any of u ever date a Taurus? are we compatible with them?
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
I find taurus men too dominating and their tempers scare me. I have a brother who is a Taurus and a close male friend. Both often feel like I am literally wrestling a bull. They are so sensitive they seemingly become volatile. I can't trust their tempers or their need to control.
I can't imagine an intimate romantic relationship with a Taurus. It would be too much for me.
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Oct 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 44
My dad is a Taurus and we don't really get along so well. Although, there are rare days we do get along.
He's too possessive for me and what bothers me the most is he always feels that he has to have some control over everything I do, which is annoying. They're so damn stubborn too that I don't even bother wasting my breath a lot of the time.
Kelis, I married twice both Taurus'. I had a wonderful time with both men, I just had problems dealing with their stubbornness and of course they tend to be blind to any logic at all. We're still I would say go for it.
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
...nearly died of boredom...then again he had quite a bit of Taurus... real heavy influence and was...S......L......O......W...... ....... ........ ....... ......not appealing mentally...but damn he was fine... but they all differ...what else is in his chart...?
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
There are *SOME* things we Bulls are conservative with. Affection is not one of them. I love to hug and kiss...but not so much that it's repulsive.
Taurus male here. I am interested in a libra female actually. maybe we can help each other out. My story goes as follows:
I meet girl at club. We have mutual friends and start name dropping, drinking and eventually just talking about everything and anything. She wasn't over her ex and started venting. were cuddled up at this point and i'm genuinely giving her good advice and end up making her feel better. I didn't exactly make a move and we just ended up hooking up with two different people that night that really didn't matter to us in the end.
we talk online now and she seems really interested in getting me to come out again but it never happens.. is she interested? I never encountered a libra female before... one minute she's on me like white on rice n then... a week or 2 passes w/ no word. then there she is again with a party invite....
so libra women please explain.... wtf? lol
Come on Zoo (at like a Taurus) take me we libra's love when someone takes control.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
If I am reading you right, she went home with someone else that night. Hello? She isn't interested.
She likes you. She likes you a lot and loves going out with you but I doubt she would have went home with someone else if she wanted to go home with you.
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Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
I'd definately say they're really considerate, but also very LAZY! they're very controling 'ur my precious', but definately a heart of gold. if you want a man who will talk to you just about a majority of the time, and willbe there for you whenever u need, and will fact-check all your friends of your whereabouts.... then ur good to go. personally i think they are far to stubborn, whinny, and clingy.
btw little sparrow, I went home with someone else as well and look how that turned out. She wasn't exactly my target that night but she proved she had more to offer. And i'm not the jealous type.
If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with!
"If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with!"
so your telling me to settle...? hahahahaha..... no =P
OMG stubborn yes! "Whinny and Clingy" never experience that form my Taurus'
Sorry Zoo...I didn't read your last line but never settle. One thing I should say is; the one characteristic that I fell in love with was the strength and confidence that you Taurus' have. As a Libra it was exactly what I needed and it cured my indecisiveness, it was the stubbornness that ultimately broke us up. I definitely wouldn't say you guys are lazy you just like to rest a lot. :-) At one time I didn't think I would get involved with another Taurus man but it would be hard to turn away if one pops up.
Yea I'll admit... we are stubborn... haha! sometimes I'm way too stubborn for my own good. I try to work on that though. We are confidant by nature because we try to make every setting a comfortable one.
Thanks for the advice LDiva, I got a date with that same libra tonight! hopefully she's as sweet as you are =)
This will be the second time meeting with her, and she's been hella sweet via texts. so i'm hoping for the best. I love party girls, but I also like sweet girls. and she's both so far!! score!
updates to come! haha
(hid previous post due to misspells)
*enters room*
her: omg you made it! *big hug* "you gotta meet my new boyfriend!"
Me: *crushed, crumble*... (2 minutes pass) "who is your friend? she's kinda cute!"
Apparently they hooked up during the week. I played it cool and still had fun. gotta admit that sucked tho.
stubborn yes. whinny and clingy is exactly the opposite of my last taurus. he was definitely sweet when he wanted to be. When I was around him he showered me with affection and bought me gifts every other week. He usually spoiled me and was great in bed to boot! on the turn side, he was flaky and would pull many MANY disappearing acts.
Quoting Zoo:
"her: omg you made it! *big hug* "you gotta meet my new boyfriend!""
lol sounds like you missed your window. better luck next time?
"Tauruses never settle. We are like Spartans, submission is not in our repretiore."
were no ones b*tch!
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
lol... eating and sleeping...and parttime dictators.... they will sure make wonderful Spartans.