Why isn't this Taurus guy saying anything?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by TheEmpress on Sunday, May 29, 2016 and has 41 replies.
I"m a Virgo female, I really like this Taurus guy I've known for a while now. I used to work with him until very recently, he just graduated from our college so we're not working together anymore. Maybe two months before the semester was supposed to end, I accidentally let it slip that I liked him and he turned beet red and told me he'll text me about it later. He never texted me about it but starting the next day, he was friendlier than before and we got pretty close in the remaining time. Since he didn't bring it up, I didn't either but he did several things that made me think he liked me as well, things like acting like the alpha male and trying to impress me, opening up to me about his issues, making time for me, being overly sensitive to my feelings (which is odd bc I border more on emotionally dead), being especially nice to me/protective of me. You get the gist.

Last week, I decided that I actually did want an answer to if he likes me or not so I asked him about it and he asked me 'You aren't kidding though' and I confirmed that I wasn't kidding and then wrote him a heartfelt paragraph over text explaining the situation from those several months ago when I'd let slip about liking him. He hasn't replied to anything I've said that isn't related to work since then. First, he had a thing going during which he'd read my messages in his notifications but wouldn't open them so it would seem like he hadn't seen them. Then he realized I knew what he was doing so he abandoned that tactic and he seems normal when I ask about work stuff so I know he's not suddenly awkward with talking to me or anything. Up until now, I assumed that he doesn't like me but he doesn't know how to tell me that so I lowkey pestered him about it because I know that he'll just tell me whatever he's actually thinking about the situation just to get me to stop bothering him. Surprisingly, he still won't say anything about it. I even told him that I expected him to just tell me that he hates me or to go away; I was trying to make him not feel so bad about turning me down, if that's what was on his mind but he won't say that either.

I'm trying to figure out why he's not just giving me an answer, I've let him know that it's completely fine if he doesn't like me and that I won't feel bad if he tells me that but that he should if that's the case. I've tried to annoy him into telling me to leave him alone and that he doesn't like me but he won't do it. I'm starting to think that he actually likes me but doesn't want to tell me since he's in a different place now or he just doesn't know if he likes me or not.

Do Taurus guys act the way I described his behavior when they like a girl? Why isn't he saying anything to me? Is there anything I can say to get him to talk to me about it?
Does he have a gf?
And what's wrong with being friends first until one is ready to pursue. He's not ready either.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
And what's wrong with being friends first until one is ready to pursue. He's not ready either.

He doesn't have a gf and I doubt he gets a lot of female attention bc he's kind of out of shape. Nothing's wrong with being friends first, we are friends right now. I'm just looking to know if I'm just losing my marbles thinking that he was flirting with me or if he actually was doing that. I'm at that point where I don't know how to react to him or how close of a relationship I should maintain with him. I don't really want to put in a ton of effort to maintain a close relationship and have it turn out that we are never going to be anything more than friends because he's not interested in me like that.

What do you think?
Posted by EnochtheWise
I truly don't get it. Any other dude, and its "If I don't hear back from him in 2 days, I assume he's not interested and I'm done." Taurus guy? "I've told him I like him, he ignored it. When I bring it up again and again, he ignores it. I am going to keep pursuing this because I think he likes me."

When you put it like that......
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
I'm starting to think that he actually likes me but doesn't want to tell me since he's in a different place now or he just doesn't know if he likes me or not.

Do Taurus guys act the way I described his behavior when they like a girl? Why isn't he saying anything to me? Is there anything I can say to get him to talk to me about it?

Please Google "the Taurus harem" and do some reading.

User Submitted Image
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Thanks, that actually helped. He isn't romancing any women though so idk but I get the idea.
Haha the spell? Shhh
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
I'm starting to think that he actually likes me but doesn't want to tell me since he's in a different place now or he just doesn't know if he likes me or not.

Do Taurus guys act the way I described his behavior when they like a girl? Why isn't he saying anything to me? Is there anything I can say to get him to talk to me about it?

Please Google "the Taurus harem" and do some reading.

User Submitted Image

Thanks, that actually helped. He isn't romancing any women though so idk but I get the idea.

The harem isn't about romance or sleeping around. Its about a soaking up all that admiration from a group of females who think they have a chance, but either don't, or are not seriously being considered at the moment.

Take you for instance. At best, from what I just read of your situation,if this guy is into you at all, he is not really all that concerned with losing you. If he were, he would never risk it by failing tor respond to some very direct behavior on your part. And you continue to act in a way that reinfoces the belief that he doesn't really have to worry about that. This is Venusian magic. You are under the spell.

What is so great about the guy that you'd put your pride aside like that? Why settle for anything less than someone being crazy about you? If he can put you on hold like this now, he'd be doing the same all throughout your relationship.
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I see your point but it's also why I'm a little confused. He actually was a little concerned about 'losing' me. The physical aspect couldn't be avoided because he's going to grad school in a different state so he has to move for that so in that sense, he was losing me regardless. What I'm confused about is that he did try to talk to me about the move and just telling me the whole plan and when he's leaving and random details. At the time, I didn't know what to make of it because I didn't really know why he was telling me all this out of the blue, especially with the tone he was using, like he was trying to gently explain some bad news or something. Point is, I'm not so sure about him not really being concerned with losing me. I'm actually tied to him for work reasons right now, I've been pestering him to hand over some data and he has yet to do it. After he does that, he knows as well as I that I have no reason to contact him again.

He has a lot of the characteristics that I value, let'
I tell you one thing@op if I was moving to another estate for work I would not want to be a burden and let you go for awhile to get my affairs in order. I mean my life before I thought about something serious.
That might be it actually, the reason he was so nice and sensitive. He may have thought I couldn't handle any harsh comments despite being a bitch from time to time. That's what I'm trying to figure out though...his actions said that he likes me but he didn't say it bluntly so I can't just assume that and live with it. My safest bet is believing he's not interested in me and cutting my losses, I guess. It's okay though, I'm Capricorn moon so I'm a little dead inside anyway Winking
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
I tell you one thing@op if I was moving to another estate for work I would not want to be a burden and let you go for awhile to get my affairs in order. I mean my life before I thought about something serious.

So you're saying even if he's interested, he's just not saying anything so he's not starting something new here and leaving me hanging halfway through because he's trying to get his work in order.

I agree and while I'm not interested in a relationship since I'm focusing on my career right now as well, he doesn't know that so he might actually think that if he says anything about liking me, I might ask about a relationship since that's the next step to two people liking each other. You know, I've heard that Taureans typically get into relationships when they're serious about so it might be smart of me to just leave it alone so I don't put myself in the position of having to tell him that just because I like him doesn't mean I was looking for a relationship. I feel like that would be cruel if he does actually come out and tell me he likes me.

I guess I'll just go with the assumption that he doesn't and cut both our losses.

Thanks for helping!
Posted by DanceWithMeLightly
Posted by TheEmpress
That might be it actually, the reason he was so nice and sensitive. He may have thought I couldn't handle any harsh comments despite being a bitch from time to time. That's what I'm trying to figure out though...his actions said that he likes me but he didn't say it bluntly so I can't just assume that and live with it. My safest bet is believing he's not interested in me and cutting my losses, I guess. It's okay though, I'm Capricorn moon so I'm a little dead inside anyway Winking


Dat Cap moon comment tho HAHAHAHAHA
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Hey, you know it's true Tongue Winking
why are you pursuing? do you have an aries mars?
Posted by firebunny
why are you pursuing? do you have an aries mars?

Nope, both my Venus and Mars are in Cancer. Do Aries Mars typically pursue?
Posted by TheEmpress
Posted by firebunny
why are you pursuing? do you have an aries mars?

Nope, both my Venus and Mars are in Cancer. Do Aries Mars typically pursue?
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fire placements usually do IME.
Posted by firebunny
Posted by TheEmpress
Posted by firebunny
why are you pursuing? do you have an aries mars?

Nope, both my Venus and Mars are in Cancer. Do Aries Mars typically pursue?

fire placements usually do IME.
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I didn't know that. He's an Aries Mars.
You sound like you're mitigating your losses already and trying to talk yourself into reasons not to like him. So that way if he rejects you, you can say, well fuck him - I was doing him a favor anyways. But really it's just a form of self preservation and a malidaptive defense mechanism.
Posted by Instantkarma
I think he likes you, but there could be other issues.idk.
But you know, you should never corner a Bull. It backfires! How long do you know him? They take a while to express their emotions.
And to him, it could look as if you have an EXIT PLAN ready. You are on the FENCE! So why should he commit to love you or put his feelings on the line? When he knows you can walk away without giving it your all?

Oh well well well. Hi lady..
Posted by Instantkarma
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by Instantkarma
I think he likes you, but there could be other issues.idk.
But you know, you should never corner a Bull. It backfires! How long do you know him? They take a while to express their emotions.
And to him, it could look as if you have an EXIT PLAN ready. You are on the FENCE! So why should he commit to love you or put his feelings on the line? When he knows you can walk away without giving it your all?

Oh well well well. Hi lady..

hi my baby gal Big Grin
How are you?
Did I say something wrong?
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Nope no nil. I'm good and you?
Posted by Instantkarma
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by Instantkarma
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by Instantkarma
I think he likes you, but there could be other issues.idk.
But you know, you should never corner a Bull. It backfires! How long do you know him? They take a while to express their emotions.
And to him, it could look as if you have an EXIT PLAN ready. You are on the FENCE! So why should he commit to love you or put his feelings on the line? When he knows you can walk away without giving it your all?

Oh well well well. Hi lady..

hi my baby gal Big Grin
How are you?
Did I say something wrong?

Nope no nil. I'm good and you?

Great! Feeling upbeat Big Grin
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That's great glad to hear.
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
I'm starting to think that he actually likes me but doesn't want to tell me since he's in a different place now or he just doesn't know if he likes me or not.

Do Taurus guys act the way I described his behavior when they like a girl? Why isn't he saying anything to me? Is there anything I can say to get him to talk to me about it?

Please Google "the Taurus harem" and do some reading.

User Submitted Image

Thanks, that actually helped. He isn't romancing any women though so idk but I get the idea.

The harem isn't about romance or sleeping around. Its about a soaking up all that admiration from a group of females who think they have a chance, but either don't, or are not seriously being considered at the moment.

Take you for instance. At best, from what I just read of your situation,if this guy is into you at all, he is not really all that concerned with losing you. If he were, he would never risk it by failing tor respond to some very direct behavior on your part. And you continue to act in a way that reinfoces the belief that he doesn't really have to worry about that. This is Venusian magic. You are under the spell.

What is so great about the guy that you'd put your pride aside like that? Why settle for anything less than someone being crazy about you? If he can put you on hold like this now, he'd be doing the same all throughout your relationship.
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Also, OP, is this the same guy you played that dirty trick on?
Posted by Andalusia
You sound like you're mitigating your losses already and trying to talk yourself into reasons not to like him. So that way if he rejects you, you can say, well fuck him - I was doing him a favor anyways. But really it's just a form of self preservation and a malidaptive defense mechanism.

It is a defense mechanism, I don't see why I need to sacrifice my self-esteem for someone who won't even answer me.
Posted by AgentP911
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
I'm starting to think that he actually likes me but doesn't want to tell me since he's in a different place now or he just doesn't know if he likes me or not.

Do Taurus guys act the way I described his behavior when they like a girl? Why isn't he saying anything to me? Is there anything I can say to get him to talk to me about it?

Please Google "the Taurus harem" and do some reading.

User Submitted Image

Thanks, that actually helped. He isn't romancing any women though so idk but I get the idea.

The harem isn't about romance or sleeping around. Its about a soaking up all that admiration from a group of females who think they have a chance, but either don't, or are not seriously being considered at the moment.

Take you for instance. At best, from what I just read of your situation,if this guy is into you at all, he is not really all that concerned with losing you. If he were, he would never risk it by failing tor respond to some very direct behavior on your part. And you continue to act in a way that reinfoces the belief that he doesn't really have to worry about that. This is Venusian magic. You are under the spell.

What is so great about the guy that you'd put your pride aside like that? Why settle for anything less than someone being crazy about you? If he can put you on hold like this now, he'd be doing the same all throughout your relationship.


Also, OP, is this the same guy you played that dirty trick on?
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What you talking about?
Posted by Instantkarma
I think he likes you, but there could be other issues.idk.
But you know, you should never corner a Bull. It backfires! How long do you know him? They take a while to express their emotions.
And to him, it could look as if you have an EXIT PLAN ready. You are on the FENCE! So why should he commit to love you or put his feelings on the line? When he knows you can walk away without giving it your all?

I don't really know anymore. At first, I automatically assumed he doesn't like me but then I was wondering why he won't just tell me to back off if he doesn't like me, it would make his life easier so I was wondering if there's a chance that he does actually feel something towards me but now i just have no clue...again. I've known him for a year but we only got close in the last few months. He knows me well enough to know that I always give it my all but honestly, that's why I put my feelings on the line, so it's not like he's the only one who's showing any vulnerability if he actually has feelings for me. I don't really have an exit plan anymore; my typical exit plan for anything is 'i was joking' but I've made it clear beyond even the shadow of a doubt that this is no joke.
Posted by AgentP911
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
I'm starting to think that he actually likes me but doesn't want to tell me since he's in a different place now or he just doesn't know if he likes me or not.

Do Taurus guys act the way I described his behavior when they like a girl? Why isn't he saying anything to me? Is there anything I can say to get him to talk to me about it?

Please Google "the Taurus harem" and do some reading.

User Submitted Image

Thanks, that actually helped. He isn't romancing any women though so idk but I get the idea.

The harem isn't about romance or sleeping around. Its about a soaking up all that admiration from a group of females who think they have a chance, but either don't, or are not seriously being considered at the moment.

Take you for instance. At best, from what I just read of your situation,if this guy is into you at all, he is not really all that concerned with losing you. If he were, he would never risk it by failing tor respond to some very direct behavior on your part. And you continue to act in a way that reinfoces the belief that he doesn't really have to worry about that. This is Venusian magic. You are under the spell.

What is so great about the guy that you'd put your pride aside like that? Why settle for anything less than someone being crazy about you? If he can put you on hold like this now, he'd be doing the same all throughout your relationship.


Also, OP, is this the same guy you played that dirty trick on?
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~sigh~ Yup, same guy. I fretted about that for ages and when I spoke to him about it, he just waved it off and I felt like an absolute idiot for not talking to him earlier.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by AgentP911
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by TheEmpress
I'm starting to think that he actually likes me but doesn't want to tell me since he's in a different place now or he just doesn't know if he likes me or not.

Do Taurus guys act the way I described his behavior when they like a girl? Why isn't he saying anything to me? Is there anything I can say to get him to talk to me about it?

Please Google "the Taurus harem" and do some reading.

User Submitted Image

Thanks, that actually helped. He isn't romancing any women though so idk but I get the idea.

The harem isn't about romance or sleeping around. Its about a soaking up all that admiration from a group of females who think they have a chance, but either don't, or are not seriously being considered at the moment.

Take you for instance. At best, from what I just read of your situation,if this guy is into you at all, he is not really all that concerned with losing you. If he were, he would never risk it by failing tor respond to some very direct behavior on your part. And you continue to act in a way that reinfoces the belief that he doesn't really have to worry about that. This is Venusian magic. You are under the spell.

What is so great about the guy that you'd put your pride aside like that? Why settle for anything less than someone being crazy about you? If he can put you on hold like this now, he'd be doing the same all throughout your relationship.


Also, OP, is this the same guy you played that dirty trick on?

What you talking about?
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I let it slip that I like him on April fools...you can imagine how that went.
Oh my goodness for fuck sake. Oh I remember damn he still not coming around. Lol.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Oh my goodness for fuck sake. Oh I remember damn he still not coming around. Lol.

Idk, I started noticing all the weird flirty signs I was talking about in the original post mostly after that ghastly incident.
Posted by Instantkarma
Posted by TheEmpress
Posted by Instantkarma
I think he likes you, but there could be other issues.idk.
But you know, you should never corner a Bull. It backfires! How long do you know him? They take a while to express their emotions.
And to him, it could look as if you have an EXIT PLAN ready. You are on the FENCE! So why should he commit to love you or put his feelings on the line? When he knows you can walk away without giving it your all?

I don't really know anymore. At first, I automatically assumed he doesn't like me but then I was wondering why he won't just tell me to back off if he doesn't like me, it would make his life easier so I was wondering if there's a chance that he does actually feel something towards me but now i just have no clue...again. I've known him for a year but we only got close in the last few months. He knows me well enough to know that I always give it my all but honestly, that's why I put my feelings on the line, so it's not like he's the only one who's showing any vulnerability if he actually has feelings for me. I don't really have an exit plan anymore; my typical exit plan for anything is 'i was joking' but I've made it clear beyond even the shadow of a doubt that this is no joke.

Remember you played a joke on him? Give him time. Let him make up his mind. If he does like you, you will know it. If he doesn't or doesn't let you know without your prompts, be ready to walk away.
Are you a Virgo?
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You're right, there isn't much else I can do either. I can't force an answer out of him. Yup, I'm a Virgo sun.
Get him stoned or drunk then he will start talking I'm the same way unless I know the person smile
That's not a good idea.
Posted by taurus1277
Get him stoned or drunk then he will start talking I'm the same way unless I know the person smile

Other than it being a bad idea in general, I can't do that since he's not here at the moment and he doesn't drink.
Posted by Shashkay
I think he has a gf.

What makes you say that?
Especially after that joke yeah could be.
Oh..well that's not it; he's been busy lately but I know that's not why he's not saying anything back. I've asked if he has a girlfriend in the past and he said no so that's not the issue but there could be someone else he's interested in. I wouldn't know if that's the case since I never asked him that.

If he was interested in someone else, that would most likely mean he's rejecting me which brings me back to my earlier point that it would be easier for him to just tell me to fuck off and that he's not interested but regardless of what I do, he isn't saying that to me and the only reason I can think of is because he's not sure about how he feels or something.
Posted by Shashkay
A lot of guys with gfs or wives don't talk online to girls.
Especially if there was romantic interests etc.

True but it's not like he didn't talk to me online or over text before, even for random stuff. The ignoring thing only started after I blatantly clarified that I do actually like him. He knew even before that about how I felt but he wasn't clear on it. He still talks to me about work stuff, just nothing to do with my interest in him. This is all besides the fact that he doesn't have a gf
Posted by Instantkarma
I think he likes you, but there could be other issues.idk.
But you know, you should never corner a Bull. It backfires! How long do you know him? They take a while to express their emotions.
And to him, it could look as if you have an EXIT PLAN ready. You are on the FENCE! So why should he commit to love you or put his feelings on the line? When he knows you can walk away without giving it your all?

^^^^ this..... @ op Virgos bring out a different side in us it's hard to explain I think he likes you because most bulls naturally like Virgo women but there is something that is holding him back which could be alot of things. I do believe that he feels that you are on the fence(felt the same way with my Virgo encounter) so he may take a long time to take it anywhere so if you don't feel like sticking around then you shouldn't.
Posted by LentoBull91
Posted by Instantkarma
I think he likes you, but there could be other issues.idk.
But you know, you should never corner a Bull. It backfires! How long do you know him? They take a while to express their emotions.
And to him, it could look as if you have an EXIT PLAN ready. You are on the FENCE! So why should he commit to love you or put his feelings on the line? When he knows you can walk away without giving it your all?

^^^^ this..... @ op Virgos bring out a different side in us it's hard to explain I think he likes you because most bulls naturally like Virgo women but there is something that is holding him back which could be alot of things. I do believe that he feels that you are on the fence(felt the same way with my Virgo encounter) so he may take a long time to take it anywhere so if you don't feel like sticking around then you shouldn't.
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I am on the fence because I'm not exactly looking to date (he doesn't know that) but even if I decided to go for it, it would long distance and I doubt he's keen on that. I've had a long distance before and it didn't work out well so I'm not inclined to go for it again, the logical approach is just fuck it. In fact, that makes sense for why he may not be saying anything. I've given him several chances to tell me he's not interested and he hasn't taken them, that's the only logical indication I can think of that he actually is interested. I think what's holding him back is the fact that it'll be long distance if anything works out but there's no definite amount of time after which we can be together physically unless I go to the same grad school as him (not likely, it's so out of the way) and we're going to be experiencing different things and soon enough, the whole relationship business will start to feel like a burden since we never spent any time together physically in a dating phase.

Does it sound like a logical explanation from a taurean point of view? Regardless of what happens with that, I do want to talk to him as a friend but I have no idea how to subtly go about that and get him to reply. Any advice there?
He's assessing the situation.
He's in hibernation mode.
It sounds like you caught him off guard.
He may not have initially seen you in this light, and may be contemplating it.

Back off.
Give him time and space to reach out to you.
Posted by TaurusBull1977
He's assessing the situation.
He's in hibernation mode.
It sounds like you caught him off guard.
He may not have initially seen you in this light, and may be contemplating it.

Back off.
Give him time and space to reach out to you.

I told him this 2 months ago the first time and he did some things in the past few months that made it seem as if he liked me. He might be thinking it through or something but I don't think I caught him off guard.

So just leave him be for the moment and if he wants to talk, he'll do that on his own time? Sounds reasonable
Posted by Shashkay
He doesn't fancy you.

Why do you think that?