Going Dutch

Posted by DazedScorp
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by DazedScorp
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Its almost a lose/lose. In my experience if you say Dutch from the get go, moaning and knashing of the teeth ensues.

Can you explain?

If I suggest we go Dutch, I get complaints. If I say okay I'll pay or take them somewhere that's within my budget...I get called a cheapskate. Then when I say, well you pay then, I get called a loser lmao.

I can see that.
But why don't you try this...
Say you'll pay, and if she has a problem with where you go... Say fuck it, you're not the one for me, and move on to the next?

click to expand

Lmao! I have! I got a funny/sad story about an experience I had a few months ago. I'll tell it in a second.

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