Best moon matches

This topic was created in the Moon Signs forum by rainydayz on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 and has 116 replies.
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Which moon signs do you think go well together?
Personally, I like fellow leo moons and Aqua mooners. Cancer mooners are okay, my Pisces sun/merc can smell all the emotions a mile away. Sometimes they can get a little emo though which drains my energy...
Don't you think that Leo moons naturally repel each other? A Leo moon needs to go with an air moon that it can fill up.
A Leo Moon that likes Aqua Moons? Naaaaaaw Tongue
I feel comfortable with people who share the same moon as me as well as leo suns. Actually more so with the sun signs when I think about it.
I get along with everything aqua. I have venus in aquarius plus moon in 11th house.
Most definitely not Pisces moon and Scorpio moon, Scorpio moons if anything are one of my least favorite placements for a moon sign. I find that to be in detriment for a moon....
Moon signs I have gotten along with would be Capricorn,Virgo, Taurus is 50/50, Aquarius, Cancer. Libra is 50/50, depends on the gender and if the sun sign shines through it stronger or not.
Yea, like, I consider myself an arrogant Leo mooner but I don't mean to offend any one with my arrogance. It is all really a big joke, I appreciate people who understand that.
As a pisces mooner, I love scorpio moons for guys. I usually find myself attracted to/attracting them.
I have moon in Scorpio and the closest people to me are Aqua, Pisces and Cancer moon people. Men that are drawn to me have Cancer and Gemini moon.
For me, Cancer and Pisces moon. Scorpio moon female here!
loves me a fellow pisces moon
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by Tornadoday16
Don't you think that Leo moons naturally repel each other? A Leo moon needs to go with an air moon that it can fill up.

I'm a Sun Scorpio/Leo Moon
My husband Sun Cancer/Aquarius Moon
Before I met my husband, I was never attracted to Cancer men (although I would attract them like moths to fire). I found them too moody, emotional and needy. But my husband is not moody and his emotions and neediness is really tempered. So, I think it really works for us!
So... I will agree with this theory.
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Do you think that detached Aqua moon helps stabilize or balance the Cancer sun moods?
I'm a Leo Moon. I think the most compatible moon to me is ARIES MOON. smile
I'll just stick up with Aqua Moons.
I enjoy cancer moons the best. I dont know my friends moon signs that well
Good to hear that Leo Moon and Aqua Moon go well together.
Can anyone elaborate? Pros and Cons? Longevity?
Posted by rainydayz

I have moon in 11th house.

I have this one too, even though I'm a Gemini Mooner. Still, my Moon trines 7th house Aqua Pallas and that position acts like a magnet for Aquas indeed.
Just putting it out there that a Pisces moon (me) and a Scorpio moon (my husband) can get along just fine.
I like Aqua Moons & Water Moons Big Grin
aries with aries and sag
leo moon...hit/miss
Pisces Moon Female
Scorpio Moon Male
It's a language all of it's own..
Aqua moon here.
I love leo moons, capricorn moons and fellow aqua moons. smile
I am a Cap Moon and go best along with Aqua, Scorpio and Virgo Moons.
my last bf had a leo moon. i am a sag moon. i hated how he loved to hear himself lecture me... as if he knew everything about life. the guy i have a thing with currently is a leo moon as well. and i'm starting to notice how he embellishes stories about himself, which is a little weird to me.
Posted by LetltB
Pisces Moon Female
Scorpio Moon Male
It's a language all of it's own..

one of my besties is a scorp moon (leo sun) ??_love that beezie. can't say i know many others. i shall try to pay more attention to this!
Pisces moon & scorpio moon
Taurus moon & virgo moon
libra moon & aqua moon
Leo moon & sag moon

thats all i can think of Straight Face
Posted by Sugarfoot
I really like Gemini moons. It gives people a good sense of humor and they love to talk. They tend to be pretty upbeat and positive too.

Thank you, as I love having my Moon in Gemini. It's actually a lot of fun to make jokes and be a comedian about stuff, so long as someone doesn't try to outdo us or get jealous and try to overpower our presence in the room.
Posted by UncleIroh

In my experience, fire moons suck. Really. Fire moons try to walk over water moons and I find them extremely ignorant, immature, and egotistical. Completely unattractive. Air moons have an exciting personality which I find humorous, so for friendships they're great.
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Also, thank you for that compliment about air moons. I am a Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Cancer Mars, Aries Venus and I forget the rest....
But yes, Fire Moons tend to be overbearing. I have a Libra friend with Aries Moon, and he does overwhelm the conversation with loud phrases as he attempts to take charge of everything all the time. Problem is, he isn't very bright or secure in himself. Makes it difficult to be his friend sometimes as a result of this.
Posted by PVandJelleh
Taurus moon and Virgo moon
Scorpio moon and Cap moon
Pisces moon and Cancer moon

Good to know ^.^
I'm a taurus moon and my bf is a virgo moon! We get along perfectly except that he is even more indecisive than I! My Sun's leo,he's a libra so most of our planets go together as they're "supposed" to lol
^^^They don't a rule fire moons bond extremely well with each other, despite our bickering. It's us against the contest.
Water moons too.
LOR, hold my hand and cry about the unfairness of it all
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Look at all the fire moon haters! *waves*

They're just jealous. Winking
Posted by PVandJelleh
Posted by FireyKitty
Posted by PVandJelleh
Taurus moon and Virgo moon
Scorpio moon and Cap moon
Pisces moon and Cancer moon

Good to know ^.^
I'm a taurus moon and my bf is a virgo moon! We get along perfectly except that he is even more indecisive than I! My Sun's leo,he's a libra so most of our planets go together as they're "supposed" to lol

I think these two moon signs are just magnetically drawn to one another. I know so many Taurus moons its crazy. Yes we are always an indecisive pair because each wants to accomodate the other. I think that these two moon signs bring out the best in one another, though we can also enable laziness in one another a lot too.
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Lol that's true. I never knew much about our moon signs but he definitely brings out my best side of me. He also is a cook so ya...he makes me extremely lazy but we're also equally active. Regardless of what we're doing, I realized we're both very content with just one another.
Pisces Moon and Scorpio Moon is definitely not my response. Scorpio is just too annoying if not exhausting in my opinion.
I think Pisces Moon and Taurus Moon is a great match. Two sensitive souls, with the Pisces being lifted in the sky and the Taurus staying on the ground, and both attracting each other. Besides, I find Taurus Moons to be sweet people.
People always hate Gemini moons... But it all forgotten anyway I like other Gemini moons and Aries moons for some reason I get a long with. As long they not trying to outshine me lol.
Posted by TuxedoLuigi
Pisces Moon and Scorpio Moon is definitely not my response. Scorpio is just too annoying if not exhausting in my opinion.
I think Pisces Moon and Taurus Moon is a great match. Two sensitive souls, with the Pisces being lifted in the sky and the Taurus staying on the ground, and both attracting each other. Besides, I find Taurus Moons to be sweet people.

aww, we are sweet people smile. Sometimes I feel like I have a water moon, even though its Taurus. Even though I am a scorp, I am more emotional than most scorps I know.
The pisces moon is kind of hit or miss for me. Romantically, never met anyone with Pisces moon. I do have a good girl friend who is sag sun with pisces moon, she is probably the closest person to a saint that I know lol. Then I worked with an Aries with Pisces moon. He was kind of like jekyl and hyde.
How's the compatibility between Pisces moons and Virgo moons?
Posted by aNEWday
Posted by TuxedoLuigi
Pisces Moon and Scorpio Moon is definitely not my response. Scorpio is just too annoying if not exhausting in my opinion.
I think Pisces Moon and Taurus Moon is a great match. Two sensitive souls, with the Pisces being lifted in the sky and the Taurus staying on the ground, and both attracting each other. Besides, I find Taurus Moons to be sweet people.

aww, we are sweet people smile. Sometimes I feel like I have a water moon, even though its Taurus. Even though I am a scorp, I am more emotional than most scorps I know.
The pisces moon is kind of hit or miss for me. Romantically, never met anyone with Pisces moon. I do have a good girl friend who is sag sun with pisces moon, she is probably the closest person to a saint that I know lol. Then I worked with an Aries with Pisces moon. He was kind of like jekyl and hyde.

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I think people with a water sun sign and a Taurus moon have potential to be extremely sweet. My girlfriend is a Cancer Sun & Taurus Moon and, well, yeah. She's my girlfriend.
She likes my sensitive soul, although I personally don't feel my Pisces Moon much if at all, so I can't comment in her stead.
Posted by duchessedenemours
Aries Moon + .....

I ran this guy's chart and he didn't have "....." as his Moon? Can you help me? Sad
I am just going to assume Aries Moons have best compatibility with whoever they want to. Sometimes even against the other person's wishes.
It's true.
I've experienced my Cancer Moon goes great with Taurus Moon.
oh and Pisces Moons also get me. It's uncanny.
I like Gemini Moons too. My cousin has this. (I switched our years of birth during the calculations and that's why I thought I had this placement, lol)
My Saggie Moon still prefers Aqua Moons tho. It must be those sextiles with Pallas and Altair (both in Aquarius; both trine Jupiter) to my Moon which cause coolness and rationality to my emotional reactions.
Aries Moons are always fun to be around. I find them hilarious when they get fired up by something or someone. Or when they're quick to get angry! I can't help myself but to laugh during these moments! Big Grin
Posted by LetltB
Pisces Moon Female
Scorpio Moon Male
It's a language all of it's own..

i know a 4 year old pisces moon. this girl right here. def how our own language.
Are opposite sign Moons good for a long-term relationship?
Moon in Sagittarius and Moon in Aquarius are a good pair too. In many terms. They're similar in almost every way.
What is an Aries Moon and Leo Moon match like? I have encountered two Taurus' that complement my Virgo Sun with this as their Moon and I've been stuck on them ever since. I've never had as much fun with an Earth sign, nor been as adventurous. And if it matters we had exact tastes in music.
Posted by californiadreaming24
What is an Aries Moon and Leo Moon match like? I have encountered two Taurus' that complement my Virgo Sun with this as their Moon and I've been stuck on them ever since. I've never had as much fun with an Earth sign, nor been as adventurous. And if it matters we had exact tastes in music.

Fire Moon matches are awesome.
Aries moon with Sag Moon
Aries moon with Leo Moon
even Aries moon with Aries moon
I think as a group fire moons really get along well. My ex had a Sag Moon, it was awesome.
There's a fellow here who's a Taurus Sun/Leo Moon..KingRat. You could ask him about this combo Big Grin
He's rather shy..
Posted by KingRat
Posted by californiadreaming24
What is an Aries Moon and Leo Moon match like? I have encountered two Taurus' that complement my Virgo Sun with this as their Moon and I've been stuck on them ever since. I've never had as much fun with an Earth sign, nor been as adventurous. And if it matters we had exact tastes in music.

it's laughing before you say a joke. *winks at californiadreaming24*
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There. I helpz Big Grin
Posted by californiadreaming24
What is an Aries Moon and Leo Moon match like? I have encountered two Taurus' that complement my Virgo Sun with this as their Moon and I've been stuck on them ever since. I've never had as much fun with an Earth sign, nor been as adventurous. And if it matters we had exact tastes in music.

i believe it would DEPEND on the Venus and Mars too.
If you have a water moon, it can help if your partner has a water venus.
or if he/she has a fire moon, fire venus could help. Also in some cases, water mars can help too.
Just because same elemental believe it would help....but in reality when you put them together, it won't help unless you look at the other placements.
I have capricorn moon conjunct uranus by like 2 orbs and I can strongly relate to aquarius moon. I get along best with fire & water moons.
im a pisces moon and my hubs has a scorpio moon
mm wondering about scorpio moon with virgo moon?