Libra Ex suprise

This topic was created in the Libra forum by aquasnoz on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 and has 27 replies.
Out of the blue my Libra ex came barging in my room, decided to help herself to my kitchen to make my some lunch and sat me down and talked over some ancient history while I was still pretty much a zombie from her waking me up. It's all a bit of a surprise really because I don't how to make heads of this.
We were only together for about two years give or take and those were some pretty damn amazing and fun times but due to our career differences she moved over to France and we called it off few years ago. There's been very little contact and the last time I tried to say hi on skype her boyfriend at the time told me to go away Tongue
So there we were in my apartment and she blurts out "I miss this. I've always loved you but I hate you, why couldn't you have gotten your shit together sooner when we were together". Goes on obviously. It's hard not to take it to heart afterwards and try to process it all but I just don't understand her motives behind this and why now.
Marry her thats all I'll say. I'm a fan of this combo. So, how are you feeling about her?
Ohhh, poor baby (her)!! She is hurting so much..because she just loves you so much. Tiziani, we are both Libra, but i will take the romantic iew! Honestly, i would do this kind of thing, because i loved the person sooo much..but NOT necessarily want to get the relationship back.
****plays the violin****
Posted by WaterCup
Marry her thats all I'll say. I'm a fan of this combo. So, how are you feeling about her?

I still love her but not in love with her. I seriously thought we had come to an agreement except back then it was me who didn't want to back down from it. Two to three years with minimal contact and now this? But then again my philosophy has always been give it your all because there's no need to revisit the past if you do.
Posted by tiziani
Her motive was to dump on you. It's not even just sign specific, although in this case it is very Libra-like to revisit to past and want to receive an ego boost for self image. So maybe she was looking for you to be all apologetic and agree about how she was ready and you weren't (a complete and total lie that women often make up when they're feeling self-entitled) and she'll be on her way again.
Has she stuck around?

We did discuss something like this, she said I was the only person ever to make her feel appreciated and loved without smothering or babying her. Maybe it's just that I never apologised but I'm pretty adamant I did nothing wrong. Told her that things don't have to change I mean I don't push anyone away but I suppose in my head I've already resolved this issue.
She is sticking around funny enough at least for the few weeks she's back. Thing is she has my key that I left her almost 4 years ago and nope she ain't giving back. It's just so out of character I thought because she never did the planning back when we were together but she has the whole couple of weeks set out pretty well.
Posted by Sola
Ohhh, poor baby (her)!! She is hurting so much..because she just loves you so much. Tiziani, we are both Libra, but i will take the romantic iew! Honestly, i would do this kind of thing, because i loved the person sooo much..but NOT necessarily want to get the relationship back.

Totally! I'm for pro romance! It's just I don't want to necessarily give her any wrong impressions. My had girl never made a fuss but she did about this Libra ex and I have to agree I'm getting that vibe from her she wants something. Almost can't help but think this is a brilliant thought out plan to win me back lol hope she knows I'm not worth all that trouble.
So I guess then the question would be how do I make it clear to her without cutting contact (thinking of this) that I adore her but there can be nothing more. Or at least how do I appeal to the Libran mind.
@Leeebra! haha it's like you were there! I hate it when people take away my food and she did it just to get my attention! Did cross my mind to do exactly that!
Hmm it does make more sense that way. *sigh* Why do people require ego boosts. It's just a bit hard because she has this uncanny ability to bring EVERYTHING up or relating everything to past experiences. I think I might actually set things straight when she wakes up that I'll be friends and that's final. She's being cryptic (she knows me well in that department), I had a plan of showing her the fun we use to have but then walk away to show her we can STILL have fun without it meaning more. *shrugs*
Oh and yeah definitely. She had a go at me for that but god I haven't seen the ex in so long and really wasn't expecting her to drop by unannounced but now I know what a pisces stare down looks like, quite cute.
It's classic "she wants what she can't have."
Even if you were to entertain the idea of getting back together, she'd turn around and make it a train wreck. Remember, this is a sign who's flaky members are notorious for behavior that's much like a child who wants a toy. They're sooo adamant about getting that toy, and when they do, they play with it for a bit, get bored, and toss it in the toy bin to be forgotten.
Just be honest with her in regard to discussing it with her. If she gets butthurt, oh well. She didn't have much consideration for you when she came barging into your room. I'm not sensing much respect on her part- you didn't want to step down when all this started and now that the timing is convenient for her and her ego, now she wants to step up after you've worked on moving on?
Eff that.
Aquasnoz, what do you mean by "show her some good time?". Dont be giving us no bad name LOL.
So many aquaz on the libra forum, wtf. Is it the (fake) charm?
@tizi: Yeah I really do think SOMETHING is up but then again I think rockyroadicecream is right too but torn as to how I should think right now. I've always admired her ability to view OTHER people's problems but it's an ability she can never seem to apply to her own problems. I think she's barking up the wrong person to resolve issues considering from the start I'm not the best candidate to confide in. But there goes the point and my own indecisive nature, I do want to help but can't find a balance.
Not too sure about unfiltered honesty though Tongue sometimes it comes out wrong!

@WC haha nothing dirrrrty NO! Just friend stuff! Watch a movie, coffee, arcades, making fun of people, dance the night away etc etc. Need to show her that I CAN'T be this one guy you know? I refuse to believe she can't find a single guy out there like me.
Posted by feb16aqua
I so want to say something incredibly funny right now, but I think just saying this will be enough to get my point across to a few LOL.

Always keeping me hanging!
Now "keeping me hanging" sounds very dirty lol...makes me wonder WHATS hanging. Hmmm, so many unsavoury ideas. You two!!!
I know 3 things that hang lol, well with men & 2 that are at risk of hanging with women. Lets go ahead and let it all hang
Tiz, 1 is THE magic number, 2 is really just in the way lol
Lol @ feb16, not anal lol..ze balls, u know there are 2, right? Unless your ram has none, making him libralike. Aha haha
I have come to the conclusion we have such dirty minds! LOVE IT! All I saw were anal and balls and hmmm... I must attend to some beads!
Lol. Ewww
Good lord
Posted by size zero superhero
My best guess is your ex felt compelled to resolve any unfinished business and gathered the courage required to finally clear the air with you, so to speak. Surely the revelations provided her with peace of mind, despite this discussion may have been long overdue.

Totally feel you on that one. Sometimes I do wonder if honesty is worth it. Even if you do mean it it's up to the person to perceive it. We just had a brief chat after I woke her up and made her some food and she always thought I was holding on because she remembered the way I said "I'll always remember you, always love you" which I do but never specified the state of love. On the other hand I believed her when she told me that it was over but apparently she never meant all that.
Funny how things work out.
As a Leeb, It would be because I have been soul searching and things haven't panned out the way I have expected in life and I go back to where I was feeling good about things and that is you. You are what I regret letting go of and yes I have thought this through in my mind endlessly on how to try and win you back...I give it my last best shot but if you don't succumb I pick my self respect back up and keep moving...
You must have meant a lot to her for her to swallow her pride and try this.
Yeah, definitely sounds like she has never gotten over it. It's so sad when that happens after a breakup. She is so brave to confront it, even though it's also a massive gamble.

Hell, im back with the Aqua..again. We just cant stay apart. We managed 8 days though..pretty impressive smile
^^Yay! Good for you two. What was his excuse for being a jerk to you?
Well, he didn't have an excuse as such. We both just acknowledge that its useless to even ty and be apart..there is something stonger than us pulling us together. He just said that he knows he is a loser and an idiot, in the sense that he pushes good things away. I just love him to death, there is nothing that can even be put into words, so im in, whatever way it goes. (up and down, up and down):...!!