Mental Asylum of Utter Madness- 24/7 Stinger Home!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by TheLadyScorpio on Monday, April 29, 2013 and has 3877 replies.
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Let lose, be yourself, vent it all out if you must. Fellow Stingers and Scorpion Dominants, this is your place to go crazy.
The Crabs have the Mood Swing Thread and the Merfolks have the Random Thoughts Platform, now we need a place of our own. After all, how could we miss out on our own home in the murky dark waters!
So anything goes, let your intense, dark, passionate even insane side unleash itself. Go mad, this is your place to do what you want. Come on in, let it'll do you good, I promise Winking
Welcome, this is Dark Paradise Big Grin
YAY!!! A stinger playground that we can play out our darkside even in the light of day!!! *Giggles*
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
I admit I can't stop flirting. No matter how hard I try.

LOL!! Me toooo!! Funny thing is...I'm not even trying to flirt. People take my southern belle charm as flirting. Ugh!!!
This will be.....interesting, on many levels. Let the fun begin!
I love Scorpions because...
- of their passion, it is written in their blood
- there is a beautiful vulnerability within us for those worthy to discover
- we are one of the most awkward of individuals
- strength, that steely level of strength, utter determination
- clich? but we are intense and profound, boring? never, our conversations are meaningful with purpose
- cuts the b.s. in half and gets to the core of an issue
- witty, dark, sarcastic sense of humour
- we make sure we are amazing at everything 'everything' we do
- all in or all out, half-hearted, what is that?
- committed, with a high level of staying power
- self-control, private, discreet, and reserved without being aloof
- our hearts are so big, it encompasses, it engulfs, becoming one
- analytical with great investigative skills
- incredible depth, never ending
Posted by everevolvingepithet


HAHAHA!!! I think this is the perfect topic for a Monday, brightens my day! :p
Come on people, give me something DIABOLICAL
Big Grin
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
I love Scorpions because...
- of their passion, it is written in their blood
- there is a beautiful vulnerability within us for those worthy to discover
- we are one of the most awkward of individuals
- strength, that steely level of strength, utter determination
- clich? but we are intense and profound, boring? never, our conversations are meaningful with purpose
- cuts the b.s. in half and gets to the core of an issue
- witty, dark, sarcastic sense of humour
- we make sure we are amazing at everything 'everything' we do
- all in or all out, half-hearted, what is that?
- committed, with a high level of staying power
- self-control, private, discreet, and reserved without being aloof
- our hearts are so big, it encompasses, it engulfs, becoming one
- analytical with great investigative skills
- incredible depth, never ending

- We ARE passion! smile
- Oh yes, to the right person...we don't show it often. If you do see it, consider yourself a real lucky individual.
- Strength with a soft side
- Extremely intense! If we are talking, you bet it's important!
- Who's got time for lame ass bs?? lol
- Extremely sarcastic! I told a coworker this morning that told me "Good Morning", "Yea yea. Your golden ray of sarcastic sunshine has arrived, let the good times begin." I hate the "good morning" people, way too chipper and FAKE!
- Extremely competitive!
- Yea, you're either with me or against in between. Black or white!!
- Commitment is our middle name
- Although we try to be reserved without being aloof, we do come across as aloof. lol
- Hearts as big as the universe
- We are the 007's of the zodiac. If it exists, we will find it or it will magically appear in front of us.
- Deeper than the ocean...we see the light in the dark..
My biggest pet peeve and will get you written off and out of my life??? INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE!! GAME OVER!!!
Posted by xdimplez
I hate when shit leaves my ass sideways
How's that for diabolical?

Meh, shit usually explodes like a nuclear force when it comes out of my arse.
*waves hello at dimpz, visit us on our board more often*
Posted by xdimplez
Bahahaha I just giggled
: waves back: I lovey the Scorpies. I tread carefully though, my ass is still healing from the first time they ripped a new one in me

Well, there you go, your complimentary daily dose of a 'petite giggle mort' Tongue
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
My diabolical stuff is not appropriate for even THIS place

Oh come on, spit it out rabbit, or I will put you in a boiler.
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Come on people, give me something DIABOLICAL
Big Grin

....A Scorp trying to live vicariously through other Scorps? Now that's interesting. I'm sure you have your own diabolical tales to tell.
Posted by IntriguedScorp
I have a mind for business and a body for sin.

Once upon a time, Mr. Scorp had the idea of waking up early this morning to start the Insanity videos.
Mr. Scorp didn't get out of bed. :/
Capgirl69 got up and did the fit test at 5am.
The jumps turned her legs to jelly. And she really stunk afterwards. But she completed it the whole thing and then showered and went to work.
To be continued...
Posted by capgirl69
Once upon a time, Mr. Scorp had the idea of waking up early this morning to start the Insanity videos.
Mr. Scorp didn't get out of bed. :/
Capgirl69 got up and did the fit test at 5am.
The jumps turned her legs to jelly. And she really stunk afterwards. But she completed it the whole thing and then showered and went to work.
To be continued...

I'm intrigued. I wanna know where this is going.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Come on people, give me something DIABOLICAL
Big Grin

....A Scorp trying to live vicariously through other Scorps? Now that's interesting. I'm sure you have your own diabolical tales to tell.
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My filter is still on, I don't know for how long nothing diabolical from me yet, but boy oh boy, what out when it does come Tongue
My lovely gentleman friend here has been pampering me with wine, tapas which he had painstakingly prepared as a surprise, and music he knew I'd liked. All so I could relax, write and complete my growing ever lengthening to-do list, as always. Life never stops!
Although, everything is beginning to take on a state of warm fuzz, in a good way smile
Oy, people! This is not the Mood Swing Thread, we are not PMS-ing Stingers...or are we? This is THE Mental Asylum because we are mad and insane, our outburst of passionate (in)sanity is not for the faint hearted. Our damn darkness, might trickle in and infest minds of the more innocent. Using a very 80s word, we are RAD!!
Posted by seraph
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Oy, people! This is not the Mood Swing Thread, we are not PMS-ing Stingers...or are we? This is THE Mental Asylum because we are mad and insane, our outburst of passionate (in)sanity is not for the faint hearted. Our damn darkness, might trickle in and infest minds of the more innocent. Using a very 80s word, we are RAD!!

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Come here, you Lion with that shiny thick mane of yours!
Cheeky arse Big Grin
Posted by ellessque
you better stop before we get another "Scorpios are SO overrated" thread.....LOL Tongue

I give this thread 10...hmmm, maybe 11 pages. Like I wrote earlier, this thread will be interesting on many levels.
Posted by IntriguedScorp
I will give what I can but please don't ever take it for granted or assume I am stupid or naive because I am generous.

You stole the words right out of my mouth.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by ellessque
you better stop before we get another "Scorpios are SO overrated" thread.....LOL Tongue

I give this thread 10...hmmm, maybe 11 pages. Like I wrote earlier, this thread will be interesting on many levels.
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Alright, alright...I will share the wine 'and' the specially home made tapas!
Come on, don't put a damper on our own home Sad
In the words of Cole Porter- Even Crabs, do it. Merfolks, do it. Even we can do it. Let's do it. Let's fall in looooovvvveeeee Big Grin
??? ??? ???
Posted by Ellybean
If you notice, these types of threads don't really work out on most of the fixed sign boards. Other signs on and off have had their own 'sign rant' boards. I can't remember one, at least in the past two years, on a Leo, Scorpio or Aqua board. I *think* the taurs did have one at some point though.

I am fixed at times stubborn to, let me dig my heels in dear Elly and try our best, no matter what.
If our water cousins can, we can too, god damn it, we will conquer!
Keep up the spirits you all, raise those Stingers.
There is a new lady at work, and she stares at me, and I give her `the eyes` like she is a freak, and she keeps looking when I am not looking... does she not know that I know that shes looking at me.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I quit my job 2 weeks ago lol Thanks, Saturn!! Now I KNOW it`s time to go to school.
Elle... How are you... My keyboard is fucked up, and won`t give me quotation marks or question marks, so disregard my terrible grammar.
You knew it was about that time I`d return (question mark)
Welcome back home Eris smile
Thank you! smile
Glad to hear it, Elle smile
I have waited for years for you guys to miss me!
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
I admit I can't stop flirting. No matter how hard I try.

Posted by starlover
Come on Scorps...we can do better than this!!!!

How about i want to murder anybody who breathes loudly or looks at me in a certain way

Big Grin

That's an everyday occurrence. I don't think that's the issue here. For the most part Scorps don't go on and on about how they are feeling. One good rant (if that at all) or we take action and we're done. Lady Scorp is asking for deep, dark, deliciously diabolical secrets--again, not something that really happens with Scorps.
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
I admit I can't stop flirting with artsy hipster chicks with lots of curves and tattoos. No matter how hard I try.


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crap....well......still....+1.. smfh
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by ellessque
you better stop before we get another "Scorpios are SO overrated" thread.....LOL Tongue

I give this thread 10...hmmm, maybe 11 pages. Like I wrote earlier, this thread will be interesting on many levels.

Come on, don't put a damper on our own home Sad

??? ??? ???
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Not trying to put a damper on things, just a prediction. Sorry LS. As you were....
Posted by ellessque
you better stop before we get another "Scorpios are SO overrated" thread.....LOL Tongue

Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by starlover
Come on Scorps...we can do better than this!!!!

How about i want to murder anybody who breathes loudly or looks at me in a certain way

Big Grin

That's an everyday occurrence. I don't think that's the issue here. For the most part Scorps don't go on and on about how they are feeling. One good rant (if that at all) or we take action and we're done. Lady Scorp is asking for deep, dark, deliciously diabolical secrets--again, not something that Scorps really share.
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Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by starlover
Come on Scorps...we can do better than this!!!!

How about i want to murder anybody who breathes loudly or looks at me in a certain way

Big Grin

That's an everyday occurrence. I don't think that's the issue here. For the most part Scorps don't go on and on about how they are feeling. One good rant (if that at all) or we take action and we're done. Lady Scorp is asking for deep, dark, deliciously diabolical secrets--again, not something that Scorps really share.


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Ay, no need to apologize PR. I know my own kind but we could always try, or see how this unveils itself.
It doesn't even have to be secrets per se, just a home, a place for people to return to time and time again. Whether they would like to rant, laugh, cry, scream, curse, giggle...just the entire spectrum of intense emotions unleashed or rather 'released'. Because I realize, in our deep dark trenches of waters, we have no place where we belong, quite sad considering if we place it in comparison to our other two 'sister' boards.
Well, it is what it is smile
Nom, nom...
Unless it's a Scorp Mars, then swinging may be in Winking
Honest, I couldn't go there with my man either... in theory, it sounds good, but in reality I don't share well!
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Come on people, give me something DIABOLICAL
Big Grin

So basically you're asshole people who have no value to respect others. Poisonous liars. Got it.
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
I love Scorpions because...
- of their passion, it is written in their blood
- there is a beautiful vulnerability within us for those worthy to discover
- we are one of the most awkward of individuals
- strength, that steely level of strength, utter determination
- clich? but we are intense and profound, boring? never, our conversations are meaningful with purpose
- cuts the b.s. in half and gets to the core of an issue
- witty, dark, sarcastic sense of humour
- we make sure we are amazing at everything 'everything' we do
- all in or all out, half-hearted, what is that?
- committed, with a high level of staying power
- self-control, private, discreet, and reserved without being aloof
- our hearts are so big, it encompasses, it engulfs, becoming one
- analytical with great investigative skills
- incredible depth, never ending

Egoistical narcissistic and untrustworthy steps over others to get what you want. No respect. Until Karma catches you. smile
I stand corrected. Only took 6 pages....
Posted by xxnightbynight
Posted by scorchedearth
Posted by PhoenixRising
I stand corrected. Only took 6 pages....

sometimes the lesser signs can't hide their jelly. Winking

i don't think you're ready for this jelly.

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Lol @ you both smile
Well, they can love us, they can hate us, only two sides of the same least they are not indifferent to us yet.
We cleaned out the remnants of Mr. Scorp's fridge last night.
He had 4 bottles of wine in there, open, about half full.
Me: Why do you have all this wine?
Scorp: Women.
Me: you never bought me wine. *sniff*
Scorp: You were different.
Was he like, luring women back to his apartment and giving them wine and having his way with them? lol.
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Posted by Impulsv
I just have a question for scorpiorabbit . What the hell is your rabbit avatar doing? Lol
I'm afraid of the answer. Lol
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Posted by capgirl69
We cleaned out the remnants of Mr. Scorp's fridge last night.
He had 4 bottles of wine in there, open, about half full.
Me: Why do you have all this wine?
Scorp: Women.
Me: you never bought me wine. *sniff*
Scorp: You were different.
Was he like, luring women back to his apartment and giving them wine and having his way with them? lol.

Capgirl, I always love your bits and pieces of stories gracing our board about you and your Mr.Scorp smile
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Since everyone's gotta hate on my's a new bunny.
With kittens all over it.
Damn...that's ripe with innuendo

A hell load of kitties or...puthsssssy?
Big Grin
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Since everyone's gotta hate on my's a new bunny.
With kittens all over it.
Damn...that's ripe with innuendo

A hell load of kitties or...puthsssssy?
Big Grin

Rabbit who likes Chinese food?
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A quick change Scorpion!
Posted by ellessque
Posted by capgirl69
We cleaned out the remnants of Mr. Scorp's fridge last night.
He had 4 bottles of wine in there, open, about half full.
Me: Why do you have all this wine?
Scorp: Women.
Me: you never bought me wine. *sniff*
Scorp: You were different.
Was he like, luring women back to his apartment and giving them wine and having his way with them? lol.

his sarcasm makes me giggle.
this is my conversation with wine......
*grocery shopping*
me - oooooooooooooh, that bottle is pretty, it would like nice on the wine rack (which is empty) *grabs it*
*puts on wine rack (libra venus likes pretty things that serve no real purpose)*
me - I'm a bad ass. I AM GOING TO DRINK THAT WINE!!!!!!!!!!!
*pours one glass, gets sleepy, goes to bed, puts in fridge*
me - oooooooooooooh, that bottle is pretty, it would like nice on the wine rack (which is empty) *grabs it*
*puts on wine rack (libra venus likes pretty things that serve no real purpose)*
me - I'm a bad ass. I AM GOING TO DRINK THAT WINE!!!!!!!!!!!
*pours one glass, gets sleepy, goes to bed, puts in fridge*
me - oooooooooooooh, that bottle is pretty, it would like nice on the wine rack (which is empty) *grabs it*
*puts on wine rack (libra venus likes pretty things that serve no real purpose)*
me - I'm a bad ass. I AM GOING TO DRINK THAT WINE!!!!!!!!!!!
*pours one glass, gets sleepy, goes to bed, puts in fridge*

.....three months open my fridge and it looks like I'm a full fledged alcoholic....or a professional wine taster. Tongue
I don't do that anymore (such a waste of money!)....but that is why I had wine in my fridge.
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lol. We have half a bottle of champagne in our fridge right now. We bought it when he moved it. I poured us each a glass. He slugged his down.
*20 minutes later*
Scorp: Ooh, that went right to my head.
Me: *giggle* That was plan, get you drunk and have my way with you.
Scorp: Umm, yeah, no. I'm drunk. I'm sleeeeepy.
Me: *giggle*
*10 minutes later*
Scorp: let's go to bed.
Me: ok.
Scorp: Sorry I ruined your night. zzzzzz
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by capgirl69
We cleaned out the remnants of Mr. Scorp's fridge last night.
He had 4 bottles of wine in there, open, about half full.
Me: Why do you have all this wine?
Scorp: Women.
Me: you never bought me wine. *sniff*
Scorp: You were different.
Was he like, luring women back to his apartment and giving them wine and having his way with them? lol.

Capgirl, I always love your bits and pieces of stories gracing our board about you and your Mr.Scorp smile
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thanks! smile
For you, Scorpiorabbit:
Wine (or alcohol for that matter) makes most Scorpions go straight to sleep, we are such a drowsy lot when tipsy and drunk!
It is no wonder we exist as the wall flowers of any party, stealing the limelight only when necessary.