I was just curious to know what the rising and moon signs of other Gemini's on this board are and how you believe they affect the Gemini personality.
I myself have a Virgo rising (wish it was fire, but definately good to be grounded) and a Scorpio Moon (gives much needed depth to the Gemini personality and adds more magnetism and emotional nature to my life). I am also on somewhat of the Taurus/Gemini cusp (May 24th) ...same Bday as Bob Dylan and Tommy Chong (of Cheech and Chong fame) =)
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Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
welcome phade! i'm a taurus/gemini cusp to...May 21st... My rising is Leo and my moon is pisces.. =)
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Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
fire,earth, air & water all in one.. =)
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Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
Hello Phade.....
I'm a Gem sun with both my Moon and Rising in Sagg...both of these influences make me a very curious, talkative person....and also an unstable mess...
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Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
Thanks for the welcome. I've finally signed up on these boards after many years of studying astrology. You guys have the same rising sign/sun sign combinations of some of the most influential people to me. Namely Johnny Depp (gemini/leo rising), Bob Dylan (gemini/sag rising)(and other Sag risings) like James Dean, etc...
GemTWO: that's a wild combination just from what I've read about astrology. I wish I had the strong philosophical counterpart to the Gemini thoughts...although I have about 3 or 4 outside planets in Sagittarius.......even if you are more restless...you must have one hell of sense of humour (from my experience with these signs.)...I think John Belushi was a Gemini w/ Sag Moon. But, yeah if you want to talk philosophy sometime, lemme know. Nice to meet you two...(or should I say you 4?)
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Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
i've been good thanks! just been a little busy with this, that and the other...how about you?
i didn't know John Belushi had that combo...i'm not really into Philosophy but i do tend to see the "overall" or "big" picture in alot of situations. From what i read its the inner planets that have more of an influence on your personality and taste, the outer planets are much more general...
me: virgo rising and moon in virgo...so im like completely mercurian...lots and lots and lots of analyzation...i can definately be a nitpicker...haha
Yeah, like I said earlier I have a Virgo rising too. We are definatley more sensitive to changes in mercury.
I am a gemini sun, libra moon and I believe pisces rising. I only just figured out my rising sign and it kinda surprised me - i didn't think I had any of these traits - how is your rising supposed to influence you anyways? The libra moon I can associate with. Two air signs, I am definitely airy.
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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
Hi Phade, and Welcome.
Here's my info:
Sun - Gemini
Moon - Cancer
Mercury - Gemini
Venus - Gemini
Mars - Pisces
Jupiter - Aquarius
Saturn - Gemini
Uranus - Libra
Neptune - Sagittarius
Pluto - Libra
N.Node - Capricorn
Ascendant - Aquarius
midheaven - Sagittarius
Chiron - Aries
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Sep 05, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 46
hi I m gemini with a leo rising n howzzat...
i've got Cancer rising and my moon in Libra.
Hi I am new and this topic is awesome.
I am a Gemini with Sag Ascendant and Cancer moon.
Its weird sometimes I dont even feel like I am a gemini cuz the Sag and Cancer are both so strong, might even override some of the gemini influence. I am still versatile, always late, loves variety, chatty, Gemini qualities.
The cancer moon makes me more committed and also emotional and sensitive. The sag Ascendant makes me bold, outgoing, not afraid of stuff and extroverted.
LOL...sometimes I feel more like a sag than a gem.
And one more thing...
The whole sag ascendant - gemini sun - cancer moon makes me
1.) Very funny since all three signs have a sense of humor
2.) Emotionally and mentally crazy...meaning lots of ups and downs going through my head and my feelings ALL THE TIME. I am use to it by now and try not to show too much of it. It makes sense though, sag and Gemini and both mutable signs and changeable signs. And Cancer we all know is a emotional waxing and waning rollercoaster of emotions.
dang, andreangel, and a double whammy that it's your moon in that sign. you poor monkey. i feel for ya.
Interesting that there a couple Gemini's w/ Cancer ascendants. Judy Garland comes to mind as a famous actress with those positions. So, Gemini must be in your 12th houses then. Do you tend to repress the Gemini characteristics?
i dont think i repress my Gem characteristics...i really wish i could though alot of the time.