Posted by ImperfectStormThis is what I think is happening she doesn't want anyone else to have me and she doesn't know what she wants her self but wants to keep me on the side as sweet as she can so she thinks she can pick me up and put me down when ever she feels like it.I do really love her that I know for definite.
Do you really love her or are you attached/addicted to her? Understand the difference between love and attachment, we sometimes confuse the two.
Posted by ImperfectStormI can't sit around waiting for her to make her mind up on if she wants me or not it's unfair on me and the kidsThis ^^^
Yeah you are giving her way more power than what she actually has. Love is not meant to be emotional bondage, that’s attachment or addiction that keeps you in an unhealthy, unrequited type of situation like that. You can love someone and let them go with the confidence in knowing that you gave it all that you could give. You keep talking about her as if it’s her that’s holding you back… it’s really not, it’s you that’s keeping you in this situation. Stop playing the victim to what you consider “love” and take back your power. Stop talking about her and what she’s doing to keep you there.. you’re just reinforcing it and you’ll be here in another 7-10 days making another post about how she won’t let you go. It’s you that isn’t letting go, you’re focusing on her when you really need to be focusing on rebuilding your inner strength and self love.
Posted by alexscariesI understand but What do you mean exactly.
Trust your gut. Geminis are loyal if they are invested.
Posted by sweetheartsExactly full of fucking bullshit........ like I said the only time she will ever get any reply or any of my time from me now is if she is completely honest with her feelings and I can see she's being sincere about me.
Nothings changed. She’s desperate for the attention that you’re no longer showing her, this minute. She only wants to be friends and you to doat on her. Attention seeker.
I read…how dare you ignore me! I want you pining after me and there at my every whim. Let’s be friends… one day I might change my mind but I don’t want to be alone and maybe someone else will save me soon. 🙄
Posted by thatlibralifePosted by Centaur12
So we have broken up me and Gem on Saturday morning she told me she doesn't want to be in the relationship anymore. I went to leave and she said can I have a cuddle so I said yes and gave her one then I left upset.
She wants to be friend's with me and basically said if we sleep together then we do if it happens then it does she said she wants to be casual and hangout I told her I am in love with her and I cannot do that and it is not fair on the children.
She since told me she wants to be friends and hangout and I have told her unfortunately everytime I see her online on Facebook or WhatsApp and I talk to her or we message eachother it is just giving me false hope all the time I will always want more because I love you.
She said why did I change my picture of me and her on my WhatsApp and why did I change me relationship status on Facebook to single and I said becuase you told me you didn't want me anymore and it's only breaking my heart more.
She rang me last night and was all chatty about her going away with her children and I said that's nice you will enjoy that and she said yeah but it will be lonely no adult company.
I told her I can't do this anymore I don't understand what we are doing here.
I can't keep in contact and pretend everything is okay when it is not.
I said I need to dissappear and keep out of contact so I said look after your self and that I love you and look after your girls and good luck for the future.
She said please don't go and I said I have to it's breaking my heart so I said bye and put the phone down.
She has since text me 5-6times and called me 4 times and I have not responded.
I have seen some of the text and they say I really wanted to still hang out with you it would of been great and who knows maybe in a few months or a year we could of rekindled or built something.
I had another one that said please I love you and I don't want you gone from my life.
And then another to say we can plan spontaneous road trips everyother weekend as the girls are with their dad over night.
This is what I think is happening she doesn't want anyone else to have me and she doesn't know what she wants her self but wants to keep me on the side as sweet as she can so she thinks she can pick me up and put me down when ever she feels like it.
I don't want to hurt her becuase yes I do love her but I am not going to be used it's not fair on me or any of the children.
My God you are finally coming to your senses.
You are correct when she says she doesn’t want you but doesn’t want anyone else to have you.
At least until she finds someone else (that’s me saying that part)
You need a Cancer woman I’m convinced….and I mean that in a good way. Clingy and into you and can appreciate the constant attention you like to give….click to expand
Posted by Easha23000us😅Posted by thatlibralifePosted by Centaur12
So we have broken up me and Gem on Saturday morning she told me she doesn't want to be in the relationship anymore. I went to leave and she said can I have a cuddle so I said yes and gave her one then I left upset.
She wants to be friend's with me and basically said if we sleep together then we do if it happens then it does she said she wants to be casual and hangout I told her I am in love with her and I cannot do that and it is not fair on the children.
She since told me she wants to be friends and hangout and I have told her unfortunately everytime I see her online on Facebook or WhatsApp and I talk to her or we message eachother it is just giving me false hope all the time I will always want more because I love you.
She said why did I change my picture of me and her on my WhatsApp and why did I change me relationship status on Facebook to single and I said becuase you told me you didn't want me anymore and it's only breaking my heart more.
She rang me last night and was all chatty about her going away with her children and I said that's nice you will enjoy that and she said yeah but it will be lonely no adult company.
I told her I can't do this anymore I don't understand what we are doing here.
I can't keep in contact and pretend everything is okay when it is not.
I said I need to dissappear and keep out of contact so I said look after your self and that I love you and look after your girls and good luck for the future.
She said please don't go and I said I have to it's breaking my heart so I said bye and put the phone down.
She has since text me 5-6times and called me 4 times and I have not responded.
I have seen some of the text and they say I really wanted to still hang out with you it would of been great and who knows maybe in a few months or a year we could of rekindled or built something.
I had another one that said please I love you and I don't want you gone from my life.
And then another to say we can plan spontaneous road trips everyother weekend as the girls are with their dad over night.
This is what I think is happening she doesn't want anyone else to have me and she doesn't know what she wants her self but wants to keep me on the side as sweet as she can so she thinks she can pick me up and put me down when ever she feels like it.
I don't want to hurt her becuase yes I do love her but I am not going to be used it's not fair on me or any of the children.
My God you are finally coming to your senses.
You are correct when she says she doesn’t want you but doesn’t want anyone else to have you.
At least until she finds someone else (that’s me saying that part)
You need a Cancer woman I’m convinced….and I mean that in a good way. Clingy and into you and can appreciate the constant attention you like to give….
Or a Sagittarius with strong water placementsclick to expand
Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Posted by Centaur12Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Her moon is a virgoclick to expand
Posted by Centaur12Are you seriously this dense to not think you guys are in a relationship?
My head feels like its going to explode.
All I've done is go over everything in my head.
I feel so so low Sam. I'm finding myself crying every night. Emotional through the day.
What hurts the most is that i really really love you.
It doesnt matter how long i think things through, im still finding myself hurt and broken so deeply from you not defending/valuing our relationship on that occasion after everything i thought our relationship was serious, meant something special. I've accepted you were not wanting to put me in an awkward position. I just cant move on from why you wouldnt want to turn around and back up your partner and our relationship.
I don't want to loose you ever which is why i suggested about being friends and hopefully with time i can move on from feeling alone with you but atm im destroyed and i will only continue to bring us down as a couple.
I understand you completely about not being able to be friends with me so it kills me to say we are both at different stages so it looks like im going to have to let you go 😭😭💔 doesnt mean for a second i dont love you or not got feelings for you cos you are my one true love, I've never ever connected in a relationship before or shared the same interests. I will never ever forget you and will never take of my love you charm i promise you that. The heart necklace is a way of you being close to my heart which I'll never take off aswell.
I love you x
That is her text to me.
Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Her moon is a virgo
Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.
I seriously think things would work out better if you stopped asking about the title for a lil bit. You two need to build back up the relationship and get back on solid ground, if there ever was a solid ground.
She is yours and has been yours. She knows you're in love with her, she most likely feels the same way. Proof is that she isn't letting you go and keeps trying to have you any way she can get you.
Can you tell that she loves you?
You base a lot on words that you need to hear and some people don't work like that. She seems to be showing you with actions. But both of you don't compromise well- which is something you both should be working on.
The "breaking up to make up cycle" will probably never get old for you unless she actually starts dating other men. There has to be something substantial in order for you to be able to justify breaking it off for good.
But I believe as long as she stays loyal to you, you will continue to keep doing this. You're in for a lot of years of unnecessary drama.
Sometimes love isn't enough. You guys seriously don't understand each other and are super stubborn about it.
And neither of you know the words to communicate properly to stop one upping the other for control.
Sorry I know I always point out what's wrong, but it's because these are areas that I see as lacking when I read the things that you write. I don't mean to come off super harsh. I just can't understand why you still don't understand her and it's been so many to expand
Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Her moon is a virgo
Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.
I seriously think things would work out better if you stopped asking about the title for a lil bit. You two need to build back up the relationship and get back on solid ground, if there ever was a solid ground.
She is yours and has been yours. She knows you're in love with her, she most likely feels the same way. Proof is that she isn't letting you go and keeps trying to have you any way she can get you.
Can you tell that she loves you?
You base a lot on words that you need to hear and some people don't work like that. She seems to be showing you with actions. But both of you don't compromise well- which is something you both should be working on.
The "breaking up to make up cycle" will probably never get old for you unless she actually starts dating other men. There has to be something substantial in order for you to be able to justify breaking it off for good.
But I believe as long as she stays loyal to you, you will continue to keep doing this. You're in for a lot of years of unnecessary drama.
Sometimes love isn't enough. You guys seriously don't understand each other and are super stubborn about it.
And neither of you know the words to communicate properly to stop one upping the other for control.
Sorry I know I always point out what's wrong, but it's because these are areas that I see as lacking when I read the things that you write. I don't mean to come off super harsh. I just can't understand why you still don't understand her and it's been so many to expand
Posted by PurpleskyMeaning what?Posted by Centaur12
This is her text to me - I didnt mean to call you a piece of shit but i was broken to pieces when i found out about it so it just came out my mouth. I wouldn't of ever called you that if i wasnt broken so much.
There's no pretending, im a breaking my heart whilst writing to you. I need time to move on and forget which is why i can not go back into a relationship with you right now cos if we want things to work i need to move on and forget and in order to do that we cant jump straight into where we left off.
You have to watch what you say in this to expand
Posted by PurpleskyMeaning ?Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Her moon is a virgo
Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.
I seriously think things would work out better if you stopped asking about the title for a lil bit. You two need to build back up the relationship and get back on solid ground, if there ever was a solid ground.
She is yours and has been yours. She knows you're in love with her, she most likely feels the same way. Proof is that she isn't letting you go and keeps trying to have you any way she can get you.
Can you tell that she loves you?
You base a lot on words that you need to hear and some people don't work like that. She seems to be showing you with actions. But both of you don't compromise well- which is something you both should be working on.
The "breaking up to make up cycle" will probably never get old for you unless she actually starts dating other men. There has to be something substantial in order for you to be able to justify breaking it off for good.
But I believe as long as she stays loyal to you, you will continue to keep doing this. You're in for a lot of years of unnecessary drama.
Sometimes love isn't enough. You guys seriously don't understand each other and are super stubborn about it.
And neither of you know the words to communicate properly to stop one upping the other for control.
Sorry I know I always point out what's wrong, but it's because these are areas that I see as lacking when I read the things that you write. I don't mean to come off super harsh. I just can't understand why you still don't understand her and it's been so many years.
So what are you really saying ?
You think I should just be her friend like she asking for and stop asking about us being together ? What so she can go play single and find someone else and then drop me.
YEAH, play yourself. Don't you know that's what your supposed to do?click to expand
Posted by Wizardz
Geminis say anything lol we change our mind quicker than anyone and don't even remember what we said before
"My head feels like its going to explode.
All I've done is go over everything in my head.
I feel so so low Sam. I'm finding myself crying every night. Emotional through the day.
What hurts the most is that i really really love you.
It doesnt matter how long i think things through, im still finding myself hurt and broken so deeply from you not defending/valuing our relationship on that occasion after everything i thought our relationship was serious, meant something special. I've accepted you were not wanting to put me in an awkward position. I just cant move on from why you wouldnt want to turn around and back up your partner and our relationship.
I don't want to loose you ever which is why i suggested about being friends and hopefully with time i can move on from feeling alone with you but atm im destroyed and i will only continue to bring us down as a couple.
I understand you completely about not being able to be friends with me so it kills me to say we are both at different stages so it looks like im going to have to let you go 😭😭💔 doesnt mean for a second i dont love you or not got feelings for you cos you are my one true love, I've never ever connected in a relationship before or shared the same interests. I will never ever forget you and will never take of my love you charm i promise you that. The heart necklace is a way of you being close to my heart which I'll never take off aswell.
I love you x"
Lol this is dramatic bs because she's feeling something today and tomorrow she'll wake up and not care at all and you keep falling for it!
Posted by Centaur12YOU TWO ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP!Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Her moon is a virgo
Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.
I seriously think things would work out better if you stopped asking about the title for a lil bit. You two need to build back up the relationship and get back on solid ground, if there ever was a solid ground.
She is yours and has been yours. She knows you're in love with her, she most likely feels the same way. Proof is that she isn't letting you go and keeps trying to have you any way she can get you.
Can you tell that she loves you?
You base a lot on words that you need to hear and some people don't work like that. She seems to be showing you with actions. But both of you don't compromise well- which is something you both should be working on.
The "breaking up to make up cycle" will probably never get old for you unless she actually starts dating other men. There has to be something substantial in order for you to be able to justify breaking it off for good.
But I believe as long as she stays loyal to you, you will continue to keep doing this. You're in for a lot of years of unnecessary drama.
Sometimes love isn't enough. You guys seriously don't understand each other and are super stubborn about it.
And neither of you know the words to communicate properly to stop one upping the other for control.
Sorry I know I always point out what's wrong, but it's because these are areas that I see as lacking when I read the things that you write. I don't mean to come off super harsh. I just can't understand why you still don't understand her and it's been so many years.
But what do I she is telling me she doesn't want a relationship with me but wants friendship and I am telling her I cannot do that as I can't pretend when I am with her I love her. I don't want to let her go.. but she don't want me out of her life but on the other hand doesn't want me as a partner ?click to expand
Posted by Centaur12I wrote out everything in the other post.Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Her moon is a virgo
Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.
I seriously think things would work out better if you stopped asking about the title for a lil bit. You two need to build back up the relationship and get back on solid ground, if there ever was a solid ground.
She is yours and has been yours. She knows you're in love with her, she most likely feels the same way. Proof is that she isn't letting you go and keeps trying to have you any way she can get you.
Can you tell that she loves you?
You base a lot on words that you need to hear and some people don't work like that. She seems to be showing you with actions. But both of you don't compromise well- which is something you both should be working on.
The "breaking up to make up cycle" will probably never get old for you unless she actually starts dating other men. There has to be something substantial in order for you to be able to justify breaking it off for good.
But I believe as long as she stays loyal to you, you will continue to keep doing this. You're in for a lot of years of unnecessary drama.
Sometimes love isn't enough. You guys seriously don't understand each other and are super stubborn about it.
And neither of you know the words to communicate properly to stop one upping the other for control.
Sorry I know I always point out what's wrong, but it's because these are areas that I see as lacking when I read the things that you write. I don't mean to come off super harsh. I just can't understand why you still don't understand her and it's been so many years.
So what are you really saying ?
You think I should just be her friend like she asking for and stop asking about us being together ? What so she can go play single and find someone else and then drop to expand
Posted by WizardzI think she's been doing this too long to pretend not to care about him. She can't even go 24 hours without contact. I think it would be true if this was a new relationship, but it's been years now.
Geminis say anything lol we change our mind quicker than anyone and don't even remember what we said before
"My head feels like its going to explode.
All I've done is go over everything in my head.
I feel so so low Sam. I'm finding myself crying every night. Emotional through the day.
What hurts the most is that i really really love you.
It doesnt matter how long i think things through, im still finding myself hurt and broken so deeply from you not defending/valuing our relationship on that occasion after everything i thought our relationship was serious, meant something special. I've accepted you were not wanting to put me in an awkward position. I just cant move on from why you wouldnt want to turn around and back up your partner and our relationship.
I don't want to loose you ever which is why i suggested about being friends and hopefully with time i can move on from feeling alone with you but atm im destroyed and i will only continue to bring us down as a couple.
I understand you completely about not being able to be friends with me so it kills me to say we are both at different stages so it looks like im going to have to let you go 😭😭💔 doesnt mean for a second i dont love you or not got feelings for you cos you are my one true love, I've never ever connected in a relationship before or shared the same interests. I will never ever forget you and will never take of my love you charm i promise you that. The heart necklace is a way of you being close to my heart which I'll never take off aswell.
I love you x"
Lol this is dramatic bs because she's feeling something today and tomorrow she'll wake up and not care at all and you keep falling for it!
Posted by PurpleskyHe's too cute to be insecure about this shit lolPosted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
Sam the saggittarius it's so cute!click to expand
Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
Posted by WizardzYou're gonna have him even more confused
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firmclick to expand
Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firmclick to expand
Posted by Centaur12Cause everything is normal with your GIRLFRIEND.Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all to expand
Posted by WizardzPosted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all normal.
😂 like I told you. Her words don't mean shit. Thought she was desperately heartbroken an hour ago? 😂🤦♂️click to expand
Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all normal.
Cause everything is normal with your GIRLFRIEND.
Why aren't you used to the cycle you guys go through? This is what your relationship is.
Go out meet up with her and have a good time.
Back burner you insecure need to be told and validated by her she is your girlfriend and get into a mindset that she is already.
He's not happy tho, is he? And the point where you and me differ is that you believe it can get better and I don't. So he needs to leave or put up with this cycle until she finally leavesclick to expand
Posted by WizardzPosted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all normal.
😂 like I told you. Her words don't mean shit. Thought she was desperately heartbroken an hour ago? 😂🤦♂️
Yes but what do I do if she doesnt want to be with me but just friends ?
You have to decide if the being together and having lots of sex one day is worth the anxiety and stress that you seem to go through the rest of the time
Take control
Stop being a sap (idk if people use that word still but that's the most appropriate one for the way you are thinking)
If she just wants to be friends then it's over and she's already decided for you so be thankful that you don't have to go through this constant cycle any longer
Whether or not you be friends with her is up to youclick to expand
Posted by WizardzThis is why he needs to learn to just tell her what to do, instead of ask.Posted by saggurl88Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all normal.
Cause everything is normal with your GIRLFRIEND.
Why aren't you used to the cycle you guys go through? This is what your relationship is.
Go out meet up with her and have a good time.
Back burner you insecure need to be told and validated by her she is your girlfriend and get into a mindset that she is already.
He's not happy tho, is he? And the point where you and me differ is that you believe it can get better and I don't. So he needs to leave or put up with this cycle until she finally leaves
He's happy. He's not happy he's not getting his way, but he's happy cause he loves her.- All this is just based on me being a Sag and what I do, so it's my opinion.
He's complaining cause he doesn't know what to do, but will he continue to put up with it? - Yes cause this is what we do when we love someoneWalk all over us please LMAO
I see where you're coming from, but he can't stop accepting her calls or messages long enough for that to happen, so I'm trying to help him secure what he wants. But he's not so good and being bossy where it counts.
It will be too long for both to leave, IMO
So why not try and fix it to make it work, while we wait![]()
They know how to break up very well, and we are mutable so he should be able to flip it and learn how to stay together well.
He probably tires her because I'm tired reading this thread and listening to his thoughts . She's probably confusing the hell out of him on purpose at this pointclick to expand
Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Her moon is a virgo
Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.
I seriously think things would work out better if you stopped asking about the title for a lil bit. You two need to build back up the relationship and get back on solid ground, if there ever was a solid ground.
She is yours and has been yours. She knows you're in love with her, she most likely feels the same way. Proof is that she isn't letting you go and keeps trying to have you any way she can get you.
Can you tell that she loves you?
You base a lot on words that you need to hear and some people don't work like that. She seems to be showing you with actions. But both of you don't compromise well- which is something you both should be working on.
The "breaking up to make up cycle" will probably never get old for you unless she actually starts dating other men. There has to be something substantial in order for you to be able to justify breaking it off for good.
But I believe as long as she stays loyal to you, you will continue to keep doing this. You're in for a lot of years of unnecessary drama.
Sometimes love isn't enough. You guys seriously don't understand each other and are super stubborn about it.
And neither of you know the words to communicate properly to stop one upping the other for control.
Sorry I know I always point out what's wrong, but it's because these are areas that I see as lacking when I read the things that you write. I don't mean to come off super harsh. I just can't understand why you still don't understand her and it's been so many years.
But what do I she is telling me she doesn't want a relationship with me but wants friendship and I am telling her I cannot do that as I can't pretend when I am with her I love her. I don't want to let her go.. but she don't want me out of her life but on the other hand doesn't want me as a partner ?
Take a poll here and ask everyone what they think and they will most likely say it's a relationship. Is it toxic as hell, yes, but it's a relationship. She's your girlfriend.
You're the only one who's clueless about it.
So are you willing to go with the flow and stop nagging over a title??
She tells you she loves you, she doesn't want to lose you, she's never felt this connected and blah blah blah, but it means nothing to you cause she hasn't agreed to to being your girlfriend. It's ridiculous.
She's lying about it being just friends, you two will be back in bed in no time. Just like you lie and say you can't do this anymore.
You need to learn to treat her like a child (I know this sounds kind of bad) and tell her what is happening, instead of asking.
If you treat her opposition to what you want ( a relationship) like a tantrum that's being thrown, instead of caving and pulling back hurt, you will get farther with her.
Putting your foot down about her being your girlfriend and not being bothered by her pretending she doesn't want it, will give you both the security that you two want.
You believe what she says too much and it causes more confusion on your end, so my advice is to go with the flow for now and build on the relationship so it gets back on good terms and when it does, then BAM, she is your girl friend, and that is that.
Don't question anything, just state it.
Don't listen to her words of saying no, don't even ask or leave her an option of saying no.
Introduce her as your girlfriend, treat her like your girlfriend and she will be your girlfriend. It's very simple.
Once that has been handled, you can move on to the moving in talks but you have to take it one step at a to expand
Posted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all to expand
Posted by Easha23000usand yet she still calls and bugs the hell out of him.Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Her moon is a virgo
Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.
I seriously think things would work out better if you stopped asking about the title for a lil bit. You two need to build back up the relationship and get back on solid ground, if there ever was a solid ground.
She is yours and has been yours. She knows you're in love with her, she most likely feels the same way. Proof is that she isn't letting you go and keeps trying to have you any way she can get you.
Can you tell that she loves you?
You base a lot on words that you need to hear and some people don't work like that. She seems to be showing you with actions. But both of you don't compromise well- which is something you both should be working on.
The "breaking up to make up cycle" will probably never get old for you unless she actually starts dating other men. There has to be something substantial in order for you to be able to justify breaking it off for good.
But I believe as long as she stays loyal to you, you will continue to keep doing this. You're in for a lot of years of unnecessary drama.
Sometimes love isn't enough. You guys seriously don't understand each other and are super stubborn about it.
And neither of you know the words to communicate properly to stop one upping the other for control.
Sorry I know I always point out what's wrong, but it's because these are areas that I see as lacking when I read the things that you write. I don't mean to come off super harsh. I just can't understand why you still don't understand her and it's been so many years.
But what do I she is telling me she doesn't want a relationship with me but wants friendship and I am telling her I cannot do that as I can't pretend when I am with her I love her. I don't want to let her go.. but she don't want me out of her life but on the other hand doesn't want me as a partner ?
Take a poll here and ask everyone what they think and they will most likely say it's a relationship. Is it toxic as hell, yes, but it's a relationship. She's your girlfriend.
You're the only one who's clueless about it.
So are you willing to go with the flow and stop nagging over a title??
She tells you she loves you, she doesn't want to lose you, she's never felt this connected and blah blah blah, but it means nothing to you cause she hasn't agreed to to being your girlfriend. It's ridiculous.
She's lying about it being just friends, you two will be back in bed in no time. Just like you lie and say you can't do this anymore.
You need to learn to treat her like a child (I know this sounds kind of bad) and tell her what is happening, instead of asking.
If you treat her opposition to what you want ( a relationship) like a tantrum that's being thrown, instead of caving and pulling back hurt, you will get farther with her.
Putting your foot down about her being your girlfriend and not being bothered by her pretending she doesn't want it, will give you both the security that you two want.
You believe what she says too much and it causes more confusion on your end, so my advice is to go with the flow for now and build on the relationship so it gets back on good terms and when it does, then BAM, she is your girl friend, and that is that.
Don't question anything, just state it.
Don't listen to her words of saying no, don't even ask or leave her an option of saying no.
Introduce her as your girlfriend, treat her like your girlfriend and she will be your girlfriend. It's very simple.
Once that has been handled, you can move on to the moving in talks but you have to take it one step at a time.
Ummm, she broke it off with him...It is called a situationship, not a relationship. She also told him that she does not want to work on things...One thing that you are right about, is that she is trying to keep him from moving on, and keep him right where she can continue to toy with to expand
Posted by WizardzEveryone's been telling him that but he doesn't understand what it means, which is why he's in this mess in the first place.Posted by saggurl88Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all normal.
Cause everything is normal with your GIRLFRIEND.
Why aren't you used to the cycle you guys go through? This is what your relationship is.
Go out meet up with her and have a good time.
Back burner you insecure need to be told and validated by her she is your girlfriend and get into a mindset that she is already.
He's not happy tho, is he? And the point where you and me differ is that you believe it can get better and I don't. So he needs to leave or put up with this cycle until she finally leaves
He's happy. He's not happy he's not getting his way, but he's happy cause he loves her.- All this is just based on me being a Sag and what I do, so it's my opinion.
He's complaining cause he doesn't know what to do, but will he continue to put up with it? - Yes cause this is what we do when we love someoneWalk all over us please LMAO
I see where you're coming from, but he can't stop accepting her calls or messages long enough for that to happen, so I'm trying to help him secure what he wants. But he's not so good and being bossy where it counts.
It will be too long for both to leave, IMO
So why not try and fix it to make it work, while we wait![]()
They know how to break up very well, and we are mutable so he should be able to flip it and learn how to stay together well.
He probably tires her because I'm tired reading this thread and listening to his thoughts . She's probably confusing the hell out of him on purpose at this point
This is why he needs to learn to just tell her what to do, instead of ask.
Makes things much simpler on you guys. You don't have to be bothered with the small details of it all
So, you're saying he should grow a pair?click to expand
Posted by WizardzPosted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all normal.
😂 like I told you. Her words don't mean shit. Thought she was desperately heartbroken an hour ago? 😂🤦♂️click to expand
Posted by WizardzPosted by Purplesky
It's funny because the title is asking do we understand and the answer is obvious to everyone lol @Wizardz
😂 It's funny to me because I recognise so much of her words and behaviour as pure Gemininess but he's constantly confused by it all 😅click to expand
Posted by saggurl88Posted by Easha23000usPosted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88Posted by Centaur12Posted by saggurl88
My opinion
She is trying to have the relationship her way and you are trying to have the relationship your way.
You guys are still in a relationship though.
I don't know why you two keep pretending that it's ending. I think you know by now that it's not.
The energy you two put into breaking up and being confused should be the same energy you put into trying something different and seeing if changing up things will work.
Her fake friendship is trying to force you into going with the flow. I told you from the beginning that she wasn't gonna let you go. Why can't you see that?
You two seem to enjoy the turmoil of playing these hurtful love games though, cause neither of you changes enough to fix it.
Is her moon sign fixed as well?
Her moon is a virgo
Oh lol My ex was a Gemini with a Virgo moon.
I seriously think things would work out better if you stopped asking about the title for a lil bit. You two need to build back up the relationship and get back on solid ground, if there ever was a solid ground.
She is yours and has been yours. She knows you're in love with her, she most likely feels the same way. Proof is that she isn't letting you go and keeps trying to have you any way she can get you.
Can you tell that she loves you?
You base a lot on words that you need to hear and some people don't work like that. She seems to be showing you with actions. But both of you don't compromise well- which is something you both should be working on.
The "breaking up to make up cycle" will probably never get old for you unless she actually starts dating other men. There has to be something substantial in order for you to be able to justify breaking it off for good.
But I believe as long as she stays loyal to you, you will continue to keep doing this. You're in for a lot of years of unnecessary drama.
Sometimes love isn't enough. You guys seriously don't understand each other and are super stubborn about it.
And neither of you know the words to communicate properly to stop one upping the other for control.
Sorry I know I always point out what's wrong, but it's because these are areas that I see as lacking when I read the things that you write. I don't mean to come off super harsh. I just can't understand why you still don't understand her and it's been so many years.
But what do I she is telling me she doesn't want a relationship with me but wants friendship and I am telling her I cannot do that as I can't pretend when I am with her I love her. I don't want to let her go.. but she don't want me out of her life but on the other hand doesn't want me as a partner ?
Take a poll here and ask everyone what they think and they will most likely say it's a relationship. Is it toxic as hell, yes, but it's a relationship. She's your girlfriend.
You're the only one who's clueless about it.
So are you willing to go with the flow and stop nagging over a title??
She tells you she loves you, she doesn't want to lose you, she's never felt this connected and blah blah blah, but it means nothing to you cause she hasn't agreed to to being your girlfriend. It's ridiculous.
She's lying about it being just friends, you two will be back in bed in no time. Just like you lie and say you can't do this anymore.
You need to learn to treat her like a child (I know this sounds kind of bad) and tell her what is happening, instead of asking.
If you treat her opposition to what you want ( a relationship) like a tantrum that's being thrown, instead of caving and pulling back hurt, you will get farther with her.
Putting your foot down about her being your girlfriend and not being bothered by her pretending she doesn't want it, will give you both the security that you two want.
You believe what she says too much and it causes more confusion on your end, so my advice is to go with the flow for now and build on the relationship so it gets back on good terms and when it does, then BAM, she is your girl friend, and that is that.
Don't question anything, just state it.
Don't listen to her words of saying no, don't even ask or leave her an option of saying no.
Introduce her as your girlfriend, treat her like your girlfriend and she will be your girlfriend. It's very simple.
Once that has been handled, you can move on to the moving in talks but you have to take it one step at a time.
Ummm, she broke it off with him...It is called a situationship, not a relationship. She also told him that she does not want to work on things...One thing that you are right about, is that she is trying to keep him from moving on, and keep him right where she can continue to toy with him.
and yet she still calls and bugs the hell out of him.
I don't think Geminis play games like that. They don't keep people around just cause they don't want someone else to have them.
They aren't selfish like to expand
Posted by Centaur12
My head feels like its going to explode.
All I've done is go over everything in my head.
I feel so so low Sam. I'm finding myself crying every night. Emotional through the day.
What hurts the most is that i really really love you.
It doesnt matter how long i think things through, im still finding myself hurt and broken so deeply from you not defending/valuing our relationship on that occasion after everything i thought our relationship was serious, meant something special. I've accepted you were not wanting to put me in an awkward position. I just cant move on from why you wouldnt want to turn around and back up your partner and our relationship.
I don't want to loose you ever which is why i suggested about being friends and hopefully with time i can move on from feeling alone with you but atm im destroyed and i will only continue to bring us down as a couple.
I understand you completely about not being able to be friends with me so it kills me to say we are both at different stages so it looks like im going to have to let you go 😭😭💔 doesnt mean for a second i dont love you or not got feelings for you cos you are my one true love, I've never ever connected in a relationship before or shared the same interests. I will never ever forget you and will never take of my love you charm i promise you that. The heart necklace is a way of you being close to my heart which I'll never take off aswell.
I love you x
That is her text to me.
Posted by Centaur12
This is her text to me - I didnt mean to call you a piece of shit but i was broken to pieces when i found out about it so it just came out my mouth. I wouldn't of ever called you that if i wasn't broken so much....
Posted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all to expand
Posted by Easha23000usPosted by Centaur12Posted by WizardzPosted by saggurl88Posted by Wizardz
She's forcing you to make the decision to stay apart because that's what she wants. She is manipulating you - all the "I'm so heartbroken" messages are her way of absolving responsibility so she can walk away feeling like it wasn't her decision
You're gonna have him even more confused![]()
She's not walking away at all, and she can't stay apart from him.
These are the type of words he needs to ignore from her, instead of getting hurt by them.
Once he can maneuver through it and see what's what, he will be able to have a solid healthy relationship.
Lol we're saying the opposite thing
You think this relationship has a chance?
To me it sounds like she already has decided that ultimately he's not the one. She's just no good at letting go and moving on so she keeps manipulating him to make him do it instead but he keeps taking her back instead of being firm
I don't know what to say or do.
She just called me out of no where and is all happy and joking around with me like its all normal.
You were'nt supposed to answer the to expand