Can I Share a Story With You All? Pisc. (Me, M26) - Pisc. (Her, F24).. To Her, How am I Significant?

This topic was created in the Pisces forum by Placidd on Monday, August 20, 2018 and has 56 replies.
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Hi all, im in a situation with a pisces girl and I just wanted to talk about it with people and share it with you for support/advice/comments if youd like to share. Im a little embarrassed to share it but I wanted to reach out. below are our planets which might have a lot to do with it all, and Ill also post the story in the comments. i tried to shorten it down but i wanted to explain the whole situation, so i apologize for its length.

Planet (mine, orb/ hers, orb)

Sun – Pisces 18/Pisces 14

Moon – Tau 13/Sag. 15

Mercury – Aries 7 /Aqua. 22

Venus - Aqua. 24/ Pisces 25

Mars – Aqua. 15/ Aqua. 27

Jupiter – Virgo 8/ Scorpio 14

Saturn – Aqua. 13/ Pisces 4

Uranus – Cap. 17/ Cap. 25

Neptune – Cap. 18/ Cap.22

Pluto – Scorp. 22/ Scorp. 28

Ascendant – Scorp. 26/ Cancer-Gem Cusp

Midheaven – Virgo 3/ Pisces 16

North Node- Cap. 6/ Scorp. 26

House 2 – Sag. 26/Cancer 24

House 3 – Cap. 29/ Leo 18

House 4 – Pisces 3/ Virgo 16

House 5 – Aries 5. Libra 20

House 6 – Taurus 3/ Scorp. 28

Hi all, im in a situation with a pisces girl and I just wanted to talk about it with people and share it with you for support/advice/comments if youd like to share. Im a little embarrassed to share it but I wanted to reach out. below are our planets which might have a lot to do with it all, and Ill also post the story in the comments. i tried to shorten it down but i wanted to explain the whole situation, so i apologize for its length.

Planet (mine, orb/ hers, orb)

Sun – Pisces 18/Pisces 14

Moon – Tau 13/Sag. 15

Mercury – Aries 7 /Aqua. 22

Venus - Aqua. 24/ Pisces 25

Mars – Aqua. 15/ Aqua. 27

Jupiter – Virgo 8/ Scorpio 14

Saturn – Aqua. 13/ Pisces 4

Uranus – Cap. 17/ Cap. 25

Neptune – Cap. 18/ Cap.22

Pluto – Scorp. 22/ Scorp. 28

Ascendant – Scorp. 26/ Cancer-Gem Cusp

Midheaven – Virgo 3/ Pisces 16

North Node- Cap. 6/ Scorp. 26

House 2 – Sag. 26/Cancer 24

House 3 – Cap. 29/ Leo 18

House 4 – Pisces 3/ Virgo 16

House 5 – Aries 5. Libra 20

House 6 – Taurus 3/ Scorp. 28

We met two years ago through a mutual friend and we live several hours away from each other. We didn’t meet until a year later but it was a great night for the both of us and we decided to see where things went. She started pushing me away so I let it go until January when she got back in touch with me apologizing for what she did, and explained a valid reason why she couldn’t bring herself to tell me.

Around our birthdays she got back in touch with me saying she wanted to try things with me again, but disappeared until May saying that she felt really scared and that her indecisiveness about it wasn’t a good enough answer to give me. Nonetheless, she was there to make the effort.

We kept in touch and I asked her on a date in her city mid-June. She agreed but changed her mind several days later, saying shed feel more comfortable waiting until she can see me (couldnt travel). We talked over the phone and she admitted embarrassingly that I was perfect and that I was everything she’s ever wanted, adding that she’s just scared of letting someone new into her life because of her past relationship of around 8 years (has been single for about 2-3 years at this point). She told me despite that her goal was to be in a relationship with me.

When her first visit came in July, she stayed with friends and avoided seeing me despite inviting me out. The following week I asked her what the truth was and she said she felt like her heart is stuck in the past, and doesn’t know how to let me in but she wants to give us a chance because she really likes me. I replied saying we just needed time spent together. She explained why she couldn’t open up so easily and eventually discussed her attachment to her ex, besides being together for so long. On top of his emotional abusiveness, a couple years after they first got together they had an aborted pregnancy, and her parents (who never liked him) encouraged her to cut contact. After a while they met again and tried once more but had a lot of problems, so they stopped and she started seeing other people, and had a FWB so she wouldn't be lonely. After about a year or so of that she met me, and said I was the first person to move her heart so much since her ex.

Nonetheless she still said I was everything she wanted, and felt an indescribable connection with me since we met and kept in touch. She came to see me the following weekend and we had an amazing time together. It was honestly perfect for me and I could feel that she enjoyed herself just as much, from the things she was saying to me. After a celebration at a friend’s, we went back to my apt and drank a little more, but not too much to get drunk because we were going to play an online game with some friends of mine.

Avoiding TMI, she makes a move on me and I ask her several times if she was sure to which she replied “yes, I want to be with you”. Partway in being intimate she stops me and goes to my bathroom where I hear her crying.

After about half an hour she came out and said she felt like an idiot and guilty. She started crying more when she stated how much she likes me, then proceeded to say that she can’t get over her past, adding “I don’t know what I want.” She said that she was going to go through her motions and not think about how she feels. As we talked, she also said her ex wasn’t going to talk to her anymore, yet said the last time they talked was back in June. She said that although they don’t talk he works in the downtown area of her city, saying he knows that she likes to go there with her friends. I was shocked so I threw a calm fit, stating my fears about that. After a while I comforted her until she calmed down and fell asleep. She went home the next day (Sunday), joking about how broken she was before she left.

The following weekend she said she’d been thinking about what she wants and feels confused about her feelings. She had been keeping herself busy because she doesn’t want to think about how bad she feels which was why she had been avoiding talking to me, and doesn’t know what to do in order to be happy or to stop feeling the way she does. She added that she doesn’t know what to do with herself other than to figure herself out before she makes a mistake.

I sent her a long message including the following:

-- Acknowledging her confusion

-- understanding she is on the fence about commitment and wants to control the situation

-- explaining that her ex had a long time to prove he was a good fit for her but has given her grief and prevented her from being happy

-- explained my desire not to give up, that I was willing to be as patient as I could and that we just need to spend more time together in person

-- relating to her feelings of confusion and possible anger, fear, etc.

A few days later, she got in touch with me saying she thinks she’s made her mind up and would get back to me that night, but never followed up. I texted her the next day saying I was anxious and wondering what was on her mind.

This was her reply that night:

“I feel like im just pushing myself into having a relationship with someone in order for me to let go of my past. Ive realized that yes, I like you, but I don’t think im ready to give you my heart. Not because you wouldn’t deserve it, but because ive realized that im not ready to let anyone in. I don’t want to be hurting you or makng you feel anxious like now just because of the place im stuck in. I feel I need to spend some time alone in order for me to let go before I start over. I wanted to give myself, and us, a chance but I don’t think this is the right way and if I want things to go good for me, I have to do whats right even if I hate having to say it.”

She explained to me that she wanted to do the right thing over the phone the previous Wednesday by telling me that before we met, but wanted to give us two a chance to meet so she didn’t. From that, I personally feel like us embracing each other was just moving way too fast.

I told her I was happy she told me the truth and that I wished her the best in whatever she needed to do for herself. I told her to take care, that maybe one day we could reconnect with each other. I haven’t heard back from her, but I can imagine she is in pain by having to let go of someone she’s admitted she really likes and hurt by not being over her past. Or, it may just be my own naivety and not realizing that after that weekend I was no longer significant to her in any way and she wanted to end things without hurting my feelings.


I want her in my life, but I think that what the two of us need right now is to NOT talk to each other. The stress is gone and I wonder if I did the right thing or just the easy thing. I’ve thought about if it’s worth the stress and I’m divided. Despite the immaturity I’ve experienced from her she has qualities I’ve been searching for in a partner. I don’t really know if this is “see you later” or “goodbye”, but I know I have to let the situation go. The thought remains that I feel like I gave up on someone who means a lot to me/care about very much. I know it’s a complicated situation, and I know she’s a handful better left alone. But after all this I don’t want to hate her for what’s happened. I know I have to try meeting someone else and let time pass, but I feel like she’ll always have my heart.


But there it is… I guess right now I just want to grieve over it so I can let go but it’s hard to even feel sad and I may still be in shock. Like I mentioned earlier, it’s hard for me to even see it as a goodbye, and it’s hard for me to see it as see-you-later. I don’t have a plan, I don’t know what to think, and I feel like I lost a friend. May I ask for some comfort, advice, comments, support from you all? I’d love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for reading this in advance!

This isn't going to help you but I don't think pisces/pisces couples can work

welcome back btw
March 26 makes you an Aries
Posted by LadyNeptune

March 26 makes you an Aries
M26 = Male 26 Not March 26 smile smile x
Posted by NemDeux

hey smile

of course, not knowing the dynamics and the chemistry it´s easy for a stranger on the net to drop a comment non-chalant ....BUT i found her explanation to you such a cheap sleezy shot. very non-saying. very applicable to any person one wants to brush off in a nice way. sorry, it´s me, not you. sorry for being harsh here; but i feel she shook you off and is now feeling lighter. cut your losses! the sooner the better.
The dynamics/chemistry was nice but i do sort of agree with what youre saying. I know that she cant move on from her ex and i think deep down that two years, one year, is enough for someone to move on from a relationship like that. Youre not being harsh, i feel relieved as well but i dont really feel like i had closure. i guess thats just how life goes.
Posted by NemDeux

wtf does she even mean with "do the right thing?" 10 bucks she has no clue what that is.

it´s reallllly just a prolonged bullshit answer. could have had that closure sooner

how do you feel about that reply of hers? don´t you feel a bit compromised?

By compromised, do you mean that her answer was just insignificant fluff? im not sure i follow, sorry.. Being a little naive i wanted to believe theres sincerity but what I currently know is that shes still confused and doesnt know what to do but my pressuring her was just making it worse.

thats what I think. however reading some comments on here im inclined to believe that she realized that she was making a mistake. im not sure. I dont even know what I should have said to her other than that.

Posted by NemDeux

wtf does she even mean with "do the right thing?" 10 bucks she has no clue what that is.

it´s reallllly just a prolonged bullshit answer. could have had that closure sooner

how do you feel about that reply of hers? don´t you feel a bit compromised?

wait, i know what you meant now that i thought about it. yes i did feel compromised. I think that if i kept pushing it things would have just gotten worse; As it was, I didnt want to make things any more tense than they already were. what would you think would have happened if i did? honest curiosity.
Posted by ACsquarepluto

Her sun-moon square and Mars-Pluto square could be sources of inner conflict and self-repression. Her Venus in 10th might also cause restraint in sharing affection. Can look at synastry further if you want, I also recommend

I wish you the best however you decide to move forward.
Thank you. I actually used that site a couple months ago.. it was pretty informative! To be honest I dont know how i would move forward other than to just meet other people for now!
Posted by NemDeux

Posted by Placidd

Posted by NemDeux

wtf does she even mean with "do the right thing?" 10 bucks she has no clue what that is.

it´s reallllly just a prolonged bullshit answer. could have had that closure sooner

how do you feel about that reply of hers? don´t you feel a bit compromised?

wait, i know what you meant now that i thought about it. yes i did feel compromised. I think that if i kept pushing it things would have just gotten worse; As it was, I didnt want to make things any more tense than they already were. what would you think would have happened if i did? honest curiosity.
there are three scenes i see happening ....

you keep pushing ....i think you are doing yourself an injustice here by stating that; all you did was reacted to her bait ....but anyhow the three things i could see happening:

1.) she becomes more and more wishy washy and tantilizing you

2.) causes a fight so there are legit reasons to break off ties

3.) most probable: fucking ghosts you.

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I imagined both 1 and 3 and I agree with you completely. 2 is also possible but the others are more what Ive experienced. But I get the impression I should have pressed for a clear NON-bullshit answer... the evidence suggests she still either loves her ex or, is not over him and knows im not an answer to that.
Posted by Impulsv

Posted by Placidd

Posted by NemDeux

hey smile

of course, not knowing the dynamics and the chemistry it´s easy for a stranger on the net to drop a comment non-chalant ....BUT i found her explanation to you such a cheap sleezy shot. very non-saying. very applicable to any person one wants to brush off in a nice way. sorry, it´s me, not you. sorry for being harsh here; but i feel she shook you off and is now feeling lighter. cut your losses! the sooner the better.
The dynamics/chemistry was nice but i do sort of agree with what youre saying. I know that she cant move on from her ex and i think deep down that two years, one year, is enough for someone to move on from a relationship like that. Youre not being harsh, i feel relieved as well but i dont really feel like i had closure. i guess thats just how life goes.

Don’t take it personal

It is her. She was in an unhealthy relationship still stuck

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She has a lot of problems and really doesnt know how to sort it all out so she just runs away. I did what i could and i did it perfectly, thats how i feel. at the least I know I didnt do anything wrong.
Posted by NemDeux

Posted by Placidd

Posted by NemDeux

Posted by Placidd

Posted by NemDeux

wtf does she even mean with "do the right thing?" 10 bucks she has no clue what that is.

it´s reallllly just a prolonged bullshit answer. could have had that closure sooner

how do you feel about that reply of hers? don´t you feel a bit compromised?

wait, i know what you meant now that i thought about it. yes i did feel compromised. I think that if i kept pushing it things would have just gotten worse; As it was, I didnt want to make things any more tense than they already were. what would you think would have happened if i did? honest curiosity.
there are three scenes i see happening ....

you keep pushing ....i think you are doing yourself an injustice here by stating that; all you did was reacted to her bait ....but anyhow the three things i could see happening:

1.) she becomes more and more wishy washy and tantilizing you

2.) causes a fight so there are legit reasons to break off ties

3.) most probable: fucking ghosts you.

I imagined both 1 and 3 and I agree with you completely. 2 is also possible but the others are more what Ive experienced. But I get the impression I should have pressed for a clear NON-bullshit answer... the evidence suggests she still either loves her ex or, is not over him and knows im not an answer to that.
it´s very late here - even for nocturnal pisceans - so i´ll chime in tomorrow. and check out what other people write as well. in closing - i just want to say that you never really know what motivates people to act or react in certain ways; and sometimes you will not get a definitive satisfactory answer. this is when your own responsibility checks in and gives yourself the closure you need. see you round P! stay placid bro! smile sending hugs!
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Thanks Nem! I'll be waiting to hear back from you/what others have to say. Thanks for the support, and have a good night!
Be patient, she will come back. In the mean time find something that will keep her off your mind.
Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Hi all, im in a situation with a pisces girl and I just wanted to talk about it with people and share it with you for support/advice/comments if youd like to share. Im a little embarrassed to share it but I wanted to reach out. below are our planets which might have a lot to do with it all, and Ill also post the story in the comments. i tried to shorten it down but i wanted to explain the whole situation, so i apologize for its length.

Planet (mine, orb/ hers, orb)

Sun – Pisces 18/Pisces 14

Moon – Tau 13/Sag. 15

Mercury – Aries 7 /Aqua. 22

Venus - Aqua. 24/ Pisces 25

Mars – Aqua. 15/ Aqua. 27

Jupiter – Virgo 8/ Scorpio 14

Saturn – Aqua. 13/ Pisces 4

Uranus – Cap. 17/ Cap. 25

Neptune – Cap. 18/ Cap.22

Pluto – Scorp. 22/ Scorp. 28

Ascendant – Scorp. 26/ Cancer-Gem Cusp

Midheaven – Virgo 3/ Pisces 16

North Node- Cap. 6/ Scorp. 26

House 2 – Sag. 26/Cancer 24

House 3 – Cap. 29/ Leo 18

House 4 – Pisces 3/ Virgo 16

House 5 – Aries 5. Libra 20

House 6 – Taurus 3/ Scorp. 28

I didn't read everything but i read enough to get the idea this is a case of Saturn on IC

Her Saturn on your IC.

Her Saturnian force on your IC would make you want to solemnize the relationship or be the grounding energy, to get things right... You will feel you haven't done enough or might even question if you have done enough. She will feel her Saturnian energy more as a " reflected" energy through your angle... Whenever she is around you, she would wanna get things "right" not because that's what she wants but because that's what being around you makes her feel. You will be the grounding force for her... Being around you means she has to do it right. It all comes down to how she can handle it. Where she is at in her life and how matured she is. It is a very restrictive soul connection. Anyone that touches our IC touches our inner soul. She touches your IC.

You didn't post the synastry wheel charts nor the natal charts... I'm not of any help without them.

What would help you?

Consistent actons with her. Grounding actions without making her feel "small" around you. I'm using the word small to describe she shouldn't feel how " wrong" or unfair she is to you (according to this synastry). I didn't check her natal Saturn to ubderstand how it would react to your ICs demand for a commitment/ need to be one with her.

click to expand

Hey, thanks for posting! I could get the rest for you if you like. The situation in my post involved her being overwhelmed by her feelings of not being over a past relationship and wanted to "do the right thing" by moving on from that before she starts over. I wanted to take a look at the synastry to get a glimpse of what my significance to her is after all that's happened.
The way I see it she is just dead scare off having any feelings for you.
Posted by Impulsv

Posted by Placidd

Posted by NemDeux

hey smile

of course, not knowing the dynamics and the chemistry it´s easy for a stranger on the net to drop a comment non-chalant ....BUT i found her explanation to you such a cheap sleezy shot. very non-saying. very applicable to any person one wants to brush off in a nice way. sorry, it´s me, not you. sorry for being harsh here; but i feel she shook you off and is now feeling lighter. cut your losses! the sooner the better.
The dynamics/chemistry was nice but i do sort of agree with what youre saying. I know that she cant move on from her ex and i think deep down that two years, one year, is enough for someone to move on from a relationship like that. Youre not being harsh, i feel relieved as well but i dont really feel like i had closure. i guess thats just how life goes.

Don’t take it personal

It is her. She was in an unhealthy relationship still stuck

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I'm trying not to.. Its difficult when someone says all these good things about you but doesn't make any effort to help themself.. Its annoying, actually.
Posted by pisceswoman123

The way I see it she is just dead scare off having any feelings for you.
As in, so scared to have feelings for me that she'll literally run, despite everything she said is that correct?
Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

The way I see it she is just dead scare off having any feelings for you.
As in, so scared to have feelings for me that she'll literally run, despite everything she said is that correct?
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Yes. I think she has being hurt a lot and then she found you. She has feelings for you and she likes the idea of being with you. In her mind that is what it will make her happy but the thought of getting hurt again is stopping her from moving further with you. She needs time, understanding and probably lots of love. I am sure you can give that to her but that connection that she has with you makes her very scared.
Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Hi all, im in a situation with a pisces girl and I just wanted to talk about it with people and share it with you for support/advice/comments if youd like to share. Im a little embarrassed to share it but I wanted to reach out. below are our planets which might have a lot to do with it all, and Ill also post the story in the comments. i tried to shorten it down but i wanted to explain the whole situation, so i apologize for its length.

Planet (mine, orb/ hers, orb)

Sun – Pisces 18/Pisces 14

Moon – Tau 13/Sag. 15

Mercury – Aries 7 /Aqua. 22

Venus - Aqua. 24/ Pisces 25

Mars – Aqua. 15/ Aqua. 27

Jupiter – Virgo 8/ Scorpio 14

Saturn – Aqua. 13/ Pisces 4

Uranus – Cap. 17/ Cap. 25

Neptune – Cap. 18/ Cap.22

Pluto – Scorp. 22/ Scorp. 28

Ascendant – Scorp. 26/ Cancer-Gem Cusp

Midheaven – Virgo 3/ Pisces 16

North Node- Cap. 6/ Scorp. 26

House 2 – Sag. 26/Cancer 24

House 3 – Cap. 29/ Leo 18

House 4 – Pisces 3/ Virgo 16

House 5 – Aries 5. Libra 20

House 6 – Taurus 3/ Scorp. 28

I didn't read everything but i read enough to get the idea this is a case of Saturn on IC

Her Saturn on your IC.

Her Saturnian force on your IC would make you want to solemnize the relationship or be the grounding energy, to get things right... You will feel you haven't done enough or might even question if you have done enough. She will feel her Saturnian energy more as a " reflected" energy through your angle... Whenever she is around you, she would wanna get things "right" not because that's what she wants but because that's what being around you makes her feel. You will be the grounding force for her... Being around you means she has to do it right. It all comes down to how she can handle it. Where she is at in her life and how matured she is. It is a very restrictive soul connection. Anyone that touches our IC touches our inner soul. She touches your IC.

You didn't post the synastry wheel charts nor the natal charts... I'm not of any help without them.

What would help you?

Consistent actons with her. Grounding actions without making her feel "small" around you. I'm using the word small to describe she shouldn't feel how " wrong" or unfair she is to you (according to this synastry). I didn't check her natal Saturn to ubderstand how it would react to your ICs demand for a commitment/ need to be one with her.

Hey, thanks for posting! I could get the rest for you if you like. The situation in my post involved her being overwhelmed by her feelings of not being over a past relationship and wanted to "do the right thing" by moving on from that before she starts over. I wanted to take a look at the synastry to get a glimpse of what my significance to her is after all that's happened.


Follow the instructions.

Charts (3 charts) must be from

Placidus House.

WebDefault method.

Include north node, vertex and Chiron.

Post your natal, hers and synastry2 chart(bi-wheel)

And tag me 😊

I will be back in two hours. If I see the charts, I will read. Thank you.
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I sent you a message, I hope that method will suffice!
Posted by hydorah

This isn't going to help you but I don't think pisces/pisces couples can work

welcome back btw
Thanls !its been a while, life has been wild. That's what I've heard and perhaps I'm getting a dose of what it means.
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischarge

You’re going to have to let her go. She’s not ready and she said herself she’s still stuck in the past

Also your moons are inconjunct, conflicting desires and goals

Plus she doesn’t even know what direction to go in. Her energy is conflicted and scattered, will always disappear and confuse you and herself, inconsistent

I understand. Right now I know there's nothing I can really do, and perhaps I'm just in shock.. The whole thing felt helter-skelter and I think that the main issue is her being stuck in the past and conflicted with herself but that's the way life goes.. I know I need to move on, and thanks for mentioning some of the things you did, they definitely were habits she had that really made things confusing for me!
Posted by Placidd

Posted by hydorah

This isn't going to help you but I don't think pisces/pisces couples can work

welcome back btw
Thanls !its been a while, life has been wild. That's what I've heard and perhaps I'm getting a dose of what it means.
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I know of 2 very happily married Pisces-Pisces couples. Best friends of mine.
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

The way I see it she is just dead scare off having any feelings for you.
As in, so scared to have feelings for me that she'll literally run, despite everything she said is that correct?

Yes. I think she has being hurt a lot and then she found you. She has feelings for you and she likes the idea of being with you. In her mind that is what it will make her happy but the thought of getting hurt again is stopping her from moving further with you. She needs time, understanding and probably lots of love. I am sure you can give that to her but that connection that she has with you makes her very scared.
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It's comforting to hear that at the least I'm seen in a positive light, even though she is scared and doesn't feel ready. Thanks for explaining what that meant!

I know that I can myself but I'm no longer certain that's possible given the situation, and I also believe that at the moment (the next several months or year), talking to each other will make things worse for the both of us. But that's just what I think when I mull over the way she and I mesh. Everything is prolonged, and its so dramatic not by the actions, but because there's so much waiting involved before a "yes" or "no" happens.
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by hydorah

This isn't going to help you but I don't think pisces/pisces couples can work

welcome back btw
Thanls !its been a while, life has been wild. That's what I've heard and perhaps I'm getting a dose of what it means.

I know of 2 very happily married Pisces-Pisces couples. Best friends of mine.
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Part of me wishes I was next in line for that, it sounds emotionally fulfilling, if the two click the way I imagine them to 😇😇
Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

The way I see it she is just dead scare off having any feelings for you.
As in, so scared to have feelings for me that she'll literally run, despite everything she said is that correct?

Yes. I think she has being hurt a lot and then she found you. She has feelings for you and she likes the idea of being with you. In her mind that is what it will make her happy but the thought of getting hurt again is stopping her from moving further with you. She needs time, understanding and probably lots of love. I am sure you can give that to her but that connection that she has with you makes her very scared.

It's comforting to hear that at the least I'm seen in a positive light, even though she is scared and doesn't feel ready. Thanks for explaining what that meant!

I know that I can myself but I'm no longer certain that's possible given the situation, and I also believe that at the moment (the next several months or year), talking to each other will make things worse for the both of us. But that's just what I think when I mull over the way she and I mesh. Everything is prolonged, and its so dramatic not by the actions, but because there's so much waiting involved before a "yes" or "no" happens.
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Well that is what I think she is feeling. It is a sad situation and you know best. At the end of the day you just have to follow your heart and do what it feels right to you. It is your happiness in line.
Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by hydorah

This isn't going to help you but I don't think pisces/pisces couples can work

welcome back btw
Thanls !its been a while, life has been wild. That's what I've heard and perhaps I'm getting a dose of what it means.

I know of 2 very happily married Pisces-Pisces couples. Best friends of mine.

Part of me wishes I was next in line for that, it sounds emotionally fulfilling, if the two click the way I imagine them to 😇😇
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Oh yes! they are really sweet couples. You can see that they really understand each other but I suppose that can make you crazy too. 😄
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

The way I see it she is just dead scare off having any feelings for you.
As in, so scared to have feelings for me that she'll literally run, despite everything she said is that correct?

Yes. I think she has being hurt a lot and then she found you. She has feelings for you and she likes the idea of being with you. In her mind that is what it will make her happy but the thought of getting hurt again is stopping her from moving further with you. She needs time, understanding and probably lots of love. I am sure you can give that to her but that connection that she has with you makes her very scared.

It's comforting to hear that at the least I'm seen in a positive light, even though she is scared and doesn't feel ready. Thanks for explaining what that meant!

I know that I can myself but I'm no longer certain that's possible given the situation, and I also believe that at the moment (the next several months or year), talking to each other will make things worse for the both of us. But that's just what I think when I mull over the way she and I mesh. Everything is prolonged, and its so dramatic not by the actions, but because there's so much waiting involved before a "yes" or "no" happens.

Well that is what I think she is feeling. It is a sad situation and you know best. At the end of the day you just have to follow your heart and do what it feels right to you. It is your happiness in line.
click to expand

Thank you for that. Hm... If I were to follow my heart it would mean being patient with her and let life do what it does. This could either mean attachment to her or the situation but time will tell I guess, and maybe it won't matter to me anymore or we'll become friends. I've always thought she was important to me because she made me want to do the little things out of desire, not obligation. She never expressed herself often but when she did it felt like it was sincere appreciation of me. It's hard forgetting qualities like those.
Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by pisceswoman123

The way I see it she is just dead scare off having any feelings for you.
As in, so scared to have feelings for me that she'll literally run, despite everything she said is that correct?

Yes. I think she has being hurt a lot and then she found you. She has feelings for you and she likes the idea of being with you. In her mind that is what it will make her happy but the thought of getting hurt again is stopping her from moving further with you. She needs time, understanding and probably lots of love. I am sure you can give that to her but that connection that she has with you makes her very scared.

It's comforting to hear that at the least I'm seen in a positive light, even though she is scared and doesn't feel ready. Thanks for explaining what that meant!

I know that I can myself but I'm no longer certain that's possible given the situation, and I also believe that at the moment (the next several months or year), talking to each other will make things worse for the both of us. But that's just what I think when I mull over the way she and I mesh. Everything is prolonged, and its so dramatic not by the actions, but because there's so much waiting involved before a "yes" or "no" happens.

Well that is what I think she is feeling. It is a sad situation and you know best. At the end of the day you just have to follow your heart and do what it feels right to you. It is your happiness in line.

Thank you for that. Hm... If I were to follow my heart it would mean being patient with her and let life do what it does. This could either mean attachment to her or the situation but time will tell I guess, and maybe it won't matter to me anymore or we'll become friends. I've always thought she was important to me because she made me want to do the little things out of desire, not obligation. She never expressed herself often but when she did it felt like it was sincere appreciation of me. It's hard forgetting qualities like those.
click to expand

Exactly. That is all. Us Pisces are happiest when we just go with the flow. Is when we try to control things that we get into trouble.

But you two obviously have a special connection. You wanting to do things out of desire doesn’t happen with everyone.
Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Hi all, im in a situation with a pisces girl and I just wanted to talk about it with people and share it with you for support/advice/comments if youd like to share. Im a little embarrassed to share it but I wanted to reach out. below are our planets which might have a lot to do with it all, and Ill also post the story in the comments. i tried to shorten it down but i wanted to explain the whole situation, so i apologize for its length.

Planet (mine, orb/ hers, orb)

Sun – Pisces 18/Pisces 14

Moon – Tau 13/Sag. 15

Mercury – Aries 7 /Aqua. 22

Venus - Aqua. 24/ Pisces 25

Mars – Aqua. 15/ Aqua. 27

Jupiter – Virgo 8/ Scorpio 14

Saturn – Aqua. 13/ Pisces 4

Uranus – Cap. 17/ Cap. 25

Neptune – Cap. 18/ Cap.22

Pluto – Scorp. 22/ Scorp. 28

Ascendant – Scorp. 26/ Cancer-Gem Cusp

Midheaven – Virgo 3/ Pisces 16

North Node- Cap. 6/ Scorp. 26

House 2 – Sag. 26/Cancer 24

House 3 – Cap. 29/ Leo 18

House 4 – Pisces 3/ Virgo 16

House 5 – Aries 5. Libra 20

House 6 – Taurus 3/ Scorp. 28

I didn't read everything but i read enough to get the idea this is a case of Saturn on IC

Her Saturn on your IC.

Her Saturnian force on your IC would make you want to solemnize the relationship or be the grounding energy, to get things right... You will feel you haven't done enough or might even question if you have done enough. She will feel her Saturnian energy more as a " reflected" energy through your angle... Whenever she is around you, she would wanna get things "right" not because that's what she wants but because that's what being around you makes her feel. You will be the grounding force for her... Being around you means she has to do it right. It all comes down to how she can handle it. Where she is at in her life and how matured she is. It is a very restrictive soul connection. Anyone that touches our IC touches our inner soul. She touches your IC.

You didn't post the synastry wheel charts nor the natal charts... I'm not of any help without them.

What would help you?

Consistent actons with her. Grounding actions without making her feel "small" around you. I'm using the word small to describe she shouldn't feel how " wrong" or unfair she is to you (according to this synastry). I didn't check her natal Saturn to ubderstand how it would react to your ICs demand for a commitment/ need to be one with her.

Hey, thanks for posting! I could get the rest for you if you like. The situation in my post involved her being overwhelmed by her feelings of not being over a past relationship and wanted to "do the right thing" by moving on from that before she starts over. I wanted to take a look at the synastry to get a glimpse of what my significance to her is after all that's happened.


Follow the instructions.

Charts (3 charts) must be from

Placidus House.

WebDefault method.

Include north node, vertex and Chiron.

Post your natal, hers and synastry2 chart(bi-wheel)

And tag me 😊

I will be back in two hours. If I see the charts, I will read. Thank you.

I sent you a message, I hope that method will suffice!
No private readings.

The charts didn't show up

click to expand
Did the links not work or something? or just that i didnt post them here?
I just wanna take a moment to thank everyone for your input, support, comments and advice. Idk how long it will take me to get over the situation, or her for that matter, and move on without holding on to a possibility of reconciliation. But nonetheless, i think it's safe to assume that for my own sanity she's sincerely needing to figure herself out and move on from her baggage before she can be happy. I'll try to look at this whole situation positively instead of reading in between the lines for what-if's and deduce-the-truths. The REALITY is what's happened NOW.

As much as I want this to work, it's not going to right now for reasons XYZ. If it happens in the future, so be it. Either way, I hope that I can get through this without too much issue. I believe this pisces is a good person done really wrong by a messy past, and all I can do as someone who cares about her is hope she finds peace sooner than later.

Our birthdays are four days apart with hers before mine, so maybe I'll reach out to her then. Not to expect anything to happen, but just to wish her well-being. At the least I hope to be able to think about this all from a more detached perspective before I make that decision when the time comes. For now, just gotta focus on myself 😊
Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Placidd

Hi all, im in a situation with a pisces girl and I just wanted to talk about it with people and share it with you for support/advice/comments if youd like to share. Im a little embarrassed to share it but I wanted to reach out. below are our planets which might have a lot to do with it all, and Ill also post the story in the comments. i tried to shorten it down but i wanted to explain the whole situation, so i apologize for its length.

Planet (mine, orb/ hers, orb)

Sun – Pisces 18/Pisces 14

Moon – Tau 13/Sag. 15

Mercury – Aries 7 /Aqua. 22

Venus - Aqua. 24/ Pisces 25

Mars – Aqua. 15/ Aqua. 27

Jupiter – Virgo 8/ Scorpio 14

Saturn – Aqua. 13/ Pisces 4

Uranus – Cap. 17/ Cap. 25

Neptune – Cap. 18/ Cap.22

Pluto – Scorp. 22/ Scorp. 28

Ascendant – Scorp. 26/ Cancer-Gem Cusp

Midheaven – Virgo 3/ Pisces 16

North Node- Cap. 6/ Scorp. 26

House 2 – Sag. 26/Cancer 24

House 3 – Cap. 29/ Leo 18

House 4 – Pisces 3/ Virgo 16

House 5 – Aries 5. Libra 20

House 6 – Taurus 3/ Scorp. 28

I didn't read everything but i read enough to get the idea this is a case of Saturn on IC

Her Saturn on your IC.

Her Saturnian force on your IC would make you want to solemnize the relationship or be the grounding energy, to get things right... You will feel you haven't done enough or might even question if you have done enough. She will feel her Saturnian energy more as a " reflected" energy through your angle... Whenever she is around you, she would wanna get things "right" not because that's what she wants but because that's what being around you makes her feel. You will be the grounding force for her... Being around you means she has to do it right. It all comes down to how she can handle it. Where she is at in her life and how matured she is. It is a very restrictive soul connection. Anyone that touches our IC touches our inner soul. She touches your IC.

You didn't post the synastry wheel charts nor the natal charts... I'm not of any help without them.

What would help you?

Consistent actons with her. Grounding actions without making her feel "small" around you. I'm using the word small to describe she shouldn't feel how " wrong" or unfair she is to you (according to this synastry). I didn't check her natal Saturn to ubderstand how it would react to your ICs demand for a commitment/ need to be one with her.

Hey, thanks for posting! I could get the rest for you if you like. The situation in my post involved her being overwhelmed by her feelings of not being over a past relationship and wanted to "do the right thing" by moving on from that before she starts over. I wanted to take a look at the synastry to get a glimpse of what my significance to her is after all that's happened.


Follow the instructions.

Charts (3 charts) must be from

Placidus House.

WebDefault method.

Include north node, vertex and Chiron.

Post your natal, hers and synastry2 chart(bi-wheel)

And tag me 😊

I will be back in two hours. If I see the charts, I will read. Thank you.

I sent you a message, I hope that method will suffice!
No private readings.

The charts didn't show up

Did the links not work or something? or just that i didnt post them here?
Both. I've stopped giving private readings because it leads to back and forth convos and is very time consuming.

Links didn't work.

Seeing all three charts within a confined post means I can read it faster and better.

Opening three links and jumping from one page to another on a small Mobile screen is frustrating and takes more than an hour. Had you posted here, I can read within three mins and another ten mins to write the reading.

I don't mean to be rude but my method is what works for me.
click to expand

I see. I didn't know that you had constraints so I thought sending you a pm would be better.. If you have your own method that's perfectly fine; I didn't want to have a back and forth because I don't want to dwell on what happened anymore; it was out of curiosity. but regardless of my intent perhaps that's how it starts with others. Nonetheless thanks for the offer and getting back to me!
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by hydorah

This isn't going to help you but I don't think pisces/pisces couples can work

welcome back btw
Thanls !its been a while, life has been wild. That's what I've heard and perhaps I'm getting a dose of what it means.

I know of 2 very happily married Pisces-Pisces couples. Best friends of mine.
click to expand
she's the type of Pisces woman that will cheat on you.

especially with those placements

she did you a favor.
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by hydorah

This isn't going to help you but I don't think pisces/pisces couples can work

welcome back btw
Thanls !its been a while, life has been wild. That's what I've heard and perhaps I'm getting a dose of what it means.

I know of 2 very happily married Pisces-Pisces couples. Best friends of mine.
click to expand

Sorry I don’t know. If I found out I will let you know 😊
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by hydorah

This isn't going to help you but I don't think pisces/pisces couples can work

welcome back btw
Thanls !its been a while, life has been wild. That's what I've heard and perhaps I'm getting a dose of what it means.

I know of 2 very happily married Pisces-Pisces couples. Best friends of mine.

Sorry I don’t know. If I found out I will let you know 😊
click to expand
do you know how long they have been married?!?!
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by Placidd

Posted by hydorah

This isn't going to help you but I don't think pisces/pisces couples can work

welcome back btw
Thanls !its been a while, life has been wild. That's what I've heard and perhaps I'm getting a dose of what it means.

I know of 2 very happily married Pisces-Pisces couples. Best friends of mine.

Sorry I don’t know. If I found out I will let you know 😊
do you know how long they have been married?!?!
click to expand

I know for sure that both of them have been married around 14 years.
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

she's the type of Pisces woman that will cheat on you.

especially with those placements

she did you a favor.
would you mind explaining? out of curiosity and still being a little innocent smile

i guess its the first time i met someone like how youre saying and i wanted to ask so i could match the behavior i observed with the type of person you say she is and learn from it.
Posted by Placidd

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

she's the type of Pisces woman that will cheat on you.

especially with those placements

she did you a favor.
would you mind explaining? out of curiosity and still being a little innocent smile

i guess its the first time i met someone like how youre saying and i wanted to ask so i could match the behavior i observed with the type of person you say she is and learn from it.
click to expand
Plus id like to add that im still seeing her as being sincere about telling me how she feels and being true to that, which may be because im still unaware of the types of people out there, so maybe she was being honest, maybe she wasnt. These past couple days (since before i posted this) ive been feeling a seated regret i turned over and let it go instead of pressing her, but nonetheless ive been trying to accept it.
Posted by Ariqua

I didn’t read anything but you’re a cutie. I’m always still surprised when people into astrology are attractive. I expect us all to be awkward ugly ducklings 🤷🏻‍♀️
Thank you! Reading that brought a smile to my face Big Grin

Im on the opposite end there, Ive always anticipated everyone to be attractive.
Posted by Piscoi

Everyone always has so many negative things to say about Pisces in general. We’re becoming the next Gemini around here.

Honestly, Placidd, if you think the girl is worth your effort, then try again at a later time like you desire to. Remember at the end of the day, none of these people are actually living your life, they aren’t actually living your reality. You know her better than anyone else does here. I don’t think she’s a cheater, and I do think she’s being sincere in that she’s not over her ex. She’s obviously very confused emotionally. The timing is off at the moment. Maybe trying again in the future, when she’s had time to be alone. will produce a different outcome

Thank you for your words..We'll see what happens in the future, you're right about what you've said regarding things on my end. I personally want to look at it sincerely so I can avoid feeling resentful and let it go sooner. That being the case, at the end of the day I can answer these questions:

... Why do i put up with that? Because I do feel sincerity despite bad handling. I'm on the fence about the honesty, but I do believe she's a good person and I see her as someone I don't want to hate.

... Do I care about her? Yes.

... Even through the disappearing she's done and stress she caused me? Still yes. It's shitty, of course, but I still care about how she's doing.

I also know that letting it go is less stressful for me emotionally, but since I care about this girl I feel like I left her behind in her own misery and I'm concerned she won't help herself let go and be happy... Which I hope is a relatable feeling when it comes to people you care about. She said she wanted to be alone for a while, and I told her want to be supportive of that. In a way, having said that I can support my own being able to move on from the situation, keep myself busy until life gives me the right time, or move on to someone else. Even a combination or all three. When the time comes I'm hoping to be far enough detached not to be impacted very much by whatever happens.
i still don’t know why i broke up with my ex. i had my personal fears that i projected, and knowing this, i ended up blaming myself and pushing him away. but i also know that i wasn’t satisfied emotionally by him. anyway that’s a tangent- not trying to make this about me.

as a pisces woman, i try to do the right thing, but either for myself or for the other person. it’s a constant battle between selfishness and altruism.

this makes it hard to know what to do. in the end i can’t be myself in relationships.

this didn’t really answer your queries but it gives some perspective. i related to your pisces woman
Posted by Placidd

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

she's the type of Pisces woman that will cheat on you.

especially with those placements

she did you a favor.
would you mind explaining? out of curiosity and still being a little innocent smile

i guess its the first time i met someone like how youre saying and i wanted to ask so i could match the behavior i observed with the type of person you say she is and learn from it.
click to expand
pisces sun sag moons tend to cheat

she also seems to be all over the place....which is indicative of someone who doesn't know herself very well and gets easily bored.

a lot of pisces women tend to have the last two characteristics.

BUT we all don't cheat.
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by Placidd

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

she's the type of Pisces woman that will cheat on you.

especially with those placements

she did you a favor.
would you mind explaining? out of curiosity and still being a little innocent smile

i guess its the first time i met someone like how youre saying and i wanted to ask so i could match the behavior i observed with the type of person you say she is and learn from it.
pisces sun sag moons tend to cheat

she also seems to be all over the place....which is indicative of someone who doesn't know herself very well and gets easily bored.

a lot of pisces women tend to have the last two characteristics.

BUT we all don't cheat.
click to expand

I see. I think that at the very least she IS all over the place but ill keep the rest in mind.. thank you! smile
Posted by besarlalluvia

i still don’t know why i broke up with my ex. i had my personal fears that i projected, and knowing this, i ended up blaming myself and pushing him away. but i also know that i wasn’t satisfied emotionally by him. anyway that’s a tangent- not trying to make this about me.

as a pisces woman, i try to do the right thing, but either for myself or for the other person. it’s a constant battle between selfishness and altruism.

this makes it hard to know what to do. in the end i can’t be myself in relationships.

this didn’t really answer your queries but it gives some perspective. i related to your pisces woman

ok, thats very interesting... when you say you cant be yourself, once you reach that point do you just push away? or is it something that youre only self-conscious of often?
Posted by Placidd

Posted by besarlalluvia

i still don’t know why i broke up with my ex. i had my personal fears that i projected, and knowing this, i ended up blaming myself and pushing him away. but i also know that i wasn’t satisfied emotionally by him. anyway that’s a tangent- not trying to make this about me.

as a pisces woman, i try to do the right thing, but either for myself or for the other person. it’s a constant battle between selfishness and altruism.

this makes it hard to know what to do. in the end i can’t be myself in relationships.

this didn’t really answer your queries but it gives some perspective. i related to your pisces woman

ok, thats very interesting... when you say you cant be yourself, once you reach that point do you just push away? or is it something that youre only self-conscious of often?
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when i realise i’m not being myself.. i’m not happy. so i run. ghosting at least for me is my attempt at being assertive without hurting you

the problem in my head is: can i be myself without pushing you away? so i push you away first
Posted by LethalFantasia

Thanks for the song! Interesting lyrics, definitely relatable smile
Posted by besarlalluvia

Posted by Placidd

Posted by besarlalluvia

i still don’t know why i broke up with my ex. i had my personal fears that i projected, and knowing this, i ended up blaming myself and pushing him away. but i also know that i wasn’t satisfied emotionally by him. anyway that’s a tangent- not trying to make this about me.

as a pisces woman, i try to do the right thing, but either for myself or for the other person. it’s a constant battle between selfishness and altruism.

this makes it hard to know what to do. in the end i can’t be myself in relationships.

this didn’t really answer your queries but it gives some perspective. i related to your pisces woman

ok, thats very interesting... when you say you cant be yourself, once you reach that point do you just push away? or is it something that youre only self-conscious of often?
when i realise i’m not being myself.. i’m not happy. so i run. ghosting at least for me is my attempt at being assertive without hurting you

the problem in my head is: can i be myself without pushing you away? so i push you away first
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That's really intriguing honestly.. From an outside-looking-in perspective a significant other of yours would be blindsided by it and cause you to push away faster and harder because of not knowing what's going on and therefore not giving you the time or space to approach the issue(s) your own way. It sounds almost self-sabotaging to me, no offense intended.. Maybe it's just the way you click with certain people? 🤔

I try not to ghost but the question I ask myself is, "is this person right for me and why?" usually the answer stems down to how much of a good friend they are to me, despite the differences. I'm sure that's a cliche answer but getting black and white about it, having that friend you need at the end of. The day is vital imo.
Posted by Aquarelle

I am not a Pisces sun but I share moon/venus/mercury and some other placements with the lady of your interest. So hopefully that qualifies me to share my insight here. And no, these placements are not for serial cheaters. I am very committed in a serious relationship and I met a pisces sun/sag moon/pisces venus who was exactly the same.

First I think you definitely were significant to her. So much even that it scared her and made her retreat, probably because she felt overwhelmed by your connection. That doesnt mean she is not cherishing it, but I know from personal experience that you need to be ready emotionally for such a connection. It takes time.

From your story I get that she just wasn't ready yet. Her saying she wanted to do the right thing, was out of respect for you. She didnt want to lead you on, but couldn't let you go either.

Speaking for myself, for me it helps if someone is more steady than me and shows me that he still wants me and is serious about the whole thing. It calms me down but can take ages. So patience is key if you are serious about her.

Its up to you if you want to give her the time she needs to get over her previous relationship. And no, 2-3 years is nothing, trust me. Her Aqua mars is fixed so it could take a long time. On the other end that means she does not take relationships lightly!

However, Pisces venus is mutable and I have noticed that although my sun and mars are fixed, for the right person that mutable venus is very willing to give someone special another look.

So who knows. But you have to make up your mind too. Was she special enough to wait for? Can you give her that stability that will make her feel safe enough to let the other relationship go? Give it some time and I am sure you will find your answer somehow.

thanks for the input! id say youre definitely qualified smile

from a "sincere and honest" perspective about the whole situation i DO feel like she and i rushed by embracing one another. I really wanted to tell her that but i dont think that she would have accepted it in her state of mind, and at the same time i also believe that our connection had scared her so much she panicked while at the same time she wasnt completely over her ex..

looking at the charts I influence her venus with my pluto and ascendant very strongly, and im sure that my sun/moon have some underlying nature wrt her venus in pisces too, which in all adds to that intensity you mentioned. I also have a mars in aqua, and I can say that when I met others during the 6-7 months we didnt speak with one another i didnt imagine letting her go, but I definitely thought about wanting to move on, if that makes any sense. id think with her that feeling is amplified despite the way i make her feel.

I ask myself when i think about whether or not she was special *enough* those exact questions you asked. each of those is a "yes" except for one of them being "Im uncertain".... its confusing for me as well, and I do need some time to sort out whats in my own heart. obviously since my heart still saw her after 7 months of no contact she definitely means something to me.

Now that she and I reached the precipice of being together or not, her pulling back showed me something i dont know how to handle, and what I felt was the right thing to do was to let it go either for the time being or indefinitely because I was unsure if offering to support her or keep in touch would have helped either of us. i imagined spending time together was the remedy since everything was golden up until the end of the night. Now that it happened, I've been given a chance for myself to look inside myself to see if its all worth the trouble. at the moment I cant say it is but I cant say its not. id like for her to know im serious about it, and im sure she did/does know, but like another user said, perhaps the timing is off.

Now, my concern is, with regards to her, interaction. i want her to have her space to feel better about things, but im in a state of uncertainty. how soon is too soon, how long is too late, before either of us reaches out to the other? ive got a basic plan in my head but knowing myself i have issues with the timing of it all.
Posted by Placidd

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

Posted by Placidd

Posted by Adreamuponwaking

she's the type of Pisces woman that will cheat on you.

especially with those placements

she did you a favor.
would you mind explaining? out of curiosity and still being a little innocent smile

i guess its the first time i met someone like how youre saying and i wanted to ask so i could match the behavior i observed with the type of person you say she is and learn from it.
pisces sun sag moons tend to cheat

she also seems to be all over the place....which is indicative of someone who doesn't know herself very well and gets easily bored.

a lot of pisces women tend to have the last two characteristics.

BUT we all don't cheat.

I see. I think that at the very least she IS all over the place but ill keep the rest in mind.. thank you! smile
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i'm a pisces woman

who was raised by a pisces woman

who has had four Pisces women as love interests

and who has had two other Pisces women as best friends.

i've got 30 years of

so trust what i say