It's a difficult situation. As you probably know yourself, for the few moments that he's allowed back into the real world, his first instinct is likely to try and reconnect with all of the parts of his life that he's had to give up. It can be tough to remember to balance that with relationship commitments sometimes. I don't think that the ultimatum is necessary - he seems to want to make an effort, but needs reminding. On the plus side, you do *get* the nature of his commitments to his job, where most people just don't (even if they think that they're capable of it). It's just a case of talking it out and finding a proper balance when you do get free time together (and maybe finding more activities that you can share - two birds with one stone). It's part of the challenge of transitioning from a completely independent life style to one where you have to learn to share yourself with someone.
More specific to Virgos, I think our focus on details can sometimes hinder our capacity to multi-task. It might not be his intent to deliberately exclude you - the common trap is to zero in on just one thing at a time to the exclusion of everything else. It probably goes really well when the thing that he happens to be wrapped up in is his relationship with you, but much less so when his focus is laser-locked on something else. I'm sure that you'd get a lot more attention if he could divide it up more efficiently. Nobody said that it was an easy life. :3
It really comes down to whether you have the patience, and whether he's willing to try to work on improving that balance.
Yes, you are both correct, thank you... It just feels very confusing to know how he feels, his body language says one thing, his verbal is not mirroring. He has never really said a compliment, like "I like spending time with you" or "I like you" even... when I say I miss him, he never says I miss you too. Being a pisces, I think I am a little needy, craving affection, and love. I try not to be. And by reading Virgo profiles, it repeatedly says to be patient and also that it is difficult for them be open with their emotions. And I am, trying to be patient and not expecting any declarations, and sweet nothings...I would rather have him feel the affection for me which is real rather than saying it and not meaning it.. I believe it is hard for him to share himself and that is where I feel excluded. He is definitely consumed by his work, the amount of pressure he has is astronomical, and I feel his exhaustion like it was mine and really feel for him. I just feel so deeply for him, never felt this way about anyone. Never met a Virgo before. I am ecstatic when I do get to see him, and when we are together. But once he leaves, it feels even the air has gone with him.
I do not know about tonight if we should meet after his party, or if I should decline. I am upset mainly because again I feel excluded from his life... had a lovely cry fest last night and today... yes, a real pity party.
You guys have great insights, thank you
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Pisces to Pisces ... let me say it like this and keep it short and simple.
The Pisces +Virgo connection is well known and can be extremely strong.
However a lot of times that is just the physical and meshing of mind and soul is absent. 
We Pisces need someone we connect to on a mental and spiritual level and that's important to us.
What you have here is your typical Virgo, we will call him "tin man"
He is in desperate need of a "heart"( good thing you both are in the medical field that might help)
Only way this relationship will work is if his chart is more mutable, than anything else.
If so he will be open to accepting and cherishing the differences between you two and he
can finally get that "heart" and you two can live happily ever after.
*side note.... why do women always want it all.... most of the time we don't get it all. That's a hard
lesson if most people refuse to accept. You named some great qualities he has that attracted you
to him. He's not perfect. He's not going to ever be romantic or have passion but so what? He's
a Virgo and he seems like a nice guy that loves you the way VIRGO's love.
If you can't accept him the way he is..... do you and him a favor and end it now....
Lol forgive me.... my Gemini moon is quite talkative this morning
Good luck in finding him a "heart" but I think he's fine the way he is. Thanks Dimes... fellow Pisces input is great. As far as his chart, he has 3 Scorpio placements, one in Venus. Rising is Sagittarius, Moon Gemini, Mercury in Virgo, Mars in Scorpio.
My Moon is in Leo, Venus in Aries, Rising in Sagittarius.... all over the
Sometimes I feel him so deeply, and feel he has very deep feelings and emotions, but it is not surfacing, he is not verbalizing. When I look into his eyes, i can see his soul and heart, there is such depth there,such kindness, caring, it takes my breath away. He is also very sensitive. Not criticising at all, what normally is said about Virgos.
And sometimes, I do not know where he is coming from at all.
Funny though one compatibility chart said about Virgo/Pisces is that Virgo is the doctor, Pisces is the nurse and how much we can learn from each accurate, I almost fell off the chair. It is also said it can be really really good, or really really bad.
I just want to love him an bring happiness into his life.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
ngs for now .. maybe more later ...
Posted by piscesx
I have told him a few times in the past that we should stop seeing each other if .....
Every time I mention that perhaps we should not continue, he becomes more attentive, makes plans ahead of time, but that lasts only a short time, and soon back to the old routine of seeing me on the spur of the moment, not responding to texts for many hours.
You giving him signals that your regard for him is conditional, and if he doesn't adhere to you then he isn't worth you .. which is what the quotes above are saying is equivelant to shooting yourself in the foot, considering by virtue of him being a Virgo, it is in his nature to believe he isn't worthy of you.
This is an insecurity they live with daily .. and you using those manipuating tactics of suggesting to him that you don't want him because he isn't good enough for you the way he comes, and you'd rather not have him at all the way he comes ... which is what you mean when you say those things quoted above will ruin any chance you might have had with him because instead of maneuvering him closer to you, it will enhance this rooted insecurity, and create a wall.
Posted by Let*It*Be
It gets even better.
.... if you remain patient...IT GETS BETTER.
click to expand
And second, the above is horse-shit.
Virgo comes the way he comes, he doesn't change for the better or worse. He doesn't change at all. For someone to tell you the be patient that it gets better, when you clarify that your concern is his inability to open up to you is in essence telling you that the "getting better" part entails that he opens up and to support your emotional insecurity by being emotional .. and that is a crock of shit.
be careful what you take to heart because some people have no realistic experience with Virgos.
It doesn't get better to mean ..... he gets to be a better boyfriend with time.
The beauty of the Virgo is that they remain constant, are extremely reliable ... which means there are no changes .. you get exactly what you see.
The only "getting better" is you, and how you change yourself to understand that the Virgo nature comes simply, no games.
Thank you P Angel, I have been waiting for your input. I have read some of your posts and I must admit, many of them made me stop and think, your view of things and people is very spot on usually, even if sometimes is hurtful. Well, the truth can hurt.
Thanks for pointing out the fact about me setting conditions is manipulation..., and also the fact that Virgos can be very insecure, never thought that, always so calm and in control. I will need to pay more attention. I am starting to accept the fact that he is the way he is, and will not change and should not expect him to change... I either love him as he is or I don't. And I love him tremendously. I have read the meaning of unconditional love.. it is the ability to love someone without expecting anything in return...the act of giving in itself should be the reward... I am trying to live by that, but boy, it is hard.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
@P-angel.... see this why she is my hero!!!!! She tells it like it is with no sugar or added sweeteners
All natural good ol Common Sense!
Let me break it down like this with my "limited knowledge and experience with Virgos"
I see two main issues with the relationship :
First, you are a Pisces so you naturally have "dream" version of love and the need to make that
come true instead of accepting the reality that "you have to take the good WITH THE BAD" and
"YOU GET WHAT YOU PAID FOR". Meaning, he is a Virgo. If you wanted a Scorpio, go date and fall
in love with a Scorpio. Its foolish to have a good or rather great Virgo man but try to change him
into something else to match up with your "dream". Stop that!
When I was with my Virgal, the intensity was unreal. She would never verbally tell me her feelings
She would rather show me with her body language and her action. She had no passion and was not
romantic at all. Did that mean she was a bad person. No. I cared enough about her to accept her
for who she was and cherished our differences and work with what she gave instead of turning against
her. Was she perfect. No, far from it, but the emotional whirlpool circulating in her mind I felt compassion for
And there was a deep connection without words. Learn to accept people for who they are, when possible,
or just end it.
Second, this relationship requires a tremendous amount of sacrifice on one or both parties ...
that's what I mean about the "mutability factor" in this equation.
Virgo is the most flexible and changeable earth sign and Pisces is that for the water signs.
Pisces literally need "passion " and "romance" and without we don't feel true love....
Here lies the dilemma. If you cannot provide the "passion and romance" for you both or
you choose not to this relationship will have a slow or fast death. You will suffer and being
a Pisces in love, you will go to him to stop your suffering or make dam sure he knows about it.
Lol not at first. You will suffer in silence to gauge his feelings for you... see if he notices or even cares
Typical Pisces move... if he doesn't (which he probably will notice but him being a Virgo, he wont know
what to do so he will withdraw and retreat into his mind) this will infuriate you and cause more
The reference of the "tin man" and the "heart" means that Virgo do sometime lack the passion
and romance that some women need. She these women set off to "see the wizard" in hopes of The reason I am insecure and also hurt is not only because he is not verbalizing his thoughts and feelings but the fact that he is still active on the dating site where we met. I have my profile hidden, my heart just not in to chat or interact with anyone.. he still has his profile up and running. Of course that makes me think that he is still searching for "the one". As Let it be posted feels as though I am a fill in until he meets someone better, younger etc. It shows when someone has been active within 24 hrs, 3 days 5 days etc. Right now it says "online now"... not a pleasant feeling.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
finding him a "heart". Good luck with that. Its funny and sad at the "same dam time!"( in my future voice)
but since I have been on this site, I've seen people "off to see the wizard"....
Ironically, that's what actually brought me to this site as well initially. I gave up on
finding her a "heart" and tried to accept her the way she was and enjoy and build on what
we had together. I admit she changed a little for me but I messed up and she gave me
the infamous "cold shoulder " and "silent treatment ".
Hope you have better luck with your Virgo. Remember don't expect them to act, think, love,
or feel the way we do. They're our polar opposites. Remember that.
When we get hurt or upset, we verbalize it to the one we love and lean on them for strength.
Lmao..... please don't expect a Virgo to do that.... I'm giving you fair warning.
Good luck... you will need plenty of it....
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Posted by piscesx
The reason I am insecure and also hurt is not only because he is not verbalizing his thoughts and feelings but the fact that he is still active on the dating site where we met. I have my profile hidden, my heart just not in to chat or interact with anyone.. he still has his profile up and running. Of course that makes me think that he is still searching for "the one". As Let it be posted feels as though I am a fill in until he meets someone better, younger etc. It shows when someone has been active within 24 hrs, 3 days 5 days etc. Right now it says "online now"... not a pleasant feeling.
(Don't you just love how they "drop the bomb" at the end,instead of leading with it....gotta love it)
Hmmmmm.... why do I feel like if this Virgo work as a fast food manager, this thread wouldn't
even exist but since there is substantial $ $ $ $ involved ....that changes everything. 
Don't get me wrong. "I'm not saying she's a gold digger...but she ain't messing with no broke ....." (in my Kanye voice)
Funny how if add enough $ $ $ $ to shyt it magically becomes chocolate ......hmmmmm yummy ...
It is what it is my dear fish sister..... It is what it is.....
He is a high profile doctor with a lot of money.... women are coming at him from every angle ....
Even online. He's a Virgo. (No offense)
The first time my Virgal had a small disagreement ..... I found out she was on a online dating site
I was like wtf... I was calling her to see what was going on for 3 days. I didn't even meet her online
so it was just my intuition that had me check just to see cause she never mentioned it ever.
She deleted it once I questioned her about it but my Venus in Aries got the best of me and I
called my ex in front of her while we were laying in bed together (her bed at that) yes I was
wrong but she pushed me there....
So you need to learn to. Don't expect a Virgo to act like you and have compassion like you.
What I see is typical Pisces and Virgo behavior ....nothing new here just the "Grey's Anatomy " style ...
Get out now!!!!! Quit thinking about his bank account and run!!!!!!Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
^^Yo pocket change did anyone tell you that you're an annoying twat and your daddy should've worn a condom? If not, I am tellin' you that.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Posted by incandescentcancer
^^Yo pocket change did anyone tell you that you're an annoying twat and your daddy should've worn a condom? If not, I am tellin' you that.
Lol that's a good one... kinda old though, I used it back in middle school.

Come on what else you got..... lets see if you can actually make me laugh .....
Patiently waiting..... ( I live for moments like this.....)Well, 3 dimes, I have to tell you that him being in the position he is, being successful did not make him unattractive to me. I am sure that there are girls that would absolutely would not associate with him due to that fact...not!
He is the one that initiated contact online, not me. But that does not matter at this point.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Posted by piscesx
Well, 3 dimes, I have to tell you that him being in the position he is, being successful did not make him unattractive to me. I am sure that there are girls that would absolutely would not associate with him due to that fact...not!
He is the one that initiated contact online, not me. But that does not matter at this point.
Pisces x, trust me I feel your pain. I try to bring laughter to a dismal occasion to help ease the pain.
A day does go by that I don't think about the Virgal. I honestly could have never imagined how cold she
could be. I learned the hard way.
We're water signs and love very deeply when we love, especially Pisces, so the hurt is just as deep.
Other signs don't really grasp that concept because their design doesn't allow them to love that deep ....
Not saying that's a bad thing. I wish Pisces had something that wouldn't allow us to love this deep.
But that is our cross to bear in life.
Its funny to hear another Pisces speak of the powerful connection between us and Virgos.
Its amazing ..... almost like a "drug"... its addictive. It caught me completely by surprise.
For some Virgos, they are literally obsessed with perfection in all aspects of their life,
especially relationships. The key to that is, yes they are very devoted and loyal, but only
After THEY decide you are worthy of them. If they haven't made their mind up ....they will
keep searching. (Almost like a machine) . Some will have little to no regard to how you feel or
what you want or how long y'all have been together ..... its said that some actually run their
relationships like a business. You're just a task until THEY decide to give you value in their life.
As you read my words.... I know you feel familiarity with what I'm saying .... I'm sorry.
This is what you are up against when dealing with some Virgos ....
I wish you the best.... safe swimmingSigned Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lmao... sorry for all the typos ..... as I'm rereading it ...I'm like OMG!!!
And you know the soell check police are always watching ..... let me give them something to do..ha!
3 dime, how long were you and virgal together?
Thanks for sharing your experience, sounds you got hurt, and taking you time to get over it. I knew he still had his profile up, he knows that I know, sometimes I ask if he had any interesting dates,he says he is not doing anything on there, and sometimes he is not active for 2-3 weeks...I almost forgot about it, because he had it since the beginning, it was never a secret. It hurst though, and I must be in denial about it.
Yes, your description of the Virgo perfectionist behavior is very correct.Almost machine like behavior.... Well, this is my first ever experience with a Virgo in a romantic situation.
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Posted by piscesx
Well, 3 dimes, I have to tell you that him being in the position he is, being successful did not make him unattractive to me. I am sure that there are girls that would absolutely would not associate with him due to that fact...not!
He is the one that initiated contact online, not me. But that does not matter at this point.
Other signs don't really grasp that concept because their design doesn't allow them to love that deep ....
click to expand
BULLSHIT...where do you get this fuckery from? Are you kidding?
When I love, I love hard & deep. Just because I don't shout it from the rooftops that I love them & I'm not all mushy doesn't make it less valuable. I broke up with someone 4 months ago. I still think about him everyday. I still love him very much, but do ya think I'm going to chase him &/or contact him regarding my feelings? HELL NO.
Simultaneously I'm a block of ice. That may make you assume the love is not as strong or powerful, but trust me it is. Can't speak for other Virgos but that's the origin of MY coldness, LOVING DEEPLY even though the person may never know it.
I do not think my Virgo loves me. He would not feel the need to keep the personal up and running 7 months into the relationship if he did. He had some feelings, and strong sexual chemistry, I am sure of that, but not passionate, deep love. I think it was all my imagination thinking we had more than what we actually did.. Very sad realization.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lol@let it be.... you are too much ....
@realtalk. Please explain the usefulness of loving someone deeply but hiding it inside your mind
and do absolutely nothing to express that love to the person you say you love so deeply ....
Who needs "love" like that???? Love is a verb.... its an action, not just a feeling you can feel and
keep all to yourself and hide from the world ...
Love is to be given freely and passionately ..... not filed away neatly in the freezer.
It does sound good to say you "love" someone but give me a break.... is that really "love".
Once you love someone so much you can't hold back and you have to call! You have to scream it
on the roof tops .... you will understand .....
And that my dear is just the "tip " of the iceberg of how deep Pisces love.....
Please don't hate me...... I'm just the messenger. 
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
We dont love deeply?! You're kidding right!
I have loved someone so much consumed my soul and I still feel the same way I did when I met him (pisces) and will always feel that way.
But yeah you're right we dont love deeply at all ...smh
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Awwww hey lost in my mind.... it me Pisces passion ....
OMG.... I have angered the all powerful Virgals.....
Since you here lost ..... can you answer this question :
How do you love so deeply but hide it from the one you love????? Please explain ....
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
I never hid it from him....I told him everyday!
Just depends on the situation.
Just dont assume that since we have a hard time verbalizing how we feel about someone doesn't mean we have no passion or that we cant not love someone with every fiber of our being!! Its simple not true!
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Sorry lost.... I love how you expressing yourself now..... kudos....
I'm not saying that Virgos can't love deep or don't ....
Ok you see how you communicate so effortlessly on this site....
All I'm asking is why is it so hard to communicate the same way with the person you love.
Expressing love verbally is a part of love..... doing it every blue is not the same....
Ok let me ask you this and please answer honestly ....
If you were in love with your boyfriend ..... we will call him Paul. Paul the Pisces.
You both have been in a relationship for a while and you both love each other.
If Paul does something, unintentional, but hurts you deeply ... what would you do? How would u handle it
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lol ^blue moon.....
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
I'd tell him ...may not be at that moment but once I would gather my thoughts about it then I talk to him and tell him etc
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
And it really depends on what he did....cause I got a lot of fire in my chart too...but I try and let my virgoness handle situation...not to say that fire hasn't came out to play on occasions lol
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lmao thank you for answering honest. That's exactly how my Virgal handled the same situation.
She kept me in limbo for 3 1/2 days..... no phone call, no text, nothing. She completely ignored all
my calls and texts. Until she had time to "process "everything.
Do you have any idea what that does to a Pisces? Do you? Of course not.... you're a Virgal ....
That is torture. To be cut off from someone who you care about and you don't have any reason
why?..... the cold silent treatment is so hurtful to Pisces. Do you guys not realize that or
simple don't care?
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
So what would you rather us do?? Take the time to approach the situation or yell and scream? I've done the latter on occasion and it didnt get me far.
And dont pretend like you fishes are any better....when you cant handle something you swim away...isn't any different or better! How do you think that makes a virgal feel??
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
The difference is know how us virgos are and yet you still take offense. Us virgos who have dated and truely love and know how you pisces are ..we let you swim ...and take no offense.
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Lol@let it be.... you are too much ....
@realtalk. Please explain the usefulness of loving someone deeply but hiding it inside your mind
and do absolutely nothing to express that love to the person you say you love so deeply ....
Who needs "love" like that???? Love is a verb.... its an action, not just a feeling you can feel and
keep all to yourself and hide from the world ...
Love is to be given freely and passionately ..... not filed away neatly in the freezer.
It does sound good to say you "love" someone but give me a break.... is that really "love".
Once you love someone so much you can't hold back and you have to call! You have to scream it
on the roof tops .... you will understand .....
And that my dear is just the "tip " of the iceberg of how deep Pisces love.....
Please don't hate me...... I'm just the messenger. 
Where in my post did you see I did absolutely nothing to express that love? I told him I loved him (through text)
, but I still said it. I also showed him I loved him as well.
I want to contact him sooooo bad, are you kidding? It's killing me, but I can't. The situation at hand doesn't allow me to give my love to him freely & passionately, so it won't be thawing anytime soon. I'd rather choose what I have filed away neatly in my fridge.
I told you, Pisces tend to live on 64 Illusion Road most of the time, & I'd rather live in reality. I know what I want out of a relationship & if I'm not getting it I'm out. Doesn't mean I don't love him deeply or passionately, it means I'm not dumb enough to compromise my worth & settle for bullshit.Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Posted by LostinmyMind11
The difference is know how us virgos are and yet you still take offense. Us virgos who have dated and truely love and know how you pisces are ..we let you swim ...and take no offense.
As if.... you take no offense? ??? None whatsoever? ??? Really??? Seriously? ???
Look I love my Virgal even though we are not together. I take no offense to her ended it
because I hurt her. I understand that part completely ...
What I take offense to is the Virgal M.O. the methods y'all use. The coldness.
And yes, I would prefer you yell and scream at me.... than silence. At least I know u feel something
And I do mean something to you.Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Posted by LostinmyMind11
The difference is know how us virgos are and yet you still take offense. Us virgos who have dated and truely love and know how you pisces are ..we let you swim ...and take no offense.
I hope you understand what I was trying to say here.
Im so bad at articulating my words sometimes lolSigned Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Posted by LostinmyMind11
The difference is know how us virgos are and yet you still take offense. Us virgos who have dated and truely love and know how you pisces are ..we let you swim ...and take no offense.
What I take offense to is the Virgal M.O. the methods y'all use. The coldness.
click to expand
Methods? So basically, you want someone to kiss your ass after you've hurt them? You expect her to be all fuzzy & pink afterwards? Hell, I'd be cold too. Change your address please.Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Posted by LostinmyMind11
The difference is know how us virgos are and yet you still take offense. Us virgos who have dated and truely love and know how you pisces are ..we let you swim ...and take no offense.
As if.... you take no offense? ??? None whatsoever? ??? Really??? Seriously? ???
Look I love my Virgal even though we are not together. I take no offense to her ended it
because I hurt her. I understand that part completely ...
What I take offense to is the Virgal M.O. the methods y'all use. The coldness.
And yes, I would prefer you yell and scream at me.... than silence. At least I know u feel something
And I do mean something to you.
click to expand
Nope I never took offense when he left ....its who he was and I loved him enough to let him be him.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with life and situations. You cant fault her for how she deals with things...just accept it. If you truely loved her then you wouldSigned Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Hahahaha! 41 cents, would you prefer a M.E.T.H.O.D. modern love? 
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Posted by VirgoR
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by LostinmyMind11
The difference is know how us virgos are and yet you still take offense. Us virgos who have dated and truely love and know how you pisces are ..we let you swim ...and take no offense.
She is excellent at articulating her words.
click to expand
Hahaha ...thank u
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Posted by LostinmyMind11
The difference is know how us virgos are and yet you still take offense. Us virgos who have dated and truely love and know how you pisces are ..we let you swim ...and take no offense.
As if.... you take no offense? ??? None whatsoever? ??? Really??? Seriously? ???
Look I love my Virgal even though we are not together. I take no offense to her ended it
because I hurt her. I understand that part completely ...
What I take offense to is the Virgal M.O. the methods y'all use. The coldness.
And yes, I would prefer you yell and scream at me.... than silence. At least I know u feel something
And I do mean something to you.
Nope I never took offense when he left ....its who he was and I loved him enough to let him be him.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with life and situations. You cant fault her for how she deals with things...just accept it.
click to expand
Agreed.Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Posted by RealTalk
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Hahahaha! 41 cents, would you prefer a M.E.T.H.O.D. modern love? 
Hahahaha....that video is ridiculous!! Gotta love the 80s lolSigned Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lol. Ahhhh shyt they ganging up on me......
I come in peace ......
* does the 'robot' dance * /\\\/// (Virgals just love that dance)
Lol@ texting "I love u" that's major for a Virgal! Bet you had to deliberate for a week before you
pressed 'send'. That's about as much romance and passion that you're gonna get from a Virgal ...
But seriously .... I do like y'all.... there's just a weird connection to you guys.....
I'm drawn to y'all for some strange reason. Like the tin man with no heart....
I have so much compassion for y'all. I want to journey with y'all to find a "heart"
And don't get mad cause I have a "dream" world and y'all don't .... and I'm forced to
Live in reality ...... oh do I wish that wasn't the case though ....lmao
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by RealTalk
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Hahahaha! 41 cents, would you prefer a M.E.T.H.O.D. modern love? 
Hahahaha....that video is ridiculous!! Gotta love the 80s lol
click to expand
I'm an old soul!Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Such a pisces to not even listen to what we said. Cant break out of that dream world ...smh. lol
Its cause we're opposites. And as the saying goes...
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Lol. Ahhhh shyt they ganging up on me......
I come in peace ......
* does the 'robot' dance * /\\\/// (Virgals just love that dance)
Lol@ texting "I love u" that's major for a Virgal! Bet you had to deliberate for a week before you
pressed 'send'. That's about as much romance and passion that you're gonna get from a Virgal ...
But seriously .... I do like y'all.... there's just a weird connection to you guys.....
I'm drawn to y'all for some strange reason. Like the tin man with no heart....
I have so much compassion for y'all. I want to journey with y'all to find a "heart"
And don't get mad cause I have a "dream" world and y'all don't .... and I'm forced to
Live in reality ...... oh do I wish that wasn't the case though ....lmao
Oh by all means continue on in your dreamy stupor to December 50th...what's there to be mad about? Don't force us to live in a damn cloudy mess. I like to see where I'm going so that I don't get lost.'re coming along with us in our quest to find a heart? Hope that we can find a brain for you. 
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
^^^ bahahahaha
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Such a pisces to not even listen to what we said. Cant break out of that dream world ...smh. lol
Sad really. Sometimes I just want to knock on their heads & yell: HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! IS ANYONE HOME? Smh...
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lmao.... ladies I'm trying to "save" y'all from the mundane ....
The bring excitement .... passion and romance to your dull and routine life....
Hey I like hall and oats...H2O thanks for the video ..... did you listen to the very end
of the video ..... it was a messages to Virgals..... he said "don't try to fix imperfection"
Oooooohhhh..... I didn't say it.... they did...... 
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Such a pisces to not even listen to what we said. Cant break out of that dream world ...smh. lol
Sad really. Sometimes I just want to knock on their heads & yell: HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! IS ANYONE HOME? Smh...
click to expand
Right! We try and try and try....and everyone wonders why we just give up!Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
FYI miss lost ( I love that TV show ...watched every season) ... I am listening to what y'all
are saying.... I haven't went to my "dream" world yet.... how can I ?
You guys are literally like magnets .....pulling us down to the ground....
Grrrrrr.... release me Virgal ..... lol let me dream
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lol hello Virgo R... maybe you can give Pisces X some good advice for her Virgo doctor .(...
What's your advice to her?
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Never seen it...wasn't a part of my routine :p
Somebody's gotta keep y'all grounded! If you head fills up anymore it might explode and I will not have your crap spilled all over my clean floors :p