One Mad Libra

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Atom on Thursday, January 31, 2008 and has 36 replies.
OK, Libra Girl and I were seeing each other about twice a week----dinner, movies, lunch occasionally---then she started canceling times we could get together. I just went on living my life. Wednesday, two hours before dinner time she calls assuming she's coming over. I told her I thought she didn't want to see me---all the cancellations. She blew up at me, doesn't understand---called back hours later telling me in a nice way that I "don't understand"---REALLY pissed (really killing the remaining affection I have for her). I left it for her to call me back---prepared for ANYTHING.
Glad to see she's finally "killing the remaining affection"....she's making her own mess as Libras tend to do from time to time LOL.
loads more women out there as you know Atom....go where its easier smile
thank you, darlings----more freedom to travel---no idea what she's going to do. Like the idea of complete phasing her out.
Atom, she should be ever so greatful that you have even continued to be bothered with her at all until now.
I can't wait until you are REALLY over her and allow yourself to be emotionally available for someone who will appreciate you. (((Hugs)))
thanks, latina, QS.
she just called, complaining about me----I'm tired of this---did NOT make any future plans. *argh*
kg, your recommendations on "phasing out?"
kg, your recommendations on "phasing out?"
(hmmmm.....I must want LOTS of recommendations!)
only way to phase 1 out is to phase another in smile
phasing, phasing. thank you, ladies!
It works too!!!
I'm having these vivid dreams I saw my Libra crush last night she walked past me and I recognized her and turned around and said "Sabrina" and we were talking her eyes were glaringly blue, she's not blue eyed, dreams can be unusually surreal - some other man approached her and she walked away, I think I'm precognitive but we were actually talking to each other but then even in this state she's elusive very strange in that there's no intimacy. Vivid untangible dreams even about my Sagittarius woman, its on a subliminal level yet vivid but then only the individual can analyze and comprehend this because this kind of awareness is on a subconscious level.
At the very basis your problem could be oppositional in nature in your relationship with her.
In the sense that Aries and Libra are opposites, on the sexual plane if there is no intimacy then there certainly is something to be concerned about, but then you're an unusual Aries - Aries like Gemini tosses baggage in the trash and forgets about it and moves on to the next piece of excitement - remember that within the astrological association Libra cannot do that, if you are going to have prolonged issues with her which you might if the two of you are from the same social milieu then you might as well just be good friends and look elsewhere - the Aries sign mostly trashes and forgets no regrets keep moving on, you could get lucky stumble upon an exotic Libra it will work better due to the lack of social commonground. My Sagittarius woman is African American.
interesting. thanks, joe. eagle, anything? lol w/ Chatz as usual.
I am trying to see the situation from her point of view. If any other friend was all over me one week, and cancelling out on me the next, I would suspect some hidden anger.
Which is what I think is happening here -- why she blew up at you for "no good reason."
But I think there is a reason. If I know that someone likes me "as a girlfriend" when I just like them as a friend, I always feel somewhat tense. As if it's my responsibility to maintain the proper friendship boundaries -- which, quite frankly, is a drag.
That's why I'm not friends with my exes. It's not that I don't like them.
Someone at work was a friend, and then started to like me, and took advantage (I felt)by talking about things that only a boyfriend or girlfriend should talk about. I am furious at him, and yell at him for picky things -- because I feel that I can't be relaxed around him.
I hope this makes sense, Atom. The fact is, you *do* think she's gorgeous and I'm sure she senses that. Being a Libra, she likes to have you around. But she is the one responsible for the boundaries, that's why you get this crazy behavior.
And I'm sure she wonders why you put up with it.
thanks, eagle. I think you're right on---I'm NOT putting up with it any more.
Good! But don't burn any bridges....maybe in a year, when you've found your Saggie sweetie, you and Leebragal can really, truly, be friends!
Got it!
Atom, you need to quit thinking about her and find someone. If she was interested in you, you wouldnt hv had a chance to post anything in dxp. So dont waste ur time. Move on. There are many other libra girls around. why do u want someone who dont want u?
Ok ...first of all this is a love hate relationship..Aries and Libra. Trust me I know b/c I have dated one and have two in my family haha..
But I think it goes back to respect.. and maybe even miscommunication. Ram is stubborn and doesnt want to let up imo. Nothing against Aries..its quite an admirable trait. However, there comes a time when ram needs to back off and reflect on her/his behavior.
Libra needs balance in all things and people. Otherwise..Libra goes nutzo haha I know..but trying to achieve balance is a crazy idea anyway..and why must libra be the one to do it??? Ya know...I kinda hate this trait at times b/c its almost a need..not a want so when ya get someone so head strong in your poses a challenge that sometimes wants to be *avoided* b/c there is no balancing it. Exhales... wow I'm not even sure what I just said even really makes sense..but to me it does in a crazy way.
I'm not sure what my advice is.. I've never had any luck with Aries in the past. I have found that when I get enough of them even tho I truly love them... its like *go away* *c ya*... and I find peace and balance from being away from them =)
Chatz, you're so right: they ALWAYS come back. this time with home-made chocolate cake, I assume a "peace offering."
she's still on my black list.
LOL....take the cake, show her the door and then devour it all on your own!!!
Nah smash it in the fireplace....oh that's a greek or italian tradition isn't it?? ooops, never mind!!!
Mine still has a DVD he borrowed 6 months ago....i returned his when we separated....he wants ME to come and get it - pffffttt, HE knows where I live.
my oh my---hostility over chocolate cake, now half devoured. yep, THIS plate doesn't match ANY of mine! I like your pfffttt, Chatz. 'may keep this plate as a souvenir.
seeing her tomorrow night UNLESS she cancels---hanging on to that plate!
Soooooooooo does rejection ENTICE you lovely Libra ladies??????
Why are seeing her still? You fire signs will hold on to the bitter end. Wow!!!
"See we get a hook and right there we can work it for everything it is worth huh Chatz?" ABSOLUTELY. every time!!!
"Why are seeing her still? You fire signs will hold on to the bitter end. Wow!!!" We do QS but wait til Atom does actually close that door, you won't be able to prise it open again.
Atom, if you accept her invitation you are just confusing her and yourself still...she still has the upper hand because you just won't say no ever!! You have to remove yourself from her, of course accept the cake, throw the plate back at her and say fill her up LOL, but to see her again? uh uh, not a good idea...she's playing you like a fiddle!!!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Show her what you are made of - you are a Fire Sign damnit and we have our pride ok?? don't give in so easily, trust me, it works smile
V Day? by myself. lots of cards mailed off but no intimacy with anyone right now.
Me either Atom... This is not good. I am in the same place I was last V-day. Damn I can't go through another year of this. Damn!!!
Yeah, QS. It really sucks. AT LEAST we're not with people that make our lives miserable! 'Bought Dove chocolates for all my sweeties.
(distributing Dove chocolate to all on this Board).