Posted by P-Angel
every person over 25 has dealt with supporting a person in some fashion, only to be taken advantage of.
Posted by GreatBull
"And always I thought it is cause he is rat in Chinese horoscope.
im a rat in chinese, but i don't ask for money from people, but i don't refused it if its from a trustworthy source.
Posted by P-Angel
Cancers are greedy muther fukers .... they will claim poverty to spend someone elses money, while having cash in their pockets, if you are willing to buy them something then they will pick out the most expensive item and not care about your financial situation ...... so, my suggestion would be to target this area.
Posted by little_sparrow
I am a hell of a lot of Libra though and that is why I doubt your bf (or the bf in question) will see a problem. I also know if you push the friend out before he is ready to fly, the Libra will look at you like sprung two heads. If the Libra isn't complaining, leave it be.
He's a libra for crying out loud! He's supposed to be far more logical than that...
Posted by WinterBornPosted by brianafay
last weekend he brought another girl over, whom he also met on
There .....
Anyways, my solution: I stopped staying there after the first incident. I grabbed the few personal belongings I had there and left the situation. Infact, I really don't even go over there at all, unless I know for sure the he won't be there - and if he happens to stroll in while I'm there I leave very shortly after. I don't give him dirty looks or make comments - I pretend like he doesn't exist. But I do still have to hear about it ALL THE TIME. & If I respond - we get into an argument. So usually, I just say "I don't want to hear about it, you know how I feel and you know what the solution is."
& Lately he's been mad I don't stay there with him anymore. (Plus we haven't had sex in like 3 weeks, so there's alot of tension.) It's really doing a number on our relationship. So I'm just wondering how long he'll let this go on...
.....Until the Cancer wins.
Mr. Cancer man (aka selfish prick) can be pretty stubborn sometimes, and downright nasty if he's being pushed around on a personal level. You're going to have to make him want to leave.
Ok, now it looks to me like your Libra is going to sit on the fence because he doesn't know what the fuck to do. Or he knows...but just can't bring himself to do it.
Looks like its up to you. You're fire ain'tcha? Well go in there and burn the fucking place down.
Use drama. Loud, angry drama. Shouting and fingerpointing is recommended. Tell your Libra in front of the Cancer that it's either me or him bud....ME OR HIM. He goes or I go. One or the other, you cant have both.
Hopefully this will guilt trip the Cancerous Cancer into packing his shit up and leaving his own self...
Just a thought.... might work.
As a last resort.
click to expand
Posted by deemnsout4ever
Phone the Cancer boys momma and tell her what he's up to.....whhppsshhhh !!!!
Posted by WinterBorn
Have you talked to your boyfriend today? lol I'm kinda annoyed he's sticking up for the slimball cancer grrr
Posted by brianafayPosted by WinterBornPosted by brianafay
last weekend he brought another girl over, whom he also met on
There .....
Anyways, my solution: I stopped staying there after the first incident. I grabbed the few personal belongings I had there and left the situation. Infact, I really don't even go over there at all, unless I know for sure the he won't be there - and if he happens to stroll in while I'm there I leave very shortly after. I don't give him dirty looks or make comments - I pretend like he doesn't exist. But I do still have to hear about it ALL THE TIME. & If I respond - we get into an argument. So usually, I just say "I don't want to hear about it, you know how I feel and you know what the solution is."
& Lately he's been mad I don't stay there with him anymore. (Plus we haven't had sex in like 3 weeks, so there's alot of tension.) It's really doing a number on our relationship. So I'm just wondering how long he'll let this go on...
Haha. I wish. I would feel 100% better if I could verbally assault this kid...even just a tiny bit. I would seriously take pleasure in it. It's sick - I'm scaring myself.
But I know if I did it in front of my boyfriend = big drama. He would tell me to leave and then he'd call me later to relentlessly bitch at me for hours about I can never just keep my mouth shut, and I cause him more problems than anyone else.
Not to mention, hclick to expand
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