why do you guys............
just dissapear out of nowhere if you have problems going on? I swear it seems like when Leo's have problems happening with themselves they dissapear off the face of the earth for months LOL.
We don't like to show weakness or our bad side as Garfield said. For us, we must be always at our best when we are with people.
If we are having a bad time, hardly anyone will know, because we tend to keep to ourselves and pick our acting ability to pretend to be happy (again we don't like to show the black side or tat we are having problems).
If my problems are bearable I remain stoic and interact normally with everyone. If my problems get the better of me I shut myself away because I can't let anyone see me like that. I feel the need to always present a proud and strong front.
Proverbs you described us so well there
, I immediately thought "he's talking about me too".
We are indeed jealous and possessive but we give our best to the other person, we dedicate a lot of ourselves to our partner, so we expect a fair return from him/her and from fair return I mean true love, dedication and respect/loyalty too. Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
Ok, now I'm getting irritated. My ex-leo is driving me insane. He's showing up at the place I hang out on the weekends and is basically watching me from what my friends have been telling me. I feel really uncomfortable and I don't know why he is doing this. We haven't been dating for a while now. He was somewhat staying away and this weekend he decided to hang out where I do at night. Why, why, why! My friends where telling me he was watching anytime a guy came near me and that was making me feel uncomfortable. He lives an hour away and yet he's coming down and hanging out. Most of the people he knows there are because of me and they don't really talk to him much anymore but, they were only being friendly because I asked them too but, my friends are very protective of me and don't like someone playing games with me. He even tried to hit on a women there too which was dumb because I know her. I told him he needed to go hit on women in his own town and his own area and stop messing with my feelings. He denied that he was hitting on anyone but, I watched, I saw and she also told me and he didn't know that she knew me. One thing he hasn't learned is that I know alot of people and they will tell me what is going on because he's in my neck of the woods. Why can't he just stay away so, I don't know what he is doing and it would make things easier for both of us. It's hard enough that I still like him alot but, I need him away from me to get over him and I told him that. Sorry for the ramble. I just needed to get this out!
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
He is watching out you! Leo's will watch to see what type of person you are in outings to see if they want to invest any time, energy of effort with you. If you are a flirt, flirt. We don't mind you flirting because esp in the beginning, we will flirt too. LOL! He wants you to be a bit challenging. We love challenges as long as you don't decieve us and you are not revengeful or vindictive we will give you a chance. Leo's will watch closey before we move in.
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
He is watching out you! I meant watching you out! Most disappering acts come from you irriating us, taking us for granted or we have something important to accomplish and don't want you to take it personal from the disappering. MOST of disappearing acts involve some unappreciation on the other person's part and if you don't appreciate us or take us for granted we will leave.
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
Why would he be watching out for me. We broke up. I'm not looking to get back with him. Our views about our futures are different. He wants to stay in the same place for the rest of his life and I want to travel and possibly move to a warmer climate. We discussed that these issues are not going to change and that is a big part of why we aren't taking our relationship farther because we don't want to keep going on with it even though we like each other alot because a year from now the views probably won't change. I know my won't. I want to experience life and places and he doesn't. I am a natural flirt and I do get hit on alot but it is just friendly flirting. When I was with him I toned it down alot because I never wanted him to feel uncomfortable. I have alot of male friends and I am an affectionet person. I hug my friends all the time whether male or female and that's just how I am. We did date for a couple of months and I enjoyed it very much. I probably could of fell in love with him but, I need someone that is going to go somewhat on the same path with me. So why after a month of us not really talking and him not really coming around much, why would he come out now? Could it be that he felt comfortable around my friends and misses it or is it that he is just trying to drive me insane. I don't want to know what or who he is doing. It's just easier that way for me. I'm not looking to date anyone right now because I'm still not over him but, I don't need him in my face either.
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
So why after a month of us not really talking and him not really coming around much, why would he come out now? Could it be that he felt comfortable around my friends and misses it or is it that he is just trying to drive me insane. I don't want to know what or who he is doing. It's just easier that way for me. I'm not looking to date anyone right now because I'm still not over him but, I don't need him in my face either.
He is watching his prey! LOL! Leo's do watch their prey. Leo's LOVE to travel and we find travel very intriguing and interesting. I LOVE to travel but my man doesn't and that is what just about broke us apart. Leo's love to travel with the ones they love.
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
He told me he doesn't really want to travel or ever move from where we live. He has family in our state and so do I but, I still want to live a life. Are you saying that he is second guessing us splitting so, now he hangs around? It's not that he comes talk to me or anything really, he actually just watches me from a far but, it does make me feel uncomfortable. So, how do I handle this?
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
He told me he doesn't really want to travel or ever move from where we live. He has family in our state and so do I but, I still want to live a life. Are you saying that he is second guessing us splitting so, now he hangs around? It's not that he comes talk to me or anything really, he actually just watches me from a far but, it does make me feel uncomfortable. So, how do I handle this?
Yeah, as long as you don't want to move permantly he will change his mind. We are very adaptable. If the opportunity is good for him, he will stay and be a part of your life. Leo's love adventure. Yes, we will watch our prey but he doesn't want you to think he is desperate for you. I don't know about the Leo men but I personally don't like chasing men unless they have taken something from me. During this time in my life, I will let it go and will not let the other person return to my life for NO reason what so ever. I hate deception.
You should handle it by flirting with other men. Ignore him put him on the bottom of your list as if he doesn't exist. You gave him a chance and he walked away. Teach him a lesson from walking away from you again. If he wants you, he will either commit or compete for your attention. Strike some passion and desire in him. Make him unimportant. I don't think it is a good idea to let men walk in and out of your life on a regular basis. He ignored you at the time you wanted him so now make him put in work. Leo's love to work for their prey but you will have to show appreciation and not take us for granted or we will leave. You have to give love back. I have found out with men it is best to let them move things forward.
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
I do want to move away for good adventurally. He doesn't. We didn't break up because of bad feelings just differences of where our lives are going to go. He lives way above his means and I am financial stable but he isn't. He drives an expensive vehicle that he really can't afford but, he likes the attention he gets in it. I don't really care about those things. I only care about the person I am with has to have ambition and is open to doing a variety of things.
I do flirt with other men but, it's just innocent. Men will flirt with me all the time but, when he is around I am more stand offish with them when he is around because I feel I am being watched and my friends have told me he is watching me. He did tell me that he hoped that we could be ok because he didn't want me hating him because he likes being around me and he also hoped that it wouldn't be so ackward. I even told him that it's hard to have him around because I do have alot of feelings for him and he said well, it's not easy for me either. (So, why the heck is he coming around me???) I'm just trying to figure this out. Does he hope that we will be friends right now or something because that would be impossible right now since I have such deep feelings for him. I am somewhat friends with alot of my ex's but, it didn't happen overnight and I had distance from them to move on. With him around it will make it hard to move on. Do they know that? Is that how they keep you hanging on? Do they regret letting you go? Do they try to manipulate you? Do they try to just hurt you? How do leo's react when either they are hurting? Do they rethink about trying again? Or do finish with someone and never look back but, they feel they need to torture you so that you won't be happy? That's what I don't understand. Could it be he just likes where I hang out and the people and maybe it makes him feel comfortable so he stayed away for a while and came back and thought things would be ok with him and I. I told him he makes me feel ackward when he is around and that it will take time to get over that and he said he understood.
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
I am somewhat friends with alot of my ex's but, it didn't happen overnight and I had distance from them to move on. With him around it will make it hard to move on. Do they know that? No it is really up to you to move on. If you are treating him as a friend, it is hard for him to have a passion for you. Start flirting with those other men. He doesn't have rights to you and if he is not actively claiming you, you will let him see someone else can step up to the plate. If he is financially unstable and you have GAVE him anything, he will use you as a stepping stone to that matter. If you really love him and you want a chance with him, step back and let him compete for your competition. He had his chance. You are not punishing him, just let him know you will not play seconds. We want to know and need to know that you want the number 1 role. Just hold out on ANY and all favors until he steps up to the plate. NO should be your best friend. You clearly should let him know you are not available to him only on his terms. It has to be mutual.
Is that how they keep you hanging on? No we are pretty OK with you wanting to leave. Your choice.
Do they regret letting you go? Only if you have been deceitful or you have betrayed him, their is a possibility to for us reuniting. Don't give too much to soon to the wrong man.
Do they try to manipulate you? Nope and I don't know about others but I don't take lightly to ANY one mentally trying to manipulate me.
Do they try to just hurt you? No. Only if you hurt him.
How do leo's react when either they are hurting? Kiss you and the relationship good bye to never return under NO circumstance whatsoever.
Do they rethink about trying again? Yeah,if you haven't played yourself out with deciet.
Or do finish with someone and never look back but, they feel they need to torture you so that you won't be happy? No, we are happy by nature and we don't want anyone to depend on well I don't know about ALL Leo's but I don't want anyone depending on me for emotional happiness. We want the best for you.
That's what I don't understand. Could it be he just likes where I hang out and the people and maybe it makes him feel comfortable so he stayed away for a while and came back and thought things would be ok with him and I. I told him he makes me feel ackward when he is around and that it will take time to get over that and he said he understood.
If you want him cut ALL ties of being a friend to him at all costs. Tell him
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
you do romantic relationships and you don't have time or room in your life for just "friends". You want me or you don't. He will LOVE that type of speaking.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Not sure if this will help but I found a few articles on immature leo men...
Why is my Leo man ignoring me?
Sure, our shining star loves to send warmth and light your way, but when there's a threat to his dignity, he's just focused on himself. Mars could blow up, but he couldn't care less ... except for the fact that he no longer has someone to do his dirty work.
Maybe Leo is ignoring you because you haven't provided him the attention he obviously deserves. Leo has set his sights on finding a new admirer, someone smart enough to appreciate him for who he is, who would never doubt for a second how lucky he or she is to have a man like him.
If you've wounded Leo's pride, he may retreat with his tail between his legs, plotting how he will pounce on you ... when the time is ripe ... and for increased dramatic effect! Don't underestimate how stubborn this fixed sign can be. Just because he's ignoring you does not mean he's not thinking about you ... as his next prey.
Or maybe it has nothing to do with you. Leo may be on a creative streak, working on his play with abandon, or lost in his painting. His is the sign of creativity and self-expression, and all that fire has to be channeled constructively. Better into his art than into endless preening, don't you think?
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Leos can bring endless amounts of fun and romance into a relationship. They can also be passionately generous with their hearts, time, energy and money. But what if your Leo isn't resembling any of this sign's typical positive traits? What if your Leo likes to play mind games, is stingy (or worse, hot and cold) with his or her affections, dishonest or disloyal? If this is the case, then you're in love with an immature Leo.
An immature Leo is one of the hardest signs to deal with in love, because when things are good, they're soooo good that it almost makes it worthwhile to put up with the more difficult aspects of the immature Leo's personality. They are usually very charming, which they can use to persuade you to see the pros of giving them their way all the time. However, this is the exact opposite of what will help them grow up and learn how to consider others in love. Like their astrological representation, the Lion, they believe themselves to be the Kings (or Queens) of the Jungle. When you cater to this belief, the immature Leo will take advantage and get stuck in the "Gimme, 'cause I deserve it" mode. They will take everything you have to offer and still want more. Nothing you do will ever be enough to convince them you are the love of their lives. The more insecure a Leo is, the more arrogant and inconsiderate he or she will act.
Ironically, the only thing this kind of Leo will respect (or respond to) is someone who has the courage to walk away. They may initially view your walking away as a sign that you don't love them enough, but eventually they will come to respect you for not taking anymore of the crap they know they've been dishing out to you. (Because they're very aware of how to leave a good impression, Leos know when they're mistreating someone. Sidenote: RUN, don't walk, if your Leo doesn't care at all that he or she is disappointing you.)
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
As Leo's partner, you might have come to expect that Leo won't be able to survive without the daily doses of Vitamin A (affection), Vitamin C (compliments), Vitamin D (devotion) and Vitamin E (excitement) they've come to depend on from you. However, even immature Leos are very self-sufficient when left to their own devices. Either they will find someone else who will enable their "me, me, me" attitude or they will learn how to depend on themselves to get what they want. Doing the latter will help them gain the confidence that will bring out the generosity, loyalty, and lovableness that mature Leos already possess. While it will always be important to Leos that others admire them, a sign of Leo's growing maturity is that they can recognize their own sunshine regardless of whether there's a moon (i.e. you) around to provide a reflection.
When you're feeling the urge to shower your immature Leo with more love, just remember that cats always land on their feet. And if they don't, they have 8 more lifetimes to learn how...
What kind of Leo are you? How have you dealt with an immature Leo? Have you seen an immature Leo become mature?
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
Thanks for your help and letting me get all this out. I don't want people to know how much this guy has turned my insides upside down. There was never any betrayal or anything like that between us. It was all good actually for the most part. No fights, no arguements, lost of attention on both parts, he likes public affection and so do I and we both liked it at home too. I told him what I wanted out of life basically and he said he was ok with that. Then, he was ok for about a week, then went into his den for a week and then broke up with me, then he thought about it again and wanted to take things slow but, we stopped talking unless I called first so, I just stop calling him and let things go. Now he is around but, he doesn't try to talk to me or anything really that much but the watching me is weird. He's a great guy for the most part but, we just see differently and if we were to get back together then we would probably be hurt more later on down the road because we do have different views for the future. Do leos try to make us jealous? Is it best to just completely ignore him even if he is around? You said they like to chase but, how do you know that they are chasing or not?
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Well you 2 have some unfinished business, some leo men can be emotionally lazy so sometimes the woman has to be the one to open up her den and allow him in, they aren't pushy and like krobe said the staring is him watching his prey, eventually he will make his move, I personally have seen leo men stare at women and watch, sometimes they would go in for the kill or sometimes let it go and come back to it later down the line or at most try and develop a friendship wilst making up his mind/heart to allow her in, it all depends on him and whats going on his mind. If your leo is driving an hour out of his way to see you then I would say he's still interested and would like to keep the lines of communication open.
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
Well, he chased me originally and I didn't even know until we started dating. He said I blew him off when we first met. Which, is probably true. I couldn't even remember his name because I only saw him once in a while that I can remember but yet he said he kept coming out to see me. So when he finally got me he smothered me which at first was really hard but then I started to let my gaurd down and I was enjoying it. Then we had some serious talks about the future because I told him I don't want to waste time with anyone and have years go by and us not have somewhat the same type of views about the future. I just wish he felt the same way and he didn't and that's what is hard because all my friends thought we were such a great couple and they were glad to finally see me happy with someone. He made very sure everyone knew I was with him. It was kind of annoying about how he would show them, yet it was sweet too. When I wasn't around my friends would tell me how he talked about me like I was a goddess or something and that he was so into me.
I do have another question though! If he thought that one of my friends were cute or something would he go after them even though he knows that would create problems? Just wondering if that would be another reason why he comes along way to where I hang out. He chats with my friends but nothing intensely. Some of my friends are just kind of like hi and that's it. I asked my friends not to be rude to him because he isn't a bad guy but, they are irritated that he is coming around where I hang out since it's been quite a while since he has been around and then just starting to come back. I mean he was around the place I hang out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night yet he lives about an hour away.
I was married to a leo male and his actions were/are exactly what you're going thru/been thru. If you're not interested in him anymore you need to completely let him know...He still may not get it after the first three tries and when your friends show him that they're not interested in him nor his conversations; he'll go away.
If he's paying more attention to your friends than to you; then he's trying to make you jealous OR you're not giving him as much attention as you've given him in the past.
His going into his den put him in a position to make a hard decision that he was not ready to make. He seems to like you for the most part; but there's something there that made him decide NO? It could be one thing and it could be a host of things; but if it's something that he can't possibly live with he's gonna back off and disappear until he decides he's ready to make the commitment or not.
They need constant attention/admiration/praise to SURVIVE! LEO MEN ARE A LOT OF WORK!
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
he will not cross boundaries if he's really into you, he may flirt and charm his way around but at the end of the day *night rather* it doesn't mean much. He's there for you and he may flirt to ruffle your feathers and make you pay attention to him in all his kingly glory but no he's not going to cross lines unless he's the complete jerk type.
I don't have the whole thrust of what goes on but if he's chatting people up don't take it as him trying to get at your friends, plus women (some) misinterpret a man's flirtation as something other than jus what it is, a friendly flirt.
Your his target, he's not going to stay off track with a woman that he hardly knows, he more than likely wasn't interested in someone that he thought was EASY prey, his eyes are on what he DESIRES in his heart, he's passionate or he would not drive an hour there and back Friday-Sunday.
Have a sit down talk and if your truly not interested he will disappear
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Leo men are commitment phobic OK! They cannot commit to you and cannot commit to leaving you. Either way, you have to be pretty much married to yourself.
How to get a Leo man to commit.
1). Do not shower him with love and affection if he is not doing the same for you.
2). Do not smother him, or do motherly things for him to show him how much you love him.
3). Do not feel sorry for him or "buy" any of his self pity stories.
4). Do not dote over him.
5). Barely, rarely call him back.
6). No should be your best friend. NO! NO! NO!
7). Do not let him have his cake and eat it too.
8). Date other men and enjoy your freedom.
9). Love other activities outside of a relationship with him.
10.) Be soft on the outside, but set some really, really, really strong boundaries on the inside.
11). Do not expect him to spend all of his free time with you.
12). The more you love you and think of "yourself" the more he will love you and think of you. The more you love him and think of "him" the more he will love himself and think of "him".
13) Value yourself and have high self esteem. Do not whine, cry or beg him for attention. Keep his arse of the chase.
14). Be unavailable with your time. Do not let him know you are available under his terms and do not let him just go out on a date with you without some kind of notice in advance.
15). Leo's love SEX! SEX! and more SEX! He wants sex, so make him put in work for you. The longer you hold out on sex and make him work for you, the more investment he will put into you. Leo's don't not like to leave investments.
16). Use logic to outsmart him. You have to be up on top of his game.
17). The more you want him, the less he want you. The more he wants you, the more you need to let HIM see that you don't need him.
18). Be highly independent and don't ask him or expect him to do nothing. If he does something fine, if not then do it yourself. Leo's do NOT like needy people who EXPECT us to save them. You cannot throw you emotional baggage or finanical situtations on us and expect us to "save" you or rescue you. You will get left. No, No savior in a Leo. He wants to be there for you but he doesn't want you to require he be there.
19). Do not, I REPEAT, do not give to a Leo if he is not giving to you. Give him something to work for. If you give him more then he gives you, you are not challenging him. Make him WORK for your love.
20). DO not be a doormat. If he wants you to meet him somewhere, tell him NO.
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
WHy????....Didn't u meet ur cap or cancer somewhere or u guys just stay at home all the time???
I am not going to respond to you like Tikki did! No, I don't meet men anywhere and I am happily engaged to be married to my man. If that is the answer you want you got it. I am happy, happy, happy. I know what it takes to keep a good man. Loves to ya!
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
Well, I'm not sure if I am in love with him or not. I do think about him all the time and it drives me nuts that I can't get him out of my head but, I don't know if I know him well enough to be in love with him. I do care about him alot.
1). Do not shower him with love and affection if he is not doing the same for you.
***No, he was the one that gave most of the affection. I gave it back in return though when we were together
2). Do not smother him, or do motherly things for him to show him how much you love him.
***He used to smother me. It was weird how I started to get used to it and started enjoying it. I never smother.
3). Do not feel sorry for him or "buy" any of his self pity stories.
*** I listened to his self pity stories but, I also told him that it will work out if he works hard enough to take care of things. I'm very blunt.
4). Do not dote over him.
5). Barely, rarely call him back.
***He used to blow up my phone with text and calls and I usually answered because I have that flexiblity most of the time.
6). No should be your best friend. NO! NO! NO!
***He was a friend but, I didn't tell him everything, that's what my girlfriends are for.
7). Do not let him have his cake and eat it too.
***Never, it's me and only me. I don't share.
8). Date other men and enjoy your freedom.
***I only date one person at a time. I'm kind of old fashion that way. I won't date anyone until I feel that my feelings are not so strong. It takes me time to move on when I really, really like someone.
9). Love other activities outside of a relationship with him.
***I'm always busy. Alot of it didn't include him. He would actually come to me because that was the only way I had time to see him sometimes. I didn't ask, he just came.
10.) Be soft on the outside, but set some really, really, really strong boundaries on the inside.
***Always soft, and I don't take alot of crap from anyone.
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
11). Do not expect him to spend all of his free time with you.
***No not at all. I don't with him. I have things to do.
12). The more you love you and think of "yourself" the more he will love you and think of you. The more you love him and think of "him" the more he will love himself and think
of "him".
***I'm very independant and I do think about others alot though.
13) Value yourself and have high self esteem. Do not whine, cry or beg him for attention. Keep his arse of the chase.
***I do have high self esteem. I don't beg or cry for attention. If they aren't giving it to me well, other man have no problem giving it to me even when I don't want it from them.
14). Be unavailable with your time. Do not let him know you are available under his terms and do not let him just go out on a date with you without some kind of notice in advance.
***There were times where I was too busy for him or I had other plans that didn't include him. I didn't change anything for him.
15). Leo's love SEX! SEX! and more SEX! He wants sex, so make him put in work for you. The longer you hold out on sex and make him work for you, the more investment he will put into you. Leo's don't not like to leave investments.
***My leo wasn't all about sex at all. I love sex and sometimes it felt ackward with him and I still can't figure out why. He started to be more playfull after a while but, we didn't have a full connection that way for some weird reason. That hasn't happened to me very often. Usually sex is on fire but with him, I wasn't sure about it sometimes.
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
16). Use logic to outsmart him. You have to be up on top of his game.
***Not sure what to outsmart him about or why. I do know that he says he doesn't loose at anything and is very cocky about it.
17). The more you want him, the less he want you. The more he wants you, the more you need to let HIM see that you don't need him.
***He had told me once that if he didn't stay away that I could be the one to change is future. Not sure if he meant that or if it was just something he said to smooth things over.
18). Be highly independent and don't ask him or expect him to do nothing. If he does something fine, if not then do it yourself. Leo's do NOT like needy people who EXPECT us to save them. You cannot throw you emotional baggage or finanical situtations on us and expect us to "save" you or rescue you. You will get left. No, No savior in a Leo. He wants to be there for you but he doesn't want you to require he be there.
***I am very highly independent. I take care of myself, my family, I have a nice vehicle, a home that I own and more. Not needy at all. I can fix just about anything around my house but, I don't want anyone taking advantage of my kindness because I do like to give to people to help them out. People always seem to call me when they need something.
19). Do not, I REPEAT, do not give to a Leo if he is not giving to you. Give him something to work for. If you give him more then he gives you, you are not challenging him. Make him WORK for your love.
***Leo brought me flowers just because before and he has helped me around the house just because. He was the one who used to do most of the work to come see me and I really didn't do much for him because he never seemed to want or need anything.
20). DO not be a doormat. If he wants you to meet him somewhere, tell him NO
***No doormat here. I only went out of my way once to see him. He always came to me.
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
As for the staring just give it to him. He is thinking that you might still change your mind that is why he is hanging around. He is just making sure that you are ok and happy on how the things have ended between the two of you. That staring is a warm up. He will disappear as you wish because disappearance is the only way he can forget you.
***Ok, but I don't really have a choice about him staring at me. He's the one that doens't want to change his mind that is why I don't understand why he is hanging around. I'm a good catch (not trying to be conceided) but, I am stable, I own my home, I have a nice vehicle and a good job and I am not a nag or demanding. He would go out with his friends and do his guy nights out and I tell him have fun and I don't call him or anything while he is out with them. The only time I may have a problem with him doing that is if he had made plans with me already and then breaks them to go out and party with his buddies. He did that once and only once. He also called me multilple times that night to see if I was ok and to appoligize because he wanted to be with me but his friends wanted to hang out and he did and kept texting and telling me he was leaving soon and did that for a couple of hours and I decided to just not return any messages because this started at 5pm that he was coming over and he was still texting me at 2am. Well, I stopped responding around 7pm because if you tell me one thing and then do another, well, I want wait around for you. I'll do my own thing.
When we first started dating he had alot of my male friends tell him that he better treat me right and that he has a great women and that as long as I'm happy with him that they are ok with it. Alot of men that I know were very jeolous of him and I getting together and he knew it but, he told me he didn't care because I was with him and that he was the one that got me. Well, now that he is not around I wondering if he feels that those guys are going to try and win me over and so maybe that is why he came around again. Some people have no idea that we even broke up because I don't tell them unless they ask and they have been asking since he was around this weekend and people noticed that he was not near me and when we were together he would always make it known that I was with him. Sometimes it made me feel like I was the trophie that he won and he made everyone else know that they didn't. I'm a big flirt but, when I am with someone I tone it
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
I am a flirt but, when I am with someone I tone it down out of respect for him. He did get alot of attention because he was with me. Nobody really even knew who he was until we started dating.
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
I'm not happy now. If I was I probably wouldn't be talking about this on here because I would be with him. I like my freedom and he gave that to me for the most part but, I was getting used to being with him and being apart of him and that made me happy. I do like to flirt and so does he, we are only human. We both like attention and it feels good to be appreciated and there is nothing wrong with that. My life has never been peaceful and quiet. I'm always doing things. I do miss him alot and I thought I was doing good until he showed back up around. It's been over a month and I get offers all the time from men but, I don't want them, I want him and I'm having a tough time. I can't figure out how to move on and the weird thing is, is that not very many men can have me feel this way about them. He was very affectionate and I loved that. He listened and I loved that. He was attentive and I loved that, oh and was and is cute as hell. It's weird because he is not the type of guy I would normal go out with and I almost blew him off but for some reason I convinced myself that it was ok to be cared for by him and that's when my walls started to go down. I'm so ready to settle down and maybe that is why I decided to get involved with him because he is the type of guy that I could settle down with. I just wish things could be different and somehow I could fix things but, I don't know how.
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
Leo is appreciated only after the relationship is over.
***I appreciated him when we were together. I wish it didn't end.
There is no trial and error because I have already spent time observing her. That is why if I flirt most likely I will end up having feelings for that someone because I have already chosen her from the crowd in advance. I just wait for the right time to develop friendship with her and to know her better. That is the reason why at the very beginning my emotions are too strong because feelings have already been established in advance.
***That is what happened with me. He told me that he watched me and waited. He watched me for months apparently and I didn't even know it.
It was you who broke up with him. It was your decision not his.
***He ended it, not me.
I'll send a private message of something more.