Keeps coming back

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by GoldenFlower on Saturday, June 3, 2017 and has 14 replies.
Why do Virgos come back? I mean do they like the power they have over the person who keeps aceppting them back? They say they'll change but keep acting the same.
They always do this!
Why are you stupid enough to believe a perpetual liar?
I don't know, maybe you fell so hard for that person that you actually thought he would change. You've put so much energy in the relationship that you want it to work but you're so exhausted of trying that you just give up. And then when he or she sees that you're not longer interested they come and try to get you back.

Haha I was just wondering about this very same thing - I briefly dated a virgo last summer that I really liked, but then he ghosted me. He's just reappeared and is very keen to meet up. He's a venus virgo as well as sun virgo. I'm just baffled.
Posted by RomanticGhostLoaf
Haha I was just wondering about this very same thing - I briefly dated a virgo last summer that I really liked, but then he ghosted me. He's just reappeared and is very keen to meet up. He's a venus virgo as well as sun virgo. I'm just baffled.
Interesting the Virgo I'm seeing/friends with is also sun and Venus in virgo... he's flaked on me and I backed off and then he's back days later... like he never left and I'm like, huh? I've decided not to try to figure it out and if it's meant to be it will and if he wants to pursue more then he'll just keep popping up until I either find someone or we end up together... I'm a Taurus and I'm slow but virgos take the cake
I guess it's just the way they are. Very confusing.
Posted by GoldenFlower
Why do Virgos come back? I mean do they like the power they have over the person who keeps aceppting them back? They say they'll change but keep acting the same.
I thought people were lying when they said virgos come back... but I'm a Taurus and maybe I can help you understand the "space" issue... I looooooove space. I hate talking on the phone but I will text perfusely. I will see a text that needs to be answered but don't feel like clicking it and opening it to answer... I do this not on purpose but because I rather do something else, it really has nothing to do with the person... I feel virgos are the same in some regard to this. I go on bout my business and do me always and boom he pops up, I don't live each day keeping open spaces for them... he said he'll change? If there's no actions continue doing you and don't give if he's not giving. Life to short to be doing this... he leaves and do his thing you should do the same.
Yes, that's why I ended the relationship. Because putting myself through that wasn't right.
So interesting to see so many virgos with taureans, but also very understandable. Being a Virgo, and I won't even try to speak for all, but from my experience being with a taurean man for 7 years I totally get why you ladies can get confused. It's not that we ghost you, but I personally need a little space now and then. Outside of the home I am very gregarious, while inside the home is my recharge space. He comes home wanting to chat up a storm and I try so much to accommodate, and he is a great conversationalist, but every now and then I have to politely let him know that I just can't handle conversation for the evening. Those nights he will go to his office, go see family/friends, but usually we just quietly hang on the couch watching a movie. Hope this helps. Let me know if there's anything I can clarify : )
Because they love being comfortable and with familiarity. Don't change because they are earth after all and can have a know it all attitude.
Posted by Shaniajam
Posted by GoldenFlower
Why do Virgos come back? I mean do they like the power they have over the person who keeps aceppting them back? They say they'll change but keep acting the same.
I thought people were lying when they said virgos come back... but I'm a Taurus and maybe I can help you understand the "space" issue... I looooooove space. I hate talking on the phone but I will text perfusely. I will see a text that needs to be answered but don't feel like clicking it and opening it to answer... I do this not on purpose but because I rather do something else, it really has nothing to do with the person... I feel virgos are the same in some regard to this. I go on bout my business and do me always and boom he pops up, I don't live each day keeping open spaces for them... he said he'll change? If there's no actions continue doing you and don't give if he's not giving. Life to short to be doing this... he leaves and do his thing you should do the same.
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This is so me lol

I will get phone calls and not answer them but watch them ring until it stops.

I will see my text messages on my phone but won't open them.

I think to myself I will respond back later. I go about my day and get side tracked. 3 days later I say shit I didn't respond and act like nothing happen when I see the person.
Posted by Shaniajam
Posted by RomanticGhostLoaf
Haha I was just wondering about this very same thing - I briefly dated a virgo last summer that I really liked, but then he ghosted me. He's just reappeared and is very keen to meet up. He's a venus virgo as well as sun virgo. I'm just baffled.
Interesting the Virgo I'm seeing/friends with is also sun and Venus in virgo... he's flaked on me and I backed off and then he's back days later... like he never left and I'm like, huh? I've decided not to try to figure it out and if it's meant to be it will and if he wants to pursue more then he'll just keep popping up until I either find someone or we end up together... I'm a Taurus and I'm slow but virgos take the cake
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Yeah, I mean this guy ghosted on me back in August and now is back. Almost a year later... I'm keeping him at arm's length atm, because he disappeared without even saying a word, and like yours, now he's acting like it never happened? Weird.

I'm an aries sun w/taurus venus, so I'm quite slow and cautious in love - don't think I scared him away.

I'd make your virgo work for it, keep him at arm's length a bit. They seem to often have a lot of emotional issues which is fine if you're up for dealing with that kind of thing, I'm not really... I'm gathering they get more interested in distant women that they have to work a bit for, as they get suspicious when things are too nice and easy, but I don't know. Hope your virgo/virgo sorts himself out..!

Posted by RomanticGhostLoaf
Posted by Shaniajam
Posted by RomanticGhostLoaf
Haha I was just wondering about this very same thing - I briefly dated a virgo last summer that I really liked, but then he ghosted me. He's just reappeared and is very keen to meet up. He's a venus virgo as well as sun virgo. I'm just baffled.
Interesting the Virgo I'm seeing/friends with is also sun and Venus in virgo... he's flaked on me and I backed off and then he's back days later... like he never left and I'm like, huh? I've decided not to try to figure it out and if it's meant to be it will and if he wants to pursue more then he'll just keep popping up until I either find someone or we end up together... I'm a Taurus and I'm slow but virgos take the cake
Yeah, I mean this guy ghosted on me back in August and now is back. Almost a year later... I'm keeping him at arm's length atm, because he disappeared without even saying a word, and like yours, now he's acting like it never happened? Weird.

I'm an aries sun w/taurus venus, so I'm quite slow and cautious in love - don't think I scared him away.

I'd make your virgo work for it, keep him at arm's length a bit. They seem to often have a lot of emotional issues which is fine if you're up for dealing with that kind of thing, I'm not really... I'm gathering they get more interested in distant women that they have to work a bit for, as they get suspicious when things are too nice and easy, but I don't know. Hope your virgo/virgo sorts himself out..!

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Yes I shall let him work a little. Yes the more distant I am the more he sticks around so I've learned to back off and take it easy. Plus I'm slow anyways and cautious since my last relationship (I'm a Taurus and it's in our nature to be slow) would love for him to come on to me more but I guess in due time.