Getting over someone

Basically, what goes on in a bull's mind when he/she is trying to get over someone? Its hard for bulls and bullettes to...

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Geminlove on Friday, February 28, 2014 and has 94 replies.
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Posted by peaceloveandhappiness

We go through our emotional cycle of hurt/anger/missing and loving you again until resentment begins replacing the 'loving you again' part = THE END.

This is why I don't want to let it go...he is still in that "loving you again" phase...but I honestly don't know how to approach him without hurting him...
Yesterday was my first day without him next to me... it was horrible. I tried to keep myself busy as much as possible... but every now and then I turned to my left and stare that empty desk of his...and all those memories of time we spent together (happy ones and sad ones) came rushing back into my head...I don't even have a picture of him Sad
Posted by Gemilie
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness

We go through our emotional cycle of hurt/anger/missing and loving you again until resentment begins replacing the 'loving you again' part = THE END.

This is why I don't want to let it go...he is still in that "loving you again" phase...but I honestly don't know how to approach him without hurting him...
Yesterday was my first day without him next to me... it was horrible. I tried to keep myself busy as much as possible... but every now and then I turned to my left and stare that empty desk of his...and all those memories of time we spent together (happy ones and sad ones) came rushing back into my head...I don't even have a picture of him Sad
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Gemilie, keep in mind - the resentment usually only happens if the push/pull act is done repeatedly, such as in Omaga's case. We are very big on consistency and proof. Words don't mean a damn thing...don't just tell your guy you love/miss him - SHOW HIM. And for your sake, I really hope you are sure about these feelings you say you have for him because if you eff up again you just might get to experience that infamous Taurus temper.
I've never been in love. However, with other relationships that I valued when they end, IT IS OVER. I'm really angry with them then I won't think about them at all like they didn't exist. If i'm not as angry anymore, i'll think about the good times from time to time. Nothing more.
Posted by aftershine
Posted by OmagaIII
Posted by Geminlove
@omagaIII: damn....2 yrs?!?! Well you are a taurus so its not that surprising Big Grin do you plan on reciprocating if she comes to you???

But if some of you saw her, then you would probably understand and do the same.

Sad I see shes still inconsistent..What do you mean by that^???
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I meant, that if I could show the world this girl, through my eyes, then you would all still be holding on. I sense she is very insecure about her self. (Probably the Scorp Sun which makes her feel like a emotional mess) But a while back we had a chat that really lifted her up a few notches. I told her that I wish she would or could see her self they way I see her because it will change her life forever. Pointing out at how mind blowing she is, not just attractive but this energetic intelligent and amazing human being. (I have told her that so many times before, but this time it actually struck her)
Soon afterward she was all about surrounding yourself with people who believe in you even if you don't believe in your self. Recently a few things have happened, I believe that it is as a result of having this sensation. And every time she calls me to tell me, also saying that she doesn't actually have people she can share these joys with. Like two weeks ago she got promoted. She called me first, and I was so so happy for her, because she is going places, places where I see her and she belongs. I congratulated her and was so ecstatic about her promotion, telling her that she deserves only the best for being the best. (Again, I have been saying this since we met. It is the reason why I treat/spoil her. Her birthday treats from me, general messages and everything I do is built on this.)
But still, there is one thing missing, and I don't know what it is... Sad
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by aftershine
@Omagaiii: Sad shes still inconsistent....what do you mean by "if you saw her you would understand"? Whats her moon and venus sign? You bulls are too damn soft for your own good... -_- but it also makes y'all so love-able lol smile

I think he means she's gorgeous. I have the same problem with my Scorp crush - most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life...hands down. I would take her looks over any celebrity, model, etc. I have to actually avoid looking at her. There's something about Scorps in general; they just have that dark beauty....its kryptonite...
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Hell yeah!!! Hahaha
I get lost in my Scorp love interests eyes and her sheer elegance. It is electric to feel her under my fingures and her voice rings deep inside my heart when she talks or laughs. And then, when we joke around and she is just so comfortable, just so relaxed that I can hold her in my arms... Heaven.
Lastly, and the best. When She blushes... It is the end of me... That or when she laughs and you see tears of joy and happiness, then I know she is human, and she is all I could ever ask for.
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Posted by Gemilie
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness

We go through our emotional cycle of hurt/anger/missing and loving you again until resentment begins replacing the 'loving you again' part = THE END.

This is why I don't want to let it go...he is still in that "loving you again" phase...but I honestly don't know how to approach him without hurting him...
Yesterday was my first day without him next to me... it was horrible. I tried to keep myself busy as much as possible... but every now and then I turned to my left and stare that empty desk of his...and all those memories of time we spent together (happy ones and sad ones) came rushing back into my head...I don't even have a picture of him Sad

Gemilie, keep in mind - the resentment usually only happens if the push/pull act is done repeatedly, such as in Omaga's case. We are very big on consistency and proof. Words don't mean a damn thing...don't just tell your guy you love/miss him - SHOW HIM. And for your sake, I really hope you are sure about these feelings you say you have for him because if you eff up again you just might get to experience that infamous Taurus temper.
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Ditto. I fully agree with this. Most signs complain about us not being open or slow to react. We find words very hard to say, (Unless I am feeling poetic and I start writing, in which case you'll be dizzy or pass out after the overwhelming flood of emotions I can put in writing.) so we clearly show what we feel. It takes a lot for us to say how we feel. We are very very emotional beings. Not these dominating beasts that most people think we are.
And lastly, your words, they are just words and will be nothing more until they are backed up with actions. We are probably the only ones that operate in reverse. First showing you, and when we are confident in you and your love for us, then we will tell you.
I will say this. The L word carries a lot of weight in my book. Once I have crossed that boundary I am in for the long haul. We don't generally take this as a lighthearted matter. (At least I don't)
Posted by OmagaIII
Posted by aftershine
Posted by OmagaIII
Posted by Geminlove
@omagaIII: damn....2 yrs?!?! Well you are a taurus so its not that surprising Big Grin do you plan on reciprocating if she comes to you???

But if some of you saw her, then you would probably understand and do the same.

Sad I see shes still inconsistent..What do you mean by that^???

I meant, that if I could show the world this girl, through my eyes, then you would all still be holding on. I sense she is very insecure about her self. (Probably the Scorp Sun which makes her feel like a emotional mess) But a while back we had a chat that really lifted her up a few notches. I told her that I wish she would or could see her self they way I see her because it will change her life forever. Pointing out at how mind blowing she is, not just attractive but this energetic intelligent and amazing human being. (I have told her that so many times before, but this time it actually struck her)
Soon afterward she was all about surrounding yourself with people who believe in you even if you don't believe in your self. Recently a few things have happened, I believe that it is as a result of having this sensation. And every time she calls me to tell me, also saying that she doesn't actually have people she can share these joys with. Like two weeks ago she got promoted. She called me first, and I was so so happy for her, because she is going places, places where I see her and she belongs. I congratulated her and was so ecstatic about her promotion, telling her that she deserves only the best for being the best. (Again, I have been saying this since we met. It is the reason why I treat/spoil her. Her birthday treats from me, general messages and everything I do is built on this.)
But still, there is one thing missing, and I don't know what it is... Sad
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I know what you mean ex hub was like that. Low self esteem and didn't believe in himself. He was a good guy in that respect, could go far if he really wanted to, had a great personality but he had issues...and he DID have many friends but no one he could talk to like he could
Posted by OmagaIII
Posted by aftershine
Posted by OmagaIII
Posted by Geminlove
@omagaIII: damn....2 yrs?!?! Well you are a taurus so its not that surprising Big Grin do you plan on reciprocating if she comes to you???

But if some of you saw her, then you would probably understand and do the same.

Sad I see shes still inconsistent..What do you mean by that^???

I meant, that if I could show the world this girl, through my eyes, then you would all still be holding on. I sense she is very insecure about her self. (Probably the Scorp Sun which makes her feel like a emotional mess) But a while back we had a chat that really lifted her up a few notches. I told her that I wish she would or could see her self they way I see her because it will change her life forever. Pointing out at how mind blowing she is, not just attractive but this energetic intelligent and amazing human being. (I have told her that so many times before, but this time it actually struck her)
Soon afterward she was all about surrounding yourself with people who believe in you even if you don't believe in your self. Recently a few things have happened, I believe that it is as a result of having this sensation. And every time she calls me to tell me, also saying that she doesn't actually have people she can share these joys with. Like two weeks ago she got promoted. She called me first, and I was so so happy for her, because she is going places, places where I see her and she belongs. I congratulated her and was so ecstatic about her promotion, telling her that she deserves only the best for being the best. (Again, I have been saying this since we met. It is the reason why I treat/spoil her. Her birthday treats from me, general messages and everything I do is built on this.)
But still, there is one thing missing, and I don't know what it is... Sad
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I know what you mean ex hub was like that. Low self esteem and didn't believe in himself. He was a good guy in that respect, could go far if he really wanted to, had a great personality but he had issues...and he DID have many friends but no one he could talk to like he could
Ok, not sure what happened...
I know what you mean ex hub was like that. Low self esteem and didn't believe in himself. He was a good guy in that respect, could go far if he really wanted to, had a great personality but he had issues...and he DID have many friends but no one he could talk to like he could with me. After many years of trying to boost him up it got tiring and it wasn't being reciprocated. I felt like he wasn't there for me emotionally and mentally. It's like they have their own baggage and they have no room for yours, even though I hardly had any! But sheesh, once in a while can I lean on YOU? He was a Cancer though.
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Ok, not sure what happened...
I know what you mean ex hub was like that. Low self esteem and didn't believe in himself. He was a good guy in that respect, could go far if he really wanted to, had a great personality but he had issues...and he DID have many friends but no one he could talk to like he could with me. After many years of trying to boost him up it got tiring and it wasn't being reciprocated. I felt like he wasn't there for me emotionally and mentally. It's like they have their own baggage and they have no room for yours, even though I hardly had any! But sheesh, once in a while can I lean on YOU? He was a Cancer though.

Exactly. Every time I cut out, she comes back, and as soon as we get close she spins a story. One of her famous stories is "I don't have time to handle a guy's issues". And guess what... I have none...
Posted by OmagaIII
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Ok, not sure what happened...
I know what you mean ex hub was like that. Low self esteem and didn't believe in himself. He was a good guy in that respect, could go far if he really wanted to, had a great personality but he had issues...and he DID have many friends but no one he could talk to like he could with me. After many years of trying to boost him up it got tiring and it wasn't being reciprocated. I felt like he wasn't there for me emotionally and mentally. It's like they have their own baggage and they have no room for yours, even though I hardly had any! But sheesh, once in a while can I lean on YOU? He was a Cancer though.

Exactly. Every time I cut out, she comes back, and as soon as we get close she spins a story. One of her famous stories is "I don't have time to handle a guy's issues". And guess what... I have none...
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Yeah I was gonna add that. We usually have NONE and I don't know about you but I take pride in having my sht together, and to be told that? WOW. Thanks.
Posted by OmagaIII

Exactly. Every time I cut out, she comes back, and as soon as we get close she spins a story. One of her famous stories is "I don't have time to handle a guy's issues". And guess what... I have none...

In the end, I believe Scorps respect strength and power, just like the astrologers say. They often will fake strength by resisting what they truly feel, suppressing it out of fear. It may look like strength or indifference on the outside, but inside they are dying. Truth and love are some of the most powerful forces in the universe IMO. My advice is to speak - tell her how you feel, express it fully. Even if she runs from it, she will respect you for it. I think Taurus ability to, at some point, actually be direct and vulnerable and say what is on our mind and heart is one of our greatest strengths. And I think you will really regret not expressing yourself fully if it never happens. I have that same regret and it sucks.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by OmagaIII

Exactly. Every time I cut out, she comes back, and as soon as we get close she spins a story. One of her famous stories is "I don't have time to handle a guy's issues". And guess what... I have none...

In the end, I believe Scorps respect strength and power, just like the astrologers say. They often will fake strength by resisting what they truly feel, suppressing it out of fear. It may look like strength or indifference on the outside, but inside they are dying. Truth and love are some of the most powerful forces in the universe IMO. My advice is to speak - tell her how you feel, express it fully. Even if she runs from it, she will respect you for it. I think Taurus ability to, at some point, actually be direct and vulnerable and say what is on our mind and heart is one of our greatest strengths. And I think you will really regret not expressing yourself fully if it never happens. I have that same regret and it sucks.
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True. I see this coming up more and more. I have to face the music. And if she runs, so be it. But if she stays, oh man oh man Tongue
Posted by OmagaIII

True. I see this coming up more and more. I have to face the music. And if she runs, so be it. But if she stays, oh man oh man Tongue

Let us know how it goes. I'd love to hear about a Taurus/Scorp thing actually progressing in a positive way. I think, when they do, all involved are too busy with each other, and enjoying life, to be on the boards much.
Just my further two cents - and probably what you already know - in expressing your feelings for a Scorp, I think it best not to be clingy or demanding about it. Just kinda lay it out and let them know they are free to respond however they want and you'll accept it. In just laying out the intensity of your feelings, but at the same time not expecting or needing anything, you also show alot of strength. There definitely is an element to Scorps, IMO, where you have to let them make their decisions in their own time and way, just like a bull. They are never going to be pressured into anything.
That said, waiting around for them to come around, while you *hide* your feelings, would be to indulge in a type of game-playing that I don't think is the style of, or in the best interest of, bulls. I think that's one of the things Scorps appreciate most - a straightforward/honest nature - and I think it provides a refreshing contrast to their own secretive/defensive nature. If you both mirror each other in the silence and the hiding, nothing will ever progress. Its a way to lead by example, without controlling.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
I'd love to hear about a Taurus/Scorp thing actually progressing in a positive way.

Read on Pierre and Marie Curie.
Poor bull died in a car crash though.
I have to agree with TLS smile
I am a Taurus with a rising Scorpio ( by the way I've been told that's a double wham!!)....anyhow...
Expressing the feelings without being clingy or demanding is the best advice. It takes a lot of strength because the possibility of getting rejected is high. However, showing that you possess that emotional maturity, it's a testimony of your personality.
Posted by OmagaIII
Ditto. I fully agree with this. Most signs complain about us not being open or slow to react. We find words very hard to say, (Unless I am feeling poetic and I start writing, in which case you'll be dizzy or pass out after the overwhelming flood of emotions I can put in writing.) so we clearly show what we feel. It takes a lot for us to say how we feel. We are very very emotional beings. Not these dominating beasts that most people think we are.

I did that once, it wasn't what I hoped for in a responds from her.
do you regret doing it? you actually learn anything once you've reached the point of "who cares"?
Posted by Absence you actually learn anything once you've reached the point of "who cares"?

I think its a point of acceptance - a point of refusing to be overly attached to transience of our circumstances. And I think it allows you to transcend alot of suffering in this life. Buddha agrees.
Posted by Absence
do you regret doing it?

No I don't. The silver lining was that I still have the ability to write, which was something that I thought I lost.
@ Redbull, I maybe cynical, but I hope to never get to the point of "who cares"

hmm...I am inclined to agree with atearth on this one.
The point of 'who cares' can very well be translated as the 'the state of slow spiritual and mental decay'. Being in the mindset of ' who cares' can very well be perceived as the state of 'willingly giving up'.
There are moments when acceptance is necessary, but I wouldn't automatically see it as a state of 'who cares'. I see acceptance as 'evaluating all the possibilities and choosing the best outcome, though sometimes not the one truly desired.' smile
@TLS: typical bulls and their love for beauty lol
@OmagaIII: you are head over heels Big Grin
Posted by peaceloveandhappines
Gemilie, keep in mind - the resentment usually only happens if the push/pull act is done repeatedly, such as in Omaga's case. We are very big on consistency and proof. Words don't mean a damn thing...don't just tell your guy you love/miss him - SHOW HIM. And for your sake, I really hope you are sure about these feelings you say you have for him because if you eff up again you just might get to experience that infamous Taurus temper.

I've been asked this same question a million times lately...and to be perfectly honest, I did have my doubts at the beginning... if I was in love with him chasing me rather than being in love with him...but after all that happened, everything is crystal clear now...I don't want him to be my friend, I don't want him to be a colleague...I want him to be mine!! It's been 2 days...and it's been a living have no idea how hard it is when I go to work and see that empty desk next to mine. It's tough to lose a man... and even tougher to lose a good one...I would litteraly give up anything to fall sick again and have him leave medecine on my desk again... I miss those days, I miss his smile, I even miss seeing him angry at me and our situation, I miss receiving text message from him in the middle of the night to see if I was ok...I miss being comforted by him. He hugged me twice, and never have I felt safer in my whole life than being surrounded by his arms and warmth. I don't know how to contact him now.... he didn't leave a phone number or anything...I know I can e-mail him... but I don't want to give him the option to not read my letter... and besides, I really want to hear his voice. People said it will get easier day after day...well they are wrong! It gets harder and harder everyday...I would love to see that infamous taurus temper if it means I get to see him...I've never ever seen him angry...his patience is legendary...and beside he has all the reasons in the world to be angry with me...
Well guess what -- by you not wanting to contact him via email, he's probably thinking you don't care...even though you have your reasons. Reach out any way you can, show him he does mean something to you.
You're trying to wait for that perfect moment but you are wasting precious time. If you email him Im pretty sure he will read your letter (out of curiosity) but he may not least he will know the truth and you can say you tried.
I have never been cheated on, nor have i cheated, but i can give a bit of advice:
If there was a true, deep and long-lived relationship, the only thing that would truly break it would be an act of unfaithfulness, i.e. loving another person. That means no second chances.
A Taurean hangs on to any little thread of hope in any kind of relationship where there is (or has been) love. Anything might be elaborated and discussed. But when that love is broken, and he or she finds out that you have been unfaithful, you better had been prepared for the day he or she found out, because then you are out of that person's life forever. He or she'd rather die than take you back.
I'm curious as to what you mean by misunderstanding.
I haven't read all the responses but I have gotten over people pretty quick in the past. I have been the one to terminate my previous relationships which I guess would account for that seeing as how I have already tried everything to make it work and have come to the conclusion it's a no-go and have already moved on inside.
I took back a Pisces ex and immediately regretted it.
The only time I ever grieved over a relationship was for 6 months after I was broken up with. I didn't see it coming and it knocked me for a sixer!
@Earthonfire: if you dont mind me asking...why did you regret taking your ex-piscean back?

Also, while a taurus is in the grieving stage, if other party wants to give it a try and is genuine...will a taurus take them back? Have you ever taken back an ex and it worked out? why or why not?
Geminilove - the reason I regret taking him back was because I left him for good reason in the first place. He was and still is a compulsive liar. He told me things would be different and of course, wanting to see the better in him decided maybe we could make it work. It was 48 hours back in the relationship that I knew it was not going to work out but it took me another 3 months to extract him out of my life again! We were very good friends before we took it to the next level and we remain good friends now. I simply don't have to deal with the consequences of his lies any longer so we get along quite well.
Taurus folk + lies = bad
He was the only ex I have taken back...from a serious relationship anyway. My Leo ex waited for 6 years thinking I would "come to my senses" and realise "what a great catch" he was (so typically Leo) and would even send me Valentines day cards every year until he finally realised "Hmm she must have lost her senses not wanting me back - I'm such good breeding stock for her future offspring and spawn, I just don't understand".
As for the why not? Well when I have broken it off with someone it's because I have already exhausted all emotional effort to try and make it work to the point the tank is empty and there's nothing more to give.
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Well guess what -- by you not wanting to contact him via email, he's probably thinking you don't care...even though you have your reasons. Reach out any way you can, show him he does mean something to you.
You're trying to wait for that perfect moment but you are wasting precious time. If you email him Im pretty sure he will read your letter (out of curiosity) but he may not least he will know the truth and you can say you tried.

I sent him an e-mail, telling him how sad I am now that he's not next to me anymore. I told him how much I miss his voice, touch and how gentle and affectionate he was. I know it's been only 2 days, but this is the first time it take him more than hours to reply...This week was a living hell...I sleep with my cell phone next to me hoping for a beep sound in the middle of the night, waking up and seeing a text message from him. I tried to act normal at work but everyone noticed that I wasn't well...they even offered me to take a few days off which I declined since doing nothing at home will just make it worse. I went over our text messages exchanges coutnless time...sometime I smiled... and sometime I just cried...but this time he's not there to support or comfort me this time I'm really all alone...waiting and waiting and waiting... what else can I do?
You need to go on with your life. You already told him how you feel - the ball's in his court. Back off a bit now, let it all sink in for him. He's probably weighing it all to make the best decision possible for him and his heart.
He may or may not respond Gemilie so be ready for whatever comes out of this. You cannot force him to do anything but if it's meant to be, it will happen. Corny, I know but that's just the way it goes sometimes. The practicality of the matter is this - he's in Japan now, right? How far from you? When would ya'll be able to see each other again?
Must make sure you are being true to your feelings and be consistent in everything you do from here on out with him (should you get the chance). I can't remember, are you the one with the Aqua moon or is it the other Gem on here lol.
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
You need to go on with your life. You already told him how you feel - the ball's in his court. Back off a bit now, let it all sink in for him. He's probably weighing it all to make the best decision possible for him and his heart.
He may or may not respond Gemilie so be ready for whatever comes out of this. You cannot force him to do anything but if it's meant to be, it will happen. Corny, I know but that's just the way it goes sometimes. The practicality of the matter is this - he's in Japan now, right? How far from you? When would ya'll be able to see each other again?
Must make sure you are being true to your feelings and be consistent in everything you do from here on out with him (should you get the chance). I can't remember, are you the one with the Aqua moon or is it the other Gem on here lol.

im the aqua moon gem smile
Ok my bad.
@peaceloveqndhappiness: its ok, it happens ^_^
Posted by Geminlove
@tavrine: is that a yes if hes capable or no as in no way in hell?? You wrote a paragraph but im confused @_@ im sorry
@here4yoo: im guessing you are a taurus, well what would you do if you as taurus decided to move on from PERSON A because they werent reciprocating and date someone else but in the end you dumped that someone else because of your feelings for PERSON A, what would you do then?

Tavvers! I am a Taurus. Feelings aside, I wouldn't date the next while holding the candle for the last. I have my Romantocrattic Oath to uphold. First order of business is, do no harm, no one gets hurt like THAT. Not fair. Besides, I'm not that pretty a man that I could ever stack women like cordwood on the one hand while leaving busted hearts behind on the other. Not fair in any case. That's how I roll anyway. Sorry doe the delay, it's been busy at work..
@Gemilie, do you mind me asking why you pushed your Bull away? and Twice? Taurus men are very stubborn... it is one of their strengh as well as a weakness. Through your story, he clearly still care deeply for you, but through his actions... he's clearly trying to move on. What exactly is holding him back... that I don't know, but you'll better find it out soon and do what should be done to get him back. Why did your emotions for him changed... you did pushed him away twice... and you were also involved with someone else...that will be tough for him (Your Bull) to swallow. It's such a sad story...You meant the world to him...but you shared yours with someone else. He sounds like a really nice guy and I give him a lot of credit for his self control which could be confused as being attention to his actions not to his cold facade... you'll clearly see how INTO you he was and STILL IS.
I'm sorry, I don't have and miracle solutions... but here's a suggestion... take some time to think about all of this... try to put yourself in his position... and what would make you happy? what would make you come back to someone that hurted you twice? Just remember it takes time to rebuild trust... in Taurus case...could be LOTS of times. Don't give up ! he sounds like an amaazing man... and they don't grow on trees
Posted by Geminlove
Basically, what goes on in a bull's mind when he/she is trying to get over someone? Its hard for bulls and bullettes to let go of people they care about, so i was just wondering...The longest it has taken for you to get over someone?

I have to analyze everything that happened??_ tend to feel a lot of guilt. I don't have relationships with someone unless there's promise for something long-term so when it ends, it's absolutely crushing. Yes it's hard for me to let go personally??_ sometimes takes months or longer. My last relationship was a year ago and I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Posted by sgtkilljoy
Posted by Geminlove
Basically, what goes on in a bull's mind when he/she is trying to get over someone? Its hard for bulls and bullettes to let go of people they care about, so i was just wondering...The longest it has taken for you to get over someone?

I have to analyze everything that happened??_ tend to feel a lot of guilt. I don't have relationships with someone unless there's promise for something long-term so when it ends, it's absolutely crushing. Yes it's hard for me to let go personally??_ sometimes takes months or longer. My last relationship was a year ago and I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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SgtKillJoy... a fitting name then hahaha jk
I am the same. It is like I an able to see how far things can pan out with someone. If I don't get that feeling or 'vision' I don't bother to take a step.
Once it ends, yeah... I am mostly shot and out for sometime. It is even worse when it happens abruptly Sad
Posted by sugerbear
TLS I have actually though about this and yes all 3 of them are in my heart still in a romantic love (I think having a Scorpio moon makes it even harder for me to let go of the ones I love :/)however there are reasons that I am not with any of them. It takes a lot for me to get to the point of walking away from a relationship with someone I love but when the line has been crossed I know I have too. In all honesty I dont know that it is over with me and my ex Scorp we have this weird pull toward each other that is kinda scary...but for now I will hold my head up, push forward and move on because that is what we do.
And yes you can get a Taurus back! Everything that Scorch said is right on. We are actually very loving and forgiving, we just want to know that you are serious and that you know there was a mistake made and we want to see action that it will be fixed and changed. But remember it isnt going to happen over night...we are slow moving creators and we are cautious once hurt. If you don??t see immediate results it doesn??t mean that he isn??t interested it just means he??s watching and wanting to know if you are serious.
Cant agree more to this ... I wish he understands that.... Maybe he wont cause hes a taurus too ..ugh

Posted by Geminlove
bulls and bullettes
Shouldn't that be bulls and cows? Cause I guarantee, taurus gals are just as stubborn, hard headed, and immovable as cows. Ever seen some poor soul try to get a cow moving when it thinks it's stuck? Yeah...

stupid cows.
All Taureans will act differently depending on the situation but a Taurus never forgets and never really forgives either.

Winning a Taurus back will depend on the severity of the damage done and where he/she has progressed in life. Your best bet is talking to the Taurus only if the break up was relatively recent (over a few days old but less than a few months old) and he hasn't moved on yet. They're not made of stone, they'll hear you out for sure but might not give you the answer you want to hear. If a Taurus is in a committed relationship with the right (new) person/ someone they see as a trade-up, they won't ever look back and mess up what they have now.

Regardless of your situation, my advice would be this: why sit around waiting for someone to take you back when there are plenty of fish in the sea? Life's too short for drama and messy relationships, you owe yourself something real. In my experience, the Gemini-Taurus pairing is very difficult to say the least.
it reallydpeends

but once i am done mostly i am done

unless it was a very good relationship

my aqua moon will allow me to be detached if i don't see a long term potential

the thing is once my mind was made up its suitable long makes things very tricky to move forward.....

i am pretty fixed in my charts so that makes it a little tricky

but with a taurus, we r stubborn with who we love esp if we know they r a good candidate and match us in all levels...when that happened...its a hard one to swallow

sometimes i feel its about me letting go of my own belief that he's not the one

once i get pass that believe i can move on easier

its a problem when its in my psyche that he is the one...and that makes it hard esp if there r so many pros in the relationship when we connect



if its an unhealthy one like abusive n that...then no question ask..i just move on

I feel you I'm a Gemini who wants her Taurus back and he's closing up on me. The rejection really hurts and it's not the first time I've tried to get him back. We never really talked things out face to face though it was always through letter or on the phone.