I meet this guy online. We went on 2 dates everything is going really well.we both felt this warmth when we're with eachother. We could talk for hours on the phone and text a lot. I'm really liking this guy and he likes me too. He lives almost 2 hours away. He drove up to see me for only a couple of hours before I went to work, and drove back home. That was really sweet of him. I didn't want the date to end. This was on Sunday. He was telling me he already misses me Sunday night and I told him I miss being with him too. Monday happens and were still being lovey dovey to eachother. We had plan to meet up half way on Wednesday for a date ..tues day I could sense something is wrong so I didn't try and push it with him. We talked briefly at night he had a long day and was falling sleep on the phone. So in the morning I had asked him if were still meeting up he told me: I'm sorry, but I will not beable to today. I've got way too much on my plate here at work. I told him: oh ok I understand . I hope everything works out for you @work. He said: me to..again, I apologize. What I'm needing help is how do I know if he's sincer, and If so how can I be there for him and not be too smothering. I really like this guy and want something to good happen out of this. We connect so well and the chemistry is obvious there. Am I just overly looking into this and maybe he's just too busy? I have been giving him some space, but I want him to know I'm still there for him as well with out being to smothering. How ever I'f this helps, we talked on the phone tuesday night. Today is only Wednesday.
Omy girly welcome to the Club! U sound like me lol
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
You're right, today is only Wednesday.
Calm down.
I know it's hard not to let your mind run away with worries, but one instance isn't enough to panic over.
Just let him be. You've only been on 2 dates and don't really need to "be there" for him right now, so it could come across as clingy. If you want to get in touch, wait til tomorrow afternoon or something.
You won't know if it's sincere until it continues to happen or not. If he flakes continually, he could be bsing you. It could be legit, too but you need to just do you and not stress over it the best you can.
The fact that you're already jumping to conclusions and asking about it says a lot about where your head is at. Simmer down.
It's just been a long time since I had this type of attention and dont want it to mess up. I've been talking to him for 3 weeks. I'll just simmer is down like you said. I don't want to give him a reason to not want to talk to me.
It's hard being a female,lol. I'm just waiting I'm not going to pester him with texts until he contacts me. I still haven't heard from him but it's still his work week. He has Saturday's and Sunday's off . I also read when they do the disapearing act not to pester them it will end up pushing them away more. Well see what happens.
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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
Slow down or he will smell the desperation from you, no need to rush things they are only beginning, you have the rest of your life to live...
In my case it was always work when I contacted him and still keep warm the text with him. Then he text to me back. It seem like he likes this , because he was always difficult to take a decision even for a simple text. So sometimes, if you wait too long, you can just make him more easy to forget you. If you wait for a while and then you appear first, even he still not until then, and if you come with a warm message, he will reply back . Anyway, I don't know how is good or right, I do as I feel. When he disappear, he also do as he feels, right ? So follow your heart and feelings for the moment.