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Sep 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2181 · Topics: 82
Aw you hid it and I was gonna answer lol.
Don't have Gemini rising but I DO have a Gemini moon so if you did wanna ask something let me know!
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Thanks superstar...yes I have read many descriptions of Gemini rising..I wanted to know whether they are truly evasive wih their feelings, how they handle the scorpio intensity...whether they are prone to cheating..yes yes I know this depends entirely on the individual, however having this placement or any gemini placement in a chart makes me I truly associate this sign with offence to any gemini's out there since I know there are some of you decent folk out there..
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Thetis please do go ahead and comment on your gemini do you deal with emotions? you hide them no doubt? as Air doesn't exactly demonstrate feelings..
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Sep 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2181 · Topics: 82
Oh and I've been told MANY times by partners that I have intimacy issues lol.
Very true though I have to say, takes me ages before I can feel that comfortable with someone.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Thank you for taking the time out to comment Thetis.. Your comments were very helpful. Each person differs I understand because of all these placements..You do have a lot of air so yes that make you slightly emotionally detached.
Apart from the one doddgy placement (gemini rising) he is very much an affectionate guy...but he isn't sure of his feelings yet I am sure (scorpio moon)His venus is in thats very slooooow...and stable I hope even with the gemini rising...Can only wait and see..but he's annoying to no end..thats fo sho..I have a venus in lets hope I don't get bored with all this evasiveness and annoyance..cos I can just move on if I can'be be arsed anymore....without sounding arrogant..I've never had to wait for anything..and lol..don't intend to make it a habit of doing so either..
Thetis are your a northener or southener?
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Oh his mars is in!
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Sep 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2181 · Topics: 82
I'm dating a Taurus with Venus in Gemini so that says it all haha! Finally someone just as fickle and restless as I am!
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Oooooooooh lovely Scotland..I am coming to Scotland in go do some thrill seeking stuff....any pointers on where to go?
Ahhhhhhh you're I remember you,..vaguely..
well thank god Venus is at home..cos if she was out to play boy I would be mad! its early days yet..he's done well so far..but the gemini evasiveness gets on my nerves..I was about to call it a day cos I am really impatient and am bit of a control can't be bothered when too much effort is required..however my Leo sister told me said "can you just hang around just a wee bit longer for this one please, you give up too easily and don't care..just give it time for crying out loud..its only been just over a month"..LOL...that shut me up..I was like "uhmmm ooookay" I am doing what she says for a while..see how that works..I have no patience whatsoever...I really do need to calm myself down..can be so irrate...
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
You posted here 8 years ago? bloody long has this been going on? I've only been here erm..2 I think...
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL..Not to worry..I aim to drive through Newcastle, see the angel of the north, then head for Edinburgh..check out the castle, do some drinking, then driving alongside Ben Nevis..hopefully not drunk cos I want to climb it too at one point..I love all that nature fascinates me...oh also see the Loch...There will be 5 of us plus one gay it will be a blast..can't wait for that...
I went out with a guy from Scotland once upon a time..couldn't understand a bloody word he was saying..he was from Glasgow...
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Sep 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2181 · Topics: 82
Ahh the classic "weegie" as in "Glaswegian" lol, don't worry I can hardly work out what most of them are saying either.
Well I'm sure you will have fun no matter what you do, and you absolutely have to do a good few pub crawls along when in Edinburgh, Haymarket and Grassmarket are good places to go although the place is brimming with pubs!
Not sure if they do them in the summer but if you get the chance the ghostwalk up at the Witchery is supposed to be really good - you get to go down the underground caves, which are supposed to be one of the most haunted places in the UK. Most Haunted did a live special there last Halloween, although I never saw it.
hmmm My Sun is in Pisces, Moon is in Scorpio, and Gemini is Rising also born in the year of the Dragon. Just saw the postings, someone looking for me?
this combination is not bad at all
abouT being cold well basically both Pisces and Gemini are essentially cold and detached signs unlike for example a sign that is characterized by emotional warmth such as Taurus and Lewo
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Dec 28, 2008Comments: 5 · Posts: 592 · Topics: 88
"Pisces and Gemini are essentially cold and detached"
I'm a pisces with gemini rising and I really don't see myself as cold and detached.
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Jun 13, 2006Comments: 5 · Posts: 3103 · Topics: 77
I am a Pisces with ascendant of gemini too by 5 minutes, just found it few weeks ago seeing my birth certificate.
I am a little cold and detached. But I think is not the main thing about this combo, the main part is that if pisces is confusing imagine putting gemini in to the equation.
Therefore I don?t know who I am.
Well I'm a Pisces with Gemini moon and rising. I would not say i'm cold, but i'm very much detached from most things. As far as evasiveness with feelings, yes. It takes a lot to get a firm or definite feeling. Most guys can't tell whether I like them or not, because as with may pisces I don't share feelings very easily and the airy part of me in the gemini ads a bit of a flighty feeling to the situation. I am an extremely friendly person but I just keep it surface level and the real me is shown with my circle closest to me.
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Jun 13, 2006Comments: 5 · Posts: 3103 · Topics: 77
Since moon is being said also, My moon is Aries, and I dont have any earth in me. Water x Air x Fire...
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Jun 13, 2006Comments: 5 · Posts: 3103 · Topics: 77
Seems that gemini inluences me to shock ppl with things I say, mainly the ones I love, but I mean no harm...
HI, Im a pisces with a gemini rising and gemini moon. venus aquarius, mars scorpio.
1) Do you hide behind the gemini mask of evasiveness?
When it comes to feelings, oh yeah, i hide them so well im not sure how i feel all the time. When people tries to get up close and personal, uncomfortness starts creeping in. Then i will try to direct the topic back to other non-feely stuff, like your thoughts on politics, or on a new product. Hm, there are rare cases though, when i feel totally at ease speaking to someone about my secrets and feelings! I often have this instinct or gut feeling about a certain person thru the way they act or respond to me. The people that makes me feel most at ease are people who know who they are, aka have a very strong identity, and will not judge what i do, or will "be themselves" no matter what kind of reaction i have. Very stable people. But also very flexible, meaning able to follow up with my last-minute plans and not be devastated or very disturbed by the change of plans.
How do you express yourself to your interest?
Hm, i don't. I seek to make friends with the person I am interested in first. And then start the witty jokes rolling. But i freak out if the person responds in any way other than being friendly. For eg, being shy, or reserve, or out of reach. Witty jokes is not only for me to make the person comfortable (when she is comfortable, i am), it is also the "make or break", to see if the person matches me mentally. If the person do not understand my jokes, or do not laugh at it, i would lose interest in the person very quickly. What would catch my attention is the person responding with an equally witty respond. My long-term aim is to make the person i like, happy. Therefore i chat my target up to find out more about her, so that i know what would make her feel loved and be surprised by how much i care about her. If I am really interested in this person, i make mental notes of everything i see or hear about her, whether i was involved or not. She could be making a public speech, and i would take down a mental note of her favorite drink from her speech about civil rights. etc. I will never directly express my admiration verbally for a person. Often its the other party who makes the first move. Therefore, only a partner who is very sure of her feelings will succeed with me. Wishy-washy partners will not end up with me.
HI, Im a pisces with a gemini rising and gemini moon. venus aquarius, mars scorpio.
1) Do you hide behind the gemini mask of evasiveness?
When it comes to feelings, oh yeah, i hide them so well im not sure how i feel all the time. When people tries to get up close and personal, uncomfortness starts creeping in. Then i will try to direct the topic back to other non-feely stuff, like your thoughts on politics, or on a new product. Hm, there are rare cases though, when i feel totally at ease speaking to someone about my secrets and feelings! I often have this instinct or gut feeling about a certain person thru the way they act or respond to me. The people that makes me feel most at ease are people who know who they are, aka have a very strong identity, and will not judge what i do, or will "be themselves" no matter what kind of reaction i have. Very stable people. But also very flexible, meaning able to follow up with my last-minute plans and not be devastated or very disturbed by the change of plans.
How do you express yourself to your interest?
Hm, i don't. I seek to make friends with the person I am interested in first. And then start the witty jokes rolling. But i freak out if the person responds in any way other than being friendly. For eg, being shy, or reserve, or out of reach. Witty jokes is not only for me to make the person comfortable (when she is comfortable, i am), it is also the "make or break", to see if the person matches me mentally. If the person do not understand my jokes, or do not laugh at it, i would lose interest in the person very quickly. What would catch my attention is the person responding with an equally witty respond. My long-term aim is to make the person i like, happy. Therefore i chat my target up to find out more about her, so that i know what would make her feel loved and be surprised by how much i care about her. If I am really interested in this person, i make mental notes of everything i see or hear about her, whether i was involved or not. She could be making a public speech, and i would take down a mental note of her favorite drink from her speech about civil rights. etc. I will never directly express my admiration verbally for a person. Often its the other party who makes the first move. Therefore, only a partner who is very sure of her feelings will succeed with me. Wishy-washy partners will not end up with me.
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Jun 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2999 · Topics: 75
holy crap, alise. what u wrote describes my taurus/aqua guy perfectly!
As a Gemini moon and rising, it's a quite tricky combo to also be a Pisces. I'm very emotional yet at the same time i'm extremely detached and reserved. I love to chat and talk to people and I've noticed as I get older I do NOT like to be pinned down. I have an aversion to anyone ever knowing what I'm truly doing, it makes it hard in personal relationships when people want to know what you're up to just out of general concern and you feel the need to keep everything you do to yourself.
I'm still learning a lot about me, but this is very trying road especially having a venus and mars in Pisces also.