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Oct 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 337 · Topics: 15
Appreciate any Aquas who can give me some understanding of this because I am so confused by this guy I don't know whether he is just a manipulative person or whether I am not understanding him correctly. I am a Scorpio sun / Scorpio Venus / Mars Leo. He is an Aqua sun / Aqua Venus / Mars Pisces.
Basically, we met about a year ago and dated for a few months and and off. The attraction was very strong between us (especially on his side) and we got on great in general, but basically we butted heads on the terms of our relationship. I won't lie - I think I was possessive and demanding (sorry I am Scorpio, we do this) but I think he was also a bit unreasonable in expecting total freedom at the same time as sharing my bed which I was no way going to accept.
He had a lot of angst about whether or not he could commit to exclusivity with me - for whatever reason he saw this as a HUGE deal. He said I wanted too much too soon. Maybe I did, but at the same time I am not sleeping with any guy who is dating other women and that isn't negotiable.
He was pretty vocal about his various doubts moving forward. He was worried I was too intense (I am intense I admit). He was worried our relationship was too sexual without enough connection mentally. These doubts made me a bit angry at the time - we'd been dating a few weeks and had 5 or 6 dates and he definitely avoided too much intimacy emotionally. I always felt like I was trying to get closer to him and couldn't.
In the end, we split for a month and then he came back asking to see me again, he almost committed to trying dating me exclusively but then he panicked and disappeared on me without saying goodbye. I let him go without a word - his choice!
Six months passed and he sent me a message to tell me he had treated me disrespectfully and had been "a dick" and he was sorry for it. I accepted his apology and told him I hoped he was well. He said he felt maybe we had jumped into sex because the attraction was so strong and maybe we should have been friends first. I agreed. He said he got spooked, and he was just really truly sorry for it.
Over the next six months, he kept talking to me. He opened up quite a lot and I guess we became friends. He told me he hadn't been exclusive with anyone for years and found the idea made him feel trapped. Sometimes he told me he thought about me a lot and felt "nostalgic". Sometimes he told me that he fantastized all the time about me. Sometimes he asked me out, sometimes as friends or sometimes asked me to take a romantic trip away with him for a weekend so we could get to know each other.
I refused to see him because the truth is that I actually really like him and didn't want to get hurt. I felt like he rejected me once and now all he wanted was more of the great sex. I felt pretty sure if I did agree to see him, we'd end up in bed and then he'd disappear again.
Then I was really sick one day, feeling really low and sorry for myself, and he texted me that night by chance and when I said how I was feeling he just showed up at my house (first time seeing him for a year) and he basically took care of me.
He got me hot drinks, he brought food, he cleaned up, he held my hand and let me sleep on his chest and he just kept kissing me and stroking my face and hair. He didn't try anything sexual but he was incredibly kind and affectionate. We had a really intimate talk where he opened up on lots of stuff that was very personal and I honestly felt like I was falling in love that night.
I asked him why he did that for me, given the zero possibility of sex, and he said it was because I was a "nice person" and he said caring for people practically was his way of showing he cared about them and he wanted me to know that despite him behaving like a dick generally, he did like me a lot.
During that night he asked if we could do some things together as friends - like play sports or take a trip or swim together. He literally does NOT have women friends, so it was nice he wants to hang out but I also wondered a bit if this means he is no longer attracted to me romantically! ?? We did kiss, but that's all.
Since that night, 5 days has passed and I haven't heard a word from him and it made me feel really sad and confused.
What is all this about? I am just honestly confused about what this guy wants from me. For a long time I thought it was sex, but I don't understand why he came over to play nurse only to ignore me after. Is this some kind of jerk here or am I missing something?
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Feb 25, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 1058 · Topics: 9
Aquarius are nurturing as long as they cre care about you.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
An Aquarius Venus isn't into your normal run of the mill relationship, he's probably testing you to see what he can get away with and what you're willing to settle for.
As far as I'm concerned we are very committed to relationships but the relationship can't be generic or unoriginal which is why he's trying to get you out of the house and establish the friendship first
We don't jump into one relationship straight after another and we are very patient people and are willing to wait as long as it takes until the right person comes along and build one from the bottom up just don't expect it to be a cookie cutter version.
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Mar 27, 2017Comments: 1255 · Posts: 12836 · Topics: 29
it take years to understand aqua venus.
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Oct 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 337 · Topics: 15
this Aqua is 46 years old!!!
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Jun 27, 2016Comments: 975 · Posts: 5791 · Topics: 44
If he’s dating other girls, it means he likes multiple women. Maybe one day he’ll choose one, but there’s no telling who it will be.
Is that a risk you want to take?
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Apr 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 4807 · Topics: 263
That Aqua venus too.... ouch....
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Oct 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 337 · Topics: 15
Ha ha, he's no George Clooney.
He has some amazing personal qualities, it's a shame he doesn't choose to give people any real chance for proper connection.
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Aug 18, 2017Comments: 1068 · Posts: 5048 · Topics: 2
Call him now that youre okay. Disguise it as a thank you call. He will most likely be very pleased if not outright happy you called.
The disappearing after nurture is him not wanting to give an impression he expects a date out of you because "i nursed her back to health, only me, myself and I". Or coming too strong. But he'd like one for sure.
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Feb 25, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 1058 · Topics: 9
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
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Oct 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 337 · Topics: 15
Okay, I am going to hang in there just a little longer.
If I listen to my gut it tells me that he does like and care for me, but it also tells me that he's not going to change or get past this and he will be one of those guys mentioned above who's old and alone and just "dates".
He's very wealthy, so I guess there will be and endless supply of women on Tinder willing to "date" him while he does whatever he likes in the hope he'll settle down and pick her.
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Oct 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 337 · Topics: 15
I think is that he's got an aversion to being in a committed relationship or even trying dating exclusively to see what happens and he literally needs to alternate women, not seeing one for more than one night a week which breaks the flow of connection and stops any one woman from meaning too much to him.
I think he is in denial on multiple levels (1) because he believes the right woman will change his pattern and I personally think the "right woman" would probably tell him to go to hell like I did. (2) because he turns his own commitment issues onto the woman by focusing on her flaws as reasons not to give it a try rather than just getting to know her.
I do think his physical attraction for me is off the chart, but I also think he thinks I am kind and smart and generous and patient but I think he knew from day one that with me it was going to be the real deal and not Netflix and Chill and I think that was an uncomfortable place for him from the start.
I think he wants it, I think part of him regrets it but I think he tells himself we're "incompatible" because that makes it easier for him to lose something I think he actually wants and misses.
Obviously after dating a few weeks and seeing each other 5 or 6 times what do you really know in terms of compatibility? At that stage all he knew was he found me very hot and attractive and he liked me as a person and really that should be the starting point for investment but he never made the investment.
He made himself feel better by saying "yeah but it was purely physical" but he hasn't got the balls to admit he only allows it to be physical.
Back then, he saw one side of me: the side of me that is dating someone who wants to date other people. And that;s not my best side. I am assuming it's not the best side of most women. He doesn't know what it feels like to wake up in the morning with me because he's never tried it. He doesn't know what it feels like to call me and tell me something good happened that day because he never tried it.
He's too chicken shit to try it, and he comforts himself with his BS about compatibility. He's probably sitting there thinking he better ignore me and date someone else so I don't get any ideas about commitment or a relationship from his night as my nurse. So he communicates to me with his silence that I am not important to him.
No message is also a message, right?
I think when we were dating, he gave himself all these reasons I wasn't "the one" but he never actually took time to get to know me in order to make that judgement. It's easier for him that way to lose precious things and not feel too bad about it.
I do think over the past six months when we were talking but not seeing each other it was easier for him to open up and get closer because I was no real threat. I don't think he gets pleasure from sleeping with a variety of women. I think he's lonely and he fills the time with meaningless things because he's too scared to play a real hand at the table.
In my gut, I think he likes me. I maybe even think he might love me. I just don't think he is going to do anything about it and I think maybe the best thing I can do for him is to walk away.
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Apr 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 4807 · Topics: 263
@Op. it's good to be confident and strong but oh my, you really sound like you have it all togheee and you are the hottest woman on the planet.... be humble just a little tiny bit.... just tone it down a bit...
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Oct 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 337 · Topics: 15
He phoned me today to ask how I was. He told me he had a bad date last night and wasn't sleeping well.
I said to him "I actually think we would be really great together" and he said "really?" (Seemed suprised ) and i said "yes".
So first of all he weirdly didn't seem to know I wanted to be with him and second he wasn't really considering me as a potential romantically. Or it seemed that way!!
Then he said "interesting. You're a really good friend and I feel strong physical desire for you but is that enough?"
So I don't know what the heck to make of that but I guess he sees me as a friend he's attracted to but that's all.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
He took your notes to heart and is trying to slow down the physical and open up emotionally.
All the aquas I know were friends first before getting into a relationship with their so
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Oct 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 337 · Topics: 15
Maybe he's digesting what I said. He did seem happy to hear it but maybe that's his ego. Can't read him at all.
We talked a lot more today and it was pretty playful and fun which was nice. I opened up and talked a lot and usually when I do that he doesn't reply but this time he did and said "you always freak me out with this shit but it's you being you and I love you for it".
At least I feel coming away like I told him how I felt and he knows. If he doesn't choose me at least I know!
It's obvious now that he values my friendship but as much as he value his too I can't stick around as a friend if he sees me as only that. I like him romantically so that would he hurtful!