Cold War Drug Test Subjects

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by LetltB on Sunday, February 23, 2014 and has 38 replies.
Army Ordered to Keep Cold War Drug-Test Subjects Up to Date
By M. Alex Johnson
A federal judge has ordered the Army to track down soldiers who were subjected to secret medical experiments during the Cold War and warn them of any newly discovered health hazards they could face.
In a ruling (PDF) entered Thursday in U.S. District Court in Oakland, Calif., Judge Claudia Wilken lifted a stay she had briefly imposed on her earlier ruling that the Army must keep soldiers who took part in the tests up to date. The government wanted the ruling to remain shelved while it pursued appeals.
The experiments, many of them conducted as part of a program called Operation Paperclip, tested hundreds of chemical and biological agents ??? including LSD, the nerve gas sarin, mustard gas and amphetamines ??? on soldiers beginning in the early 1950s.
President Richard Nixon ended the program in 1969, and all chemical testing on humans is believed to have ended in 1976.
The issue isn't that the approximately 7,800 soldiers didn't know that they were being used in the experiments ??? all of them signed consent agreements, lawyers representing them in the class-action suit acknowledge. Instead, they argue, the Army abandoned the soldiers once the terms of their consent expired, generally after five years.
But Wilken ruled in November (PDF) that the Army has an obligation to continue tracking the test subjects and to alert them to new information developed after 2006 about the effects of the agents they were given. The order she filed Thursday directs the Army to comply even though it's still appealing her decision.
Government lawyers had argued that the cost of implementing the order ??? which they estimated at $ 1.8 million a year ??? would constitute an "irreparable harm."
But Wilken wrote that that was an insignificant burden compared to the "irreversible health consequences" suffered by the soldiers.
The government also argued that courts have no jurisdiction to assess the medical judgments of military scientists and that there is no constitutional right to notice or health care. Wilken sided with the government on some claims, removing the CIA and Attorney General Eric Holder from the suit.
First published February 21st 2014, 8:32 pm
Today, unfortunately (and my own thoughts) the FDA is doing exactly the SAME thing with pharmaceuticals. Obviously the disclaimer that lasts over a minute on the side affects is what lets them get away with it.
IMO, they should find these men and follow up.
You sure about Operation Paperclip..?
It was designed to steal German scientists.. perhaps what you wanted tell us was Project MKUltra .
Why didn??t you mentioned all nuclear and radiation tests on American citizens? (no wonder you all are crazy son of a bitches).
Posted by Qbone
You sure about Operation Paperclip..?
It was designed to steal German scientists.. perhaps what you wanted tell us was Project MKUltra .
Why didn??t you mentioned all nuclear and radiation tests on American citizens? (no wonder you all are crazy son of a bitches).

Yeah because we hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings mass murdering 100s of 1000s of innocent people ^.^?
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by Qbone
You sure about Operation Paperclip..?
It was designed to steal German scientists.. perhaps what you wanted tell us was Project MKUltra .
Why didn??t you mentioned all nuclear and radiation tests on American citizens? (no wonder you all are crazy son of a bitches).

Yeah because we hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings mass murdering 100s of 1000s of innocent people ^.^?
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Shut the fuck up about mass murdering..! Fucking Americans has a worldwide record on it.
Now... Count how many innocent civilians obliterated by the US military and foreign policies. Start with the Korean wars??_
Must be hundreds of millions by now??_.freaking fuck!
You act like Kim Jong-il killed no one, not to speak of Saddam Hussein or Adolf hitler ^.^
Stop trying to start shit about nothing. I swear if you didn't type so bad I'd think you were purrrr just because of how defiantly she defends you LOL.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
You act like Kim Jong-il killed no one, not to speak of Saddam Hussein or Adolf hitler ^.^
Stop trying to start shit about nothing. I swear if you didn't type so bad I'd think you were purrrr just because of how defiantly she defends you LOL.

Again you idiot.. !
Use the internet to investigate and research instead of wanking off around??_ all those monsters was actually created by the
US entered in second half of WW II, before that staunchly supplied/supported NAZI bastard both with the oil and steel something you stupid fucks never learn in your so called schools??_ then Korean wars cause the whole damn country split between north and south hence creating a monster like little Kim and his ilk??_ then Saddam Hussain??_ go and read how supportive US were with Saddam in 8 years bloody war with Iran??_.
Saudis was responsible for so called 9/11 not the Iraqis not the Afghanis you fucking retards, now both fucking Saudis and Americans are in bed with each other while those innocent nations are in ruins millions of death and tens of thousands of refugees as the result??_
Shame on you and your nation..
Your nickname suits you perfectly, of all Air signs I know (all of them are super intelligent to be honest), you must be the drop out from their caravan..
What cave you are coming from..?
Yeah everyone is ignorant that is American gotcha. What you said wasn't something I didn't already know and it doesn't change anything. Your just an ignorant pious little instigator.
You think because America practices free trade with a Nation that they are responsible for what that Nation does with it ^.^
You make it sound like we supplied Germany during WWII? We only traded with Germany up until WWII.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Yeah everyone is ignorant that is American gotcha. What you said wasn't something I didn't already know and it doesn't change anything. Your just an ignorant pious little instigator.
You think because America practices free trade with a Nation that they are responsible for what that Nation does with it ^.^
You make it sound like we supplied Germany during WWII? We only traded with Germany up until WWII.

See.. Here is the proof that you among other Americans are not only ignorant but arrogant as well. You know nothing ..!
On Bush..

on Ford??_

66 million links out there in single standard search engine add the (deep web) to it and it will rise up to 122 mill links, you want me to make list of them..?
Posted by Qbone
You sure about Operation Paperclip..?
It was designed to steal German scientists..

But who better to conduct said human experiments.
I'm not certain, but I believe "Paperclip" preceded the "ultra" operations, based on the god-awful knowledge of the nazis.
Posted by LetltB
Today, unfortunately (and my own thoughts) the FDA is doing exactly the SAME thing with pharmaceuticals. Obviously the disclaimer that lasts over a minute on the side affects is what lets them get away with it.
IMO, they should find these men and follow up.

Settlements are cheaper than actually pulling dangerous drugs from shelves.
It is all about the bottom line.

And yes-- accountability should be mandatory, I agree.
You as the other ignorant in this post using internet to find an excuse to force your BS to glorifying the horrible behavior of your backward nations to the younger minds.
Like I said.. I provided only two links out of millions out there to explain to the previous retard some truth about the atrocities caused by your backward, cultureless nation.
Investigate and research since I have no time to waste on people like you..!

and really..!!

haven't you forget about this to..?

like I said... you guys are full of it!
hide the previous post to add a link.
See.. it??s big, big, huge differences between true history and the history written by the victors!
Posted by cakereshkigal
Which is worse, killing your own people or killing for your people.

Excuse me..? why killing in the first place..?
Qbone if your so smart and have such vast knowledge, why do you waste your time here debating it on a small astrology site ^.^?
What is your motive? We're ignorant right? So why converse with us at all? Surely and intelligent person wouldn't waste their precious valuable time.
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by LetltB
Today, unfortunately (and my own thoughts) the FDA is doing exactly the SAME thing with pharmaceuticals. Obviously the disclaimer that lasts over a minute on the side affects is what lets them get away with it.
IMO, they should find these men and follow up.

Settlements are cheaper than actually pulling dangerous drugs from shelves.
It is all about the bottom line.

And yes-- accountability should be mandatory, I agree.

+1 more.
Don't even get me started on GMO crops either.
We really need to get our Feral Federal Govt, and it's gargantuan bureaucracy including the FDA, EPA, etc back under control somehow.
But at least we bathe regularly and don't stone rape victims, so we're still ahead of Qboner. smile
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The alphabet agencies, yes-- and we can shutdown the ATF, while we're at it. smile

Ahh, Qbone.. I just smh
Posted by cowpuncher
Btw Qboner, since you're playing the Nazi Germany card...

Did you forget about all that?

Laugh my ass off??_??
Yeah.. (Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world), the same ARABS (supposedly causing 9/11) and now in bed with the Americans signing up $ billions in arms trade..
History repeating itself right? First Nazi, not Arabs (Wahhabi and takfiri), Al-Quadea in Syria/libya, Mujahedin in Afghanistan (later renamed as Taliban) andso on.. (business excuses as usual)??_.. Who do you kidding..?
Posted by cakereshkigal
Which is worse, killing your own people or killing for your people.

I guess that would depend on the objective of "your people."
Welcome to dxp, btw.
Posted by cakereshkigal
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by cakereshkigal
Which is worse, killing your own people or killing for your people.

I guess that would depend on the objective of "your people."
Welcome to dxp, btw.

Welcome back* Winking
click to expand

Of course. Tongue
Looking forward to the reveal.
Torturing/murdering of weaker genders by any means is the act of psychopaths/sadists, now tell me how many female being murdered, raped and tortured in the US each day? Where I am coming from this is not happening everyday.. every weeks or even months(because of the same death penalties).
And to answer to your brain farts again.. after Israhell Iran hosting a biggest Jewish community in the Middle East.
Then again, what am I doing in the west is none of your fucking business.. simple as that.
Posted by Qbone
Torturing/murdering of weaker genders by any means is the act of psychopaths/sadists, now tell me how many female being murdered, raped and tortured in the US each day? Where I am coming from this is not happening everyday.. every weeks or even months(because of the same death penalties).
And to answer to your brain farts again.. after Israhell Iran hosting a biggest Jewish community in the Middle East.
Then again, what am I doing in the west is none of your fucking business.. simple as that.

Touchy ^.^
One thing is so damn laughable in conversations with you retards is when comes short of fact going straight to (how females doing there)..
Like turning/derailing the whole OP and debate to female/religion and other crap.
Check back on the first page and find out what OP was talked about.
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by Qbone
Torturing/murdering of weaker genders by any means is the act of psychopaths/sadists, now tell me how many female being murdered, raped and tortured in the US each day? Where I am coming from this is not happening everyday.. every weeks or even months(because of the same death penalties).
And to answer to your brain farts again.. after Israhell Iran hosting a biggest Jewish community in the Middle East.
Then again, what am I doing in the west is none of your fucking business.. simple as that.

LOL So you can't answer then? Or won't? LOL
Hey, extra bonus trivia points here: What allegedly modern religion not only condones, but in many areas supports female genital mutilation?
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Why should I answer to your stupid and meaningless question..?

Qbone you derailed the thread not us.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Qbone you derailed the thread not us.

Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by Qbone
Torturing/murdering of weaker genders by any means is the act of psychopaths/sadists, now tell me how many female being murdered, raped and tortured in the US each day? Where I am coming from this is not happening everyday.. every weeks or even months(because of the same death penalties).
And to answer to your brain farts again.. after Israhell Iran hosting a biggest Jewish community in the Middle East.
Then again, what am I doing in the west is none of your fucking business.. simple as that.

LOL So you can't answer then? Or won't? LOL
Hey, extra bonus trivia points here: What allegedly modern religion not only condones, but in many areas supports female genital mutilation?
click to expand

Again ignorant cowmuncher..
Female??s genital mutilation is cultural (practicing in Africa)it has nothing to do with the religion and it not practicing in Iran (assuming retards like you at least has access to the basic google map to find the differences between the Iran and the Africa).
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Qbone you derailed the thread not us.

Go back to the first page, read and follow..!
Touchy meant--sensitive about the subject of living in Norway.
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by Qbone after Israhell Iran hosting a biggest Jewish community in the Middle East.
Then again, what am I doing in the west is none of your fucking business.. simple as that.

See Qboner is very good at giving you part of the facts, leaving out the part that absolutely destroys his point.
So Qboner, how many Jews IS that in Iran, since you state in bold print: "after Israhell Iran hosting a biggest Jewish community in the Middle East."??????
Here is a link with a breakdown of the numbers and percentage of the total Jewish population of the world. Note that Israel is first, the US of A is second. Go down to the Asia chart and note the number in Iran, as well as the percentage of total world jews they comprise.

Irael: 5,901,100 42.9% of total world population
USA: 5,425,000 39.5% of total world population
Iran: 10,200 0.01% of total world population
Now notice how Qboner presented that data. Did you think that the numbers would be that far apart? Doing some quick math (because Qboner isn't worth the effort to give an exact crunch of the numbers because he's just fucking ludicrous)... Israle has about 590 jews for every 1 living in Iran. The USA has about 542 for every 1 living in Iran.
Yet Qboner would present that one bolded statement as some sort of moral equivalence.
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In fact, Jews in Iran stay in Iran because they pretty much aren't allowed to leave.
The JVL (also your source) has a good snippet on that:

"Jews who apply for a passport to travel abroad must do so in a special bureau and are immediately put under surveillance. The government does not generally allow all members of a family to travel abroad at the same time to prevent Jewish emigration. Again, the Jews live under the status of dhimmi, with the restrictions imposed on religious minorities. Jewish leaders fear government reprisals if they draw attention to official mistreatment of their community."

It seems you are incapable of reading??_
Here is a link with a breakdown of the numbers and percentage of the total Jewish population of the world. Note that Israel is first, the US of A is second. Go down to the Asia chart and note the number in Iran, as well as the percentage of total world jews they comprise.

Irael: 5,901,100 42.9% of total world population
USA: 5,425,000 39.5% of total world population
Iran: 10,200 0.01% of total world population

While I said:
after Israhell Iran hosting a biggest Jewish community in the Middle East.
Which part you haven??t got it yet? Numbers before revolution was about 180.000 after that some immigrated to US and some to Israhell.. Then few years ago some more because they were promised money by Israhell, you know??_ Jews and Money.. are like magnets to each other. Yet even now Iran still hosting largest jewish community in the Middle East??_. Focus on.. Middle East, not anywhere else you retard.
I love how he acted like you brought up female genitalia mutilation out of nowhere..
When he was the one who mentioned first how women are raped and murdered far more here in America ^.^?
Freaking idiot..
Your compassions like your numbers are nonsense??_
Quoting your asshole buddy Monty??_? here we go, Jews in Iran are free to go anywhere the wish but the Israhell (because of obvious reason) but having said that, travelling to Israhell is free too but it??s one- way- ticket with no return??_ again (because of obvious reason).
Posted by cowpuncher
Qboner, I notice you forgot to quote THIS part:
"Now notice how Qboner presented that data. Did you think that the numbers would be that far apart? Doing some quick math (because Qboner isn't worth the effort to give an exact crunch of the numbers because he's just fucking ludicrous)... Israle has about 590 jews for every 1 living in Iran. The USA has about 542 for every 1 living in Iran.
Yet Qboner would present that one bolded statement as some sort of moral equivalence.
So in Qboner world, 5,901,100 and 5,425,000 = 10,200.
... and now you all know why I don't take him very seriously."

10,200 in Iran.... vs 5,901,100 in Israel. You're not exactly making a strong point here, Qboner. In fact, your point is self-defeating bullshit. Is there some new Qboner-Math that I'm missing here? Those numbers are not exactly close, no matter how you try to spin them.
Additionally, I notice you ignore what Monty wrote about restrictions on those Iranian Jews being able to leave.
Keep going Qboner... kicking your ass in a debate isn't even very difficult. I've got all day smile

Obviously you have no life.. take your time and expose more of your ignorance see if I gives a shit, I said what I had to say and it up to audience to follow or not??_!
Fucking cowmuncher retard now as Walter Mitty dreaming of kicking my ass??_ feel free and if you like taste it to.

Northern Cyprus
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
I guess so far you thought M.E. is just Iran Israhell??_. SMH
Qbone I love how you make your cute little assumptions like how we don't know what countries comprise the middle east or our own countries history.
Your just an attention seeker.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Qbone I love how you make your cute little assumptions like how we don't know what countries comprise the middle east or our own countries history.
Your just an attention seeker.

Ummm .... Uhhh assuming..?

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Posted by cowpuncher
Btw... explain this one Qboner. I know night vision surveillance raises a lot of privacy issues... but.... damn:
< width="420" height="315" ="
