Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
I have been lurking around the Leo Forum because I just started dating my first Leo. We have been dating for a couple of weeks now and he is already seeming like quite the smitten kitten with me. He calls and text messages me constantly and has even told me that he really thinks I'm the one that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He wants to see me every day. The problem is that we live about an hour apart and the first few times we went out we met half way. Twice now he asked me to come to his house and I have gone. Now this week I asked him to come to my house and he said O.K., but then ended up canceling on me a few hours before because he was tired. So now it is the second time that he was supposed to come to my house and he is again canceling on me. He is telling me that he misses me so much and really wants to be with me but he doesn't want to come to me. He wants me to go to him. I'm not quite sure what to do about this because although I don't mind going to his house when it is convenient for me I don't want to always be the one. I know that this will make me resentful and not want to see him anymore. I just don't get what his big problem is with coming to my house. In every other way he seems so generous. I don't understand why he is being so selfish with this. Can any of you Leos give me some insight on what might be going on with him?
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
I live alone in a beautiful 2 bedroom apartment on the beach. What man wouldn't love that?
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
I sent him an e-mail about my feelings on this and he basically wrote back that he feels safe and comfortable in his own home and that he has control issues about having all of his stuff around him and having what he wants when he wants it. He said he is a creature of habit and needs his creature comforts. He then half heartedly said "I guess I could come to your house on Friday" like he is being tortured or something. LOL!
I'm not totally satisfied with this answer and still think it seems pretty selfish. I feel like he is not concerned about my comfort only his own even though when I am there he goes way out of his way to spoil me and make sure I am comfortable and in fact I do feel very comfortable at his house. It is much bigger and nicer than my place and he has offered to move inland about 20 minutes if it works out between us. It's just the principle of the fact that he is so inflexible and I'm worried that if he is this inflexible about this that he will be inflexible about other things too.
Argh!! I'm so torn. Everyone has their issues and I guess if that his only one I can live with that. I just won't go to his house unless it is totally convenient for me which will be basically just once a week and if he wants to see me more than that then he will have to either come to my house or put a ring on my finger and move me in :-)
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Haha! Chocolate. I will have him bring his teddy bear with him. I know I can get him to come to my place, but how fun is it going to be if he is miserable? I think I'm going to develop the relationship a bit more and then just casually mention that he should put his bike in the truck and come down to the beach for a bike ride and let him get used to it slowly. I think you are right. I think he feels like if he comes to me that I have so much scorpio power over him that I will talk him into moving to me. LOL. I already promised him though that I wouldn't move him anymore than 30 minutes away from his son and I keep my promises.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
" he feels safe and comfortable in his own home and that he has control issues about having all of his stuff around him and having what he wants when he wants it. He said he is a creature of habit and needs his creature comforts. He then half heartedly said "I guess I could come to your house on Friday" like he is being tortured or something. LOL!"
He told you the truth, his truth and yes it is torture lol! For him atleast it is.
"I'm not totally satisfied with this answer and still think it seems pretty selfish."
selfish is the operative word, get used to it when dealing with some leo men, he wants what he wants, how he wants it, when he wants it, he's already showing these signs, if u give him a struggle about it he will soon move away from the relationship, can't force a lion to do anything ever. He may give in but he will not be happy about it and may find someone a bit more flexible to his needs. There are ways to get what you want but it won't be thru too much talking, nagging, ultimatums, it won't be thru struggling with him.
"I feel like he is not concerned about my comfort only his own even though when I am there he goes way out of his way to spoil me and make sure I am comfortable and in fact I do feel very comfortable at his house. It's just the principle of the fact that he is so inflexible and I'm worried that if he is this inflexible about this that he will be inflexible about other things too."
Your leo is concerned with u and your comfort on his terms not yours, he's concerned with his effect on you but that doesn't mean he's all that concerned about you and your needs on your terms, sorry if that sounds harsh but I been dealing with leo men through out my life, I would suggest you slow down, let him chase a bit, he will become bored quickly so don't lay all your cards on the table jus yet, be a bit elusive and indifferent to him, don't allow him to see it bothers you so much, his inflexible nature isn't going to change b/c he loves you.
Your already caught, you have been snared in the lions den, he's not going to put in a lot of effort to go further thus he feels no need to pursue you by coming to your place they can be some lazy lions, you sense the lack of balance already lol, do things as you said only at your convienance, back up a bit okay, don't be so accessible and this will get him back into chasing...never let a male lion conquer you, he will soon ignore you out of boredom, its not personal, its jus the way is
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
oh and these are simply suggestions, but I find being a bit emotionally logical with a leo man helps, too much heavy emotions over whats wrong or what you need will turn him off, subtlety is the key.
Relax and do things on your terms so he can sense your self reliance, your self confidence and independence and he will yield as you show indifference and go on with your will be through you being confident and okay with things and not pushing him to mold himself into what you think is right or wrong as far as the role he has to play in your life which will pull him out of his comfort zone not all the time but in most cases if there is no pressure he will bend...apathy will make him bend a bit also.
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Thanks Tiki, I wrote him back and told him that I understood a little more now that he explained and that I didn't want him to be miserable and that I was just frustrated because this long distance thing is harder than I thought and I just miss him and have so little time away from work to go and see him and that I'm just trying to figure out how it is all going to work.
Do you think he will respond well to that?
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
oh he's fine, leo's aren't swayed by too much emotion, don't worry okay, if he's spending time with you then he's into you but if you want to keep the I love you's and romancing text and calls to keep coming don't be so accessible to him, don't fawn over his every word when he confesses his love and affection, sometimes let him say it and feel it and you smile and enjoy it without professing your feelings to him, take it for what it is at that time b/c if the relationship becomes stagnant which it can if you give your heart over too easily he will become bored and you will find yourself chasing him ie on the begging end of the relationship which is not a great feeling, so be gracious but aloof sometimes this will keep boredom from setting in and keep him on the hunt. Relax and don't worry too much how things will work, some leo's love spontaneity and the unknown, so your relationship shouldn't be an A thru Z step by step kind of love thats boring.
Showing him your independent and self reliant meaning you like being with him but you don't have a need to be with him will help him to feel safe and help him open up more to you, showing indifference/apathy will catch his attention and will push him out of his comfort zone a bit, if you do things at your convienance and not drop everything to be with him then at some point he will come to you. If your always at his feet and fulfilling his immediate needs all the time ie doing it his way all the time the relationship will become unbalanced/one sided which will build resentment on your prevent this, do your own thing, at your own pace at your own time, be less accessible to him and this will push him to come closer to you. Make you a priority first.
just a few helpful hints *wink*
take what you can from it and discard the rest (:
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Hi Chocolate,
Yes I'm a scorp. I know. Leo and Scorp, not the best combination.
You give great advice and it confirms that what I've been doing is on track until this incident. I'm just afraid I've ruined everything. The whole time we have been together he has not gone more than 4 hours without a phone call, text message or e-mail, but after he canceled on me Tuesday and I got pissy with him I got nothing the entire day yesterday until I sent him an e-mail at 10:30 at night and he wrote back to me. I'm afraid letting him know that what he did bothered me also let him know how I feel and made me seem too needy. I'm going to be with him Friday and make sure we have a really good time and then I'm going to disappear into my work for the week. He will have his son so it will be really hard for us to get together next week anyway.
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Hi Chocolate,
Yes I'm a scorp. I know. Leo and Scorp, not the best combination.
You give great advice and it confirms that what I've been doing is on track until this incident. I'm just afraid I've ruined everything. The whole time we have been together he has not gone more than 4 hours without a phone call, text message or e-mail, but after he canceled on me Tuesday and I got pissy with him I got nothing the entire day yesterday until I sent him an e-mail at 10:30 at night and he wrote back to me. I'm afraid letting him know that what he did bothered me also let him know how I feel and made me seem too needy. I'm going to be with him Friday and make sure we have a really good time and then I'm going to disappear into my work for the week. He will have his son so it will be really hard for us to get together next week anyway.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
don't sweat it too much, take what you can from everyone on the board and use what works, sounds like he's very dominate, so he may be using his dominance to make you yield by making you come to him first which is not a bad thing but make sure you don't find yourself doing that all the time, don't allow his habits to control you.
You can balance things out by and I know its hard for a scorpio to do but you can balance it out by not putting too much pressure on him to make you happy, he will make you happy no matter what because leo's are good at that but if pressure is put on him then he may rebel, he's not tripping about you expressing yourself but what I find turns a leo male off is criticism and making it his fault in some way.
When your with him then of course be with him, enjoy him but when you leave his presence try to let him go, give him the space and time to miss you, if your always doing the chasing and your always coming to him then you start to set up this unbalanced situation and pretty much give him all the power, you may have to show him that its okay to yield a bit but your only going to do that by not being so available. Although some leos can be very selfish, they truly know how to love so give him a chance and by all means don't hide how you feel, leo's don't respect people they can push around, over power or doormat types. Nothing wrong with a bit of tension.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
also a little fyi, some leo men will come on very very strong with confessions of love and adoration but once the woman is captured ie she yields and begins to say I love you back, is very very available and open, then you have essentially been snared and this can cause panic in your lion, things can get hard, real work will have to be put in on your part, he may not be as responsive like he was with your gestures of love so try to keep him in stage one of the relationship for awhile, stage one is when he's calling you, texting you, chasing you, professing his love, try to keep that intense euphoric feeling going as long as possible b/c what happens when you turn around and get into stage 2 things will cool down, less calls, less text messages, less i love you's and less I wanna have a future with you but don't panic and for god's sake don't push or chase, this is natural, the best thing to do is relax and go do your own thing, allow him the space to miss you and he will pick back up again.
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Yes, I will. Thanks Tiki. I don't know what is wrong with me. I'm a scorpio. I don't usually have these problems. LOL! I think I've met my match in this Leo. Normally someone treats me bad and I kick them to the curb with out a blink of an eye. Somehow this Leo is calling all the shots and being so damn charming about it that I'm being lured right into his den.
I'm not real sure that this is going to work, but It will be fun figuring it out. Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Girl have FUN FUN FUN! If nothing else you will have a dayum good time (:
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Finally!!!! I just got a text message from him saying that he missed me. I think things are O.K. again.....for now anyway. Thanks everybody!!
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
I remember hearing that Hilary and Bill Clinton are a Scorp/Leo couple and they have made it through a hell of a lot.
It's all about respect with a Scorpio. We have to know that we are respected. We also don't like to be controled. As soon as I calmed down and realized that his "issues" around staying at someone else's house have nothing to do with me and his feelings for me I am O.K. with it. It's enough for me that he now said he would do it even though it would be uncomfortable for him. I have to know that he is loyal like me and would bring me a lemonade through shark infested waters and I think he would. I thought he was trying to control me and now I don't think he is trying to control me, but he will in no way let me control him either. I think we need to mutually agree on this and we may be alright. Who knows. Now that I have let this go, maybe he will actually come to my house when he finds out he won't be able to see me very much if he doesn't, but I won't be pressuring him about it again.
Signed Up:
Mar 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 647 · Topics: 52
AWESOME advice!!
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
OMG Tiki you are so right. He asked me to come up and stay the weekend with him. The whole time he totally spoiled me, complimented me, etc. and then he got really serious with me and told me he loved me. He told me quite a few times in fact. I couldn't say it back even though I wanted to. He asked me if I felt it too and I said yes, but that I don't just say that without being sure and I needed to know it was real and it was just too soon. He seemed to be fine with that answer. I left his house early Sunday morning and he sent me a text message with an "XO" a couple of hours after I left and I responded with a "ditto!"
Then he called me on Monday morning and left me a message that he was thinking of me and that he missed me and that he had such a great time with me. I called him back an hour later and we talked for a few minutes and we talked about how we would not have any time to see each other this week because of our schedules and he reasured me that we can make this work and that this seperation would force us to have to slow things down a bit because everything is going so fast for us. I agreed and we laughed about it.
Then Boom! I didn't hear from him for three days. No text messages, e-mails, or phone calls since Monday morning. I started to worry that I said something to hurt his feelings so I finally sent him an e-mail on Thursday that I had to go on an errand up close to his end of town in the next couple of days and that it would be a shame to be so close and not be able to see him and I asked if he could sneak away. He sent me a text message to tell me No that he was buried with work and that it was not possible. Later that night he sent me an e-mail making all these excuses of how busy he is and how he has all this stuff going on that he didn't want to talk about and that he wouldn't be able to see me again until next Tuesday. I sent him back an email back last night to tell him that I understood and that I wasn't sure how late that I would have to work on Tuesday, but that I would try to work it out because I would like to see him. He hasn't responded to that message.
I know I sound really paranoid and that it probably sounds like nothing to you guys, but up until this point he had not gone even 4 hours without contacting me and now all of a sudden he is too busy for even an XO text message? He is definitely pulling away. I can feel it. The question is Will he come back? All I can do is let him have his space and hope for the best
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
GS yes he will come back, something you have to temper and work on is your level of have him, he's not going anywhere, when he pulls away you pull away even further, this will draw him back into you.. your leo sense you needing him and needing his time and attention, he's fully aware of it and no he hasn't forgotten you but if you go out of your way to say hey here I am then you take all the fun out of it for him lol...let him simmer down for a few days or maybe even a week so he can build it back up and he will be back on the prowl, leo men need time to roam and do there own thing, if you can't deal with that then your going to have a difficult time in this relationship, give him space to play and roam and bask his sun on the rest of the world, it doesn't mean he's forgotten you or is ready to dump you..he can't go head on full throttle with the i love you's and xo's on a constant basis, it becomes boring and routine and its truly not sensible to be this way all the time, he needs room to breathe a bit.
Remember take the love you's and xo's as they come for that moment but when he goes into hibernation don't panic, he said he loves you, thats HUGE, it means he's really digging you so no worries hun, some women see relationships as a primary importance and focus primarily on the relationship, most men deem relationships as one of many primary things to have in life, his life isn't based around jus you and the relationship, he has his job, his kid/s, catching up with his friends, he has hobbies, all these things tie into his life as well. He's focused on the NOW, right now these are issues he's dealing with, when things are put in order he will make time for you. It's important that you have your life outside of him also and you show him that by doing your own thing and not worrying about him, its okay if you 2 don't talk for a couple days atleast it should be.
He's not going anywhere, next time try allowing space so he can come back to you first, don't LOOK for him, its a turn off and it screams needy and clingy, if he's not calling or texting then you sit still, don't contact him, he will appreciate your self reliance and confidence and suprisingly he will step up and keep in contact with you more when your not bothered by his behavior plus showing a man that he's not bringing your sun up and down on a daily is more attractive than showing him your scared after not speaking for several days.
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Thank you Tiki!! I sooo needed this reminder. I know you are right. I do know all this. I'm in the Therapy business and I tell my clients this stuff every day, but all of my training and instincts go out the window when it's me in the relationship. Hahahaha!!
I'm just letting an old relationship that I had with a Virgo come creeping back in. He did all of this I love you stuff and coming on strong at the beginning and when he pulled away for no reason I was patient and gave him his space and did everything right and he never came back. In fact he really broke my heart. I'm trying to remind myself that this situation is different. That old relationship I was just the rebound girl. With the Leo, there is no rebound.
What worries me is that he told me that normally when he is on a first date with a woman he is telling her that he never wants to get married again, but with me he found himself sitting there thinking how do I get this woman to marry me. I know he is telling me the truth to because I caught him looking at my ring finger at one point while I was talking. LOL! So much so quick though is not good in my opinion and he may fall out of love just as quickly as he fell in love and until it is completely real and I learn his patterns I guess I'm going to worry about every little move he makes.
But, as long as I have this forum to come to freak out he will never know how he has affected me. I don't even allow my friends to see how I'm freaking out. As far as he knows, I am totally confident and self reliant. Every part of me is screaming to ask him what is going on but forunately my Scorpio pride keeps me from doing this.
I also have to fight a different urge. That other bad Scorpio side wants to get revenge for my hurt and start dating other people to show him that I wait for no man and that he can't just go a week and half without seeing me and hardly any contact and expect me to be here waiting for him. I feel like telling him that I'm busy on Tuesday night and that I can't see him until Friday just to try to make him think he is not affecting me.
Hahaha!! I was just thinking about how I hate being out of control and I'm realizing that he is going through the exact same thing that I am. Being a Leo, he really hates being out of control too and I have totally thrown him out of control which is why he is doing all of this pulling back. Well I've got news for him. The next time I see him he will be right back under my spell again. LOL
Signed Up:
Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Ugh!! So frustrating!! Sorry, but I have to vent some more.
Now I haven't heard from him since Thursday night when he sent me all of those excuses of why I haven't heard from him and we were supposed to go out tommorrow night and he sent me an e-mail today to tell me that there is only a 50/50 chance that we can go out tommorow night because he might have to keep his kid for a few extra days because his ex is sick. Just two weeks ago he got a babysitter to stay with his kid while we went out for a couple of hours because he wanted to see me so badly and now he is just making up a bunch of excuses so that he doesn't have to see me at all! He didn't say he missed me or anything. That's it!! I'm done. A person can only be so patient and take so much rejection. I'm not even going to answer his e-mail because I won't be able to act like it doesn't bother me and I will only make an idiot of myself no matter what I say.
Somebody else asked me out on a date that I said No to for this guy. I'm going to call him and tell him I changed my mind. I can't believe what an idiot I have been waiting around on this freaking Leo!! Peace Out Mr. Leo!!