Posted by DazedScorpPosted by beautifulsoul74Posted by DazedScorpPosted by beautifulsoul74
Its almost a lose/lose. In my experience if you say Dutch from the get go, moaning and knashing of the teeth ensues.
Can you explain?
If I suggest we go Dutch, I get complaints. If I say okay I'll pay or take them somewhere that's within my budget...I get called a cheapskate. Then when I say, well you pay then, I get called a loser lmao.
I can see that.
But why don't you try this...
Say you'll pay, and if she has a problem with where you go... Say fuck it, you're not the one for me, and move on to the next?click to expand
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Posted by CluelessCancerPosted by virgokingPosted by CluelessCancer
VirgoKing you didn't say if i am supposed to meet a Cancer man or not...
Any man with strong 4th house placements will do but a cancer mars may drive you crazy in love lol.
What does that mean..anybody with strong 4th house placements?click to expand
Posted by SweetLibraPosted by virgokingPosted by SweetLibra
Wow Virgoking you are awesome! Is it too late to get in the game? I'm almost afraid to hear what you have to say. Here it goes:
Jupiter in Gemini .043 R IV Taurus 6.37
ASC in Scorpio 3.31 XII Scorpio 6.37
And would retrograde affect the outcome at all?
Your is in the 8th house he would have to be good at sex he must talk dirty to you and he will teach you about the darker sides of humanity. He maybe into astrology or likes to talk about the occult. You can find him at a funeral home,or at a funeral, or a lwayer. Someone with strong scorpio placements or strong 8th house placements.
Thank you VirgoKing. I'll have to think on this. Half of it is true. The sex part is true. But I hate going to funerals. And lawyers are usually liars.
Oh well, I really do appreciate you doing that for me though. Thank you for your time.
After reading this I'm going to have to double check my birth time. This just doesn't feel like it fits to expand
Posted by aquasnozPosted by Mr. Defense
I do go on regular dates, I also do open doors for women, give the hugs, and give them gifts. This is not romance though, this is simple interaction. As a matter of fact, I'm the first person to arrange a date to a nice place, because I love going out, and hate being stuck in the house.
Maybe the problem here is that you're not viewing them as romantic gestures which by all means I agree to you it might not be overly apparent but I think when something is genuine one doesn't need to think whether it was romantic or not.
As intrigued pointed out before sometimes these smaller gestures can be far more romantic than over the top ones depending on the to expand
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