Finally a proper first date. Here's The Plan. ( Pisces Women Would You....)

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Adreamuponwaking on Monday, December 26, 2016 and has 60 replies.
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There's this Pisces woman that I'm really into. I met her back in August and we've seen each other a couple times over these past couple months at random social functions. We've also hung out one on one once.

I've been getting the feeling lately though that she's maybe as into me as I am into her.

I've recently realized based on her body language, her tendency to be nervous around me etc...

that she may indeed have at least a mild sexual attraction towards me.

So here's my plan...

The next time I see her is going to be in March probably for her birthday as that's when she's visiting LA.

I'm planning on having 29 white roses ( one for each year of her life) delivered to her anonymously with an envelope containing a plane ticket and a note asking her to join me for New Years In Morrocco. The card specifically is going to be signed as being from a secret admirer.

I know she's been talking to and hooking up with other people and actually may have just started dating someone else seriously.But I honestly can't stop thinking about her.

I think this is a good way of letting fate decide if we are meant to be something more. A year I think is also ample time for her decide if she's willing to take a risk.

Pisces Women what are your opinions? Would you take the risk yourself?


Hey are you in LA too? Howdy neighbor hope it works out. Good luck and happy new years.
That planning sound awesome but maybe alittle less expensive at first like Universal Studios, dinner, and there's the Saddleback Ranch there too. or something she likes......If ya really spontaneous then get a hotel it's right up the street on a hill.
Wow. That sounds so so romantic

Like Wow I just.

?? good job
White roses aren't impressive. RED roses for luuuuv! Pink is for romance and black is for funerals but you don't need to know that.

Also, better hope she doesn't have a Virgo moon. We DO NOT like surprises and would definitely not use that ticket.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
That planning sound awesome but maybe alittle less expensive at first like Universal Studios, dinner, and there's the Saddleback Ranch there too. or something she likes......If ya really spontaneous then get a hotel it's right up the street on a hill.
Lol you really are a Taurus aren't you?

Does it help my case a little if I told you I have a really good travel agent .lol

I'm sure I'm getting a good deal. : )
Posted by RemixGeneralFishy
White roses aren't impressive. RED roses for luuuuv! Pink is for romance and black is for funerals but you don't need to know that.

Also, better hope she doesn't have a Virgo moon. We DO NOT like surprises and would definitely not use that ticket.
"Suited to reverent occasions, the white rose is a fitting way to honor a friend or loved one in recognition of a new beginning or a farewell. Their pure color conveys respect, pays homage to new starts and expresses hope for the future.

Historically, the white rose symbolized innocence and purity, which is how it became associated with weddings and bridal bouquets. Way back in 14th-century England the white rose was the heraldic sign of the Duke of York who faced off with the red-rose Lancaster family, giving the renowned War of Roses its name. Today, the white rose has retained its associations with both pure love and formal ceremony, making it a many-purposed recognition of unions and ceremonial occasions"

Seemings more fitting for my situation no?

Also, I'm booking a suite that actually has two sleeping quarters. I don't want to pressure her into doing anything she doesn't want to do. Just because I shelled out a couple of hundred bucks for a plane ticket.

I respect her. Hence the white rose.

I think she has an Aries Moon. Even if she doesn't use the ticket at the end of the day I took a chance and I got my answer.If it's meant to be it will be.

Regardless I'm still going to enjoy my vacation.It just would be extra special if she were to join me.

I think it could be a really memorable experience for the both of us.

I appreciate the feedback, though!

Much love

I score high in openness and I'm a risk taking type who travels a lot.

However, even I would laugh at the idea to put myself on a plane and travel to Morocco to meet someone I have no idea who he might be!

I like the mystery, but FFS, buy her a cinema ticket instead (obviously next to your seat).

Roses are fine, I actually prefer white flowers, especially when they have a stronger smell.
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.
Morocco sounds like worst nightmare
You have planned everything without her. You don't even know if she likes the idea travel across the world or not. I wouldn't like that, you sound so much like a scorpio. You expect only positive answer, you actually demand it. You said she has her own life, things going on, you want her to drop everything for someone who she has no idea about?
Posted by Penguinpants
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.
I feel like deep down she'll hope it will be me.We've interacted with each other a few times before and I feel like there's something between us.Something different. I don't know how to describe it.

I guess in a way this is my way of figuring out if she's the one. If she is...... if she's been feeling the same way about me as I feel for her.....

She'll get on the plane.

Posted by pisceanloves
You have planned everything without her. You don't even know if she likes the idea travel across the world or not. I wouldn't like that, you sound so much like a scorpio. You expect only positive answer, you actually demand it. You said she has her own life, things going on, you want her to drop everything for someone who she has no idea about?

I sound so much like a Scorpio? lol

I'm going to take that as a compliment!

She's a World-traveler...who I think may have visited Morrocco once during her time studying abroad in undergrad. I also think she has some Moroccan friends.This is just some of the things I've picked up from her during our brief conversations.

She also seems like the type to take risks. One of her current favorite hobbies is mountain climbing.

But all of this is beside the point. If she's the girl for me..she'll be on the plane.

I'm not testing her. I'm testing fate.

Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by pisceanloves
You have planned everything without her. You don't even know if she likes the idea travel across the world or not. I wouldn't like that, you sound so much like a scorpio. You expect only positive answer, you actually demand it. You said she has her own life, things going on, you want her to drop everything for someone who she has no idea about?

I sound so much like a Scorpio? lol

I'm going to take that as a compliment!

She's a World-traveler...who I think may have visited Morrocco once during her time studying abroad in undergrad. I also think she has some Moroccan friends.This is just some of the things I've picked up from her during our brief conversations.

She also seems like the type to take risks. One of her current favorite hobbies is mountain climbing.

But all of this is beside the point. If she's the girl for me..she'll be on the plane.

I'm not testing her. I'm testing fate.

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You don't test fate, you test her. It's all about her, she makes decision, that's not a lottery by the way
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Penguinpants
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.

I believe this is the better option. Or do the white roses with a card and ask her to meet you somewhere for dinner in LA.

Pisces are far more practical than people give us credit for. The Morocco thing for a first date, no. Now once you start dating then maybe sure.

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I think the dress and dinner plan sounds like a great idea! It's just she doesn't seem like the sentimental type.I think I am more than she is.

She seems to be like the girl who craves new daring experiences and is prone to boredom.

But at the same time, she's also really traditional.

I feel like the plane ticket scenario is warranted as it fits both her personality and desires more aptly .

It's also a big enough move to get her attention.

I really appreciate all of the feedback. It's been wonderful talking to all of you lovely ladies.

I'm getting so many ideas!

I'm definitely going to do the dinner and the dress thing for my future wife one day.That would be a fun thing to do to help keep the magic alive.

Your testing fate, fate bites you in the arse sometimes. And if she says no then what that's it. Hm fate doomed.
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

I know she's been talking to and hooking up with other people and actually may have just started dating someone else seriously.But I honestly can't stop thinking about her.

And then there's this. Um...

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We are in our late twenties and she has a really high libido.

I'm not going to hold it against

None of my previous relationships began with my partner being completely single.

They were always at least talking to one other person at the time.

Posted by pisceanloves
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by pisceanloves
You have planned everything without her. You don't even know if she likes the idea travel across the world or not. I wouldn't like that, you sound so much like a scorpio. You expect only positive answer, you actually demand it. You said she has her own life, things going on, you want her to drop everything for someone who she has no idea about?

I sound so much like a Scorpio? lol

I'm going to take that as a compliment!

She's a World-traveler...who I think may have visited Morrocco once during her time studying abroad in undergrad. I also think she has some Moroccan friends.This is just some of the things I've picked up from her during our brief conversations.

She also seems like the type to take risks. One of her current favorite hobbies is mountain climbing.

But all of this is beside the point. If she's the girl for me..she'll be on the plane.

I'm not testing her. I'm testing fate.

You don't test fate, you test her. It's all about her, she makes decision, that's not a lottery by the way
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So are you saying it's too much pressure? ; )

I think her making the decision isn't the lottery but me meeting the girl that will say yes at the right time is.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Your testing fate, fate bites you in the arse sometimes. And if she says no then what that's it. Hm fate doomed.
This is the truest thing ever told.

And yet here we are.

That takes time though homie. I don't know if fish just jump leap out of the water, hm sharks yes, fishies they usually trying to search the river far and wide.
And yes bears and predator there are waiting. Some may some may not get caught. Wild ya.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Your testing fate, fate bites you in the arse sometimes. And if she says no then what that's it. Hm fate doomed.
Have you've ever known in advanced that someone was wrong for you. That engaging in a potential relationship with them could, in fact, ruin you..and yet you couldn't stop yourself.

I know she's bad for me in so many ways.

It's just I can't control myself.It's scary.

I've been resisting this connection for awhile now. I think I'm just finally succumbing to something that's beyond me.

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
That takes time though homie. I don't know if fish just jump leap out of the water, hm sharks yes, fishies they usually trying to search the river far and wide.
You're amusing. : )

Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Penguinpants
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.

I believe this is the better option. Or do the white roses with a card and ask her to meet you somewhere for dinner in LA.

Pisces are far more practical than people give us credit for. The Morocco thing for a first date, no. Now once you start dating then maybe sure.

I think the dress and dinner plan sounds like a great idea! It's just she doesn't seem like the sentimental type.I think I am more than she is.

She seems to be like the girl who craves new daring experiences and is prone to boredom.

But at the same time, she's also really traditional.

I feel like the plane ticket scenario is warranted as it fits both her personality and desires more aptly .

It's also a big enough move to get her attention.

I really appreciate all of the feedback. It's been wonderful talking to all of you lovely ladies.

I'm getting so many ideas!

I'm definitely going to do the dinner and the dress thing for my future wife one day.That would be a fun thing to do to help keep the magic alive.

Let us know how it turns out.

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I'll let you know around December 28th, 2017 if she got on the plane.
I would include a subtle, yet distincitve, clue so that she would comfortably guess it was me but smile at the idea that no one else would get the inside joke, if you will.

Women tend to be instinctually cautious (it's all about survival), but if she can be confident it's you (perhaps send an ambiguous text hinting at her secret invite) she may go for it.

Best of luck! Why the hell not start off the new year with a bang?! What do you have to lose! CHEERS! ?
that sounds very nice! but the "secret admirer" may be a set back, does she know it will be you?

Posted by LillyPetal
I would include a subtle, yet distincitve, clue so that she would comfortably guess it was me but smile at the idea that no one else would get the inside joke, if you will.

Women tend to be instinctually cautious (it's all about survival), but if she can be confident it's you (perhaps send an ambiguous text hinting at her secret invite) she may go for it.

Best of luck! Why the hell not start off the new year with a bang?! What do you have to lose! CHEERS! ?
Thank you so much LillyPetal! I think that's a really fantastic idea.

I was thinking about maybe texting her something earlier in the month of December of next year asking her about her plans for the holidays and or maybe at same point disclosing that I was taking a trip after spending time with my family at the end of the month.
Posted by firefis1996
that sounds very nice! but the "secret admirer" may be a set back, does she know it will be you?

I'm hoping that she does and that's also why she'll get on the plane.
Haha Venusian influences to the rescue. Lol.
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Penguinpants
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.
I feel like deep down she'll hope it will be me.We've interacted with each other a few times before and I feel like there's something between us.Something different. I don't know how to describe it.

I guess in a way this is my way of figuring out if she's the one. If she is...... if she's been feeling the same way about me as I feel for her.....

She'll get on the plane.

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She may well be hopeing it's you. She may dream of you nightly, but I'll tell you frankly and honestly, since this is the interwebs, this is terrifying. Allow me Tory to explain.

Fish love imagining the grand gesture, but the grand gesture but when we get it, if we are goal oriented (sometimes even a touch sharkey), we don't want it. It gets weird because there's just too much.

We may not like you anymore because it's just to grand and that means big love and love is the most terrifying thing on the planet to fish like me (and she's somewhat like me, according to your posts). Love means we get hurt. I'd swim away so fast emotionally.

Good luck though....

Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Not sure why you are waiting a year for a first date. She could be married by then. You're swept up in the fantasy.
That is the best advice a Fish could give you!

Wake up mate!
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Not sure why you are waiting a year for a first date. She could be married by then. You're swept up in the fantasy.
I just jokingly proposed to her underneath her most recent Instagram picture.

If she joking responds back or responds at all I think I'm in the green.

If she doesn't then I got my

But honestly, I don't care anymore.I can't play it cool anymore.
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

There's this Pisces woman that I'm really into. I met her back in August and we've seen each other a couple times over these past couple months at random social functions. We've also hung out one on one once.

I've been getting the feeling lately though that she's maybe as into me as I am into her.

I've recently realized based on her body language, her tendency to be nervous around me etc...

that she may indeed have at least a mild sexual attraction towards me.

So here's my plan...

The next time I see her is going to be in March probably for her birthday as that's when she's visiting LA.

I'm planning on having 29 white roses ( one for each year of her life) delivered to her anonymously with an envelope containing a plane ticket and a note asking her to join me for New Years In Morrocco. The card specifically is going to be signed as being from a secret admirer.

I know she's been talking to and hooking up with other people and actually may have just started dating someone else seriously.But I honestly can't stop thinking about her.

I think this is a good way of letting fate decide if we are meant to be something more. A year I think is also ample time for her decide if she's willing to take a risk.

Pisces Women what are your opinions? Would you take the risk yourself?


this sounds awesome but will she know who you are ? I mean my Pisces Mars would go for it but I would need to know who it is that I'm going to meet ... I don't do strangers well ...

Posted by Penguinpants
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Penguinpants
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.
I feel like deep down she'll hope it will be me.We've interacted with each other a few times before and I feel like there's something between us.Something different. I don't know how to describe it.

I guess in a way this is my way of figuring out if she's the one. If she is...... if she's been feeling the same way about me as I feel for her.....

She'll get on the plane.

She may well be hoping it's you. She may dream of you nightly, but I'll tell you frankly and honestly, since this is the interwebs, this is terrifying. Allow me to try to explain.

Fish love imagining the grand gesture, but when we get it, if we are goal oriented (sometimes even a touch sharkey), we don't want it. It gets weird because there's just too much.

We may not like you anymore because it's just too grand and that means big love and love is the most terrifying thing on the planet to fish like me (and she's somewhat like me, according to your posts). Love means we get hurt. I'd swim away so fast emotionally.

Good luck though....

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This may have well happened to me with another Pisces woman.

About 10 years ago though I did the grand gesture with someone I was really close friends with and it paid off. What's funny is that the grand gesture doesn't feel like such a grand gesture to the person who is willing to do it. It feels easy...natural.

Like the most logical step to your relationship. It's only afterward people tell you that it is abnormal...or
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Penguinpants
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.

I believe this is the better option. Or do the white roses with a card and ask her to meet you somewhere for dinner in LA.

Pisces are far more practical than people give us credit for. The Morocco thing for a first date, no. Now once you start dating then maybe sure.

I think the dress and dinner plan sounds like a great idea! It's just she doesn't seem like the sentimental type.I think I am more than she is.

She seems to be like the girl who craves new daring experiences and is prone to boredom.

But at the same time, she's also really traditional.

I feel like the plane ticket scenario is warranted as it fits both her personality and desires more aptly .

It's also a big enough move to get her attention.

I really appreciate all of the feedback. It's been wonderful talking to all of you lovely ladies.

I'm getting so many ideas!

I'm definitely going to do the dinner and the dress thing for my future wife one day.That would be a fun thing to do to help keep the magic alive.

Let us know how it turns out.

I'll let you know around December 28th, 2017 if she got on the plane.
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yes, I want to know ... that would be so awesome !

Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Penguinpants
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.

I believe this is the better option. Or do the white roses with a card and ask her to meet you somewhere for dinner in LA.

Pisces are far more practical than people give us credit for. The Morocco thing for a first date, no. Now once you start dating then maybe sure.

I think the dress and dinner plan sounds like a great idea! It's just she doesn't seem like the sentimental type.I think I am more than she is.

She seems to be like the girl who craves new daring experiences and is prone to boredom.

But at the same time, she's also really traditional.

I feel like the plane ticket scenario is warranted as it fits both her personality and desires more aptly .

It's also a big enough move to get her attention.

I really appreciate all of the feedback. It's been wonderful talking to all of you lovely ladies.

I'm getting so many ideas!

I'm definitely going to do the dinner and the dress thing for my future wife one day.That would be a fun thing to do to help keep the magic alive.

Let us know how it turns out.

I'll let you know around December 28th, 2017 if she got on the plane.
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WHAT ? we have to wait another year LOL - dude really ?

Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Not sure why you are waiting a year for a first date. She could be married by then. You're swept up in the fantasy.
I just jokingly proposed to her underneath her most recent Instagram picture.

If she joking responds back or responds at all I think I'm in the green.

If she doesn't then I got my

But honestly, I don't care anymore.I can't play it cool anymore.

Good. You have to get things moving with a Pisces. Because while you are waiting on bated breath, someone else will step right in. Luck favors the bold with us. While you're waiting for the perfect timing or perfect set up, some masculine sun guy will have beat you to the punch. Make your interest clearly known and get this train in motion.

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True. I actually think I might already be too late.She may be in a new long-distance relationship with a guy she met the same week as me.

She actually blew me off ( flaked last minute) to spend more time with him the last time she was in LA.I was supposed to be hosting her but I guess he said it was okay for her to stay longer at his place and so.....she lied badly about as to why it wouldn't make sense for her to stay at my place anymore.

Now normally, I would be done with a girl after she pulled something like that

but what gives me hope..... is that she almost immediately lamented afterward.

We had dinner and she tried making up an excuse to stay at my place for the night.I made up an excuse and told her she couldn't.

The last time I saw her she brought it up again how sorry she was. She then proceeded to tell me how her new least that's what I think he is she doesn't call him that btw.....doesn't measure up to me in various ways.

I'm not going to lie. It was a turn on.

She definitely has legitimate feelings for this other guy. I'm not going to delude myself about this very fact.

I just don't get why she downplays her connection with him around me. She seems to not do this with other friends....if that's what in fact we are. Idk
Posted by tcta
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

There's this Pisces woman that I'm really into. I met her back in August and we've seen each other a couple times over these past couple months at random social functions. We've also hung out one on one once.

I've been getting the feeling lately though that she's maybe as into me as I am into her.

I've recently realized based on her body language, her tendency to be nervous around me etc...

that she may indeed have at least a mild sexual attraction towards me.

So here's my plan...

The next time I see her is going to be in March probably for her birthday as that's when she's visiting LA.

I'm planning on having 29 white roses ( one for each year of her life) delivered to her anonymously with an envelope containing a plane ticket and a note asking her to join me for New Years In Morrocco. The card specifically is going to be signed as being from a secret admirer.

I know she's been talking to and hooking up with other people and actually may have just started dating someone else seriously.But I honestly can't stop thinking about her.

I think this is a good way of letting fate decide if we are meant to be something more. A year I think is also ample time for her decide if she's willing to take a risk.

Pisces Women what are your opinions? Would you take the risk yourself?


this sounds awesome but will she know who you are ? I mean my Pisces Mars would go for it but I would need to know who it is that I'm going to meet ... I don't do strangers well ...

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She will know who I am. We're technically new friends.I guess.

We've hung out a few times.She almost stayed at my place a few months ago when she was visiting LA.

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

I sound so much like a Scorpio? lol

I'm going to take that as a compliment!

Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Not sure why you are waiting a year for a first date. She could be married by then. You're swept up in the fantasy.
I just jokingly proposed to her underneath her most recent Instagram picture.

If she joking responds back or responds at all I think I'm in the green.

If she doesn't then I got my

But honestly, I don't care anymore.I can't play it cool anymore.

Good. You have to get things moving with a Pisces. Because while you are waiting on bated breath, someone else will step right in. Luck favors the bold with us. While you're waiting for the perfect timing or perfect set up, some masculine sun guy will have beat you to the punch. Make your interest clearly known and get this train in motion.

True. I actually think I might already be too late.She may be in a new long-distance relationship with a guy she met the same week as me.

She actually blew me off ( flaked last minute) to spend more time with him the last time she was in LA.I was supposed to be hosting her but I guess he said it was okay for her to stay longer at his place and so.....she lied badly about as to why it wouldn't make sense for her to stay at my place anymore.

Now normally, I would be done with a girl after she pulled something like that

but what gives me hope..... is that she almost immediately lamented afterward.

We had dinner and she tried making up an excuse to stay at my place for the night.I made up an excuse and told her she couldn't.

The last time I saw her she brought it up again how sorry she was. She then proceeded to tell me how her new least that's what I think he is she doesn't call him that btw.....doesn't measure up to me in various ways.

I'm not going to lie. It was a turn on.

She definitely has legitimate feelings for this other guy. I'm not going to delude myself about this very fact.

I just don't get why she downplays her connection with him around me. She seems to not do this with other friends....if that's what in fact we are. Idk

She may be downplaying it because it's not serious yet. to give you the green light. But if you don't pick up those bread crumbs she will choose the guy who shows clear interest.

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You're so wise. I really appreciate this.

And I thought I knew women. HA!

To be honest though part of the reason why I've waited so long to make a bolder move

apart from my Venus in Taurus is that I know I'm not ready for a serious relationship...well at least I thought I wasn't. Like I said it's different with her.

I'm also more importantly not where I want to be professionally .

Love doesn't work this way I've realized.It's not going to arrive when everything in your life is perfect.

It always catches me by surprise and knocks me off of my chair.

Posted by Dreamyboy
Dude a year? Wtf. Ok I met an amazing girl almost two years ago and down the road almost a year later, I developed a crush on her. Now I'm literally too late. I finally grew the balls to pursue her, but she accepted an arranged marriage with another family. I was too too late! Late by one stupid year! I can understand why your waiting, so you can build that feeling, making it intense, but I don't think that's practical. I waited because I was self concious and she was/is absolutely beautiful and amazing. I gained a large amount of weight from being single for a minute so I got back into exercising and literally lost all the weight and have a nice body again. Little did I realised that I actually had a chance before because she had a crush on me too!
OMG !!! Thanks for your input!

This is literally also my issue.

I'm trying to lose the weight I had gained during a bout of depression / other health related issues that prevented me from working out like I normally do.

Down 17 lbs! Right now I'm about 3lbs overweight. I'm cute right now but not hot.

I'd like to lose another 20lbs of fat and put on at least 10lbs of muscle.

During one of our previous conversations, she mentioned how one of her exes was slightly overweight and how she broke up with him.

It pissed me off and was a kind of turn off at the time. I don't like superficiality.

I've never met a woman though who broke up with a guy or refused to even go out with a guy because of his weight. I'm sure the lack of confidence and the insecurity on his part drove her away more so than his body fat

She might have also broken up with him due to the simple the fact that he just wasn't the right guy.

Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by pisceanloves
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by pisceanloves
You have planned everything without her. You don't even know if she likes the idea travel across the world or not. I wouldn't like that, you sound so much like a scorpio. You expect only positive answer, you actually demand it. You said she has her own life, things going on, you want her to drop everything for someone who she has no idea about?

I sound so much like a Scorpio? lol

I'm going to take that as a compliment!

She's a World-traveler...who I think may have visited Morrocco once during her time studying abroad in undergrad. I also think she has some Moroccan friends.This is just some of the things I've picked up from her during our brief conversations.

She also seems like the type to take risks. One of her current favorite hobbies is mountain climbing.

But all of this is beside the point. If she's the girl for me..she'll be on the plane.

I'm not testing her. I'm testing fate.

You don't test fate, you test her. It's all about her, she makes decision, that's not a lottery by the way
So are you saying it's too much pressure? ; )

I think her making the decision isn't the lottery but me meeting the girl that will say yes at the right time is.

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Yes it is. Forget Morocco, instead follow directions someone suggested. Buy a beautiful dress (nothing cheap), you better know what style of dresses she likes, leave in her room with the letter and ask for meeting, dinner is the best choice in this situation. And try different color of roses, pink or red, I think red is better

Posted by tcta
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Penguinpants
Wow. That's alot.

I'm a Pisces with a Cap moon and Venus in Pisces. This would be intriguing and fun, but I'm never getting on a plane to Morroco with a secret admirer. Now, a hot guy I'm already into, maybe. I would echo other poster's sentiments about making the "trip" someplace less threatening. Maybe buy her a great dress in her size and leave a note that says "wear this to dinner at x place, x time. Your secret admirer" that's less scary.

I believe this is the better option. Or do the white roses with a card and ask her to meet you somewhere for dinner in LA.

Pisces are far more practical than people give us credit for. The Morocco thing for a first date, no. Now once you start dating then maybe sure.

I think the dress and dinner plan sounds like a great idea! It's just she doesn't seem like the sentimental type.I think I am more than she is.

She seems to be like the girl who craves new daring experiences and is prone to boredom.

But at the same time, she's also really traditional.

I feel like the plane ticket scenario is warranted as it fits both her personality and desires more aptly .

It's also a big enough move to get her attention.

I really appreciate all of the feedback. It's been wonderful talking to all of you lovely ladies.

I'm getting so many ideas!

I'm definitely going to do the dinner and the dress thing for my future wife one day.That would be a fun thing to do to help keep the magic alive.

Let us know how it turns out.

I'll let you know around December 28th, 2017 if she got on the plane.

WHAT ? we have to wait another year LOL - dude really ?

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There's a possibly that you won't. This may all just blow up in my face well

Regardless I promise to keep you posted.

Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by AUniqueAndSpecialSnowflake
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Daww Taurus venus no wonder. Damn you guys move slow. First decide if you are ready for something serious. Second, things do not have to be perfect. If we are interested we will be there in the trenches while you work towards your goal. We tend to focus on the positives. So its really on you. If you are ready for it. And if she turns you down, now you know to move on.

"Venus in Taurus...damn you guys move slow" Haha! Story of my life. This is why I love this forum.

To be fair I'm moving at a faster pace than I did with other pursuits.

But most likely still too

I'm not going to beat myself up about it though. I had to be sure.

And even though I'm still technically unsure about her and our connection I am sure that she's worth the risk in trying to find out...if this is.....idk

I think in essence that's what I'm trying to both convey and also test with my plan.

I'm sure she's worth the risk. If our connection is what I think it is she'll know it's me and will also take the risk by getting on the plane to see if she was right.

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Venus in Taurus gal here too, hey pal yeah it's true slow and steady wins the race. And we take awhile making sure of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to a relationship. Some people get us and some will never.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
That planning sound awesome but maybe alittle less expensive at first like Universal Studios, dinner, and there's the Saddleback Ranch there too. or something she likes......If ya really spontaneous then get a hotel it's right up the street on a hill.
He doesn't want you to save his money!!!

He just want to bullshit you into believing he ca do all that wriiten!

Secret admirer my ass!!!
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Venus in Taurus gal here too, hey pal yeah it's true slow and steady wins the race. And we take awhile making sure of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to a relationship. Some people get us and some will never.

It's actually one of my favorite sign placements.

Venus in Taurus people know what they bring to the table. We don't and more importantly can't invest energy into someone that we don't feel is right for us.

Because the truth of the matter is I think we invest more than other people with other placements. It's what makes us as they say both "satisfying lovers" and "marriage material".

We know that relationships are work from the very beginning but we are unique in that we find that the hard work it requires to be satisfying and worth it .......both in and out of the bedroom especially!

; )

Posted by Nemilicious
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

There's this Pisces woman that I'm really into. I met her back in August and we've seen each other a couple times over these past couple months at random social functions. We've also hung out one on one once.

I've been getting the feeling lately though that she's maybe as into me as I am into her.

I've recently realized based on her body language, her tendency to be nervous around me etc...

that she may indeed have at least a mild sexual attraction towards me.

So here's my plan...

The next time I see her is going to be in March probably for her birthday as that's when she's visiting LA.

I'm planning on having 29 white roses ( one for each year of her life) delivered to her anonymously with an envelope containing a plane ticket and a note asking her to join me for New Years In Morrocco. The card specifically is going to be signed as being from a secret admirer.

I know she's been talking to and hooking up with other people and actually may have just started dating someone else seriously.But I honestly can't stop thinking about her.

I think this is a good way of letting fate decide if we are meant to be something more. A year I think is also ample time for her decide if she's willing to take a risk.

Pisces Women what are your opinions? Would you take the risk yourself?


did i read this correctly: you are going to ask her on or around her bday in feb/march to celebrate the new year with you? you mean a belated 2017 or do you mean to celebrate 2018?

cause that would give her some time to make up her mind ...

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2018 !

At least that was the plan. I'm feeling a bit dissuaded now that I've heard from all of you.

I still think it's good to plan but I should probably make a smaller bold move soon.

She could get away. She probably already has.

*Le sigh*
