to make a life with someone that I fit in. Maybe talking with you guys is helping me to understand my feelings for him, what they are/are not. I love him(as a friend) I'm not in love with him. I was sincerely pushing him to be with a girl he said he liked and really meant it because I wanted to see him happy...that's friend love, not in love, right?
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Did you feel like you were stabbed in the heart when he told you that he liked someone else?
Posted by Cheeseburger
Not really, just Karma whoring.

I have never heard that expression before, please explain Big Grin
Posted by MissGemmi
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MissGemmi
Gemini with Cancer Venus
Completely direct at first, spontaneous, romantic. Then I hide if the feelings are not reciprocated. I will then completely disappear/shy away not able to face the person again. I will work myself up to let the other person go, quietly. It's all or nothing. 

I sidewalk if I start to feel insecure. Sidewalking for me means the beginning of the end.

Oh, so if you let the other person go in your heart but they are still in your life, can they ever be back in your heart?

Yes, but Ill never be the same person as I was in the beginning. Careless with my love. I will never ever take that risk again with someone who has 'tossed' my sincere interest, love and attention aside. With a cancer Venus we remember hurt love. We give one forceful kind of love which Costs us a lot of energy. If this energy doesn't get fueled we get exhausted. More than anyone we need that love so bad. We give/show you what we ourselves need. If you fail to recognize it the first time we will understand that youre not able to give us what we need...
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I give you a gold star for putting into words what every Venus in Cancer feels. smile
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter Yeah, he knows...He has a complicated life and does not wish to bring a GF into the drama. We've been friends about 7 years so maybe it's just a loooong courtship with several 'non'dates, revealing personal/intimat

Have you ever just had a direct convo with him about this, you seem to be really into him. I don't see any harm in talking to him.

Not really... I'm thinking at this point we will just be good friends I'm kinda over it. I don't fit in with his life and I want to make a life with someone that I fit in. Maybe talking with you guys is helping me to understand my feelings for him, what they are/are not. I love him(as a friend) I'm not in love with him. I was sincerely pushing him to be with a girl he said he liked and really meant it because I wanted to see him happy...that's friend love, not in love, right?

Did you feel like you were stabbed in the heart when he told you that he liked someone else?
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I think we have unintentionally hurt each other over the years...a few years ago I made an insensitive joke and he said he couldn't talk to me anymore, I had hurt his feelings. That I definitely felt like a small hole in my soul and we didn't talk for 7 months. When he told me about the girl I was kinda disappointed but then got over it. Then when he told me he just would be friends with her I had mixed feelings on that. dang, I'm dizzy now.
Posted by MissGemmi
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MissGemmi
Gemini with Cancer Venus
Completely direct at first, spontaneous, romantic. Then I hide if the feelings are not reciprocated. I will then completely disappear/shy away not able to face the person again. I will work myself up to let the other person go, quietly. It's all or nothing. 

I sidewalk if I start to feel insecure. Sidewalking for me means the beginning of the end.

Oh, so if you let the other person go in your heart but they are still in your life, can they ever be back in your heart?

Yes, but Ill never be the same person as I was in the beginning. Careless with my love. I will never ever take that risk again with someone who has 'tossed' my sincere interest, love and attention aside. With a cancer Venus we remember hurt love. We give one forceful kind of love which Costs us a lot of energy. If this energy doesn't get fueled we get exhausted. More than anyone we need that love so bad. We give/show you what we ourselves need. If you fail to recognize it the first time we will understand that youre not able to give us what we need...
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Fair enough, and what if you weren't giving your all? holding back...would you still have the same expectation?
Posted by Moonbutter I think we have unintentionally hurt each other over the years...a few years ago I made an insensitive joke and he said he couldn't talk to me anymore, I had hurt his feelings. That I definitely felt like a small hole in my soul and we didn't talk for 7 months. When he told me about the girl I was kinda disappointed but then got over it. Then when he told me he just would be friends with her I had mixed feelings on that. dang, I'm dizzy now.

I think because you know him, you want to be with him, it''s a safe option. If I had been told by someone I loved that they loved someone else that would have been the end. If he walked away right now with someone else, would you be so heartbroken that you couldn't spend time with him again? That should give you the answer to the truth behind your feelings.
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MissGemmi
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MissGemmi
Gemini with Cancer Venus
Completely direct at first, spontaneous, romantic. Then I hide if the feelings are not reciprocated. I will then completely disappear/shy away not able to face the person again. I will work myself up to let the other person go, quietly. It's all or nothing. 

I sidewalk if I start to feel insecure. Sidewalking for me means the beginning of the end.

Oh, so if you let the other person go in your heart but they are still in your life, can they ever be back in your heart?

Yes, but Ill never be the same person as I was in the beginning. Careless with my love. I will never ever take that risk again with someone who has 'tossed' my sincere interest, love and attention aside. With a cancer Venus we remember hurt love. We give one forceful kind of love which Costs us a lot of energy. If this energy doesn't get fueled we get exhausted. More than anyone we need that love so bad. We give/show you what we ourselves need. If you fail to recognize it the first time we will understand that youre not able to give us what we need...

Fair enough, and what if you weren't giving your all? holding back...would you still have the same expectation?
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No. If a Venus in Cancer feels love for someone, we are going to go all the way, we will put you over everyone else. That's it.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter I think we have unintentionally hurt each other over the years...a few years ago I made an insensitive joke and he said he couldn't talk to me anymore, I had hurt his feelings. That I definitely felt like a small hole in my soul and we didn't talk for 7 months. When he told me about the girl I was kinda disappointed but then got over it. Then when he told me he just would be friends with her I had mixed feelings on that. dang, I'm dizzy now.

I think because you know him, you want to be with him, it''s a safe option. If I had been told by someone I loved that they loved someone else that would have been the end. If he walked away right now with someone else, would you be so heartbroken that you couldn't spend time with him again? That should give you the answer to the truth behind your feelings.
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That's a good question...I think there's a "safety net" mentality I have with him, because I do know him and how he is not going anywhere with any girl anytime soon that I can't honestly answer that and it not be influenced by what I know about him. If he fell in love with a girl and it was the real deal then I think out of respect for his relationship I would bow out, and also because I do view him as more then a friend, but only by a little.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MissGemmi
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by MissGemmi
Gemini with Cancer Venus
Completely direct at first, spontaneous, romantic. Then I hide if the feelings are not reciprocated. I will then completely disappear/shy away not able to face the person again. I will work myself up to let the other person go, quietly. It's all or nothing. 

I sidewalk if I start to feel insecure. Sidewalking for me means the beginning of the end.

Oh, so if you let the other person go in your heart but they are still in your life, can they ever be back in your heart?

Yes, but Ill never be the same person as I was in the beginning. Careless with my love. I will never ever take that risk again with someone who has 'tossed' my sincere interest, love and attention aside. With a cancer Venus we remember hurt love. We give one forceful kind of love which Costs us a lot of energy. If this energy doesn't get fueled we get exhausted. More than anyone we need that love so bad. We give/show you what we ourselves need. If you fail to recognize it the first time we will understand that youre not able to give us what we need...

Fair enough, and what if you weren't giving your all? holding back...would you still have the same expectation?

No. If a Venus in Cancer feels love for someone, we are going to go all the way, we will put you over everyone else. That's it.
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What does that mean "go all the way"? Like how?
fml... Inconsistency or lack of transparency can drive me to do the crab walk.
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter I think we have unintentionally hurt each other over the years...a few years ago I made an insensitive joke and he said he couldn't talk to me anymore, I had hurt his feelings. That I definitely felt like a small hole in my soul and we didn't talk for 7 months. When he told me about the girl I was kinda disappointed but then got over it. Then when he told me he just would be friends with her I had mixed feelings on that. dang, I'm dizzy now.

I think because you know him, you want to be with him, it''s a safe option. If I had been told by someone I loved that they loved someone else that would have been the end. If he walked away right now with someone else, would you be so heartbroken that you couldn't spend time with him again? That should give you the answer to the truth behind your feelings.

That's a good question...I think there's a "safety net" mentality I have with him, because I do know him and how he is not going anywhere with any girl anytime soon that I can't honestly answer that and it not be influenced by what I know about him. If he fell in love with a girl and it was the real deal then I think out of respect for his relationship I would bow out, and also because I do view him as more then a friend, but only by a little.
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I think maybe (purely what you're saying here), it seems like you're pushing for it since it's safe.
Posted by Moonbutter What does that mean "go all the way"? Like how?

We really go for it when we like someone, fancy dates, doing all the things you like, staying by the phone waiting for your call, cancelling shit on our agenda to accommodate you. You really can't ask for
Posted by MissGemmi
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter What does that mean "go all the way"? Like how?

We really go for it when we like someone, fancy dates, doing all the things you like, staying by the phone waiting for your call, cancelling shit on our agenda to accommodate you. You really can't ask for

Haha yessssss!!!!! The whole thing!
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And we expect the same in return, when we don't get it we get hurt. That's when we withdraw and after a while just bow out quietly. We are intuitive enough to know when our feelings are not being reciprocated.
Posted by MissGemmi
Holding back in only when we sense you're not taking us serious. Unfortunately, we sense and know EVERYTHING when it comes to love and matters of the heart especially when we get to know you better. A little small move from you to another direction than we have planned; then look at us moving away from you in matters of the heart. Not in a matter of being polite, friendly, friends we will keep you there.

As a Gemini with Cancer Venus I love all the way no holding back. Holding back means you ' ve showed us something not trust worthy when it comes to giving and receiving our love. We're kind of VERY VERY VERY serious in love. That is why it's hard for a Gemini to have a cancer Venus. We get all caught up when it gets intense, so either you g Ive in or let us go and be over it so that we can be our busy rational chatty selves again. That's what we do bestsmile

OMG! You're really blowing my mind, every word you say matches with my thoughts. I have never had someone verbalize those Venus in Cancer feelings soooo well!

This is the absolute truth of how we feel, I admit to all of it.

We hold back when we have been disappointed and it's probably hard for us to feel that level of love again if we have been disappointed. It's always there in the back of our mind after that.

It's very hard for Venus in Cancer to find real love because of how much we give and also how much we expect, most people just fail.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter I think we have unintentionally hurt each other over the years...a few years ago I made an insensitive joke and he said he couldn't talk to me anymore, I had hurt his feelings. That I definitely felt like a small hole in my soul and we didn't talk for 7 months. When he told me about the girl I was kinda disappointed but then got over it. Then when he told me he just would be friends with her I had mixed feelings on that. dang, I'm dizzy now.

I think because you know him, you want to be with him, it''s a safe option. If I had been told by someone I loved that they loved someone else that would have been the end. If he walked away right now with someone else, would you be so heartbroken that you couldn't spend time with him again? That should give you the answer to the truth behind your feelings.

That's a good question...I think there's a "safety net" mentality I have with him, because I do know him and how he is not going anywhere with any girl anytime soon that I can't honestly answer that and it not be influenced by what I know about him. If he fell in love with a girl and it was the real deal then I think out of respect for his relationship I would bow out, and also because I do view him as more then a friend, but only by a little.

I think maybe (purely what you're saying here), it seems like you're pushing for it since it's safe.
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That's a fair assessment...I think I always wavered between wanting to date him, yet I could never see myself in his life like that. Maybe it's more a curiosity because he never gave 'us' a chance, and yet he doesn't to anyone. I don't think he is a safe bet as I know from what he tells me can be a big pain in the ass and deal with hi bullshit and that's not including all his other drama, so no I don't think it would be easy to date him, just we have such a great connection, fun together and have similar views. Plus he pulls at my Cancer hear strings and makes me want to coddle him(which I've done) and I think he really liked it haha.
Posted by MoonbutterThat's a fair assessment...I think I always wavered between wanting to date him, yet I could never see myself in his life like that. Maybe it's more a curiosity because he never gave 'us' a chance, and yet he doesn't to anyone. I don't think he is a safe bet as I know from what he tells me can be a big pain in the ass and deal with hi bullshit and that's not including all his other drama, so no I don't think it would be easy to date him, just we have such a great connection, fun together and have similar views. Plus he pulls at my Cancer hear strings and makes me want to coddle him(which I've done) and I think he really liked it haha.

I think you know the answer to this deep down, but it's a good idea to use others as a sounding board. smile
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by MoonbutterThat's a fair assessment...I think I always wavered between wanting to date him, yet I could never see myself in his life like that. Maybe it's more a curiosity because he never gave 'us' a chance, and yet he doesn't to anyone. I don't think he is a safe bet as I know from what he tells me can be a big pain in the ass and deal with hi bullshit and that's not including all his other drama, so no I don't think it would be easy to date him, just we have such a great connection, fun together and have similar views. Plus he pulls at my Cancer hear strings and makes me want to coddle him(which I've done) and I think he really liked it haha.

I think you know the answer to this deep down, but it's a good idea to use others as a sounding board. smile
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Dang, I really thought I had gotten over my feelings...well it doesn't matter anyways from what you all say I'm sure he has moved on and never looking back.
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by MoonbutterThat's a fair assessment...I think I always wavered between wanting to date him, yet I could never see myself in his life like that. Maybe it's more a curiosity because he never gave 'us' a chance, and yet he doesn't to anyone. I don't think he is a safe bet as I know from what he tells me can be a big pain in the ass and deal with hi bullshit and that's not including all his other drama, so no I don't think it would be easy to date him, just we have such a great connection, fun together and have similar views. Plus he pulls at my Cancer hear strings and makes me want to coddle him(which I've done) and I think he really liked it haha.

I think you know the answer to this deep down, but it's a good idea to use others as a sounding board. smile

Dang, I really thought I had gotten over my feelings...well it doesn't matter anyways from what you all say I'm sure he has moved on and never looking back.
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My honest suggestion is not to assume what he feels. think about what you feel. Be honest with yourself and then do what you have to do, that's the best thing to do in life! smile
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by Moonbutter
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by MoonbutterThat's a fair assessment...I think I always wavered between wanting to date him, yet I could never see myself in his life like that. Maybe it's more a curiosity because he never gave 'us' a chance, and yet he doesn't to anyone. I don't think he is a safe bet as I know from what he tells me can be a big pain in the ass and deal with hi bullshit and that's not including all his other drama, so no I don't think it would be easy to date him, just we have such a great connection, fun together and have similar views. Plus he pulls at my Cancer hear strings and makes me want to coddle him(which I've done) and I think he really liked it haha.

I think you know the answer to this deep down, but it's a good idea to use others as a sounding board. smile

Dang, I really thought I had gotten over my feelings...well it doesn't matter anyways from what you all say I'm sure he has moved on and never looking back.

My honest suggestion is not to assume what he feels. think about what you feel. Be honest with yourself and then do what you have to do, that's the best thing to do in life! smile
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Thank you, that is actually really helpful advice smile