fading out without ghosting (getting someone to lose interest in you)

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by serenidad on Friday, April 28, 2023 and has 85 replies.
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i think ghosting is so cowardly and it’s not an option for me. behaving like an asshole in order to push someone away is also not an option for me.

so, with that out of the way,

have you ever successfully faded out without having to ghost someone?

have you ever managed to successfully get someone to lose interest in you without having to resort to weird, unnecessary tactics?

can you tell me how you did it?

because i don’t know. if people wanna contact me, i just let them. because i feel like maybe our paths crossed for a reason.

a reason that i can’t know right away cuz i’m not god or psychic or anything like that :/

the only time i stopped responding to people was when i forgot the password to my email account (happened when i was younger) or social media account or something and i couldn’t respond.

i already told this guy: “i can only offer my friendship”.

i was clear on that. but he still seems to think there’s hope if he sticks around long enough or something.

he spent a lot of money on me (live stream, chat) so i felt obliged to give him something in return. so i gave him my socials as a token of friendship.

i seem to have issues with guilt.

i can’t seem to receive something without giving something back. i have trouble with receiving. been this way since i was a kid.

i don’t want him to keep spending money in hopes that this will turn into something more. cuz it won’t. that’s why i told him to stop coming to my livestream/chat and just talk to me through my social media (which is free).

what makes this entire thing difficult for me is that he is a really really really good guy. i just don’t want to hurt this guy under any circumstance.

so i’m counting on him to eventually get bored with the lack of progress with me (he’s a fire sign , leo) so i’m thinking it’s only a matter of time before he loses interest and moves onto greener pastures but in the back of my mind , i’m like…..what if this drags on for like a year or more ?

i can’t ghost cuz it’s cowardly, i can’t block cuz he’s given me no reason to do that , i can’t behave like an asshole cuz wtf would i look like hurting someone who has done absolutely nothing to me.

so what are my options? :/
Yeah...an aqua finally stopped contacting me lol. I respond to general conversation but whenever he tried to invite me out, I went silent.
Posted by poppyflower
Yeah...an aqua finally stopped contacting me lol. I respond to general conversation but whenever he tried to invite me out, I went silent.
you have guts if you can go silent and not offer an explanation. lol

i always feel like i have to give excuses and reasons for not being able to meet up and stuff. i can’t just go silent and pop back up like nothing happened lol 😅

that’d be awkward af 😂

i’m still making up excuses to ppl i met two years ago (through live stream) who wanted to meet up and still ask me about it.
Simps have no logical reasoning so as long as you accept payment, he will be there until he finds another more interesting.

I am guessing you are female? And when you participate in selling yourself online, be it your appearance, personality, or skills (again, I’m assuming you’re talking about streaming and asking for donation/subs), you honestly have to expect this behavior from people online. It’s literally the streaming culture lol

Everything is transactional. Nothing is truly free. When someone gives money or gifts, it’s safe to assume they expect something in return. It’s just a sad fact about the world we live in. I learned this the hard way in my 20s while dating and also streaming on twitch.
Posted by Melantho
If you feel guilty, just don't accept. Very simple. Why do you give your friendship (socials) in return of money? That's transactional. He should support the live stream genuinely without expecting anything in return if you're not interested in him that way. Don't lead him on and keep your own boundaries as well.

Just say: "Thank you for your support", and be on your merry way.
you’re right. i literally got myself into this situation by allowing myself to feel guilty and blurring the line between customer and friendship. it wasn’t a small amount (the money) and i didn’t wanna keep receiving so i told him to dm me on social media (as a friend) so it wouldn’t cost him any more money to talk to me. he’s a genuinely nice guy so i didn’t mind being friends outside of the live streams/chats. but now i’m thinking i shouldn’t have blurred that line.

i’ve been doing the live stream/video chat for like 6 years now and this is the second person i gave my socials to. the other time, it was a distressed girl and that was like two years ago. same sorta scenario, a little different. i felt bad about receiving money from an unstable person so i gave her my social media so she could message me there if she needed any help. she was self-harming and stuff and i didn’t wanna exploit someone like that.

i also told the guy not to come but he says dm is not as fun cuz he can’t see me moving. texting is just words on a screen whereas in live streams and video chats, you actually get to see the other person moving and talking…that’s what he said…

I’d tell him it’s not working out and return the money he spent …
This is fucked-up.

Sorry, but you need to “man up” and tell him directly. I thought Aries folk were brave? 🤔
Posted by nanochip
Simps have no logical reasoning so as long as you accept payment, he will be there until he finds another more interesting.

I am guessing you are female? And when you participate in selling yourself online, be it your appearance, personality, or skills (again, I’m assuming you’re talking about streaming and asking for donation/subs), you honestly have to expect this behavior from people online. It’s literally the streaming culture lol

Everything is transactional. Nothing is truly free. When someone gives money or gifts, it’s safe to assume they expect something in return. It’s just a sad fact about the world we live in. I learned this the hard way in my 20s while dating and also streaming on twitch.
i gave him my socials so he could stop coming to my streams/video chats, but he says it’s the only place he can see me moving in real time so he continues to come. Sad

back when you used to stream, how did you deal with people who wanted to meet up with you in real life? also, were you allowed to be open about having a boyfriend or did your manager/agency (if you had one) tell you to keep your private life/love life a secret so people will spend more money? Sad

Posted by GeminiJim
This sounds like backhanded promotion for your onlyfans tbh 😂
i’m not on onlyfans lol i don’t do that stuff. i wanna remain anonymous on here lol i don’t want anyone finding me so i won’t reveal which platform i’m on haha
Posted by borednbeautiful
This is fucked-up.
Sorry, but you need to “man up” and tell him directly. I thought Aries folk were brave? 🤔
i hate hurting people’s feelings…i thought i was being pretty clear with him when i told him friendship is all i can offer…:/
Posted by MyStarsShine
I’d tell him it’s not working out and return the money he spent …
i offered. he declined.

he said the money was well spent cuz he had a great time. :/

he’s a really nice guy.
Posted by serenidad
Posted by borednbeautiful
This is fucked-up.
Sorry, but you need to “man up” and tell him directly. I thought Aries folk were brave? 🤔

i hate hurting people’s feelings…i thought i was being pretty clear with him when i told him friendship is all i can offer…:/
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You are actually hurting them more by letting it linger. Just say it directly and matter-of-factly.

He is a leo, he gets it!

Then go silent. Do not engage.
Posted by serenidad
Posted by MyStarsShine
I’d tell him it’s not working out and return the money he spent …

i offered. he declined.

he said the money was well spent cuz he had a great time. :/

he’s a really nice guy.
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That’s good

So what’s the problem?

Are you like an only fans guy?
Posted by Melantho
Posted by MyStarsShine
I’d tell him it’s not working out and return the money he spent …

This is the best course of action.
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I think it’s the decent thing to do, at least your quits then?
Posted by Melantho
Posted by serenidad
Posted by Melantho
If you feel guilty, just don't accept. Very simple. Why do you give your friendship (socials) in return of money? That's transactional. He should support the live stream genuinely without expecting anything in return if you're not interested in him that way. Don't lead him on and keep your own boundaries as well.
Just say: "Thank you for your support", and be on your merry way.

you’re right. i literally got myself into this situation by allowing myself to feel guilty and blurring the line between customer and friendship. it wasn’t a small amount (the money) and i didn’t wanna keep receiving so i told him to dm me on social media (as a friend) so it wouldn’t cost him any more money to talk to me. he’s a genuinely nice guy so i didn’t mind being friends outside of the live streams/chats. but now i’m thinking i shouldn’t have blurred that line.

i’ve been doing the live stream/video chat for like 6 years now and this is the second person i gave my socials to. the other time, it was a distressed girl and that was like two years ago. same sorta scenario, a little different. i felt bad about receiving money from an unstable person so i gave her my social media so she could message me there if she needed any help. she was self-harming and stuff and i didn’t wanna exploit someone like that.

i also told the guy not to come but he says dm is not as fun cuz he can’t see me moving. texting is just words on a screen whereas in live streams and video chats, you actually get to see the other person moving and talking…that’s what he said…
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Keep it professional. It's still business and better not cross that line. Their mental state is not your responsibility, but you could maybe block incoming transfers from that person if you know they're unstable (is that possible? If not, I'd send an e-mail to that platform to raise this issue). Do you do free gifts on your streaming? Maybe you could make that a weekly/monthly thing for the people who you think need it most or something. I don't know... Just thinking out loud. I am not familiar with all those streaming services and what you offer.
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i don’t have the authority nor the means to block people so i can’t stop anyone from coming in. i’ve sent small thank you gifts to viewers before. (in japan, you can send ppl stuff without revealing your address).

Posted by borednbeautiful
This is fucked-up.
Sorry, but you need to “man up” and tell him directly. I thought Aries folk were brave? 🤔
Not always …. I was with one that wasn’t 🥴
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
This is fucked-up.
Sorry, but you need to “man up” and tell him directly. I thought Aries folk were brave? 🤔

Not always …. I was with one that wasn’t 🥴
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Sometimes they lack spine, don’t they?
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
This is fucked-up.
Sorry, but you need to “man up” and tell him directly. I thought Aries folk were brave? 🤔

Not always …. I was with one that wasn’t 🥴

Sometimes they lack spine, don’t they?
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Oh absolutely!

I’ve found Scorpios to be stronger and brave
Posted by serenidad
Posted by poppyflower
Yeah...an aqua finally stopped contacting me lol. I respond to general conversation but whenever he tried to invite me out, I went silent.

you have guts if you can go silent and not offer an explanation. lol

i always feel like i have to give excuses and reasons for not being able to meet up and stuff. i can’t just go silent and pop back up like nothing happened lol 😅

that’d be awkward af 😂

i’m still making up excuses to ppl i met two years ago (through live stream) who wanted to meet up and still ask me about it.
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For the longest time, he'd always circle back and say hello like nothing happened. So I respond like nothing happened. 😂

But in general, if you are not interested, that itself is a reason. So you don't need to mention more than that when declining an invitation.

User Submitted Image
You already made it clear you can only offer them your friendship. If they still stick around in hopes of something more and/or spend money on your business, that’s not your problem. You shouldn’t feel obligated to go out of your way and do anything extra for them because then that could send the wrong message and lead them on. If you really don’t want anything more with them you really shouldn’t overthink and care too much about it. They’re also a grown adult and will figure it out. Some people don’t care to move on and once again that’s not your problem unless you fuel it.
Posted by Findingbalance
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
This is fucked-up.
Sorry, but you need to “man up” and tell him directly. I thought Aries folk were brave? 🤔

Not always …. I was with one that wasn’t 🥴

Sometimes they lack spine, don’t they?
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Oh absolutely!
I’ve found Scorpios to be stronger and brave

Nothing wrong with being soft and caring tho.
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True but I think you can be those things and brave.
Posted by serenidad
Posted by Melantho
If you feel guilty, just don't accept. Very simple. Why do you give your friendship (socials) in return of money? That's transactional. He should support the live stream genuinely without expecting anything in return if you're not interested in him that way. Don't lead him on and keep your own boundaries as well.
Just say: "Thank you for your support", and be on your merry way.

you’re right. i literally got myself into this situation by allowing myself to feel guilty and blurring the line between customer and friendship. it wasn’t a small amount (the money) and i didn’t wanna keep receiving so i told him to dm me on social media (as a friend) so it wouldn’t cost him any more money to talk to me. he’s a genuinely nice guy so i didn’t mind being friends outside of the live streams/chats. but now i’m thinking i shouldn’t have blurred that line.

i’ve been doing the live stream/video chat for like 6 years now and this is the second person i gave my socials to. the other time, it was a distressed girl and that was like two years ago. same sorta scenario, a little different. i felt bad about receiving money from an unstable person so i gave her my social media so she could message me there if she needed any help. she was self-harming and stuff and i didn’t wanna exploit someone like that.

i also told the guy not to come but he says dm is not as fun cuz he can’t see me moving. texting is just words on a screen whereas in live streams and video chats, you actually get to see the other person moving and talking…that’s what he said…

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What type of business person are you?

You are a working person and he is paying for a service. He paid you, I'm not sure what you are feeling guilty about. He is paying to have access to you, which most customers do. Even strippers have regulars that pay for things like cars or jewelry and make their lives easier by giving them rent/mortgage payments for the month.

Men with that type of money like doing things when they build a friendship with someone and aren't feeling lonely, when they finally feel accepted by a person.

You just said yourself her prefers to be back on your platform to see you. So let him know that he can go back on the platform, if he wants to see you, but if he wants to just chat quickly, he has your dm's.

Don't entertain long conversations through dm's.

And do not do free video chats through dms.

Stick to what your job is or make a deal to give him 1 free video chat a month or something like that.

If this is your job, your feelings are getting in the way of your business. STOP THAT.

Take the money and provide the damn service. You don't feel guilt for the newly paying customers, right? Why would you feel guilt for the recurring ones? It's a streaming service. The more returning people, the more money you make.

Protect your energy babe, if this person is draining you or making you feel uncomfortable, then distance yourself. Reality check: you are not obligated to that person in any way.

I recently had someone try to make me think that I was getting ahead because they were pulling strings and they tried to tell me I owed them….(time, attention, sex). As a Cancer I know damn well what was going on and that he had nothing to do with anything, I told him I don’t own him shit. He is married and just had a baby, I’m not anyone’s side piece and if I was his wife I’d kill him. Slimy POS! 😤

Posted by poppyflower
Posted by serenidad
Posted by poppyflower
Yeah...an aqua finally stopped contacting me lol. I respond to general conversation but whenever he tried to invite me out, I went silent.

you have guts if you can go silent and not offer an explanation. lol
i always feel like i have to give excuses and reasons for not being able to meet up and stuff. i can’t just go silent and pop back up like nothing happened lol 😅
that’d be awkward af 😂

i’m still making up excuses to ppl i met two years ago (through live stream) who wanted to meet up and still ask me about it.
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For the longest time, he'd always circle back and say hello like nothing happened. So I respond like nothing happened. 😂

But in general, if you are not interested, that itself is a reason. So you don't need to mention more than that when declining an invitation.

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Posted by GC69_
Protect your energy babe, if this person is draining you or making you feel uncomfortable, then distance yourself. Reality check: you are not obligated to that person in any way.

I recently had someone try to make me think that I was getting ahead because they were pulling strings and they tried to tell me I owed them….(time, attention, sex). As a Cancer I know damn well what was going on and that he had nothing to do with anything, I told him I don’t own him shit. He is married and just had a baby, I’m not anyone’s side piece and if I was his wife I’d kill him. Slimy POS! 😤

Find a way to tell his wife. Blow that mofo’s world up.

The saddest part of this post is that Aries men lack courage and directness 😿
Posted by GC69_
Protect your energy babe, if this person is draining you or making you feel uncomfortable, then distance yourself. Reality check: you are not obligated to that person in any way.

I recently had someone try to make me think that I was getting ahead because they were pulling strings and they tried to tell me I owed them….(time, attention, sex). As a Cancer I know damn well what was going on and that he had nothing to do with anything, I told him I don’t own him shit. He is married and just had a baby, I’m not anyone’s side piece and if I was his wife I’d kill him. Slimy POS! 😤

The amount of men who wait to get married and have kids and then cheat is ridiculous 🥴

Idiots …
If you already told him you're not interested and he's coming to a public platform to see you it's on him. I would not have given him my social media info. That's just another way for him to contact you.

Posted by GeminiJim
Posted by Timone
If you already told him you're not interested and he's coming to a public platform to see you it's on him. I would not have given him my social media info. That's just another way for him to contact you.

When's your cat stream?
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User Submitted Image
Well it’s kinder to not respond & give him false hope. I had a guy come to my work because he wouldn’t accept it. Had to repeat again.. I am not interested. He got upset when he saw me on an online dating site. But truth is I had told him multiple times. It’s on them if they can’t let go. Typically friends is just someone waiting for you to change your mind.
Posted by GeminiJim
Posted by Timone
If you already told him you're not interested and he's coming to a public platform to see you it's on him. I would not have given him my social media info. That's just another way for him to contact you.

When's your cat stream?
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Live all day long!

User Submitted Image

Posted by GeminiJim
Posted by Timone
Posted by GeminiJim
Posted by Timone
If you already told him you're not interested and he's coming to a public platform to see you it's on him. I would not have given him my social media info. That's just another way for him to contact you.

When's your cat stream?

Live all day long!

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This is cute
< title="Embedded YouTube Video" class="ytv lazy loaded" data-="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m_nQT62B4Y" allowfullscreen="" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m_nQT62B4Y">
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They're not keeping up with the Kattarshians!

I've said it many times, stop showering and be as offensively filthy as possible. I don't mean verbally, but physically. Like you've completely given up on life or something, which is another good thing add with it. Be super negative and depressed towards life and humanity. Still be kind to them on a personal level, but be the biggest downer you possibly can. People absolutely hate that, and hate when other people talk about their problems.

You will lose them then no time, and didn't even have to ghost them, or have to be honest to their face that you really don't like them much.
Posted by GeminiJim
Wtf r u doing I mean u cant make this thread without saying what u r doing 😂
Are you doing something that requires skill or ability? or sittting in a hottub?
and don't give me that "want to remain anonymous" crap
because if someone is sending you money for your cake baking stream then its a bit different to if you are essentially an online stripper

to put it simply, i’ve found that people pay a lot of money in order to escape from reality even just for a little bit.

like, for example, i think one of the reasons people pay a lot of money to go see the movies is to escape from reality for a bit, awaken and uncover emotions and desires they didn’t know they had, or that were kinda dormant under layers of other things, and just like completely immerse themselves in a world that’s different from their usual world and routines.

at the simplest level, people wanna feel less pain and more pleasure.

and in general, they say that most of us tend to have a fantasy or a desire that has yet to be realized or that hasn’t come to fruition yet due to whatever reason, so you find out what that desire, fantasy is, through conversation and observation and you try your very best to offer that to them in a way that they want.

and you also offer them a safe place to be their most uncensored , relaxed self and just believe in them more than they believe in themselves (be their hype-man) sorta haha

there’s only so much money you can make from just dangling sex. cuz everyone has a body. you might have a six pack but so does Cody and Jason and whoever else lol being good looking helps to an extent (i’m not denying the “halo effect” it might give off to whoever is watching) but that alone doesn’t make anyone stick around or keep coming back for more. people aren’t dumb. they can see right through.
Posted by Findingbalance
Posted by serenidad
Posted by MyStarsShine
I’d tell him it’s not working out and return the money he spent …

i offered. he declined.
he said the money was well spent cuz he had a great time. :/
he’s a really nice guy.
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I think you're a bit stuck because he's not able to remove himself from his fantasy that it could work. But that a guess entirely. Maybe try to redirect the convo into how he's going about meeting someone who he CAN have a relationship with?

I feel like trying to fade out won't work if someone is deluded already. Quite honestly though fading out isnt any better than ghosting, people still know what you're doing and it's not any less annoying/frustrating/hurtful (whatever you're trying to avoid by not ghosting, except that is, if you're trying to avoid adult in and speaking up on what's going on...which as someone that prefers to avoid confrontationI understand).

There's also the off possibility that he knows it's not going anywhere, he has a partner and this is a fantasy game for him. I've heard of stranger things. But really, how many people come here to post about (insert sun sign) that they think is coming onto them, having feelings etc but that person is in a relationship and when they actually tried to make it something it crashed and burned because the other person was only enjoying sone recreational flirting?

There's so many possibilities here.

If he's on your socials i imagine he knows you're in a committed relationship.
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you’re right. he knows i’m with someone but he’s like one of those people who think if someone isn’t married yet, it’s fair game.

he says he’s single but whether he really is or not is none of my concern cuz i’m not trying to go anywhere with this dude if you know what i mean lol 😅

i gotta man up. that’s the only solution lol 😂

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by serenidad
Posted by MyStarsShine
I’d tell him it’s not working out and return the money he spent …

i offered. he declined.
he said the money was well spent cuz he had a great time. :/
he’s a really nice guy.
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That’s good
So what’s the problem?
Are you like an only fans guy?
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no, i barely know anything about onlyfans lol
Posted by SassyKiwi
You already made it clear you can only offer them your friendship. If they still stick around in hopes of something more and/or spend money on your business, that’s not your problem. You shouldn’t feel obligated to go out of your way and do anything extra for them because then that could send the wrong message and lead them on. If you really don’t want anything more with them you really shouldn’t overthink and care too much about it. They’re also a grown adult and will figure it out. Some people don’t care to move on and once again that’s not your problem unless you fuel it.
yeah i’m definitely fueling it (by responding to his dms, acting like nothing’s wrong when he comes to my live chat.) and i gotta stop.

Posted by Walk_on_by
Posted by poppyflower
Posted by serenidad
Posted by poppyflower
Yeah...an aqua finally stopped contacting me lol. I respond to general conversation but whenever he tried to invite me out, I went silent.

you have guts if you can go silent and not offer an explanation. lol
i always feel like i have to give excuses and reasons for not being able to meet up and stuff. i can’t just go silent and pop back up like nothing happened lol 😅
that’d be awkward af 😂

i’m still making up excuses to ppl i met two years ago (through live stream) who wanted to meet up and still ask me about it.
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For the longest time, he'd always circle back and say hello like nothing happened. So I respond like nothing happened. 😂

But in general, if you are not interested, that itself is a reason. So you don't need to mention more than that when declining an invitation.

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Posted by saggurl88
Posted by serenidad
Posted by Melantho
If you feel guilty, just don't accept. Very simple. Why do you give your friendship (socials) in return of money? That's transactional. He should support the live stream genuinely without expecting anything in return if you're not interested in him that way. Don't lead him on and keep your own boundaries as well.
Just say: "Thank you for your support", and be on your merry way.

you’re right. i literally got myself into this situation by allowing myself to feel guilty and blurring the line between customer and friendship. it wasn’t a small amount (the money) and i didn’t wanna keep receiving so i told him to dm me on social media (as a friend) so it wouldn’t cost him any more money to talk to me. he’s a genuinely nice guy so i didn’t mind being friends outside of the live streams/chats. but now i’m thinking i shouldn’t have blurred that line.
i’ve been doing the live stream/video chat for like 6 years now and this is the second person i gave my socials to. the other time, it was a distressed girl and that was like two years ago. same sorta scenario, a little different. i felt bad about receiving money from an unstable person so i gave her my social media so she could message me there if she needed any help. she was self-harming and stuff and i didn’t wanna exploit someone like that.
i also told the guy not to come but he says dm is not as fun cuz he can’t see me moving. texting is just words on a screen whereas in live streams and video chats, you actually get to see the other person moving and talking…that’s what he said…

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What type of business person are you?

You are a working person and he is paying for a service. He paid you, I'm not sure what you are feeling guilty about. He is paying to have access to you, which most customers do. Even strippers have regulars that pay for things like cars or jewelry and make their lives easier by giving them rent/mortgage payments for the month.
Men with that type of money like doing things when they build a friendship with someone and aren't feeling lonely, when they finally feel accepted by a person.

You just said yourself her prefers to be back on your platform to see you. So let him know that he can go back on the platform, if he wants to see you, but if he wants to just chat quickly, he has your dm's.
Don't entertain long conversations through dm's.
And do not do free video chats through dms.
Stick to what your job is or make a deal to give him 1 free video chat a month or something like that.

If this is your job, your feelings are getting in the way of your business. STOP THAT.
Take the money and provide the damn service. You don't feel guilt for the newly paying customers, right? Why would you feel guilt for the recurring ones? It's a streaming service. The more returning people, the more money you make.

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you’re right. i let my emotions get in the way of business. i wouldn’t call it a job, i sorta do it as a hobby (i have my main job as a translator/interpreter and an e-commerce business i’m running) the livestream/chat is like a side hustle type thing that i got into six years ago cuz i wanted to do something out of the ordinary and meaningful (i guess?) and it kinda turned into something bigger.

i guess i felt bad due to the amount and because he seemed like a pure, gentle soul and i saw him in a different light from the rest. so, you’re right. this is just a classic case of emotions getting in the way of business and i made it more complicated than it has to be. :/

Posted by GC69_
Protect your energy babe, if this person is draining you or making you feel uncomfortable, then distance yourself. Reality check: you are not obligated to that person in any way.

I recently had someone try to make me think that I was getting ahead because they were pulling strings and they tried to tell me I owed them….(time, attention, sex). As a Cancer I know damn well what was going on and that he had nothing to do with anything, I told him I don’t own him shit. He is married and just had a baby, I’m not anyone’s side piece and if I was his wife I’d kill him. Slimy POS! 😤

i’m glad you put that dude in his place. if he was truly a nice person, he would never even say shit like “i was pulling strings for you.” like, that’s creepy af and it discredits the hard work and effort that YOU were putting in to get to where you wanted to be. such a jerk move.

Posted by Timone
If you already told him you're not interested and he's coming to a public platform to see you it's on him. I would not have given him my social media info. That's just another way for him to contact you.

yeah i really shouldn’t have done that (given him my socials). i gotta work on not feeling guilty.
Posted by PuzzlePieces
Well it’s kinder to not respond & give him false hope. I had a guy come to my work because he wouldn’t accept it. Had to repeat again.. I am not interested. He got upset when he saw me on an online dating site. But truth is I had told him multiple times. It’s on them if they can’t let go. Typically friends is just someone waiting for you to change your mind.
you’re right. it’s on them in a way. :/

i gotta stop trying to shoulder responsibility for things that aren’t my responsibility.

that must’ve been frightening how the guy even came to your work…

Posted by Soul
I've said it many times, stop showering and be as offensively filthy as possible. I don't mean verbally, but physically. Like you've completely given up on life or something, which is another good thing add with it. Be super negative and depressed towards life and humanity. Still be kind to them on a personal level, but be the biggest downer you possibly can. People absolutely hate that, and hate when other people talk about their problems.

You will lose them then no time, and didn't even have to ghost them, or have to be honest to their face that you really don't like them much.
😂 😂

my brother was like “tell him you got AIDS or some shit.”

i was like, i can’t joke about serious matters like that cuz what if word gets around and people actually start to believe it? 😅

changing my personality and becoming a downer overnight is gonna be way too obvious too so i’m just gonna man up.😂 it’s the only solution lol 😂

Posted by serenidad
Posted by Soul
I've said it many times, stop showering and be as offensively filthy as possible. I don't mean verbally, but physically. Like you've completely given up on life or something, which is another good thing add with it. Be super negative and depressed towards life and humanity. Still be kind to them on a personal level, but be the biggest downer you possibly can. People absolutely hate that, and hate when other people talk about their problems.

You will lose them then no time, and didn't even have to ghost them, or have to be honest to their face that you really don't like them much.

😂 😂

my brother was like “tell him you got AIDS or some shit.”

i was like, i can’t joke about serious matters like that cuz what if word gets around and people actually start to believe it? 😅

changing my personality and becoming a downer overnight is gonna be way too obvious too so i’m just gonna man up.😂 it’s the only solution lol 😂

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That is the best option tbh, and the easiest. Second to ghosting. Tbh you could even just act completely natural, and just say you aren't into deep connections with others, and like to keep things on the surface. They will either accept that and respect you for you, or get a bit upset, then move on.

I just wanted to edit in I'm not saying that is your natural way, I don't know you. I'm just saying what ever you do, just act natural. That seems the most comfortable option.
Yea it and it has happened to me as well. Honesty is always good but I've been honest with ppl and they clung tighter.

Truth be told, ghosting can be a last resort. But also, when you're single and not committed to someone its not much you can expect. Only accept. I never question WHY I got ghosted because it doesn't matter. We weren't in a relationship. And I say this from recent pains and fresh wounds. This is what I tell myself after getting ghosted. "She was never mine." "That ain't my woman." "It is what it is." And when I ghost someone I just do it. But its only in certain situations.
Posted by serenidad
Posted by GeminiJim
This sounds like backhanded promotion for your onlyfans tbh 😂

i’m not on onlyfans lol i don’t do that stuff. i wanna remain anonymous on here lol i don’t want anyone finding me so i won’t reveal which platform i’m on haha
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Now I’m really interested! YouTube?

Posted by StubbornSag
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by GC69_
Protect your energy babe, if this person is draining you or making you feel uncomfortable, then distance yourself. Reality check: you are not obligated to that person in any way.
I recently had someone try to make me think that I was getting ahead because they were pulling strings and they tried to tell me I owed them….(time, attention, sex). As a Cancer I know damn well what was going on and that he had nothing to do with anything, I told him I don’t own him shit. He is married and just had a baby, I’m not anyone’s side piece and if I was his wife I’d kill him. Slimy POS! 😤

The amount of men who wait to get married and have kids and then cheat is ridiculous 🥴
Idiots …

Some women are idiots too. They know they cheat and they stay with them anyway. Long ago there was this incredibly inappropriate Aqua guy that I went out for a coffee once. I said I want nothing to do with him and his wife blew up my phone with calls next day cause she found a number and kept calling until I answered. And she says "he does this all the time and pretends it's someone's else number"🙄 well why are you with him at all then if he does it all the time and if it bothers you that he does 🙄🤔 I just said "I told him to stop calling me and I'm telling you the same, solve your issues together, I've got nothing to do with him". Needless to say they're still married lol
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Yes indeed

She sounds like one of those women who will be with a man at any price …. Prize idiot.

I think a lot of people are scared to stand on their own two feet and will tolerate anything to be in a relationship 🥴😬
Posted by serenidad
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by serenidad
Posted by MyStarsShine
I’d tell him it’s not working out and return the money he spent …

i offered. he declined.
he said the money was well spent cuz he had a great time. :/
he’s a really nice guy.
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That’s good
So what’s the problem?
Are you like an only fans guy?

no, i barely know anything about onlyfans lol
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I’m intrigued as to why people pay to talk to you but I know you want to keep that confidential…

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